SSchoolchool AAdvisorydvisory CCouncilouncil mmeetingeeting 4401K01K pplanlan aavailablevailable — PPageage 3 — PPageage 6 ((FindingFinding wwaysays aandnd pplaceslaces ttoo ssocializeocialize ccanan bbee a cchallengehallenge fforor teens.teens. ForFor mmore,ore, sseeee PPageage 33.).) ((PhotoPhoto bbyy EElizabethlizabeth DDavie)avie) Letters to the editor Club raises money through silent auction The Yokwe Yuk Women’s their dreams. that it depends on devoted in all these areas is much Club would like to thank The funds raised will volunteers to run various appreciated by the gals of the community for their benefi t the YYWC Outer- committees including the the YYWC. Thanks also to support of the Silent Bas- Island Christmas Drop to Micronesian Shop and Committee Chairs, Elaine ket Auction held Sunday. Mejatto and Ebadon, the Bargain Bazaar, proceeds Jones and Leigh Hoskins The event was a huge YYWC Operating Fund, of which are distributed for hosting an elegant success, raising more than and the YYWC Kwajalein throughout the Marshall evening of wine and cheese $6,400 in 90 minutes as Scholarship Fund, which Islands and Micronesia as mixed with a bit of may- 150 bidders wrestled over is supplemented by the educational grants through hem. Kommol Tata, 45 baskets, ferociously Kaleidoscope of Music fund the YYWC Education and outbidding each other to raiser held in February. Assistance Committee. The Suza Goltz gain that special basket of The YYWC is unique in support of the community YYWC president Students thank community Youth raise money for hurricane relief The students of George Seitz that the elementary students residents. Elementary School would like to collected $6,729.20 from the We also want to give special thank all those who made dona- generous residents of Kwajalein. thanks to Mark Owens who helped tions in support of our Student In return for your support, us with the Bechtel matching pro- Council-sponsored “Double the students spent 100 minutes on gram to the American Red Cross. Effort, Double the Relief” pro- Oct. 22 cleaning up various sec- We are so proud that $13,458.40 gram to raise money for victims tions of the island. will be donated to the Red Cross of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Cleaning up the island gave to help others in need. Thanks so The Student Council felt the students an opportunity to much for your generous support. strongly that they wanted to experience first hand how lit- help the people affected by the tering affects all of us and to Janice Riordan hurricanes and are very pleased be positive role models for all Student Council advisor Manager thanks Quotable quotes staff for safe work “The American Soldiers had great compassion for us. Even though we were fi lthy, As a follow-up to the Public Works face some of we stunk and had diseases, they picked us up and brought us back to life. I made recent article regarding the the greatest safety challeng- Kwajalein Range Services’ es on Kwajalein/Roi/Meck a promise that I would go to the United States and join the Army to express my milestone of 4,000,000 safe simply due to the nature hours I want to personally of their everyday activi- thanks,” congratulate my Public ties. These employees work Cpl. Tibor “Ted” Rubin, Works team for their con- around electrical hazards, tribution to this exceptional operate heavy equipment, a WWII Holocaust survivor accomplishment. who earned the Medal of Honor on Sept. 23 The employees within See SAFE, Page 7 for actions during the Korean War. The Kwajalein Hourglass USAKA. Contents of the Hourglass are not necessarily Commanding Offi cer..........COL Beverly Stipe offi cial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Public Affairs Offi cer....................Sandy Miller The Hourglass is named for the insignia of the Department of Defense, Department of the Army or Editor..................................Nell Drumheller U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, which liberated the USAKA. It is published Wednesdays and Saturdays in Assistant Editor........................Mig Owens island from the forces of Imperial Japan on Feb. 4, accordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and using a net- 1944. Graphics Designer......................Dan Adler work printer by Kwajalein Range Services editorial staff. Reporter.............................Elizabeth Davie The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized pub- P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555 lication for military personnel, federal employees, Phone: Autovon 254-3539; local 53539 High School volunteer .........Lisa Barbella contractor workers and their families assigned to Printed circulation: 2,000 Circulation...........................Will O'Connell The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Saturday, Nov. 19, 2005 School calendars top agenda at November public School Advisory Council meeting By Mig Owens dent, I hold the responsibility to Problems or concerns should fi rst Assistant editor make recommendations to the SAC be discussed with the appropriate for calendar adoption.” teacher. If satisfaction is not ob- A change to this year’s school Frazier asked the committee to tained it is proper to take the matter calendar was approved Wednesday discuss options with others in their to the principal(s). If satisfaction is night at the School Advisory Coun- buildings and provide suggestions not obtained, it is proper to take the cil public meeting in the elementary on three calendar options that matter to the superintendent, then school music room. would be workable and favorable for to the chairperson of the School Under the revised 2005-2006 cal- both teachers and parents, while at Advisory Council if the issue is of endar, April 28 and 29, originally the same time “providing optimum an educational/technical nature or slated for professional development, learning benefi ts for our students.” to the logistics manager responsible will become full school days. In- The committee has been tasked for the schools if the problem deals stead, teachers will devote half days with providing the calendar options with company policy issues. A writ- to professional development on Dec. to Frazier by Nov. 31 using criteria ten format will be provided parents 3, Jan. 14, Feb. 18 and March 4. outlined by him. Within that time- so they can formalize their concerns Students will experience short- frame, the public is asked to contact and requested actions. This form will ened classes on the half days, its SAC representative to provide in- be shared with the teacher the par- which, at the high school, equates put on next year’s school calendar. ent has expressed concern about.” to 25-minute classes instead of 47- The SAC will vote on the calendar Frazier, who initiated the change, minute classes. or calendars proposed by Frazier wrote that the only issue problem- “I can assure you the time will and make its recommendation to atic is the policy’s title. be used wisely,” Steve Howell, high Stipe. “It suggests that the chairperson school principal and acting SAC The Kwajalein Range Services of the SAC is next in line of author- chairperson, said. calendar for next year, being fi nal- ity following the superintendent. Of As is the case with all SAC recom- ized with USAKA according to John course, the SAC chair holds no real mendations, the calendar revision is Pickler, KRS president, will be pro- authority separate from the SAC,” headed to COL Beverly Stipe, U.S. vided to the SAC in order to ensure Frazier stated. “However, the SAC Army Kwajalein Atoll/Reagan Test minimal confl icts with the school chair can function as a liaison with Site commander, for fi nal approval. calendar. the USAKA commander, as some things are more appropriately ad- Next year’s school calendar Line of Authority policy will be renamed dressed through this channel than A committee of from six to seven The SAC entertained a fi rst read- before a public SAC meeting. Defi - teachers was formed to propose to ing of a proposal to change the name nitely, there may be issues where the superintendent potential school of Policy 2000.07 from ‘Line of Au- someone may need to appeal edu- calendars for next year. thority’ to ‘Appeal Process.’ cational issues privately beyond the In a memo from Dan Frazier, The policy states, “Certifi cated authority of the superintendent. Kwajalein Schools superintendent, school employees have all the rights, Therefore, this issue addresses more provided to the SAC in his absence, privileges and obligations of all lo- the appeal process than the authori- he said, “The fi nal decision regard- gistics contractor employees and are ties of the school. In conclusion, I ing adoption of a school calendar subject to the same restrictions that suggest a more appropriate title for lies with the SAC. As superinten- apply to all employees on Kwajalein. this policy may be ‘Line of Appeal’ or ‘Appeal Process.’” A second reading of this policy is School Advisory Council members slated for the December SAC public meeting. Name Representing E-mail Pam Duffy Ebeye parent [email protected] School improvement plan in works Brian Brewster teachers [email protected] The school has completed nine of T.C. Cassiday KRS [email protected] the 14 steps recommended by E. Bob Clark Boeing/GMD [email protected] Bonnie Compton elementary PTO [email protected] Bruce Jones, School Improvement/ Kathy Ann Funk KRS, Mission Operations [email protected] Accreditation specialist. The North Dennis Johnson KPD [email protected] Central Association is slated to visit James Landgraff USAKA [email protected] Kwajalein again March 1-3. Ragnar Opiniano KRS, Chugach [email protected] Janice Rejto MIT/LL [email protected] “Both the high school and elemen- Steven Simpson USAKA [email protected] See SAC, Page 6 Saturday, Nov.
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