9J $ 'irinMvtiMfWMittfiivxi iiMwunvenKc.vBstttTtibttt.KMnm Con-nolr- n. J. A. Covington has added an im- Spring goods.opcning out at Oi- - unwell T "Howe" Hovinp machine to and he Transporter proved Van Eaton, bin household conveniences. L. received a fine Candee has just Port Rono, X.AFJ2 HEHKI?:T, Local Editor. stock of "'burlier"' canned goods-- try Just received, a job lot of fifty lud.rror. dozen straw hats, among which may them. Entered at tho Poatofik-on-t Darlington, as be Ilorae, samo hocuihJ 1uhh mutter. found thor: suitable for all ages, Fresh oranges every Thursday at loll shoulder MAILTIMMTAIJLK. colors, or previous condition of ser- L. Conn ell's. vitude, at Candec's. PH0PBIFT0B9 i,luo. Call and examine the drcssgoods Caldwell &Ft. Bill KOKT UENO DAIRY. AltKIVli. AltUlVti. Frank Van Horn passed north on and goods for ladies' wear at L. From North J I a. in. From South 10 a. in. the 17lh in st. on his way Lake Milk delivered regnlnrly every morning at, Sundieya HLvuuptod. to Candec's Darlington. Mondays Excepted. City, Colo., where tho Reynolds Fort Konnnnd Stages, same time, going S. fuosduys, A nobby line of boots and shoes, & going N. Mondays, have business and .mining interests. Thursdays Saturdays;; the best makes going at Council's. Wednesdays & Frldaya. Frank has won many friends at IL A. TODD. J$1p A. T. A S. F. IJ. H, TIMK TAHL.K. these Agencies many of them near Cowboys in need of leggins should On either side. OAI.UWKIX BTATION. and dear and Doty, at Anadarko. call and sec L. Candee' stock and fmAMf AK1UVK. DKl'AKT. : says they must have extra help in Pnnnungor. 11:00 A.M. 00 1. M. prices. r'Ms-M&rt- Mint! on ' Accommodation, 8:40 P.M. 0: 150 A.M. the post office to the lelt distribute extra celebrated Stet- mail resulting. Comvll keeps the shoulder. P.)., j7 lmffl son hatsall styles direct from Caldwell, Kan. tfiwvi? y ;'7;ya Daniel B. Hirsehler is now noting The management of the Me;eino the factory. Lodge superintendent of the Arapahoe Cresset has been changed, Best stock of gent? furnishing school, and Ilrs. Anna Haury, Ilia the senior member of the former Territory owners having goods ever opened in tb .Tamos S. sister, iu matron. sold his interest, 'o at Council's. L. M. Axline. Mr. A. is a practical T. B. Johnson, druggist, of On Id-we- ll, Morrison i cmg ex bound to have bis town well primer, anci noi witnout it to Fik-s- ! DarlingtonJ appearance perience, is reasonable suppose Piles! Piles! represented, makes his the Cresset will retain Ho Ona Heocl aid. its popularity. A Buro Cure Found ntLnst! on the first page with a now Said Axline is a live, energetic Suffer. Ind. Tor. Ralph Collins made a short visit young man, ye local having known A sure euro for I)llnd, Blooding. Itching and him for a number "and Ulcerated Piles 1ms boon discovered. Dr. Will to Darlington bn Tuesday. Lie was of years, were him, (an Indian remedy,) called Dr. William's K M iiewins Co. typos together in an office at Bloom-fiel- d, Also open A on with an outfit from Sacra's, who Indian Ointment. A single box has cured tho left sholder. Soma were to go through tho herds up the Iowa. Savah, "Lute?" worst chronic eases of 25 or 30 yearn standing. rattle with right river. N'o one need sutler live minutes alter apply- hrn sawed oft" & Preparations Lo- tiiil cut square are being made to ing this wonderful soothing medicine. without tho open A number of Oloes and Kaws, put up Rev. J. B. Wicks' residence, tions, instruments and electuaries do more A. Jlorso brand, from the the material being about all ready. harm than good. William's ointment absorbs open A tiny place northeast, andKiowas and the tumors, allays the intense itching, (par- on animal, Rango Comanche, from below, are visiting Chas. E. Campbell has the contract, Pond Creole, J. T. to ticularly at night after getting warm in bed,) on this reservation this week, mak- and the house is becomplctod by acts as a poultice, gives instant relief, and ia Costofllco, ilunnewoll, Kan. ing things quite lively. the time Mr. Wicks returns from the prepared only for piles, itching of tho private East about the first of September. parts and for nothing else. VnwHpr The Cheyenne school building was The building site selected is just Read what tho lion. J. M. Collinherry, of ""SJiMSS,wC struck by lightning early last Tues- north of Dr. Hodge's residence and Cleveland, says about Dr. William's Indian : I scores of pile day morning, knocking the top off west of the Arapahoe school, and a rile Ointment havo used : ;V ace' cures, and it affords mo pleasure to say that I '"Am of one of the chimnies. No other street will be opened through from havo never found anything which gavo such damage resulted. Cause too at- near the meat shop,- - making a very immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Will- tractive that localit'. desirable location. iam's Indian Ointment, . rsi iv; s Ind. Tor. For sale by allJJdruggiBts or mailod on re The foundation for the new Agen- On Sunday morning last, 0. J. colpt of price, $1.00. cy shops is about completed, and Woodward received a telegram con- HSKTS-- Cc CO., Pxop'ra. Y. E, MALAiKY. Mr. Wheeler informs us that the veying the sad intelligence of his 02 VKSEY ST., KW YORK. Crop off left ear and to-da- y, a hole and slit in tho brick Laying will commence father's death, at Lawrence, ICans., jty)i right. Running w and the work will be pushed for- after a lingering illness. In obedi- Parties finding strays in any fmnmAATeim ??sw nn both fliiliH inimn. IHiSW'JJmtiRa diatolj- - back of tho ward to completion at an early day. ence to the summons, Mr. Wood- brands advertised in thia paper will shoulder. Horso ward left on the stage Monday morn- '.'l brand, running w We send out a number of samnle confer a favor by dropping us a &8 on right shoulder. P ing. Mr. Yvr. has won a personal f Vvw ... .w.otf O. nvnirn sitnl vnnftli copies this week, and ask re- or to T. those popularity as Agency Clerk, of card writing tho owner. 62EMfcfci5fl5iA Pond Creek. T. ceiving them Tpans-roitTK- R Alsohwt'ftv.uter, WUeelor Co., Texas. to examine the which he may be instlv proud, and carefully ; and, if consider- Tas. A. Hammers & everyone regrets the saddening oc- Co. Kango on Crook- - Poisnl, ed worthy, to come forward with an ed Creole. I. T. Horse Hob't ! currence which calls him away from A ( . ! ;oi lift- advertisement, a brand or a sub- his post of duty. n and scription. ed i.ndT on left i(L'. Po- A communication from White 2jiJCJ&G hip A W. H. Thorns, his wife and her Hill. ISnsvssm Bead Hill states that Ed. M. Hewins, (Itllov lirnniko, fSanSKj ny brand con- sister, Miss .Fannie Si ni ft, took their conwtcA who passed through here a couple and nected JP , left departure on the 17th inst., the form- mmMm111 of days before, arrived there on the same with O added. Also running M on lea er having relinquished his and T on hip 'i4b-ij2ii- position 17th, and received side of some cattle. mfXaSKbAcL: .., i'.n;;ton, l. as 1,000 beef steers I'ortiofhce address Anthony, Ivans. i. superintendent of the Arapahoe of James Ronnie, of that locality. school. They returned to their home Mr. i Hewins is reported as being Obuni & at Celina, Ohio. i ( well pleased with the round-u- p given ni tMfwi Plnf. Montgomery. 9& We turned out a two thousand him by Mr. Rennie, and spoke in A. M. Walker, Dailington, I T card job last week for Cromwell & flattering terms of the boys and ani- manager, Darl- Van JSaton, tin? enterprising dairy- mals. He seems to be perfectly sat- ington, I ml. T. AIho ADA. men over the river. Wo have a lot isfied with his purchase, and will, Horse brand o of job stock on the road, which, evidently, make a good thing out of right hi p M bar-triang- when received, will nuikc ub readv it. Tho le cattle are in to turn out all kinds of job work on prime condition, and doubtless will Cw) M bring the top K. King, H Bennett short notice, and at reasonable rates. price of the market. Also II on right A merry crowd of young people Thos. Lemon, now in charge of Santa nide, loin or hip. took the Agency by storm on the one of Montgomery & Oburivs herds, Gertrudes, Pvnnch on Wild luth, returning, by stage, from board- was badly injured laFt Friday by his Texas. lhr;e Crook. P. ing school. Tho party consisted of horse stepping into a hole and throw- O.CaldweU,Ks. Misses Sue and Eva and Master ing Tom to the ground on his head K bn left jaw. and shoulders. mt- - ; lie afterward mount- I Whittier Miles Miss Dollio Meek, f" 3 ed, was so "J (Jregory, I.l'n d A .1 (,' Pryor A (Jo. the sister of Mrs. Dr. Hodge, and but soon overcome that CO., David MMli, SKO; i diamond on light. Miss Lodanta Taylor of tho he fell from the horse perfectly help- manager, Mi tlwiju-Lodge- , rWwrKjlHawS M 'P. opt I a m t Cheyenne .
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