Amended: May 15, 2010 2010-2011 HANDBOOK CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS, REGULATIONS & RULES WHA ONTARIO WOMEN’S HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Honouring a Star Fair play, fun, excellence,Angela good citizenship, integrity James & honesty, equity. OWHA CODE OF CONDUCT This CodeOWHA of Conduct CODE identifies OF CONDUCTthe standard of behaviour which is expected of all Ontario Women's Hockey ThisAssociation Code of (OWHA) Conduct Members,identifies theincluding standard athletes, of behaviour coaches, whichparents ,is dir ecexpectedtors, volunt of eeallrs , staff,Ontario chaperones Women's and Hockeyothers. AssociationOWHA Tea (OWHA)ms, Associati Members,ons, Progra includingmm esathletes, and L eacoaches,gues are parents,committed directors, to providi volunteers,ng a sport staff, chaperonesenvironment and in others. which all OWHAindividuals Teams, are trAssociations,eated with resp Programmesect. Members and ofLeagues the OWHA are coshallmmitt conducted to providing themselves a sp oratt environmentall times in in awh fairich alland individualsresponsible are manner. treated Members with respect. shall Members refrain fromof the commentsOWHA shallor behaviours conduct whichthemselves are disrespat allec timestful, offensivin a e,fair abusive, and responsibleracist or sexist. manner. In Membersparticular, shall behaviour refrain whichfrom comments constitutes or behaviours which are disrespectful, offensive, abusive, harassment, abuse, bullying or cyber-bullying will not be racist or sexist. In particular, behaviour which constitutes tolerated by the OWHA. harassment, abuse, bullying or cyber-bullying will not be toleratedDuring theby thecourse OWHA of. all OWHA activities and events, Duringmembers the shall cours avoide of allbehaviour OWHA activitieswhich brings and events,OWHA members orshall the savoidport of behaviourhockey into which disrepute, brings including OWHA but membersnot limited or tothe a busportsive of use ho ckeof alcoholy into disr andepute non-medi, includingcal use but of notdrug limiteds. to abusive use of alcohol and non-medical use of drugs. Members shall not use unlawful or unauthorized Membersdrugs/narcotics shall or performancenot use unlawful enhancing or drugs unauthorized or methods. drugs/narcotics or performance enhancing drugs or methods. Members of the OWHA shall not engage in activity or ObehaviourWHA membe whichrs endashallng aters all the times safety adhere of others. to the OWHA Te am, Association, Programme and League operational poOWHAlicies andmembers proced shallures, atto all ru timesles governing adhere tothe the OWHA OWHA eventsTeam, andAssociation, activities and Programme to rules governing and League any competition operation al inpo whichlicies theand member procedures, participates to rules on behalf governi of ngthe OWthe HAOWHA. Membersevents and of ac thetivities OWHA and tosh rulesall not governing engage anyin activity competition or behaviourin which the which membe endangersr participates the safety on ofbehalf others. of the OWHA. Failure toto complycomply with with this this Code Code of of Conduct Conduct may may result result inin disciplinarydisciplinary action,action, suspensionsuspension oror releaserelease from from membership. SuchSuch actionaction maymay resultresult in in the the member member losinglosing thethe privilegesprivileges that that come come with with membership membership in inthe the OWHA,OWHA, includingincluding the the opportunity opportunity to to participate participate in inOWHA OWHA activities Printed By: Grace Printing T: 905 268 0005 F: 905 268 0012 E: [email protected] W: www.graceprinting.ca Ontario Women's Hockey Association Constitution By-laws Regulations Rules As amended to May 15, 2010 OWHA Business Office #3-5155 Spectrum Way Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5A1 Telephone: (905) 282-9980 General Fax: (905) 282-9982 [email protected] * Stats Fax: (905) 282-0499 * [email protected] *Game Sheets, Discipline Reports, Tournament Results www.owha.on.ca 2010-2011 OWHA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE POSITION NAME Email TELEPHONE Chairperson BRYAN CHAPPELL [email protected] (519) 331-2957 President FRAN RIDER [email protected] (416) 573-5447 Past Chairperson DOUG NICHOLLS [email protected] (416) 518-7067 First Vice Chairperson PAT NICHOLLS [email protected] (416) 571-9198 Second Vice Chairperson SUZANNE ESSEX [email protected] (705) 927-8378 Third Vice Chairperson TED DEAN [email protected] (705) 790-9702 Secretary MARY ANN BLUNT [email protected] (519) 750-4952 Treasurer DEBBIE MACDONALD [email protected] (613) 340-5560 Regional Director - Central GRAHAME RUMSBY [email protected] (705) 715-8330 Regional Director - Central East BILL WILLIAMSON [email protected] (416) 705-9581 Regional Director - Central West BETTY SOLOMON [email protected] (905) 536-3708 Regional Director - Eastern KAREN PARKER [email protected] (613) 296-4565 Regional Director - Toronto DENISE MARJERRISON [email protected] (613)647 232-6942 Regional Director - Northern LESLEI SCOTT [email protected] (705) 730-9931 Regional Director - Western JOANNE INNES [email protected] (519) 949-0549 OHA Delegate TONY BLOOMFIELD [email protected] (905) 945-8788 OWHA Board of Regents: Mayor Hazel McCallion Dr. Ed Ratushny Doug Nicholls Carl Noble * deceased Fran Rider Frank Champion-Demers * Celia Southward Kay Cartwright www.owha.on.ca General Fax 905-282-9982 Stats Fax 905-282-0499 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1 CONSTITUTION PART III REGULATIONS ARTICLE ONE ............................. 1 REGULATION ONE................ 19 Name Categorization ARTICLE TWO ............................ 1 REGULATION TWO ............... 23 Governing Body Regions ARTICLE THREE......................... 1 REGULATION THREE ........... 26 Objects Registration ARTICLE FOUR........................... 2 REGULATION FOUR ............. 27 Membership Officials ARTICLE FIVE ............................. 2 REGULATION FIVE ............... 28 Officers Instructors, Coaches and Trainers ARTICLE SIX ............................... 2 REGULATION SIX .................. 28 Executive Committee Provincial Hosting ARTICLE SEVEN......................... 3 REGULATION SEVEN ........... 29 Authority of Executive Committee Amendments ARTICLE EIGHT .......................... 3 Board of Regents ARTICLE NINE ............................ 4 PART IV RULES Annual General Meeting RULE ONE.............................. 29 ARTICLE TEN .............................. 4 (I) Rules of Competition By-Laws (II) Equipment ARTICLE ELEVEN ...................... 5 RULE TWO ............................. 30 Regulations & Rules Tournaments ARTICLE TWELVE ...................... 5 RULE THREE Financial Year Regional Playdowns and ARTICLE THIRTEEN ................... 5 Provincial Championships .............. 40 Constitutional Amendment Mission Statement .......................... 40 A) Team & Player Entry & Eligibility for Regional Playdowns & Provincial Championships ...... 40 B) Playing Rules & Regulations PART II BY-LAWS for Regional Playdowns.......... 43 ARTICLE ONE ............................. 6 C) Playing Rules & Regulations for Executive Committee Provincial Championships ...... 48 ARTICLE TWO ............................ 7 RULE FOUR ........................... 50 Duties of Officers Suspensions ARTICLE THREE......................... 9 RULE FIVE ............................. 52 Duties of Directors Protests ARTICLE FOUR........................ 10 RULE SIX................................ 53 Duties of Board of Regents Appeals ARTICLE FIVE .......................... 10 RULE SEVEN ......................... 5554 General Meetings Amendments ARTICLE SIX ............................ 12 GLOSSARY Meetings of the Executive Committee ARTICLE SEVEN...................... 13 APPENDICES Membership ARTICLE EIGHT ....................... 15 Hockey Canada Information ..... A Player Movements/Tryouts Fair Play Means Safety for All .. B ARTICLE NINE ......................... 16 OWHAOWHA Harassment &/ Abuse Fee Schedule ARTICLE TEN ........................... 16 PoliciesAbuse Policies .................................... .......................... C Expulsion OWHA Policies ......................... D ARTICLE ELEVEN ................... 16 Safety Requires Teamwork Disciplinary Board, Appeal Tribunal & Insurance ............................... E and Protest Committee ARTICLE TWELVE ................... 18 OWHA Code of Conduct & Amendments Suspensions ............................. F AREAS OF EMPHASIS 2010-2011 Ontario Women’s Hockey Association MISSION STATEMENT Through a provincially unified, collective voice, the OWHA promotes, provides and develops opportunities for girls and women to play female hockey in Ontario. We are all very fortunate to have the privilege of personal involvement in hockey whether it is as a player, coach, official, volunteer or supporter. In order to maximize the experience, it is important for everyone to understand the game, the rules, the regulations and the responsibilities. Much information is available on the OWHA web site, through local and provincial contacts and from the OWHA office. OWHA Constitution, By- Laws, Regulations and Rules are posted on the OWHA website or can be ordered from the OWHA office. It is the responsibility of team management to be aware of all pertinent information and to inform team members, parents and others as appropriate. To assist with the positive experience for the 2010-2011 hockey season the OWHA Executive Committee has identified a few specific areas of emphasis: • All OWHA registered participants are bound by the OWHA Rules,
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