Special Libraries, April 1911 Special Libraries Association

Special Libraries, April 1911 Special Libraries Association

San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1911 Special Libraries, 1910s 4-1-1911 Special Libraries, April 1911 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1911 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, April 1911" (1911). Special Libraries, 1911. Book 4. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1911/4 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1910s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1911 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries ........ - -..--- ......-.-.... - - - -- - . -- - Vol. 2. APRIL, 1911 No. 4 - - .-- -. -- -. -. --- - - ........-- .- - PUBLISIlED BY TFIR from i~blepeople. About one-quwter :Lpe SPECTAL LIBRARII3S ASSOCIATION 1)lainly letters ol' pcol~le~110 are tryi~lglo Editor~nland Publication Office. Stale L~brnry gal seine kind of polltical job rl~lotli~r Indianapolis, Ind. c~llm'teris, l)erhal)s, made 1111 or earllest lleo- Subscriptions. 93 Brond strcel, Boston, Mnss. 1)1cwho have 110 idea al)out the worlr xnrl n 110 Apnllcntlon pcmcllng for ndmi%~on as second- are lrobably totally in fit to manage snch clwr ~natteiat the PostolAcc, InAinnapol~s,Intl. work. "Now I think the movement in Illis coun- Subscription.. ....$2.00 n ycar (10 numhcrs) try is in n di~ngerous situ:~tion bec:luse or Single copies.. .25 cents .................. this. 1 tlllnk th~tevery librariall in this -.- -- -- - - .. - wol'lc should do his best to stop the tonurl- Prrslclent. .TOFIN COTTONDANA tion ol departments w71ien it is found t11:lt Flee Publlc Idiblsnry,Sewnrli. N. J. there RIT 110 trained people ~11oci~n take Vice-president, I:OBPR'P W. TVIXIT'I'RN Publ~c$~rvice Commlss~on, New Torlc CXty cliurgo of tlieln. The \vorlt cannot he done Scclptru~-1 reasurer - - - Guy 12. MAIIION by people who have no tra~ningor rxperl- Arthur D. Lfttle, Inc., 93 Rrond St. Boston, Mnsv ence in it. It will b~ a fai1ul.e iml we 011glit k:xcc~~tlveEonrd Parmnnx~. VICP-P~ESIDENT. RECRI:TART-TRDASURFR.BIASAGING IQDITDR SPE- to be Irank with tile legislatu~~e~t' Lrainecl ~~eopie.are not secured lor these places. "I t11i:lk tho t your gubl~cation, 'Specla1 iJibinarles,'o11ght to issue th~swarning. A great liarin can be done to ;I good move- nieut by rushing ~ntoit or hy allowing poll- tichins or pcol~lc totally uiifit to work in A Warning ............................. 33 suc:h clepartitients to have charge of then^. New York State Library ...............34 You know ant1 I lcilow that there are no ex- The Insurance Library at Boston, by D. 11crts 111 this work, so d~fficultIS the wol.li, N. Handy, Librarian ................34 and n greilt deal of training ancl esge~.iencc Fire l nsurance Organizations ....... 36 in political sclence and in lam and in the technical c1et:uIs of statiite law 1s necessary Select List of References Charities and before any such work cnn he undertaken Corrections. ..................... 37 by anybody. Thc same thing is true in tlw -. - -. --- . -.. -. - - - - - -- - - .- .- cnta logiiig and classificat~onworlr coni~ertctl wit11 it A WARNING. "I hope you and your associat~onwill dl+ The Eollowmg extracts froin iX letter writ- courage the building ol depal'tments wlin-e ten 11p Dr. Chnrlcs iLtcCtll'Lhy, of the \Viscon- it is Lound that Lhey are to come 111 undcl- sln legislat~ve reference department, calls political coiiditlol~sor troni son~cother pre- test or to t'nrnieh jobs tor somebody." attention to n serious danger ill the move- The National Rlnnicipal Leagoe commit- ment for the establishme111 of legisltit~r~e tee's report on municip;il rcf'erence lihrnrles and rnunicil~alreference clapartn~euts. dec!lares (hat the c~~~alificat~onsot the hencl "I have received," he snld. "many lettei's .or a library sl~oulclbe "a liberal edircallot~, with ~peciul t~xiiiing in ~~ol~tlcaisclerlce. from state libraries and from rit~esin this economicb, ~nlu~~ciptllgovernment and meth- country proposing to stnrt leslslntive retev- ode of orgi~nixationand ndininistratioii, ;Iilrl ence del~artmentsor muiiicipal reference de- lie sho111d be selected tor iiierlt alone." partments. These letters show rne that The editor wishes to rommend these stille- nients to everyone who IS interested in this there is a widespread movement in this progrcsslre moveinent. X cicpnrtlile~it in country for Lhe establishment of such cle- politics is gractict~llyuseless; n dc:lartmeiil partmeuts, but they also show me. that III charge ol persons who do not have tile there are sell-see1nn.g people who are try- necessary I~niniiigand the proper 01ltl00li is sure to be a clisappoi~~trnent.NO 1Wl'- ing to establ~sllthese clepattnlents for tlic so11 sho~~ldbe consiclered for such t~ lace purpose of gmving themselves jobs. Onc- ni~lesshe has trn~ningarid ab~lit)',and es- half the letters recei~eclare in em'nest and trao~,rlinnryze:~l I'or progressive service. SPECIAL LIBRARIES NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. perllaps then moultl apl~earon first tliougl~t. on AI:n.t+ 2:) the New Yorlc Stntct I,ib~~ary It colnl11iws (1) The Ilre w:lste, wlilcli Iics was tlest~.oj'rtl by fire. 1 trw thousand b:lclc of and m:~ltcspors~ble tlie fire 1ns11r- books i~litlperhaps one-tenth or the mann. :ulcae t~'a~isirct~on:nntl, (2) Fire protect1011 scri~tcollection were saved. 110th mi~cli and pwvention, wli~ch totlay accompany all injnred by lire and \wter. fire insurance :~ct~vlty.The iormer includes Thc leglslt~t~~ereterence sectioll :~nd~ts all data hear~ng on the aal~~re,extent, i~icon~p:~riihlecollect~ons, the work of twcn- C:LLISCS :11itI sor~itl s~pnif~canr~of (1cstri1~- ty ye'lrs, were completely destroyed. 'Clwse t~onor life and property by r~ccidentalfire. included a consolidxt~on on cards ot the Its Htert~tureis tountl in the proceedings or annual indexes to leg~slation from 1891 to hre pravention :~ssoci;ltions, reports of lire 1908, ~nclusive;thc mmiuscript for 1909 on11 nlarshals and police, dally fire records, the 1!)10 was ready for the printer; and the 1911 c1;tbotxte statistici~lstudies of the Nntio~~al i~ltlexhad been started. In tnliillg up the noarc1 of Fire TJnclerwriters and the "Chr011- work a@LiII ~t has seemed besl to beqin icle" Fire Tables, and others of like cli:tr- with tlie ~ndexfor 1911, with the hope that, acter. The literature of flre protection and the years 1909 and lYl(1 may bc completed prevention is even more coniprel~ensive. at some time in lhe f~~tr~re,and that the Building construction, building rnaler~als. consolidated Index may be lw:onstructetl lire tlepartn~entorgnnixntion, equipnicnt and from the pr~ntedcopies oC the bulletins. management; water supply systems, power, Active u'orlr on the Blennial Review of pipe clistribution and water storage; Are 1,egislation and other legislation bulletins apparatus and fire exti~iguishingequipmen1 will have to be d~scontinuedfor the present. and even town-plann~ngmay properly be hut there IS no intention of definitely aban- included in the literature of fire prevention doning the series. and protection. The library's collection may be ~*ouglllv THE INSURANCE LIBRARY AT BOSTON. grouped as follows: a. Theory and practice of Rre insurance, (D. N. Handy, Librarian.) including its hifitory. l'hc iiiel~rance library at Boston is the 11. Related subjects as clescribetl above. most complete collection of fire insurar~ce c. Fire insurance maps. literature In existence. There are oflier li- (1. Memorabil~a. 11r;lrius of irisumnce containing larger and The maps, of which there are nearly six c>clu:~lly\:tlr:tBle collections of lire and mis- 11:1ndrecl, form an importnnl part of the 11- c>~llaneo~lsinsurances, bul 111 llie field of lwary's equ~prnel;t. Intended pr~mar~lylor flre insurance it stands quite alone. thf: use of rate mak~ngcommittees of the The library was founded and IH main- Insurance Exchange, their upkeep is a mat- tamed by the Insurance Library Association ter of some importance. Thc smaller maps nf Boston, ~ncorporatedimder tlie laws of are re~iewed every iew years; the larger Massachusetts hi 1887. h,lemhersliip In the ones are corrected by means of correclion :~ssoctation Is of three k~nds.Active, hte sligs usually about once a, year At tmes and Associate, and at 1Jrcselil numhers the correct~onslips for a s~ngleiuap will about four hundred. Its income 1s derived exceed 1,000 These have to be pasted on from membership tees, contributions Iron1 .by hand. All snlall 1naps are bound by the certain underwriting organizations having association and are filed by states nlpha- hendquarters m Boston in return for cer- helically. As a rule but one map is placed txin prlwleges, mld from Imuls Invested. in a binder they arc hled flat, with label< Wlule the association's activities have on the back. Two thouea~ldcards arranged ken directed cluefly to the i~phuilding of in filing cabinets f~irn~slithe key to the the library, they hare ~ncidentallyengaged maps. Large maps are placed on rollers in in the development of technical lectures, specially prepared cases, the tops of which and i11 evening courses in fire 1nstir:mce sfl'ortl t?bles for consnlt~ngthem. and related subjects. At the g~esenttllne The "memorab~lin" of the lihrary con- it lins cnrolled iu its evelung classes one sists of CLWIY flre insurance policies-many hundred p~:~ils,most of them younp, men very rare-fire policy collcct~ons gntl~ered :~ctl~allyemployed in the business of in- fiom all parts of the world; fire marks, surance.

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