TWO W WEEKLY Eli TUMI . - . Single copy - -$2| Teu oopiea $11 Three . b copy at* mouth* I at muni Era if every even copiea 8ingle The IS published '. aii month* 8 DuUy the of tho of Fire copte* | Ten copies ing, and ODiitAiiui report* proceeding* Payment in advanoe U required. Uongre** up to three o cluck uniformly Tno Utttee of Publication i* on Seventh street, be- Rate* of Advertising..Ten cent* * line for the first tweeu D and £. insertion, five oenU a Tine for ouch *ub««K|ueut one. to Dailj paper, for term of eight month* . - $5.00 Meney be forwarded by mail at our risk. Large in amount* rnav be remitted in draiU or certiiealo* of Rates of Advertising Daily. ERA. When in sunt, note* on the bank* deposit*. money - . ¦ NATIONAL one insertion $0.60 DAILY On* square, (teu line*,) 15onion, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, itft - . 1.00 Do do. three inaertion* preferred. New Kngland note* are at less discount Do. do. one week .... 1.50 (i. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. than New York Stat* notes, and these leas tLim Do. do. two week! .... 2.50 BAILEY, Western no ten do. one month . - 4.00 oommunieationa to the Do. 0.00 All Bra, whether on bcai- Do. do. two month*.... neae of the paper or for publicatirifc, ahould be ad- Do. do. tbreo months - - -, 8.00 1854. NO. 84. drese«d to G. BA1LKY, Washington, D. C. A liberal discount for long advertisement*, and to VOL. I. WASHINGTON, D. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, thote who advertUe for a longer Urn*. C. M. Pennington Kentucky News, Newport, Ky.; W. S. Bailey, $1. CMNraPTiia run ism. hare X. Tliul no settlement of LIST OK MKALBERS OK THE IJD CONGRESS. Whig..A. Human Rights and Interest*.the only periuauent Trun Mount J. W. Howe; POST. C. cun be NEW HAMPSHIRE Democrat, Pleasant, Iowa; THE SATURDAY\EVENING WASHINGTON, D. foundation of order and oonoord. the Slavery question looked for, SENATE Old Line W. $1.50 In no Dense will it bo the of a Party, in the of the The Senate consists ol two Senators from ettch Democrat*..George Kittredge, Der Iowa; Tit. Gulioh; $'2. UNRIVALLED ARKA i' 0F TALENT organ ' except practical recognition W. Hibbard. Deuiukrat, Davenport, VOLDMK OF THK a mere but free Stats. There uro thirty-one Status, ruprcseutnd George Morrison, Harry of tbe POST, iu le- PHOBFWTUt OF THl KIGHTH or Party Paper, absolutely truth that Slavery is sectional, and Free¬ by Pacific Han J. II. Proprietor* again coming NBA. aod independent," claiming to speak by "au¬ of sixty two Senators. % NORTH CAROLINA. Statesman, Francisco, Gal,; Purdy. THEfore the public, would return thank* for the g>n- MDOMl " dom national ; by the total separation in Italic; Old Line DoniuoraU, in Roman. Old Line Democrat*..H. H. Shaw, Thomas eorus which ha* them far in ad¬ for nobody except its editor, aud rec¬ Whigs, Democrats Der National Demokrat, Washington, I). C.j Fred. patronage placed AND PROPUKTOR. thority to the (general Government from Slavery, and Those mam oil 1. D., Independent ; U., liulhu, Wm. S. Anlie, Burton S. Creig, Thomas Buell <1 $2. vance of every other literary weekly in America, anil U. Bill.KV, CDITO* no in any quarter pre¬ its Union men, S. K electod as Schmidt, editor; Blaucbard, publishers; froe and COEBMPOHDIMO BDITOB. ognising authority the exercise of its aud consti¬ those elected L. Clmgmau. um the only suitable return for lucb hearty JOHN O. WHITTIBH, scribe its eourHe and policy. legitimate Southern or Stat* Right* men. H. John Rich¬ ANTI-SLAVERY Pit ESS. .upport, their arrangement* for 1864 have been ma la 0. on the side of - . David K. Whits..Sion Kerr, WASHINGTON, D. In Literature, it will aim to unite the Beau¬ tutional influence Freedom; President Au-iiUon Rogers, with a degree of liberality probably unequalled iu . ard C. Liberator, Boston, Mm , Win. Garrison #2.50. The National Era ia a weekly uewBpaper, tiful with the aud to make both immedi¬ and to the States the whole Socrotary Asbury Uiokin*. Puryear. Lloyd the hiatory of American uewspa|>or literature. Tboy True, by leaving Term Term NEW MEXICO. as for the to Literature and Politioa. subservient to tho purposes of of and the extradition of expires. expires Pennsylvania Freeman, Philadelphia. Ha.; C. M Bur have engaged, contributor* ensuing year, devoted ately practical subject Slavery AI.AKA.-UA. MISSISSIPPI. Old Line Democrat..Jose Manuel Gallegos. leigh; $2. the following brilliant array of talent and gentu* : the Beautilul - - Id Literature, it rime to unite every-day life. fugitives from service. Bon j Fit/.patrick 186ft Stephen Adams, (U.) 1867 OHIO. Mrs. Emerson Mrs. Dent' U. - - National New N. Y.; Soutkwurtk, Bennett, with the True, and to make both immediately Able correspondents, at home and abroad, XI. That ail men have a natural to 0. C Clay I Ha'J A. JUrowu |MaV Old Line Democrats..-David T. M. H. Anti-Slavery Standard, York, has right ARKANSAS. MISSOURI. Disney, »S. II. Guy A K. Quincy; $2. son,, Grace Grecntoomi, and Fanny Fern. auhearvient to the purposes of overy- have been ssoured, and provision as the use Andrew a - P. praotioal ample of the aud - Alfred beeu made for its Miscellany. portion soil; that, K. W. Johnson* 1856 lJavid H. Atchison 1856 Nichols, Edgerton, Ellison, Anti-Slavery Bugle, Salem, 0.; M R. Robinson, $1.50. In the first paper of January next, we design ooia- life. Literary . - day of the soil is to lite, the Win. K. Sebastian - 186U tlnnry S. (Jeyrt |MaU Frederick W. Green, Thomas L. Ritchie, Ed- Voice of the lueuciug an Original Novelet, written expreaaly fo* In it advocates the of Man, It will condonsed reports of the pro¬ indispensable NEW Fugitive. Politics, Righto publish ol all men to the soil is as sacred as CONNECTICUT. IIAMt'Stll RE. hou B. Olds, Wm. 1). Lindscy, Harvey H.John- our columns, entitled in - movements - what- right - - and the Equality of Righto, and opposes ceedings of C.ingress, explain Truman Smith 1865 Aloses Norris.jr 1866 .on, Wilson Shannon, (George Bliss, Andrew THE BRIDE OF THE WILDERNESS, not their to lite itself. - . \V. do Jarsd 186V - ever violated or tonda to violate them, whether, that body, the oauees of which always right lsaae Touooy 1857. William* Stuart. ANTI-KLAVKKY WOEhN KOtt KALK ATTlilKOK- By EMERSON BENNETT, author of Viola," this be Peiaonal Servitude, Civil lie the surface, and from its position bo XII. That the public lands of the Uni¬ CALIFORNIA. NEW YoRK. Aaron Bt LKWIS CLKt'UAiUK. "Clara Moreland," "The Will," etc. upon - Har- Forged Involuntary . 1865 Win. JI. tieivanl 1856 Scott Harrison, KICK, Class able to a constant watch upon the action ted States to the aud should William M. Ilwiu Whigs..John This Novelet, by the author of "Clara Legw- - Abeolutiam, keep - . B. VV. II. popular Deepotien, Spiritual to all belong people, John li. Wcller 1857 Hamilton b'nh 1867 lau, Moses Corwin, John L. Taylor, Lilo of Isaac T. $1.25, 21 we called of the of the Federal Government in relation not to nor to NKW Hopper.prire postage Moreland," design following by another, lation^the Selfishness Capital, Tyranny be sold individuals granted UKLAWARE. JERSEY. Saup, Edward Ball. cents and - - of Combination, the Oppresaion of a Majority, questions at issuo between Liberty Slavery but should be held as a s.t- James A Liayard 1S57 J. R. 'Viioinpeon 1857 Democrats..L. U. THE STEP-MOTHER, . - huUyendent Campbull, Uncle I oui a of The extensive subscription of the Weekly corporations, John. M. Clayton - I85W William Wright 18jU Cabin.price }] | cents, postage 12 cents; By Mrs. MARY A DENISON, author of "Home Pio- or the Exaction* . " Party. cred trust for the benefit of the people, NORTH CAROLINA. Edward IVado. J. R. Giddings. live f«r turos," Gertrude Russell." etc. It holds no with the Whig and Era, which, during the year about to elose^has FLOltljM. copied $2, pontage paid. fellowship ¦ . have alao the of a number of the and should be grauted in quanti¬ J/ifI.ton Morton 1865 Getn'gc K. Batlger 1856 OREGON. Cnole Ioiu a Cabin ill German 50 cents, We promise Democratic believing that reached the number of twenty-eight thousand, limited Mai Is.»y Lane. price pont¬ organization*, for advertisers. free of to landless settlers. Stephen It. lory 1857 Vacancy Old Line Democrat..Joseph 16 cents. SKETCHES BY GRACE main iwues on whioh have been arrayed must make it an eligible medium ties, cost, ukoruia. ouio. age GREENWOOD, they on a as the Federal PENNSYLVANIA. to Whose brilliant and versntil* pen will be almost ex are obeolete or and The Era will bo issued sheet XIII. That a due for IV. Dawson - 1855 S. 1'. Chase (1.1).) |H6.» Key Uncle Toui's Cabin.price 50 centa, nostaire 10 against each other nettled, Daily regard C. Old Line Democrats .T. B. J. Rob clusively employed upon the Post and her own "Lit¬ that ate now need by the Sectional large as that of th& Daily National Intelligencer, Constitution, and sound administrative Hubert Toombs (U.) Ih.VJ Benjamin /.'. Wmlr lh.>7 Florence, Ceil tu. tle Pilgrim. they ohieHy N A N A. PENNSYLVANIA. Wm. H. John Samuel of to the love ot Lib¬ on the 2d of January, 1854, and daily there¬ demand that the funds of the Gen¬ I Ol inn, jr., Witte, McNair, W bite Slavery in the Burbary Stales, by lion. Charles Mrs. Southwortii .whose fascinating works are now Interest day ... Slavery, impair policy, John Petit ----- 1865 Ja hum 1865 A. American and to until tne 1st of 1854, (or long Coo/hi Bridged, Henry A.
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