CLUCK uCHiCKEN OPENS ON MAIN ST. SEE BUSINESS, PG. 24! I •:• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0 •:• 87th Year, Issue 37 ©1997 October 1 0, 1997 Newark, Del. • 50¢ THis WEEK Plan ·· · · ·IN· SPORTS . ... .. ~ . ·- rejected NEWARK EDGES By MARY E. PETZAK NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER CHRISTIANA IN EWARK PLANNING com­ mi ssioners have flatly N refu ·ed to consider any plan FOOTBAll by Commonwealth Development to raze the Farm and Home Bu il ding on ACTION. Main Street for a new retai I/apartment 19 complex. At th e monthly planning meeting Tuesday night, the commi ioner r c­ ommended that city council di ap­ prove and deny Commonwealth Management' subdivision plan on the gr und that it is the position of the commi. ion to preserve the existing AUTHOR RETURNS building. Conm1onwealth propo. ed demoli - TO LOOK AT See BUILDING, 15 ...,_ FAMILYS NtiS student PAST. 8 charged with -armed HOTDOG lADY robbery EWARK POLICE and ·cho 1 admini trators are SUFFERS N both inve. tigating an Oct. 6 incident in which a Newark Hi gh School tudent allegedly robbed anoth ­ SETBACK TO er male student at gunpoint. According to police, the 17-year­ 3 old victim told police that he was DREAM. approached around 12:48 p.m. on Monday by the suspect and two other teenage males in a vehicle at the rear of Newark High School. The victim said the vehicle t pped be ide him NEW CHRISTINA and th e suspect id ntifted a 17-year- SCHOOL See ROBBERY, 12 ...,_ MEMBER Old Roy NAMED. 4 Rogers site gets go ahead INDEX EVELOPERS FOR the for­ NEWS 1·5 mer Roy Rogers site on Main D Street have finally cleared POLICE BLOTIER 2 the first hurdle. Tu . day night, the OPINION 6 ewark Planning Commission voted to recommend the late t parking waiv­ LIFESTYLE 8 r and , u divi . ion plan to city council. BUSINESS The ucce .. ful proposal subm itted 24 by developers New ap Main treet DIVERSIONS 10 , how a two-story building with a 10.000 quare-feet "footprint' and a CROSSWORD PUZZLE-- 11 57.8 percent parking waiver. SPORTS 19-23 This wa the third Newcap ubdivi ­ ion plan and parking waiver con id­ PEOPLENEWS 18 ered by the planning commission since OBITUARIES 25-t& the beginning of thi year. CLASSIFIEDS See ROYS, 14 ~ I I PAGE 2 • NEWARK POST • OcTOBER 10, 1997 Visit us on the World Wide Web ~ 1 .'•• , r ), , ·:· POLICE BLOTTER • Police Blotter is compiled each week from University of Delaware student. near 45 East Main Street for a traffic check on lot at Newark High School. Police are investi­ the files ofthe Newark Police Department, the According to police, 17-year-old Holly Oct. 4 around 9:30 p.m. was wanted by New gating. New Castle County Police Department and Hrupsa of Harrington, wa critically injured Castle County police on outstanding warrants. the Delaware State Police by staff write11 on Oct. 2 when she was struck by a Jeep as Arnold Tabor Jr. of Claymont was also Mary Petzak. she crossed Elkton Road around 11 :40 a.m. charged with having an open container of beer Water pump taken Hrupsa died from her injuries two days in the car. from Shinn's later in Christiana Hospital. Former Post employee Jonathan Mejia, the 18-year-old driver of Newark Police report that sometime killed in accident the vehicle, was not injured. Police said no Towing signs removed between Sept. 28 at 5 p.m. and Oct. I at 9 a.m. charges have been filed against him Employees of American Towing told unknown persons removed a black and red A former staff member of the Newark Post Hrupsa was majoring in food science police that sometime between Oct. 5 at 8 p.m Scorpion water pump from the Schinn Paints was killed in,a traffic accident which occurred preparation for a career in nutrition. The 1997 and Oct. 6 around 1: 15 a.m. unknown persons store on East Main Street. Police are investi­ Monday, Oct. 6 around 6 p.m. on Route 13 in graduate of Lake Forest High School was a removed 10 company towing signs from a gating. Townsend. member of the cross-country and track-and­ parking lot in the unit block of Lehigh Drive. According to New Castle County Police, field teams. On the same night between midnight and 1: 15 Incapacitated man takes Charles Rolph, 64, wa at the wheel of his Hrupsa was listed on the high school's a.m., 10 other American Towing signs and 1983 Toyota Tercel traveling northbound on record board for holding one of the top-1 0 poles were removed from the unit block of handicapped parking sign Route 13 just south of Blackbird Landing fastest times in girls' cross-country recorded Thorn Lane. ·' Road. For unknown reasons, the vehicle left at Killens Pond. She ran on the state champi­ Newark police report that on Oct. 4 around the road, traveling 175 feet before striking a onship cross-country team in 1993 and in the 1 a.m. they found an 18-year-old man with a tree. Police said alcohol did not appear to be a Henlopen Conference girls' cross-country Teens arrested for DUI handicapped parking sign near Academy and factor. championship. East Park Place. Rolph and his 61-year-old wife, Eleanor, a She ran the mile, was a member of the On Oct. 5 around 2 a.m. police arrested a Police also observed that the man had con­ passenger in the car, were declared dead at the 4x800 relay and was a contestant in the 15-year-old and a16-year-old boy for driving sumed alcohol. scene. Police said the Toyota suffered severe Delaware High School Girls Track and Field under the influence at the ewark Shopping front damage. Paramedics and personnel from Championship. Center. the Townsend Fire Company responding to While in high school, Hrupsa waS a part­ Teen carrying beer the accident had to pry the couple from the time telemarketer for MBNA which awarded Equipment missing at car. her a college scholarship. She was to have on street Charles Rolph worked in the New Journal started work at the bank's Newark branch this Newark Lumber On Oct. 5 around midnight police charged advertising department for more than a decade week. a 19-year-old man with underage consump­ before coming to the Newark Post in the early Newark Police are investigating a report from Newark Lumber Company that some­ tion after he was observed walking on 1980's. Most recently he served as regional Madison Street with two Bud Lite beer cans. sales director for Chesapeake Publishing Assault on time between Sept. 26 at 8:30 a.m. and Oct. 3 Company ba ed in Elkton, Md. ·New London Road at 8:15 a.m. equipment valued at almost Chesapeake operates 48 community and $2,000 was removed from a storage area at the Out of control party business publications, including the Newark An 18-year-old man to1d Newark Police business. Police said the area was checked reported on Madison Dr. Post, Route 40 Flier, and New Castle that on Oct. 3 around 6: 10 p.m. two unknown once a week for inventory. Business Ledger in Delaware. white men sprayed him with pepper spray and Newark Police responded to a report of a punched him in the face. Car breakins at loud party on Madison Drive shortly after University student killed The man sa.id he was in a parking lot on midnight on Oct. 4. Police said an "out of con­ New London Road when the attack occurred. Newark High trol" party with extremely loud music was in crossing street Sometime between 6 p.m. and 7:45p.m. on progress when they arrived. The 19-year-old resident was charged with Newark Police are still investigating the Man picked up on warrants Oct. I , unknown persons removed cash and other items from two locked cars parked in the a noise violation. accident which resulted in the death of a Newark Police report that a man stopped discover discover duPont's duPont is extraordinary easy to get to. discover discover medical and duPont The duPont Hospital duPont keeps surgical team~ discover for Childr~n is less promises. Hospital for than 30 minutes We're expert in caring duPont's Children. from Philadelphia, its Discover the for kids through every personal touc:J~,. Discover the surrounding counties difference duPont's treatment phase. Our children's hospital We listen to you and southern New programs can make. team understands that and to your child's already serving Jersey. We're conve­ Just call thousands of families when it comes to your concerns and questions. niently located off from Pennsylvania, child, you want the best We respect your va]u­ 1-95 in Wilmington, 11-888-5333-KID I Delaware and New - that's why we place able time. We respond Delaware - and Jersey. And we're your child's needs first. to .your child's heatth there's plenty of free Thomas jefferson needs quickly and effi­ parking~ I 600 Rockland Rd. Wilmington, DE 19803 University Hospital's ciently. .And we kt!ep partner in pediatrics. Check out our web site! http:/ /KidsHealth.org. • The Nemoun Foundldon • Thomas Jeff-non UnMnfty • Medical Center of o.ware http://www.ncbl.com/post/ ' 0cr08ER 10, 1997 • EWARK POST • PAGE 3 >.: ,', I I I) ,, ·:· IN THE NEWS Can we help? Offices: The paper's offices are located conve­ Hot dog lady's niently in the Robscott Building, 153 E.
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