1Jrnq1· • nst AND MATILDA D VOCATE VOL. KXI, No. 6 lROQUOIS, ONT., THUR · AY. JUN 18, 1942 \ $1.50 per Year in Advance Elsie Millard Bride of \ ~ .J~n De ks Host rt Wl.t tili ltlt l.t ~ lllt ~ 1' GILMER'S 'Big Ben' Alarm f 1 he Store that Appreciates Your Trade I Alexander Shaver C i o cil Dinner MEAT MARKET 2-year Guarantee !Sit. Jo·hn's AngHcan :c'hu11ch, ilr'<>- ovn )by ,W-arden Allfre.d Headquarters for Meats of quois, w,a.s the S'Cene of a lbeauti,fol · C, ,e of Matild•a T-o;wnship, Quality and Tenderness 1 $ Pyrex we<l<lin,g Saitu,rday aifternoon, •when tn ( en'., banquet con•diulcted dur- Miss Elsie :Snowden M:illard, younger ini, c ,1h? se:ssi-0n of the United Ceiling Prices for Beef Ad­ d~UJg'hter loif John ,Millar•d, D'.IC.IM. and Co .n 1r ' Councd jwas heltd Wednes­ J. C. M'rs. Millard, <1f 1Iroqu-0i,s, lbecal!lle the d :· evn ", ,fone 10th , at the ·Oorn­ justed By Order 134. A Grand Gift for the Bride .Jewele Optician lbri"de od' Jobn .A<lexander iSlha,ver, ol- "' I " , ,;el. Forgotten for the time or The Wartime Prices and Trade IROQUOIS ONTARIO der son <1f Frank :S.'h,a,ver .and tihe Ilate .,, ·c t!i cares -0;f con<d1U1ctin,g /the Board have from June 1st establish ed A Valued Gift for Yoursel l}hs. S.ha,ver, of 'lr-o·quois. Rev. J. h 'Y , "enda <1f a wartime council a new basis of m aximum prices to 1I1.· , Lionel Homer offiJCiated. T ,he <ohurch s 'lil as n,embel'S' and1 guesrt.s I processors, wholesalers and retailers n tr. uln rng :. wasjbeautirl'ully 1d•e!C'Orate~l: with potted social (e'Veninig. and are allowing retailers a mark up , r • • •l ... ' ' • I : •" ~ ;~ ;,: y : ; ~"' I . One dish does the work of three- ,ferns an<d seasona'l flowers. minion od: ,Canada was the of prices to the satne percentage of Serving and oring. ·T,he ibTide, ,given in mar riage 'b'Y S·' f :i to1s+ ,proq>osed b<y D. E. profit as we were using under th e old 'her fat her, was l'<>v-e1y in a floor I evo IOf ' Jiountain township, ceiling price. To obtain the usual Savoy Theatre No clinging Ra cid Odors · or Ta e- Cook lenigth l5own off whiite siJlk ,net over ·' , rcs1n::-dcd to lb:y F. B. good quality of beef we h andle we frsh one day, onions anothe and eat pies taffeta, wibh sweetheart ne1ckline, A. for ,S,tormont have to pay the maximum prices pre· CARDINAL, ONT. short JJ)uffed sleeive.s, ,fin,ger ti,p veil co ~nt-y [mtoS'h, reeve of scribed by the order. Therefore do Two Shows each evening, the third--your Pyrexwar w hes sweet 7.00 and 9 o'clock. held in pla,ce 'bty a halo <>if orange RoX1Jo1 1 1hip, , proipo.sed ,a not blame us (it's war). You can I and clelJn as the day it wa bought. Matinee every Saturday at 2.30 p. m. !I blosso:ms anid ebbto!w length white net t ., ,~ i< t,L l'mt, L ,counties od' Stor ­ depend on our usual qua!i'ty and co· All Showa on Daylight Saving Time Be modern and economical. in clear, nrn· u,;, 1 urnlas l." '1d GlengaTry to ope1:~tion: I mittens. She carried an arm bou­ L sparkling Pyre quet olf American Beauty roses. The \' 1,irh M'"l?'e H Ba1,k}e~, reevie )of -0- This FRIDAY and SATURDAY !" bride's onJ,y -0rnao:n,ent was a t,hree­ C.. le. J e ~lied. Biue Ribbon Steer Beef I • strand nookla,ce ,of 1pearls, the giift of r,;ment I\U·ing tihe ibanq,uet I on hand. Will be ready to t> t next "The IV 1<>d l,v the- 1Qhes·teiwille Lady Has Plans" SEE:LY BRo·s. the groom. week end. The 'bride was attended by Mrs. 0 '­ ,was ~-oumHy apJJ)la,u,ded Local and Weste n Cow Starring Ray Milland, Paulette Goddard I ·'ections it r endered'. I Phone 26 IROQUOIS, Ont Ro'bert J. JalCl~son, only \sister ,of the week end. Also Sprin NEWS - CRIME DOES NOT PAY 1bride, -acting as rmatt'On ,elf h,on-or. E Jl .~" 11Jan, <l·c'Pu·ty reewe of CARTOON I_,, Veal an You ~llffi:i~k'mlmJTdJ~~a)~~ S:he chose a floor J,en(5,bh gO\wn rnf tur­ Cl.c,;tcl • 11<', 'I)ro;posed the toast -to quoi-se blue 1taffeta, t r,immed, ,with t " ~ ... ,.•~ ,roads .to whk-h J . G. Saturday and l\fPxt MONDAY and TUESDAY \\\·.hite, shoulder-length veil ,o:f match­ , er<> , 101.lds srurperintenident, re­ Prime Rib Ro sµo n; lee, T'ic wast to the 1rues-ts ing sha,de Jie1d in· p-lace .by ;ii1ue corn rolled, per 30c pre,;WJt :O• J. A '\11c:Arthu,r, re01ve -of "A Great Man's Lady" fl-0twer.s, e1'bow len,g,th mittens and Young Pork s, per lb.... 27c 0 carried Ja ,colonial lb,ornq,uet of ,mixed T , rcast r, nd responded (be lby J. G. Fresh Salmon, s iced, per lb. , 25c Starring Barbara Stanwyck, Joel McCrea Ha.11kne.,i; ,1ll<)(w ,, . flo,wers . Bologna, sliced, 2 lbs. , .... , . 37c MARCH OF TIME- ,Miss M-aTy E. l\f:ciLeod, !Montreal, Dr.. r f.o, ·a J 'Mnl'!uo, r ee1Ve of Roasting Fowl, per lb. .... .. 80c "THE ARGENTINE QUESTION'' cousin o,f t'he lbride, acted as jbridcs­ :- ra\ ,IJ, Jl ,<>Jl'l)si:.d the toast to \Wu­ Local Whey Butter, 8 lbs .... $ 1.00 The Owner Serves l'he Buyer Saves mai•d and wore a fi'Oor length gown ' en ~ , , wh.., a:bliy responded: Clark's Tomatoes, 28-oz., 2 tins 27c Next WEDNESDAY ancl THU DAY of rose pink taffeta, with -matc:h,ing A to-~ to th Proviin1ce oif •Ontario Juicy Oranges, per dozen. ... 87c E BILL We sell Sugar only according to Gov- ' •hi h f wed -the toast to Canada should,er ~emgbh ve.il and ebbQW length !l WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY 1 • ernment regulations. Price, 8c per lb mibtens. 1!:,he ,oarried- a ,colonial bou­ .. ras p,r ·1 ed -y Gladstone M-ciLean, • For general · household use one-half Telephone your orders to 43W. Dispatch sugar quet ru mixed flowers. 1 CE"'" of I :!'ch, and i-espon-de-d to /by pound per person per week and cus- . Cha! 1es, ,M.L.A., 1Sto11mont. Prompt Delivery. Starring EDW tomers may purchase two weeks supply at one time if they Allen .Slha,ve.r, R:G.A.F., Ottawa, wish. For preerving you can get one-half pound of Sugar only lbl'other olf the groom, 1a<eted as H. A. GILMER Iroquois c for each pound of fruit and for making Jams ahd Jellies the lbest man. Vnmen's ··-- ·,i&·ati&·~-·--·--··•~~~.----·-- ·- 'Here Comes Happiness' allowance is three-quarters pound Sugar for each lb. of fruit. ~I'.".-5 '.\1 a>>(~•eritc (Ho,lge playeJ tl e I . • • .7. .¥;,,. 9. 9. ·""'· .¥; Yo 11.11.,,. /W Cdll'1ng n1u.--11e. ( j Starring Mildred Coles & Edward Morris ,Roi, ert J. Jackson •· eett g, A iman was asked lbiy the C1Us- LOCAL SlRAWBERRIE~ Coul .:1· ac,(d (lS \F '" J bon 0"0frcia~ alt the <landinu; l)Ost, . Next FRIDAY anc1 SATURDAY. 1 {:\r1, • ', • ••r are ((rr!Vlng tre:;h daily, and we have all the riecess1ties for ~ld_11ain- ' r ' i.mi:.-l!r.,_ d~cllare, ,!Jladiam ?" l ·wore a -' _.:._.., r.,f Ii~k .s'.. " • ·• slhe 1,e,plie!d i,weetll,y, "not - "UNDERGROUND"z. canning same-Fruit Jars, Rubber Rings, Zinc Bands, Certo, 1 h 0 a n,d f'Nhi na ~-~ w1~t m l!. , o r l1 "Sday ·n • Parowax, Memba Seals, Fruit Kepe, etc. r 1 ice.ssoi-ies and wore a ,corsa~e of Briar- 5_ ChM: H~nson '.Pre- · Ta1en, maldlam," sa•i!d the of.fiicial. Starring Jeffrey Lynn, Mona-Maris • Duriog the past few weeks there has been quite a diffe roses. t cy .M'rs. A. 'Pete~s,on "am I :bo t-aike it tJhat tlhe for tail I NEWS CARTOON M t S • shortage of meats but we have been quite fortunate Mr-s. Siha.ver, .stepmother of the ea The meet ing o.pened ree lhangilllg do,wn urudel' ~=r coat at in having a moderate supply at mostly all times. We rry Boiled groom, 1WOre ia dress Olf d1t1sk,y rose 1 d cree;d. •Business the b,aic,k is reia}liy y,o,ur own?" Ham, Pork Loaf, Macaroni and Cheese LO'af, Pickle :Coaf, Dutch si~k cre•pe iwillh ,mairohing hat and ac­ was !\lt with when it was id:edde<l to Loaf, Bologna, Brenkfast B_acon, WinBsor Bacoo, ottage Roll, cessories and wo1·e a ,corsage of hold t annual bazaar later in .the Picnic Hams, Tendersweet Hams, etc. sw,eet ,peas and m1aid'en hair: tfern. y1,a1 1 t' to chvide 1memlbers inoo •!••:+<:.. :+<++!• ❖❖❖•:••!•❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖•!•❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ •!••!••!••!•❖❖❖❖❖ •!• "I',he gr-0oim's g ift to the matron oif 1 grot ! 01 a·ctivit ies. .M ins. R. S\ Pe­ We handle Ross Miller's Dog Biscuit, Pup Biscuit and hon,or, lbriidesnmid :an,d, 'Origia•nist rwer-e J t er"< who reprcsen•te.d tihe lo<cal Red ! GROCER\? SPECIALS I Midget Puppy Biscuit in 5-lb.
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