THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE VOL.XI ,.:-"2" THE-WORKSOF EDWARDGIBBON HISTORY OF ROME VOLUME XI /D NEW YORK FRED D_FAU & COMPANY PUBLISHERS THE HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE BY EDWARD GIBBON EDITEDBY J. B. BURY, M.A. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY THERT. HON.W.E. H. LECKY VOL.XI NEWYORK FRED DE FAU & COMPANY PUBLISHERS COPYRIGHT, I_)7, FRED DE FAU & COMPANY, CONTENTS OF THE ELEVENTH VOLUME PAGE LIST OF IL'LUSTRATIONS . xiii CHAPTER LXI Partitiono]theEmpireby theFrenchand Venaians- Five Latin Emperors o]the _touses o] Flandersand Courtenay--Their Wars against the BulgariansandGreeks-- WeaknessandPovertyo]the LatinEmpire-- Recoveryo]Constantinoplebythe Greeks-- GeneralConsequenceso]the Cr_ades A.D. x_o4 Electionof the EmperorBaldwinI.. x Divisionof the GreekEmpire . 4 x2o4 Revoltof the Greeks • • 9 x2o4-x222TheodoreLascarig Emperorof"Nice IO The Dukes and Emperorsof Trebizond xo The Despotsof Epirus I2 i2o5 The BulgarianWar . 13 Defeatand captivityof Baldwin" 15 Retreatof the Latins x6 Death of the Emperor . x7 I206-I216 Reignand characterof Henry i8 x2z7 Peter of Courtenay,Emperor of Constantinople 22 1217-1219His Captivityand Death . 23 I221-I228 Robert, Emperorof Constantinople 23 122_'--I237 BaldwinII. and John of Brienne,Emperorsof Constanti- nople. 25 I237-126i BaldwinIf. 2s The Holy Crownof 'thorns 3° 1237-1261Progressof the Greeks . 33 I259 MichaelPalmologusth, e GreekEmperor 34 x26z Constantinoplerecoveredbythe Greeks 35 GeneralConsequencesof the Crusades 38 Digressionon theFamily o]Courtenay xo2o Originof the Familyof Courtenay 43 IIOI--II52 I. The Countsof Edessa. 44 II. The Courtenaysof France . 45 xx5o TheirALliancewiththe Royal Famil; 46 IH. The Courtenayosf England 49 The Earlsof Devonshire . 5° v vi CONTENTS CHAPTER LXII The GreekEmperorso] Nice and Constautinople- Elevationand Reign o] Michael Pal_zologns--His ]alse Union with the Pope and the Latin Church- Hostile Designso] Charleso] Anjou- Revolto] Sicily m War o] the Catalansin Asia and Greece- Revolutionsand Present State o]Athens A.D. PAGE Restorationof the GreekEmpire 54 X2o4-1t222TheodoreLascaris . 54 X222-x255John Ducas Vataces 55 1255-1259TheodoreLascaris II. 57 1259 Minorityof John Lascaris. 59 Familyand Characterof Michael Pa/a_ologus 6o His Elevationto the Throne 63 x26o MichaelPalmolognsEmperor 65 x26x Recoveryof Constantinople 66 Return of the GreekEmperor . 67 Pal_eologusblindsand banishesthe youngEmperor 68 1262-z268 Is excommunicatedby the Patriarch Arsenius 70 i266-r3re Schismof the Arsenites . 7o i259-i28_ Reign ofMichael Pal_eelogus . 73 1273-i332 Reign of Andronicnsthe Elder 72 i274-x277 His Unionwith the Latin Church 73 1277-1282HisPersecutionofthe Greeks 76 1283 The UnionDissolved . 78 1266 Charlesof AnjousubduesNaples and Sicily 78 I270 Threatens the GreekEmpire . 8o x28oPal_eologusinstigatesthe Revoltof Sicily 81 xe82 The SicilianVespers . 83 Defeat of Charles ..... 84 13o3-I3o7 The ServiceandWar of the Catalansin the GreekEmpire 85 1204-I456 Revolutionof Athens 89 PresentStateof Athens 92 CHAPTER LXIII Civil Wars,andRuin o]theGreekEmpire-- Reignso]Andronlcus,theElder and Younger,and John Palceologus- Regency,Revolt, Reign, and Abdicationo]John Cantacuzenc--Establishmento]a GenoeseColonyat PeraorGalata_ TheirWars withthe EmpireandCityo]Constantinople 128_--1320Superstitionof Andronicnsand the Times . 94 132o First Disputesbetweenthe Elderand YoungerAndronicus 97 x321-1328Three CivilWars betweenthe two Emperors 99 x325 Coronationof the YoungerAndronicus . 99 1328 The ElderAndronicnsabdicatesthe Government xoi z332 His Death .... xo2 1328-i34i Reignof Andronicnstheffounbr . xo_ His two wives . Io3 z34x-xa9x Reignof John Pal_o'logus" xo4 Fortuneof John Cantacuzene . X04 CONTENTS vii AD, PAG_ He is left Regentof the Empire . xo6 I34x His Regencyis attacked ..... xo6 By Apocaucus,the EmpressAnneof'Savoy,and the Patriarch xo6 CantacuzeneassumesthePurple 1o8 i34i-i347 The CivilWar . xo9 Victoryof Cantacuzene . IiO x347He re-entersConstantinople . 114 i347-i355 Reignof John Cantacuzene Ix4 i353 John Palmolognstakes up armsaga'_ him 116 1355 Abdicationof Cantacuzene . 117 134i-i351 DisputeConcerningthe Lightof MountThabor Ix8 126I-r34? Establishmentof the Genoeseat Peru or Galata i2o Their Tradeand Insolence . 12_ 1348 Their _Arawithr the EmperorCamtacuzene I23 1349 Destructionof hisFleet .... I24 z352 Victoryof the Genoeseoverthe Venetiansand"Gree/_s x25 Their Treatywith the Empire . Z27 CHAPTER LXIV Conquestso]ZingisKhan andthe Moguls]romChinatoPoland- Escapeo] ConstanlinopleandtheGreeks_ Origino]theOttomanTurks in Bithynia --Reigns and Victorieso] Othman, Orchan,Amurath the First, and Bajaeetthe First _ 2_oundationand Progresso]tke Turkish Monarchy in Asia and Europe-- Dangero] Constantinopleand theGreekEmpire 12o6--I227Zingis Khan,firstEmperorof the Mogulsand Tartars . _29 HISLaws ..... i3I i21o---12I4 His Invasionof China 135 I218--I224 Of Carizme,Tmnsoxiana,"and"Pers_ . z37 1227 His Death....... i227-i295 Conquestsof the Mogulsunderthe Successorosf _ngis" _349 1234 Of the NorthernEmpire of China . 141 1279 Of the Southern . 142 I258 Of Persia,and the Empireof the Caliphs i43 1242--I272 Of Anatolia 145 I235--I24S Of l_pzak_ Ru_ l_o]and, ]qru'I_g'&ry,etc" I45 1241 Battle of Liegnitz I46 Battleof Mohi . I47 1242 Of Siberia • • 149 1227--12T59heSuccessoofrsZ_gis. 15o I259--I368Adopt the Mannersof China 151 1259-13ooDivisionof the MogulEmpire. 15_ 124o-i3o4 Escapeof Constantinopleand the GreekEmpirefromthe Moguls • 153 13o4 Declineofthe lVlbgn"l Khansof "Persia . 155 124o Originof the Ottomans . 155 I299-i326 Reignof Othmau . 156 Z326--136oReignof Orchan . • I57 x326-1339HisConquestof Bith'ynia . 159 13oo Divisionof Anatoliaamong the TurkishEmirs . 159 x312 Lossof the AsiaticProvinces . 16o viii CONTENTS LD. PAG_ 13:to-1523The Knightsof Rhodes . 16i 1341-1347First Passageof the Turks intoEurope . 162 i346 Marriageof Orchan with a Greek Princess i63 1353 Establishmentof the Ottomansin Europe I65 Death of Orchan and his Son Soliman 166 136o--i389The Reign and EuropeanConquests'ofA,nurath I." 166 The Janizaries . I68 I389-I4o3 The reignof Bajazet I. Ilderim" 169 HisConquestsfrom the Euphrates to the iganu'be i69 1396 Battle of Nicopolis . ,71 I396-1398Crusade and Captivityof ihe F'renchPrinces 172 I355-1391The EmperorJohn Paheologus 175 Discordof the Greeks . 176 139I-i425 The EmperorManuel . 177 1395-14o2Distressof Constantinople 178 CHAPTER LXV Edevationo]Timour orTamerlaneto the Throneo]Samarcand--His Con- questsin Persia,Georgia,Tartary,Russia,India, Syria,andAnatolia- tIis Turkish War- De]eat and Captivity o] Ba]azet- Death o] Timour-- Civil War o]the Sonso]Bajazet-- Restorationo]the Turkish Monarchyby Mahometthe First-- Siegeo]Constantinopleby Amurath the Second Historiesof Timour,or Tameriane 18o 1361-I37o His first Adventures. i83 137° He ascendsthe Throneof Zagami i85 137o-14ooHis Conquests. 186 x38o-i393 I. Of Persia . I86 137o-x383II. of Turkestan 187 _39o -396 Of Kipzak, Russia,etc. I88 1398,I399 II r. of Hindostan 19o 14oo His War againstSultanBajazet" 193 TimourinvadesSyria 196 SacksAleppo 197 14oi Damascus. x98 And Bagdad . 199 14o2 InvadesAnatolia 20o Battleof Angora . 2oz Defeat and Captivityof Bajazet 202 The Storyof his Iron Cagedisprovedbythe PersianHistorianof Timour 203 Attested, I. by tiaeFrench" 205 -- 2. by the Italians . 206 -- 3" bythe Arabs 207 4. by the Greeks . 207 5"by the Turks 208 ProbableCondnsion. 208 14o3 Death of Bajazet . 2o9 • Term of the Conquestsof Timour 2o9 CONTENTS ix A,D, PAGE i4o4, x4o5 His Triumph at Samarcand 2zi x4o5 His Death on the Road to China 213 Characterand Meritsof Timour . 213 I403--I42X Civil WalB of the Soils of Bajazet 217 I. Mustapha 2x8 2. Ira 2x8 x4o3-x4xo 3. Sol_aan" 219 x4In 4. Mousa . 219 I413-14215- MahometI.. 220 i421-145i Reign of AmurathII_ 220 142i Re-unionof the Ottoman Empire 22I x4o2-I425Stateof the GreekEmpire 222 i422 Siegeof Constantinopleby AmurathII. 224 i425-1448 The Emperor John Pal*eologusII. 225 HereditarySuccessionand Meritof the Ottomans 225 Educationand Disciplineof the Turks 227 Inventionand Useof Gunpowder 230 CHAPTER LXVI Applicationo] tlt* EasternEmperorsto the Popes- Visits to the West,o_ John the First, Manuel,and John the Second,Pal¢ologus- Uniono] the Greekand Latin Churches,Promotedby the.Councilo]Basil, and Concludedat Ferraraand Florence- State o] Literatureat Constanti- nople- Its Revival in Italy by the GreekFugitives- Curiosity and Emulationo]the Latins x339 Embassyof the YoungerAndronieusto Pope BenedictXII. 232 The Argumentsfor a Crusadeand Union . 233 x348 Negotiationof Cantacuzenewith ClementVI.. 235 1355 Treaty of John PalmologusI. with Innocent VI. 238 x369 Visitof John Palmologusto Urban V. at Rome 239 137° His Returnto Constantinople 24i Visitof the EmperorManuel 242 I4oo To the Court of France 242 -- England . 243 14o2 His Returnto Greece . 244 GreekKnowledgeand Descriptions 245 Of Germany 245 Of France . 246 Of England .... 247 I4o2-14i7 Indifferenceof Manuel towardsthe Latins 248 x417-x425His Negotiations 249 His PrivateMotives . 250 His Death . 251 I425-1437Zeal of John PaJmologusIi. 252 Corruptionof the Latin Church 252 1377-I429Schism _53 x4o9 Councilof Pisa . 253 x414-x418 Of Constance . 253 1431-x443Of Basil . 254 x CONTENTS A.D. PAGE Their Oppositionto EugeninsIV. 254 x434-x437 Negotiationswiththe Greeks . 255 x437 John Pal_eologusembarksin thePope'sGalleys . 256 x438 His TriumphalEntryat Venice . 26o -- into Ferrara . 26_ x438, I439 Councilof the Greek_and'Latinsat "Ferraraand Florence 262 Negotiationswiththe
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