UNCW mm/ 2006 zeroises UNCW University of North Carolina Wilmington Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/commencementexer38838univ (9ommencement University of North Carolina Wilmington Seventy-first Commencement Exercises Saturday, the thirteenth of May Two thousand six College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Ceremony Half past nine o'clock in the morning Graduate School and Professional Schools Ceremony Two o'clock in the afternoon Trask Coliseum College ofArts & Sciences Undergraduate Program Processional UNCW Wind Symphony Louis Hines, Highland Piper Welcome Rosemary DePaolo Chancellor Greetings from UNC Board of Governors Irvin A. Roseman Member of the Board of Governors Greetings from UNCW Senior Class Aaron Whitesell Senior Class President Presentation of Awards and Distinctions: Students Graduating with Special Distinction and Honors Rosemary DePaolo Authorization for Conferring of Degrees Krista Tillman Chair, UNCW Board of Trustees Presentation of Candidates for Undergraduate Degrees Rosemary DePaolo and Paul E. Hosier, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs College of Arts and Sciences David Cordle Dean Conferral of Undergraduate Degrees Rosemary DePaolo Greetings from the Alumni Association Donis Noe Smith Chair, UNCW Alumni Association Recessional UNCW Wind Symphony and the Highland Piper Graduate School and Professional Schools Program Processional UNCW Wind Symphony Louis Hines, Highland Piper Welcome Rosemary DePaolo Chancellor Greetings from UNC Board of Governors Irvin A. Roseman Member of the Board of Governors Greetings from UNCW Senior Class Aaron Whitesell Senior Class President Presentation of Awards and Distinctions: Students Graduating with Special Distinction and Honors Rosemary DePaolo Authorization for Conferring of Degrees Krista Tillman Chair, UNCW Board of Trustees Presentation of Candidates for Graduate Degrees Robert D. Roer Dean Conferral of Graduate Degrees Rosemary DePaolo Presentation of Candidates for Undergraduate Degrees Rosemary DePaolo and Paul E. Hosier, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Cameron School of Business Lawrence S. Clark Dean Watson School of Education Cathy L. Barlow Dean School of Nursing Virginia W. Adams Dean Conferral of Undergraduate Degrees , Rosemary DePaolo Greetings from the Alumni Association Donis Noe Smith Chair, UNCW Alumni Association Recessional UNCW Wind Symphony and the Highland Piper mletpe of wrts ana (Sciences Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts Degree May 2006 Renato Abbate Tara Anderson Beech Kelli M. Adcox summa cum laude Nicole Marie Allegrino Jennifer Davis Begun Richard Covington Allen Lyndsey Rene Bennett William Christopher Allen Jeffrey Eugene Benson Joseph Preston Allen Jr. Amy Kristin Bernhardt Alexa Marie Alvarado Deborah Ann Bernhardt Nathan Allen Alvey Douglas Lee Biggerstaff Karl Joseph Amelchenko cum laude Lindsey Delane Ammons Caroline Elizabeth Bishop Leila Holly Arciero Elizabeth Ashley Bissette magna cum laude Colin Sebastian Biswas Wilbert Stanley Artis Erica Lynne Blackwell Amie Nichole Ashworth McCotta Elizabeth Blackwell Megan Leah Atkins Melanie Grace Blackwood Emily Elizabeth Audette Ashley Nicole Blake magna cum laude Christopher Robert Blake Christopher Marvin Babb Aaron Geer Blakely David Marcus Bailey Jason Lee Blalock Richard MurffBaird II Carmen Best Blanton Catherine Miles Baker Josie Marie Blanton Elisha Jill Baker Brandon Davis Bolick Jennifer Lynn Baldinelli Krystle Brooke Boone cum laude Matthew Michael Botzum Samantha Elizabeth Ball Nicole Barbara Boussios Matthew Lawrence Ballard magna cum laude Bradley Richard Ballou Miranda Denise Bowen Jana Leigh Barbieri Jody Bernard Bowman Ashli Erin Barefoot magna cum laude Elliott Edward Barnes Lindsay Hope Boyer Ashley Elizabeth Barnett Jacob Jermaine Bozier II cum laude Tiffany Denise Bracey Brittany Clifton Basri Kristin Michelle Bradley Letitia Catherine Bass Nathan Charles Branson Fallon Rae Batchelor Adam Lawson Brenneman Monica Battista cum laude Ashley Nicole Batts Christine Elizabeth Brettman Heather Noelle Bauer Anna Kathryn Brewster Kelli Elizabeth Beale Taylor West Bridgers Virginia Francis Beam Jocelyn Marie Brineman Colby Adam Beamer magna cum laude Rachel Kristin Beard Kristin Lynn Brinson Jessica Lindsey Broadaway Tia Lanee Cherry Traci Lynne Broadwell Nathan Louis Chessey Henry Clifford Brooks Wendy Alisa Chilcote Allison Renee Brookshire Ashley Renee Chunn cum laude Christopher Charles Cimino with honors in Psychology Denise Karen Cinanni Michael Scott Broughton Margaret Johanna Clark Katherine Renee Brouillette Michelle Nicole Clark cum laude Natalie Sara Clark Alisha Roberts Brown magna cum laude Erin Caroline Brown Jonathan James Clarke Richard Scott Brown Courtney June Clayter cum laude Whitney Renee Coble Melissa Sue Bucci Jena Blair Coen Katherine Marie Buell Joseph Cody Colin Laura Ashley Bullard Aaron Dale Collier John David Burger Sarah Catherine Collins Brandi Nicole Erin Elizabeth Burke Confair Shannon Leanne summa cum laude Cook Gregory Barnette Cooke University Honors with Jerrod Allen Copeland honors in English Robert Thomas Cordero Aaron Kenly Burkhart Julie Anne Cotton Jason Andrew Burton cum laude Ashley Antonia Byrd Jill Lynsey Cowan Bridget Danielle Byrd summa cum laude magna cum laude Elayne Michelle Cowen with honors in Psychology Ashley Elizabeth Cox Patricia Vause Cabral Elizabeth Francesca Cramond Elizabeth Anna Calandrello Jeremy Shawn Croom summa cum laude Charles Evans Cross University Honors with Rachel Marie Cummings honors in Communication Studies magna cum laude Emily Reid Calder Sarah Lynn Cunningham Stephen Russell Calfee cum laude Angela MacKenzie Campbell University Honors with John Wesley Capdepon honors in Anthropology Tiffany Travis Capobianco Joseph Dale Curtis cum laude Richard William Dantini Kai Edison Caraganis Joel Robert Davenport Christopher Michael Carraway with honors in Film Studies Jamie Lauren Carter John Mark Davidson Jenny Lynn Cash Andrew James Davis Jessica Leigh Casmer Lindsay Perry Davis laude magna cum Paul Charlton Davis Michael Castellani K. Zachary Thomas Davis Andrea Gwynne Cavallier Georgia Mary Ruth Dawson Christy Lynn Chambers Michelle K. Day Nicole Moreau Chambers Jessica Michelle Deal June Carroll Cheatham cum laude Amanda Danielle Dean Kristen Brook Ellison magna cum laude Katherine Marie Epstein Megan Nicole Deardorff cum laude cum laude Philip Seth Ervin Cassie Janette Deaton magna cum laude Michael Richard DeHaven II Marc Andrew Esposito Elida Teresa Deklein cum laude Marissa Colette DeLeo Nicholas Robert Esposito summa cum laude Nolan Adam Ether Sophia Glamarie DelValle Jessica Nicole Evans Renee Brooke DeMichiel Keith Richard Fanning Carrie Lee Denning Brian Morgan Faulk Lydia Dora DeVan John Luther Fields Ryan Michael DeVoe John Patrick Finan Gregory Dawson Dew cum laude with honors in Film Studies Terrence G. Diamond Jr, Kelly Marie Dillon Megan Leigh Fish Michelle Fisk Kristin Michelle Dombroski Dana William Bennett Flanner IV cum laude Michael Dondarski Ariana Catherine Flis magna cum laude with honors in History Marc Chadwick Floyd Timothy Joseph Donovan Cassia Joann Folkers Amy Byrd Doughtie magna cum laude Alisa Marciana Driver Amanda Lynn Formy-Duval Jessica Ayers Drysdale Brent Westrope Forney Clint Landon Joseph Duckworth Heart Song Fowler Foxworth Lindsay Norris Dunham magna cum laude cum laude Leslie Ann Frohnaple Murdoch MacRae Dunn III magna cum laude Kathleen Elizabeth Durkin Mary Kathryn Fulp cum laude Jenna Renae Fulton Carol Rose Dwan Floyd William Gabbert Jr. magna cum laude Justin Francis Gallo University Honors with Kathleen Kelly Garfield honors in Psychology Kyle Jonathan Gavitt Sarah Ruth Eckard Katie Ann Gay Erin Nicole Eckardt Matthew Carl Gayford Kelly Suzanne Edge cum laude Tiffany Lynn Edgell with honors in Psychology Rebecca Leigh Edwards Jeanine Miller Gendreau Stephanie Efferson Ann magna cum laude Neal Michael Eichhorn Patrick B. Gerber Allison Kim Eidenmiller Janine Shizuko Gericke Albert Edward Eisele III Brittany Michaele German Michael Benjamin Eitelberg magna cum laude Tauheed N. El Amin Maria Jean Giandomenico summa cum laude Jessica Bongiorno Gibbs Timothy Wayne Ellis Victoria Anne Glasser magna cum laude magna cum laude Kitrina Elizabeth Glover Josh Edmond Hayes John Kevin Godbold Justin Michael Hayes Derek Wayne Godwin Raymond Millard Hayes III Kyle David Godwin Richard Ross Hedrick Kelsee Amanda Gomes Corey Francis Heim cum laude Linnie Sarah Cook Helpern Gabriel Jose Gonzalez Jeremy Steele Helsabeck Andrew Grady Gordon Michelle Leigh Hemby Rosalind Schuhalter Gordon David Brian Henderson Thomas Aaron Gorman Logan Reed Hendricks Millie Lee Grady Brett James Henley Lucas Joseph Grannan cum laude Joshua David Greene Emily Elizabeth Henley Shannon Nicole Greene Laura Maria Henzel Pamela Bandolas Greenough Marc Alan Henzel with honors in Art Janie Wilson Heslep Dustin Finch Griffin Catherine Clarissa Higginbotham Nicholas Kyle Grimm Caroline Ruth Hightower Andrew Stephen Grocki Katherine Ann Hill Donna Chong Grody cum laude Amber Jean Grogan Maria Lynne Pepper Capps Hill magna cum laude James Billy Hill III Bethany Lynn Grundell Jessica Leigh Hodges cum laude magna cum laude Katherine Josephine Guarino Lillian Guthrie Hood cum laude cum laude with honors in Anthropology with honors in Psychology Matthew Thomas Gurkin Amanda Jane Hoover Daniel Edward Hacker magna cum laude Jason Daniel Hacker Stefanie Jillian Home magna cum laude
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