Th e New Hampshire Gazette, Friday, May 29, 2015 — Page 1 First Class U.S. The New Hampshire Gazette Postage Paid A Non-Fiction Newspaper Portsmouth, N.H. Vol. CCLIX, No. 18 The Nation’s Oldest Newspaper™ • Editor: Steven Fowle • Founded 1756 by Daniel Fowle Permit No. 75 May 29, 2015 PO Box 756, Portsmouth, NH 03802 • [email protected] • www.nhgazette.com Address Service Requested Th e Fortnightly Rant An Inconvenient Catastrope It is probably safe to say that, to obscure the truth: “Knowing after hearing innumerable tales what we know now, would you of chaos and bloodshed com- have invaded Iraq?” Th e question ing without interruption, for a falsely implies that “faulty intelli- quarter-century now, from the gence” had been the problem. alleged cradle of civilization, that A better question might be, the average American heartily “Knowing what we know now, wishes that Iraq and the whole would you have leaned on our Middle East would just go away. national intelligence services Th e average American, though, to cherry pick dubious factoids has never felt Ramadi’s heat, or from unreliable sources who had smelled its streets, or tasted its axes to grind, then fed that false dust. It would be a lot to ask information to complicit media of the atypical Americans, the stooges so they would write sto- members of the other one per- ries that would unduly alarm the cent, who have conducted Amer- public and convince Congress to ican foreign policy while wearing go along with your plans for an combat gear, to just write off illegal invasion of a sovereign na- and forget the place where their tion, then send a highly respect- brothers and sisters died. ed offi cial to lie to the United Tension has been building for Nations in order to provide cover years between these divergent for your criminal enterprise?” feelings, each embedded deeply If that question is too com- in our body politic. Like electri- plicated for today’s short atten- student, of all things. Déjà Vu All Over Again, Again Why do we put up with this? cal charges in storm clouds, they tion spans, here’s a simpler one: Speaking in Reno on May 13th, So, after marching for twelve Because Pakistan’s got Th e Bomb. yearn to be discharged. Fate, that “Knowing what we know now, Bush spoke as if the tragic fall of years towards the center of Hell, How did that come about? old trickster, allowed this situ- would you have ignored the myr- Ramadi could be laid at Presi- what have we gotten for our “[Richard Nixon’s 1971] de- ation to fester until our Presi- iad voices, in and out of govern- dent Obama’s doorstep — as if troubles? More than four thou- cision to send a nuclear aircraft dential campaign got properly ment, who said there was no le- history had begun on January, sand Americans dead, tens of carrier task-force to the Bay of underway. gitimate case for war, and warned 20, 2009. thousands more wounded, Iraqi Bengal led to an acceleration of Now Ramadi has fallen. Ac- that an invasion would do more Ivy Ziedrich, exempt from the casualties beyond number, and the Indian nuclear programme,” cording to civics textbooks (as- harm than good?” strictures of modern journalis- trillions of dollars sent ablaze wrote an advisor to Indian Prime suming that those quaint items Bush, Whacked tic etiquette, pointed out that it up the fl ue. Oh, yes — and one Minister Indira Gandhi, quoted still exist) such a crisis should Predictably and justifi ably, the had been the previous Admin- murderous Caliphate, slouching in Mark Feldstein’s Poisoning the serve as an opportunity for mul- candidate being grilled most istration which had fi red the towards Baghdad to be born. Press. Nixon’s decision was based tiple, competing demonstra- closely on Ramadi and the larger Iraqi Army, and sent its offi cer People used to credit their on intelligence from Morarji tions of vision, leadership, and issue of Iraq has been Jeb Bush. corps home with their weapons muses, now we just quote the Desai, a Indian Right Winger statemanship. In what may have been a mis- to nurse their grievances. In case meme: “Th anks, Obama.” believed by no one except Nixon Provided, of course, that our guided attempt to display ver- he didn’t get the point, she then It’s enough to make a person and Henry Kissinger. corporate media will allow that. satility and imagination, he has said, “Your brother created ISIS.” wish that catastrophes could be “Pakistan inevitably followed,” Th e odds don’t look good. given, at one time or another, just It was refreshing to see the tracked by DNA. Like Pakistan, Feldstein writes, “by developing Asking the Wrong Question about every conceivable answer truth pop up in the nation’s news for instance. Pakistan is our ally, its own atomic arsenal and then What the blathering heads to the now-standard question. feed. Too bad we don’t get more except when it backs the Taliban supplied nuclear weapons tech- have done for us instead is gin To be fair, Bush may have been of that. Maybe we need more in- in Afghanistan or hides Osama nology to Iran, Libya, and North up a classic, standardized, off - rattled early on in the process — nocent 19 year-olds in the press bin Laden just down the road Korea, rogue nations with ties to the-shelf wrong question certain by a 19 year-old student college corps. from their own West Point. anti-American terrorists.” Th e Alleged News® Important If True! Not to be unduly alarmist here, “will be considered aiding & Yvonne Dean-Bailey, a 19 ed millions and created his PAC Bernie! but, according to an email re- abetting the enemy.” So, don’t say year-old Republican and Mount to help libertea [sic] Republicans Sen. Bernie Sanders of Ver- ceived Wednesday morning, we we didn’t warn you. Holyoke student, won that get elected across the country. mont announced his candidacy are now under Martial Law. Th e usual computerized sleuth- election on May 19th, defeat- His interest in or ties to Rock- Tuesday, May 26th. Th e next day Th is is according to a Writ of ing has revealed the origin of this ing Democrat Maureen Mann. ingham 32? Zero.” he held a Town Meeting at the Mandamus issued by the Unifi ed alleged writ to be the National Susan Bruce, a blogger from Th e pattern of small donations South Church here in Ports- United States Common Law Liberty Alliance, based in Val- Conway, has been tracking Ms. from individuals was peculiar, mouth. Clearly, this is a man Grand Jury. Since extraordinary halla, NY. Th e County Clerk of Dean-Bailey’s political career at as well. On one disclosure form, who knows what he is doing. claims require extraordinary Broome County, NY, responded her excellent SusanTh eBruce.blog- dated March 11th, Bruce found Sadly, our production schedule proof, here’s the signature of the to one of the Alliance’s writs by spot.com. that out of 56 donations, only prevents us from reporting on Grand Jury Foreman: calling it “a true example of Ear- Bruce found Dean-Bailey to two were from Dean-Bailey’s that event here. We can, however, ly American Gibberish, coupled be “remarkably well-fi nanced.” district. As of May 16th, only nine off er these words from his an- with malarky and hokum, and as In a fi eld where candidates typ- residents of Rockingham 32 had nouncement: such is rejected for fi ling.” ically raise about $1,000, she donated. More of her support “Th is type of rigged econo- A Very Special Election, Indeed collected more than $3,000 from came from places like Connecti- my is not what America is sup- Candia, Deerfi eld, North- half a dozen state-based PACs. cut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, poed to be about. Th is has got In case you can’t read that, it’s wood, and Nottingham, the four Th e State Republican Commit- Iowa, Montana, Ohio, Texas, to change…. In the last mid- … oh … well, maybe the Grand towns which make up Rocking- tee nearly matched that fi gure, Virginia, and Washington, DC. term election, some 63 percent Jury Foreman’s name is Grand ham County’s House District 32, spending $2,713 for a mailer and Cyber-Whoops of Americans did not vote …. Jury Foreman. held a special election recently robocalls on her behalf. Kelly Ayotte should have been Combatting this political alien- As card-carrying members at a cost of $20,000 each. Th e Th is was the real eye-open- more careful. Apparently she has ation, this cynicism, and this le- of the media we have been or- special election was necessary er, though: “Th e Liberty for All allowed a Democrat to obtain the gitimate anger, will not be easy, dered by this Writ, under penal- because Brian Dobson, who was PAC has spent $4,301.46 on URL KellyAyotte.com. Visitors that’s for sure. But that is exact- ty of law, to “perform [our] First elected last November, resigned mailings for Dean-Bailey. Th is to it will fi nd a fully-functional ly what, together, we must do, if Amendment duty to sound the before being sworn in. He quit to PAC was founded by a young Frank Guinta for Congress web- we’re going to turn this country alarm and inform the People.” work for doomed Congressman glibertarian [sic] guy from Texas site.
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