Worthless? Exit Seib, enter Davis Analysis reveals course evaluations UGA confirms Kelley faculty-oriented, proposal too late for students By ANDREW WILSON teacher" to the prerequisites for lish course evaluation books and By BRUCE NICKERSON Philip M. Seib '70 started last faculty promotion, was approved to stage a Harrambee House pro- Every semester Princeton stu- Theodore R. Tauchert, one of night's UGA meeting with a short unanimously. duction, and a report calling for dents probably spend more than the three faculty members of the speech about the Assembly's In another academic move, the the creation of a "Community Re- 3000 hours filling out course eval- committee, did not even realize shortcomings in the past year; Assembly approved a Mark P. lations Task Force." uations. that the evaluations had not been passing the gavel to Jerome Smith '71 resolution calling on the The Assembly did move to fill But now that course cards have published. Davis '71, he became president- university to establish a"Council several vacant posts, however. been due under penalty of fines Tauchert did not expect any emeritus, and left "to start my of the Arts and Sciences," where- Juanita E. Ray '71 was temporar- for nearly a week the results of changes in the evaluations other thesis." in students not wishing to join ily appointed to the student-fac- course evaluations for last fall's than the "wording of a few ques- Davis' first meeting was a rela- departments could follow "un- ulty Discipline Committee, and term are still unpublished. tions." tively uneventful one. Professor structured" programs. five replacement representatives Registrar Bruce Finnic said were named to Yet the present questions, such Stanley Kelley addressed the As- In a flurry of procrastination, fill the seats of newly elected as those dealing with the sembly, and brought up another four resolutions were postponed. officers. profes- Absentees: Charen, News analysis sor's distracting mannerisms and section of his committee's report Tabled were: a resolution ask- Dickerson, Ewen, Fruchtman, the "general attitude and pre- for approval. ing Food Services to free sopho- Harr, Muther, they "maybe Olen, Olson, Peters, Schumacher, would be ready in paredness of fellow raera- The section in question, calling mores from mandatory Commons class Anton, Warmenhoven, Roland. a week." (Continued on page four) for the addition of "ability as a dining, requests for funds to pub- One of the problems is that Mrs. Carolyn S. Dawson who BULLETIN writes the program for exam sche- Despite attempts to insure duling also is responsible for the peace in the demonstrations at course evaluations. Daily Vale this weekend, a student-fac- Even if they had been publish- PRINCETONIANThe ulty committee established to ed in time they are not arranged Vol. XCIV, No. 59 Princeton, N.J., Thursday, April 30, 1970 10 cents monitor activities notes that the to provide useful information to possibility for disorder "appears students considering courses. significantly greater than any The evaluation of each course previous demonstration." is several pages long and the CDC postpones frosh room draw The ' committee recommended response to each of the possible that "children and high school stu- 108 questions contains more than dents should not attend the dem- sixty different statistics. due to available singles shortage onstrations in New Haven," be- The Calhoun-KAnder report of cause reports of the existence of the UGA suggests that a book- By ED HAMPDEN available to the 66 freshmen who "We're hoping that two man white vigilante and radical groups let condensing the results of the The Central Dormitory Council had signed up for singles. Of groups will recognize that very are too persistent to be ignored. course evaluations be published. (CDC) today distributed a letter the 54 rooms, 20 must be reserved few nice doubles exist, and will The monitoring committee felt This proposal will be consider- to all rooms explaining that for freshmen and "special cir- be willing, to pick up a third that none of the groups involved ed by the Committee on Course freshman room draw ha 9been cumstances," Assistant Dean of man." in the planning of the May 1 and Evaluation at its May 5 meet- postponed until May 4 due to a .Students John G. Danielson said Jones added that extra singles 2 demonstrations want disorder, ing, the first meeting of the com- shortage of single rooms. Tuesday. might be available in Brown Hall but warned of several serious de- mittee since "last October or No- When the sophomore room The Council is asking all 66 next year if funds ($50,000) and ficiencies in the organization and vember" according to committee draw ended yesterday, only 54 freshmen who were planning to time can be found to convert the planning of the demonstration, member Thomas J. Dueterberg singles (most of them in Lourie- draw singles "to try and make eight doubles in Brown to 16 noting lack of clear guidelines '72. Love or 1940 Halls) were still other arrangements and regroup singles. and control policies. with friends in other alignments." Any new group which contains a freshman who originally signed Angered Greeks accuse up for a single will move into Quaremba raps deferments, the time slot of the original group which had the higher priority of unlimited campaign expenses diplomat two. former Talbot the By JERRY RAYMOND Freshmen (including those who James A. '60, a 32- roots campaign in an attempt to By TIM JOHNSON Quaremba signed up in two or three man -year-old candidate for the New convince people that "govern- After a speech on "Problems in groups) who still want singles Jersey Republican nomination for ment can work. given night by Greece" last Phil- must notify room draw head- the Senate, yesterday appeared "I firmly believe that govern- ipps Talbot, 10 persons, some of quarters in Lower Cloister by 5 at Clio Hall to discuss with 20 ment has been a failure. But Greek origin, charged the former p.m. tomorrow. persons his view of the need for the problem is that the govern- Ambassador to Greece with U.S. If the singles are still over- a new politics. ment officials are not really the crimes ranging from "falsifica- subscribed for, a lottery for the The young New York trial people's choice. tion" to "responsibility for the available singles will be held Fri- lawyer takes what he admits is ''They are the choice of the torture and everything going else day at 10 a.m. Freshmen who an "unpopular stand" on the corporate moguls" who control on in Greece today." enter the lottery and do not get draft, urging the end of student elected officials because of the Talbot spoke calmly and delib- a single must find another group- and occupational deferments. need for unlimited funds in con- erately, noting, "In a time of ing by the following Monday He disagrees with Nixon's hope ducting successful campaigns, emotionality a talk can generate morning. to end the draft. "I don't think Quaremba claimed. more heat." Room draw will resume at it is realistic to consider a vol- Laws limiting campaign ex- Traces events 12:50 p.m. next Monday with unteer army in time of war. penditures should be legislated In his 40-minute lecture, Talbot groups listed for April 29 draw- "It would be bad to develop a and enforced to enable candidates outlined Greek-American interna- ing first and so on. southern officer corps and an all- to be free from outside influence, tional relations since WWII, cen- David A. Jones- '72, chairman black enlisted corps," he said, he said. tering on events since the 1967 of the CDC, said, "the solution claiming that Nixon's idea for a "Until the quality of politics military coup d'etat which placed is not an optimum one, but it is volunteer army is a "dangerous is improved, the quality of the the present regime in power. the best we could do under the proposal." environment will not improve," Ex-ambassador Talbot Talbot said he had no prior circumstances. Quaremba is conducting a grass Quaremba concluded. knowledge of the coup, a point which was heatedly debated later. U.S.-backed Viets He further pointed out, "We were the only government that invade Cambodia took any action, other than oral, SAIGON (AP) — Thousands to express our dissatisfaction" of South Vietnamese troops, aided with the new Greek leadership in by U.S. combat support elements, 1967. crossed into Cambodia Wednesday Aristides Terzis GS, one of the to launch a new operation against "Princeton 13," spoke first during Communist command forces, the the question and answer period, Defense Ministry announced, saying, Talbot's speech "was so full of falsifications and half- [All faculty members have been truths it would take me two urged to attend an unofficial emer- hours" to reply. gency meeting on the Southeast The substance of the charges Asian situation which will be held and questions by Terzis and oth- at 10:30 this morning in front of ers was contained in a leaflet the library, or in the Chapel in passed out to the audience before case of rain.] the speech began. Dependence charged The ministry said the South "The fascist government in Vietnamese command had asked Greece is, and has been since its for and received U.S. support. beginning, fully supported by the The U.S. Command followed up United States and depends on this with the announcement that ad- support for its very existence," visers and air, logistic, medical claimed the leaflet. and artillery support are being The debate became more and provided by the United States to more heated until Bleiman inter- South Vietnamese forces "in rupted, "Nothing he can say will counterattacks" against North change views passionately held." Photo by Ed Pauly Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces Noting the late hour, he called Most participants in the Woodrow Wilson School fountain frolic yesterday afternoon were willing; in the Parrot's Beak area of Cam- the session to an end, much to the however, the spirit of wine and magnolias overcame several fine young lads and a lady who went for an bodia.
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