

FAMILY Opisthoproctidae Schmidt, 1918 - barreleyes, spookfishes [=Opisthoproctides, Doliocopteryginae, Macropinnidae, Winteriidae] Notes: Opisthoproctidés Roule, 1915:177 [ref. 33061] family) Opisthoproctus [published not in latinized form after 1899, not available] Opisthoproctidae Schmidt, 1918:28 [ref. 32602] (family) Opisthoproctus Doliocopteryginae [Dolichopteryginae] Fowler, 1934a:256 [ref. 1416] (subfamily) Dolichopteryx [stem corrected to Dolichopteryg- by Fowler 1934b:163 [ref. 32669] and by Fowler 1936c:1161 [ref. 6546], confirmed by Myers & Storey 1956:15 [ref. 32831]; stem sometimes seen as Dolichoptery-] Macropinnidae Chapman, 1939:508 [ref. 817] (family) Macropinna Winteriidae Chapman, 1942:301 [ref. 818] (family) Winteria [family name sometimes seen as Winteridae] GENUS Bathylychnops Cohen, 1958 - barreleyes [=Bathylychnops Cohen [D. M.], 1958:48] Notes: [ref. 877]. Masc. Bathylychnops exilis Cohen, 1958. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Bathylychnops Cohen, 1958 -- (Cohen 1973:156 [ref. 6589], Cohen in Whitehead et al. 1984:395 [ref. 13675], Ahlstrom et al. 1984:156 [ref. 13627], Fujii in Masuda et al. 1984:42 [ref. 6441], Badcock 1988:423 [ref. 24463], Parin et al. 2009:839 [ref. 30628]). Current status: Valid as Bathylychnops Cohen, 1958. Opisthoproctidae. Species Bathylychnops brachyrhynchus (Parr, 1937) - Parr's barreleye (author) [=Dolichopteryx brachyrhynchus Parr [A. E.], 1937:37, Fig. 15] Notes: [Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University v. 3 (art. 7); ref. 3376] Off Cat Island, Bahamas, 24°29'N, 75°53'W, 7000 feet wire out. Current status: Valid as Bathylychnops brachyrhynchus (Parr, 1937). Opisthoproctidae. Distribution: Apparently found in all oceans. Habitat: marine. Species Bathylychnops chilensis Parin et al., 2009 - Southeastern Pacific barreleye (author) [=Bathylychnops chilensis Parin [N. V.], Belyanina [T. N.] & Evseenko [S. A.], 2009:840, Fig. 1] Notes: [Journal of Ichthyology v. 49 (no. 10); ref. 30628] Southeastern Pacific, 34°16'S, 73°24'W. Current status: Valid as Bathylychnops chilensis Parin, Belyanina & Evseenko, 2009. Opisthoproctidae. Distribution: Southeastern Pacific. Habitat: marine. Species Bathylychnops exilis Cohen, 1958 - javelin spookfish [=Bathylychnops exilis Cohen [D. M.], 1958:50, Figs. 1-5] Notes: [Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin v. 7 (no. 3); ref. 877] About 1500 miles south of Dutch Harbor, Aleutians, North Pacific, 39°08'N, 164°51'W, depth 0-100 meters. Current status: Valid as Bathylychnops exilis Cohen, 1958. Opisthoproctidae. Distribution: North Pacific and North Atlantic. Habitat: marine. GENUS Dolichopteroides Parin et al., 2009 - barreleyes [=Dolichopteroides Parin [N. V.], Belyanina [T. N.] & Evseenko [S. A.], 2009:847, 848] Notes: [ref. 30628]. Dolichopterus binocularis Beebe, 1932. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Type species established in Acknowledgments (p. 839). •Valid as Dolichopteroides Parin, Belyanina & Evseenko, 2009. Current status: Valid as Dolichopteroides Parin, Belyanina & Evseenko, 2009. Opisthoproctidae. Species Dolichopteroides binocularis (Beebe, 1932) - binocular barreleye (author) [=Dolichopteryx binocularis Beebe [W.], 1932:49, Fig. 8] Notes: [Zoologica, Scientific Contributions of the New York Zoological Society v. 13 (no. 4); ref. 16099] 14 miles southeast of Nonsuch Island, Bermuda, depth 400 fathoms. Current status: Valid as Dolichopteroides binocularis (Beebe, 1932). Opisthoproctidae. Distribution: Atlantic and Indian oceans. Habitat: marine. GENUS Dolichopteryx Brauer, 1901 - barreleyes [=Dolichopteryx Brauer [A.], 1901:127] Notes: [ref. 630]. Fem. Dolichopteryx anascopa Brauer, 1901. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Dolichopteryx Brauer, 1901 -- (Cohen 1973:157 [ref. 6589], Cohen in Whitehead et al. 1984:396 [ref. 13675], Ahlstrom et al. 1984:156 [ref. 13627], Fujii in Masuda et al. 1984:42 [ref. 6441], Paxton & Cohen 1999:1887 [ref. 24738], Kobyliansku & Fedorov 2001:125 [ref. 25190], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:154 [ref. 25968], Carter & Hartel 2003:872 [ref. 27000], Parin 2005:139 [ref. 28180], Fukui & Kitagawa 2006:7 [ref. 28500], Fukui & Kitagawa 2006:113 [ref. 28687], Fukui et al. 2008:267 [ref. 29762], Parin et al. 2009:841 [ref. 30628]). Current status: Valid as Dolichopteryx Brauer, 1901. Opisthoproctidae. Species Dolichopteryx anascopa Brauer, 1901 - Cocos Islands barreleye (author) [=Dolichopteryx anascopa Brauer [A.], 1901:127] Notes: [Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Gesamten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg No. 8; ref. 630] 10°08'02"S, 97°14'09"E, west of Cocos Islands, Indian Ocean, Valdivia station 182, depth 2400 meters. Current status: Valid as Dolichopteryx anascopa Brauer, 1901. Opisthoproctidae. Distribution: Indian Ocean (west of Cocos Islands) [southeastern Pacific and South Atlantic (Meteor submarine ridge) not this species]. Habitat: marine. Species Dolichopteryx andriashevi Parin et al., 2009 - Philippines barreleye (author) [=Dolichopteryx andriashevi Parin [N. V.], Belyanina [T. N.] & Evseenko [S. A.], 2009:843, Fig. 5] Notes: [Journal of Ichthyology v. 49 (no. 10); ref. 30628] Philippines, 5°58'N, 127°44'E, station 4490. Current status: Valid as Dolichopteryx andriashevi Parin, Belyanina & Evseenko, 2009. Opisthoproctidae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine. Species Dolichopteryx longipes (Vaillant, 1888) - brownsnout spookfish [=Aulostoma longipes Vaillant [L. L.], 1888:340, Pl. 27 (fig. 4)] Notes: [Expéditions scientifiques du "Travailleur" et du "Talisman"; ref. 4496] Coast of Morocco, Talisman station 47, depth 1163 meters. Current status: Valid as Dolichopteryx longipes (Vaillant, 1888). Opisthoproctidae. Distribution: Tropical North Atlantic [and Galápagos Islands (Pacific) and possible circumglobal in warm seas]. Habitat: marine. Species Dolichopteryx minuscula Fukui & Kitagawa, 2006 - Japanese barreleye (author) [=Dolichopteryx minuscula Fukui [A.] & Kitagawa [Y.], 2006:114, Figs. 1-3] Notes: [Ichthyological Research v. 53 (no. 2); ref. 28687] Off northern Honshu, Japan, 39°11.7'N, 143°55.2'E, depth 2000-0 meters over depth 5050 meters. Current status: Valid as Dolichopteryx minuscula Fukui & Kitagawa, 2006. Opisthoproctidae. Distribution: Western North Pacific. Habitat: marine. Species Dolichopteryx parini Kobyliansky & Federov, 2001 - winged spookfish [=Dolichopteryx parini Kobyliansky [S. G.] & Fedorov [V. V.], 2001:125, Fig.] Notes: [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 41 (no. 1); ref. 25190] Okhotsk Sea, 54°03.6'N, 147°57.5'E, depth 500-2000 meters. Current status: Valid as Dolichopteryx parini Kobyliansky & Fedorov, 2001. Opisthoproctidae. Distribution: North Pacific, Sea of Okhotsk and Berine Sea. Habitat: marine. Species Dolichopteryx pseudolongipes Fukui, et al., 2008 - spookfish [=Dolichopteryx pseudolongipes Fukui [A.], Kitagawa [Y.] & Parin [N. V.], 2008:268, Figs. 1-2] Notes: [Ichthyological Research v. 55 (no. 3); ref. 29762] Off California, 32°42.7'N, 117°33.0'W, eastern Pacific, depth 400 meters to surface. Current status: Valid as Dolichopteryx pseudolongipes Fukui, Kitagawa & Parin, 2008. Opisthoproctidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: off California and Baja California. Habitat: marine. Species Dolichopteryx rostrata Fukui & Katagawa, 2006 - North Atlantic barreleye (author) [=Dolichopteryx rostrata Fukui [A.] & Kitagawa [Y.], 2006:8, Figs. 1-2] Notes: [Ichthyological Research v. 53 (no. 1); ref. 28500] West of Hebrides Islands, eastern North Atlantic, 57°29.11'N, 11°32.07'W, depth 600 meters to surface. Current status: Valid as Dolichopteryx rostrata Fukui & Kitagawa, 2006. Opisthoproctidae. Distribution: North Atlantic. Habitat: marine. Species Dolichopteryx trunovi Parin, 2005 - Antarctic barreleye (author) [=Dolichopteryx trunovi Parin [N. V.], 2005:139, Fig. 1] Notes: [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 45 (no. 1); ref. 28180] Southeastern Pacific, 53°01'S, 109°30'W, 4200 meters wire out. Current status: Valid as Dolichopteryx trunovi Parin, 2005. Opisthoproctidae. Distribution: Subantarctic zone. Habitat: marine. Species Dolichopteryx vityazi Parin et al., 2009 - Vityaz's barreleye (author) [=Dolichopteryx vityazi Parin [N. V.], Belyanina [T. N.] & Evseenko [S. A.], 2009:846, Fig. 7] Notes: [Journal of Ichthyology v. 49 (no. 10); ref. 30628] West-central Pacific, area of eastern Caroline Islands, 7°35'N, 162°01'E. Current status: Valid as Dolichopteryx vityazi Parin, Belyanina & Evseenko, 2009. Opisthoproctidae. Distribution: West-central Pacific. Habitat: marine. GENUS Ioichthys Parin, 2004 - barreleyes [=Ioichthys Parin [N. V.], 2004:437] Notes: [ref. 28005]. Masc. Ioichthys kashkini Parin, 2004. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Ioichthys Parin, 2004 -- (Parin et al. 2009:841 [ref. 30628]). Current status: Valid as Ioichthys Parin, 2004. Opisthoproctidae. Species Ioichthys kashkini Parin, 2004 - Arabian barreleye (author) [=Ioichthys kashkini Parin [N. V.], 2004:438, Fig.] Notes: [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 44 (no. 4); ref. 28005] Arabian Sea, 8°41'N, 64°08'E, more than 700 meters. Current status: Valid as Ioichthys kashkini Parin, 2004. Opisthoproctidae. Distribution: Arabian Sea and (?) northeastern Pacific. Habitat: marine. GENUS Macropinna Chapman, 1939 - barreleyes [=Macropinna Chapman [W. M.], 1939:509] Notes: [ref. 817]. Fem. Macropinna microstoma Chapman, 1939. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Macropinna Chapman, 1939 -- (Fujii in Masuda et al. 1984:41 [ref. 6441], Ahlstrom et al. 1984:156 [ref. 13627], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:154 [ref. 25968]). Current

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