Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1963-1964 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1963 Eastern Progress - 27 Sep 1963 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1963-64/2 , r '- f \ Welcome First Alumni CKEA Delegates News Pa&e 6 "Setting The Pace In y^S^^^r A Progressive Era" ■*£*r V- Friday, Sept.mb.r 27, 1963 Student Publication of Eastern State College, Richmond, Kentucky 41 st Year No. 2 CKEA Convenes Here Today; Organization Coliseum Dedication Attracts 6,500 Persons; Dr. Norman Peale To Speak Heads To Meet Noxt Tuesday in the Little Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. the L.H D. degree. a"d William noted author and lecturer, is the Jewell College, the L.L.D. Theater ft 4:16 p.m.. there will be a meeting of all organization ugh Says principal speaker at the 34th an- He is a memi>er of the New Is Prepared nual meeting of the Central Ken- York Civic League; the executive and class presidents. The tucky Education Association be- committee of t,!* Presbyter Ian meeting i3 being held for three ing held today at Eastern. Minister Fund for Life Insurance; General sessions of the annual a member o' the mid-century basic purposes. CKEA. meeting are scheduled White House Conference on Child- In the first place, Bill Bo- Governor Combs Accepts for the newly-completed Alumni ren and Youth; president Niliora haning. Organizations Section Coliseum, which will be dedicated Temperance Society: Episcopal as a convention hall during the Actors' Guild of America: Alpha Editor of the Milestone, will day-long program. Delta: Phi Gamma Delta; Masons; give .">n explanation concenvng Structure For State An estimated 4,000 teachers and and Rotary. pictures of organizations for the educators are expected to attend. He has been chaplain of the yearbook. "Eastern is on the threshold of body serves as the basic pre-rcquis- Dr. Peale's address is schedul- American Legion. Kings County. new day. for she Is more than ite for creative leadership for in- ed for 1:30 p.m. AH college New York, and was the recipient Secondly, Don Showalter, adequately prepared to administer tellectual vigor, and personal ef- faculty and students and the gen- In 1952 of both the Freedom Foun- vice-president of the Student to the whole individual--mental- fectiveness." eral public are invited to this pro- dation Award and the Horatio Council, will explain the elec- ly, socially, morally, and physi- Health Is Important gram. Alger Award. tion of the Student Council rep- cally." Pastor of the Marble Collegiate Dr. Robert R. Martin, president resentatives for the 1963-6* ^ He added that "education cannot Reformed Church, New York City, of host Eastern welcomed the ed- So said Dr. Thomas E. McDon- alone convert a fat, lazy society Dr. Peale is the author of best- ucators to the campus and to the school year. ough, ^director of physical educa- into a lean aggressive one, but sellers, "The Power of Positive Alumni Coliseum during the firs: Finally, nominations for Miss tion and athletics at Emory Uni- schools and colleges must m i::e Thinking," ;"The Art of Living." general session this morning. Eastern will be accepted Ken- versity, and the first head of the an effort to help students under- and of "You Can Win: A Guide to Others appearing on the pro- neth Miller, Editor-in-chief of physical education department at stand the importance of health." Confident Living." He is also co- gram include: Mrs. Hollis O'Neal. ;h>> Milestone, said thsjt the Eastern. "For years, health, physical ed- author of "Faith Is the Answer" C.K.E.A. president; Roger Jones, nominations will be narrowed Speaking before a crowd of ucation, athletics and recreation and "The Art of Real Happiness." president-elect of KEA; Talton K. down to five gir's according to nearly 6,500 people last Monday, McDonough was the principle have been debated subjects which Editor of Guldepost Stone and Miss Virginia Murrell, certain qualifications which will have finally gained recognition as He was the'editor of "Guide- NEA Directors from Ky.; Dr. Ljt- be explained at the meeting. speaker at _dedicition ceremonies solid areas in our curriculum." posts," an inspirational magazine, man Ginger, dean, College of E1- ' Because of the extreme im- for Eastern's new $3 million Alum- "Eastern," he said, "leads the and the author of a newspaper ucation. University of Kentucky; portance of this meeting, all ni Coliseum. vanguard in the Commonwealth In column, "Confident Living." A Dr. Kenneth H. Thompson, as- McDonough, speaking on the speaker on the art of living on presidents of both organizations this respect, as evidenced by the sociate dean, Berea College, and and classes are urged to be subject "Man in Balance," tola completion of this splendid struc- national radio programs, Dr. Peale Dr. Ellis F. Hartford, executive present. the audience that "The healthy 1 has appeared on the television secretary. Council on Public High- ture." program "What's Your Trouble?" er Education. In addition. Dr. W. J. Moore, He has Served as pastor of the dean of the college, delivered the Methodist Episcopal Church in address in o b s e r vance %t the Berkeley, Rhode Island, Brooklyn Concert Dates founding of old Central Univer- and Syracuse. sity here in 1874. "Had it not been Dr. Peale received the A B. de- for Central University," he said, gree from Ohio Wesleyan Uni- Enrollment Record Falls; "Eastern, most likely, would not versity: the S.T.B. and A.M. de- have been located here." grees from Boston University, and Announced "The founding of Centre College the D.D. degree from Syracuse and Central University was a part University, Ohio Welseyan Uni- The Community Conceit Series of the great movement in college versity, and Duke University. La- Eigure To Go Even Higher of Richmond has announced the development in the Un'ted States fayette College conferred upon him dates for its annual membership which existed in the 19th century." stated Dr. Moore. "Chief dynamic Another record enrollment has last Saturday, the total had soared drive. For the benefit of all new students and faculty members. behind this movement was the been- recorded at Eastern, "accord- t., -1,887 -pia more than the pre- vtoua- record enrollment recorded convertK will, be heM 1n; Brock Christian missionary spirit." Extension Courses ing to Dr. Charles Ambrose, dean a year ago nt Eastern. Auditorium. Students will .'he ad- Martin Accepts Key of admissions and registrar. At' press time last night, unof- mitted upon showing their ID Fred J. Hartstern. Louisville ar- At 8:30 last Saturday morning flcal enrollment figures had pasted cards, but faculty members must chitect, presented President Rob- purchase tickets which are now ert R. Martin with a large bronze —thirty minutes after the regis- the 4,650 mark and the number Is To Be Organized expected to reach 4,700 before late being sold. key, ■ mbollc of the completion tration session began—a Harrods- registration ends Mr.nday.__ All students and faculty mem- of the hugh Coliseum. In present- bers who are interested in help- Organizational meetings for ex- burg graduate student became the Several teachers attending ing the key to Dr. Martin, Hart- tension courses to be offered by 4,270th student to enroll for class- C.K.E.A. today are expected to en- ing with the drive are invited to stern said, "I hope all of you have Eastern have been held in sever- attend a dinner at the Bcnault the same feeling of pride and sat- es for the fall semester. roll for Saturday and evening Inn on Monday evening. For fur- al strategic areas during the last classes. It was reported. isfaction as I have. Many hun- The record-breaking student, ther information about the drive dreds of young Americans will be three weeks. D. J. Carty, director The majority of 'the remaining of extension, . _J announced. Marshall Darnell, son of Mr. and and the Concert Series, contact trained here." Mrs. James Darnell, of Harrods- enrnllees In .the adult education Victor Messmer, a member of the Governor Bert T. Combs headed Eastern expects to offer college porgram will register tomorrow. instruction at some 20 extension burg. is a graduate assistant in Eastern commerce department a list of dignitaries who offered. centers this year. 'Last year, the office of the Dean of Student.', An enrollment of 4,700 on-eampus and chairman of the drive, in acceptance speeches. In his five college classes were held in 16 this year. < students would mean an increased room 202 Cammack building. minute address. Combs said. "On I centers, with 794 students taking When regular registration ended cl about 10 per cent over last fall's The Community Concert Series, behalf of the Commonwealth, I 39 courses, Carty said. total. sponsored by Columbia Artists, accept this great structure as a Meetings have been held at Registration continues through has been in existance for appioxi- symbol of making Eastern a great- Pulaski County High School Monday, the last day to enter an mately twenty years, and has er institution of higher education Somerset; Clay County High organized class for credit. brought many world famous ar- . and as a symbol of things School, Manchester; Lynn Camp tists to the Eastern campus. unfinished at Eastern and in the Cheerleaders The on-campus enrollment does Among this year's attractions High School, Corbin; Holmes not include more than 4,000 per- Saluting The Coliseum Commonwealth." High School, Covlngton; and are Thor Johnson and Dorothy sons enrolled in other college- Warenskjold.
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