Index to Academy Oral Histories Peggy Robertson Peggy Robertson (Script supervisor, Assistant to Alfred Hitchcock) Call number: OH131 The Academy (London theater), 6 Academy Awards, 137, 213, 264-265, 304-305, 379 ADAM AND EVELYNE, 12 ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS (television), 170, 203 Allardice, James, 196 Allen, Jay Presson, 276-277, 281 American Film Institute, 379-380 Andrews, Julie, 149, 286, 288-289 Antonioni, Michelangelo, 226, 299 Arosenius, Per-Axel, 319 Arrigo, Frank, 282-283 Asprey's (jewelry store), 118 Asquith, Anthony, 17, 19 Association of Cine Technicians (A.C.T.), 27, 56-57, 127 Baird, Teddy, 24 Baker, Diane, 240, 259-260, 277, 280 Balcon, Michael, 77 Bass, Saul, 204-205 Bates, Michael, 358 Batliner, William, 282 Beeson, Paul, 106-107 Bergdorf Goodman (department store), 178, 257-258 Bergman, Ingrid, 86, 88-89, 94-98, 111-112, 222, 354, 380 Berkeley, Ballard, 110 Bernstein, Sidney, 102-103, 222 Berwick, Ray, 234, 237, 256 THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES, 79 THE BIRDS, 168, 199, 228-229, 232-264, 267-268, 271-272, 277, 282, 289 Black, Karen, 365-366 BLACK CHIFFON (play), 84, 141 BLACK CHIFFON (unproduced film), 61, 84, 141-143 BLACK NARCISSUS, 71 Bodega Bay, California (location shooting), 238 Bogdanovich, Peter, 188, 274-275, 380-381 Boileau, Pierre, 199 Bone, Bob, 255 Booth, Margaret, 190 Boucher, Anthony, 201, 229 Boyle, Robert, 108, 178, 185-186, 189, 195, 234, 246-247, 255, 282, 298, 374, 378 Bridie, James, 89 Brown, James H., 244 Brown, Ned, 277 Browne, Roscoe Lee, 301, 312, 318 A Bullet in the Ballet (novel), 135 Bullock's Wilshire (department store), 383 Bumstead, Henry, 198, 224, 246, 368-369 Burks, Robert, 53, 162-163, 185, 187-188, 195, 245, 248-250, 266, 282, 284, 368-369 Burton, Richard, 110 CAESAR AND CLEOPATRA, 19 Calleia, Joseph, 81-82 Campbell, Vera, 57 Caprice Restaurant (London), 130 CARDBOARD CAVALIER, 47 Cardiff, Jack, 71-72, 103, 106 Carreras, James, 137, 139-140 Carroll, Leo G., 52-53, 88, 181 Carroll, Madeleine, 222 Cartwright, Veronica, 242-243 Cavanagh, James, 227 Chabrol, Claude, 272, 346 Charisse, Cyd, 181 Chasen's Restaurant (Los Angeles), 251, 301 Churchill, Winston, 67-68 Cineguild (production company), 30, 35, 40-41 Citron, Herman, 200 Clayton, Jack, 24 Coburn, Robert, 250-251 Colasanto, Nicholas, 371 Coleman, Herbert, 173, 200-201, 208, 321 Columbia Pictures, 44-45, 76 Colvig, Helen, 258-259 Communism, 56, 76 Connery, Sean, 277, 280 Conwell, Carolyn, 286 Cooper, Willkie, 133 Corbett, Eileen, 5, 12-14, 17, 21, 28, 32, 34 Corrick, Jack, 106 Cotten, Joseph, 86, 95-96 Cousteau, Jacques, 138-139 Covent Garden (location shooting), 332-333 Coward, Noel, 39-41 Cox, Jack, 163 The Crazy Gang (comedy troupe), 46-48 Cronyn, Hume, 89, 276 Dawn, Jack, 260 Dayton, Percy, 27 Deans, Marjorie, 29 Dearden, Basil, 61, 77-78 Dearden, James, 61, 78 Del Giudice, Filippo, 39, 41, 64 Del Giudice, Julio, 39 Deming, Norman, 244 Denham Studios, 5, 11-16, 23-24, 27, 36, 38, 56 Dern, Bruce, 281-282, 364-365 Devane, William, 174, 366 Devonshire, England (location shooting), 13-14 Dietrich, Marlene, 82, 115-118, 121-122, 129, 133 Di Palma, Carlo, 227 Disney studios, 252-253 Dmytryk, Edward, 76 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (novel), 296-297 DOCTOR NO, 95 Dor, Karin, 311 Dresdel, Sonia, 84, 141-142 DRIVING MISS DAISY, 264 Dudley-Ward, Penelope, 20 du Maurier, Daphne, 199, 229, 232 Ealing Studios, 46-47, 77 Electrical Trade Union (E.T.U.), 56, 127 Elvin, George, 56 Enfield, Cy, 85 Excelsior Films (production company), 83 Eythe, William, 59 Fairbanks, Douglas Jr., 142-143 Fairbanks, Douglas Sr., 142 FAMILY PLOT, 174, 362-374, 383 Fast, Howard, 297 Fehr, Rudi, 172 Ferry, Odette, 323 Field, Sid, 47 Film Society at Lincoln Center, 359-360 Finch, Jon, 329, 359 THE FIRST OF THE FEW, 35-36, 38-39, 44 FLAMINGO FEATHER (unproduced film), 298 FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT, 290 Formby, George, 6, 44, 74-75 Forsythe, John, 319 Foster, Barry, 310, 329-330 Foster-Kemp, Cecil, 129 Freeland, Thornton, 59-61, 84 Freeman, David, 374-378 French, Harold, 17-18 FRENZY, 126-128, 217, 291, 297, 310, 327-344, 349, 351, 353-359, 363, 372 FRIEDA, 61-62, 77-79 Friend, Charles, 18-20 Furse, Roger, 86 Gauthier, Suzanne, 224-225, 376 Geoffrey Stanley (production company), 236 Gish, Lillian, 363 Goldsmith, Stanley, 245-246 Goodbye Piccadilly, Farewell Leicester Square (novel), 327-328 Goodwyn, Ron, 332 Granada Films, 86 Grant, Cary, 53-54, 123, 181, 184, 186-188, 193-194 Green, Hilton, 204 GREEN GROW THE RUSHES, 7, 79 Greenbaum, Mutz, 38 Greville, Edmond, 81 Halsman, Philippe, 236 Hampton, Larry, 255 Harris, Barbara, 364 Harrison, Joan, 303 Harrison, Rex, 15 Harvey, Laurence, 197 THE HASTY HEART (play), 119, 122 Havelock-Allan, Tony, 30, 35-36, 40-42 Haynes, Stanley, 29 Head, Edith, 166-169, 256-259 Heckroth, Hein, 283 Hedren, Tippi, 222, 238-242, 260-261, 277, 279-280, 285-286 Hellman, Marcel, 59-60, 83-84, 119 HELLZAPOPPIN' (film), 54 Helmond, Katherine, 370 Helmore, Tom, 174 Hepburn, Audrey, 197-198 Herrick, Margaret, 304 Herrmann, Bernard, 163-166, 189, 195, 263-264, 283, 293-294 Heyerdahl, Thor, 137-138 Hildyard, Jack, 18, 38, 321 Hiller, Wendy, 20 Hitchcock, Alfred, 6-7, 33, 39, 49, 52-53, 57-58, 81, 86-117, 119-136, 145-147, 149-156, 159-241, 243-252, 255-383 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and actors, 116, 121-124, 130-131, 149, 213-214, 238, 243, 285-286, 357-358, 366-367 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and animals, 226, 235-237, 353 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and the auteur theory, 346-347 Hitchcock, Alfred -- cameo appearances, 124-125, 179, 247 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and camerawork, 103-106 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and casting, 95, 147, 180-183, 238-240, 288-289, 310-311, 314, 328-330, 356-359, 363, 365-366, 369 Hitchcock, Alfred -- developing new material, 198-202, 228-233, 276, 286-287, 296-300, 305-308, 327-328, 373-378 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and fashion, 99-100, 258 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and film credits, 102, 107, 173-174 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and food, 130-131, 300-302, 328, 337-338 Hitchcock, Alfred -- influences, 225-228, 299 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and interpretations of his films, 221-222, 275-276, 280-281, 346-349, 382-383 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and location shooting, 126, 262-263, 270-271 Hitchcock, Alfred -- on the MacGuffin, 191, 319-320, 344 Hitchcock, Alfred -- on-set attitude, 98-99, 109-111, 130, 244-245 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and politics, 290-291, 308, 312, 320 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and publicity, 195-197, 203, 216-218, 295-296, 367 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and reviews of his films, 321 Hitchcock, Alfred -- on suspense, 134-135, 192, 208-209, 305-306, 342-343 Hitchcock, Alfred -- storyboards, 49, 87-88, 93, 108-109, 124, 204-206 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and television, 101, 170, 196, 219 Hitchcock, Alfred -- Truffaut interview, 88-89, 98, 116, 178, 272-275 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and violence, 218-219, 335-337, 352-354 Hitchcock, Alfred -- and writers, 176-177, 210, 276-278, 309 Hitchcock, Alma Reville (wife), 100-101, 120-121, 170-171, 176, 238, 278-279, 316 Hitchcock, Patricia (daughter), 119-120, 125, 381 Hobson, Valerie, 41 Hoffman, Bud, 248-249 Hollywood Museum, 140-141 Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, 56 Hollywood Ten, 85 Houston, Renee, 31-32 Howard, Leslie, 12, 30, 35-39, 66-67 Huth, Harold, 36 I CONFESS, 163, 361 I SEARCH FOR ADVENTURE (television), 137-139 Ibbetson, Arthur, 107 ILLEGALLY YOURS, 381 IN WHICH WE SERVE, 16, 39-40 International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (I.A.T.S.E.), 57 Irons, Jeremy, 82 Irving Thalberg Award, 304 Isaacs, _____ (King's College professor), 9 Iwerks, Ub, 252-254 J. Walter Thompson (advertising agency), 31 JAMAICA INN, 111 Jarvis, Edward B., 112 JOHNNY BELINDA, 115 Jympson, John, 332 Katzin, Lee, 245 Kedrova, Lila, 293 Kelly, Grace, 239, 261, 310, 354 Kemp, Cecil Foster, 107-108 Kerr, Deborah, 20 Kilburn Empire (Hampstead theater), 6 King's College, London, 5, 8-9, 11 KON-TIKI, 137-138 The Kon-Tiki Expedition (book), 137 Korda, Alexander, 14 Korda, Vincent, 28-29 labor unions, 12, 27, 56-57, 67, 73, 127, 146, 156, 186 Landau, Martin, 180-181, 183 Landis, Carole, 33, 59, 80-83 Landis, Jessie Royce, 193 Latham, Louise, 281 Lauter, Ed, 369-370 Lazar, Irving "Swifty", 271 "The Laziest Gal in Town" (song), 121 Lean, David, 16-18, 29, 35, 39-41 Lehman, Ernest, 175-177, 189, 227, 363-364, 369, 371 Leigh, Janet, 202-203, 213-214 Leigh-Hunt, Barbara, 330 Leighton, Margaret, 86, 97 LES DIABOLIQUES, 227 Lesser, Julian "Bud", 137-139 Lesser, Sol, 36, 77, 85, 114, 136-145 Levy, Louis, 121 L'Hermitage (Los Angeles restaurant), 301 LIFEBOAT, 125, 247 Llewelyn, Richard, 80-81 Lockwood, Margaret, 68 Lohr, Marie, 20 London (location shooting), 126, 331-333 London Pavilion (theater), 7 Luraschi, Luigi, 216 Lux Toilet Soap, 12, 31-32 Lynch, Ken, 184 Lynn, Vera, 44 McCowen, Alec, 328 McCrorie, Alma, 172 McKelvey, Frank, 109-110, 195 MacKendrick, Alexander, 12, 31-32, 44 MAJOR BARBARA (film), 5, 12-35, 38 Malvern Girls' College, 5, 8-9 THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH (1956), 307-308 Marmstead, Percy, 138 Marnie (novel), 231-233, 279 MARNIE, 95, 107, 169, 199-200, 259, 276-285, 289, 295 Marsh, Jean, 330-331 Mary Rose (play), 297 MASK, 275, 381 Mason, James, 181 Massey, Anna, 330 Matthieu, J. P. "Pepe", 323 MEET ME AT DAWN, 45, 59-60, 83 Merchant, Vivien, 328, 359 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), 55, 190, 194-195, 199 Michelson, Harold, 246 Miles, Vera, 198, 214 Milo, George, 246 MOBY DICK (1956), 71 Mohr, Hal, 322 Monroe, Marilyn, 222 Moore, Brian, 286-287 Morahan, Thomas, 109, 111 Morley, Robert, 15 Mount Rushmore National Memorial (location shooting), 185, 189 Music Corporation of America (MCA), 200 Narcejac, Thomas, 199 National Association of Theatrical and Kine Employees
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