t} MORMONS ON THE HIGH SEAS OCEAN VOYAGE NARRATIVES TO AMERICA (1840-1890) GUIDE TO SOURCES IN THE HISTORICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS AND OTHER UTAH REPOSITORIES by Melvin L. Bashore and Linda L. Haslam Historical Department The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1990 3rd Revised Edition Copyright 1990 by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints All Rights Reserved rt.e.HUUJ B ~ !: L: Li HHid-!, • GniCfl/\!1;1 YULH'-JC UNlVERSiT'l PHC'"_~\/(). U I ,·\H INTRODUCTION During the nineteenth-century, almost 85,000 Mormon emigrants crossed the oceans to America. Motivated by the doctrine of gathering, they were drawn to the Great Basin in droves. The missionaries who converted them also accompanied them on their ocean voyages and across the continent. While compiling a source guide to Mormon pioneer companies crossing the plains, we realized that a source guide to ocean narratives might also be valued by family researchers and historians. Past experience in providing reference assistance to researchers and historians di eta ted the focus of this source guide. Na r ra ti ves of ocean travel and shipboard life of Mormon emigrants and missionaries found in published and unpublished letters, reports, and journals were included. These were further limited to primary accounts of voyages across the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean to America. Accounts of voyages in large organized companies, small groups, or single Mormon individuals were included. Accounts of the ocean travels of Mormons departing from American ports to other countries were not included in this guide. River travel narratives were also not included. A cutoff date of 1890 was established for this finding aid because the Church changed its gathering policy about that time. According to emigration historian Marjorie Newton, "from about 1890, the First Presidency began to look at the prospects of establishing a worldwide church, with permanent overseas missions and branches. Missionaries were urged to encourage their converts to remain in their native lands and build up the Church there." [BYU Studies 27:2 (Spring 1987) p. 76] Consult the "European Emi gra tlon Card Index" (also called the "Crossing the Ocean Index") in order to find the name of the ship on which an emigrant traveled. As its title implies, the "European Emigration Card Index" does not contain information about those who traveled across the Pacific Ocean to America. However, it is fairly complete for the nineteenth century period beginning in 1849, having been compiled from rosters and records maintained in the various European missions. Copies of this index reside in both the Historical Department and Family History Library. The Historical Department was the primary repository from which sources were identified and location pinpointed for this guide. Collections at the LDS Church Family History Library, Utah State Historical Society, Brigham Young University Harold B. Lee Library (Special Collections and Archives), Utah State University Merrill Library (Special Collections), and University of Utah Marriott Library (Special Collections) were also surveyed. However many of the sources contained herein may also be found in other libraries and archives, both in and outside Utah. Sources which were found in the Historical Department are identified as to their general location at the end of each reference: (A) refers to Archives Reading Room and (L) refers to Church Library. The catalogs in those respective areas must be consulted to obtain the call numbers to locate or request the desired documents. Some Historical Department call numbers are supplied to clarify the identification of selected sources, e.g., documents authored by Scandinavians with common names. Please recognize that call numbers are subject to change and the Historical Department catalogs should be consulted to identify the call number in order to request an item. Sources located in the LDS Church Family History Library (formerly the Genealogical Library) are identified by the abbreviation "FHL." Page numbers in this guide refer to the exact pages in the text (in both paginated manuscript and published sources) covering the ocean voyage experience. The guide is arranged alphabetically by ship name. ABBREVIATIONS (A) Archives, Historical Department, LDS Church Office Building (2nd Floor, East Wing) (FHL) Family History Library (formerly Genealogical Library), LDS Church, Salt Lake City, Utah ( L) Library, Historical Department, LDS Church Office Building (Main Floor, East Wing) CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF OR~~IZED MORMON SHIP COMPANIES (Note: The emohasis in this listing, copied from the Deseret Ne•..rs 1977 Church Almanac, is shi os which traveled from Eurooe to A.11e r 1 ca, altnougn this source guide includes all narratives o-f Mormon ship travel to America. This list is here included for reference.] LATTER-DAY SAINT EMIGRANTS SAILING TO AMERICA Note: Most ol !his information is from the manuscript History ol lhe Britisn Mission or tile Churctl Emograuon BookS. Code for ports: L =Liverpool. B = Bristol. H =Hamburg. Le" La Harve Lo" Lanoon. A" Amsterdam. NY= N- York, NO= N-Orteans a = aueoec. So" Boston, I'= l'hiladelollia. • some figures and aates are esttmates. Oate of Port of Total• Port of No. Sailing Sailing Name of Shi11 Company Leader Persona Entry 1. 6Jun 1840 L Britannia Jolin Moon 41 NY Uo toAprol1841. about 1000 SaintS had emigrated. according to l'arley l'.l'ratt 2. 8 Seo 1840 L Norm Amertea Theodore Turley 200 NY 3. 15 Oct I 840 L Isaac Newton Samuel Mulliner so· NO 4. 7 Feo 1841 L Sheifield Hiram Clark 235 NO 5. 1841 ? Caroline Thomas Clark ? ? s. IS Feb 1941 L Ecno Oanoel Browett 109 NO 7. 17 Mar 1841 L U1este or Alesto Thomas Smith 54 NO 8. 21 Apr 1941 L Roctlester Brigham Young 130 NY Heber C. Kimball. John Taylor. assistants 10May 1941 a Harmony Thomas Kingston 50 a SAug 1841 a Caroline Thomas Richardson too· a 9. 21 Seo 1841 L Tyrean JoSI!IQh Fielding 207 NO 10. 8 Nov 1841 L Chaos Peter Melling 170 NO 1 1. 12Jan 1942 L Tremont ? 143 NO 12. 5 Febl942 L Hooe James Burnham 270 NO 13. 20Feb 1842 L John Cummins 1 200• NO 14. 12Mar1842 L Hanover Amos Fielding :zoo· NO 15. 17 Seo 1942 L Sidnev LI!IVI Richards ISO NO George 0. Wart. 1st person baptized in England. on board shil). Roster in Churctl Emigration book for 1842 under ship "Sidnev··. 16. 25Seo 1842 L Medford Orson Hyde 214 NO 17. 29Seo 1842 L Henry John Snider 157 NO 18. 290ct 1842 L Emerald Parley P. Pratt 250 NO 19. 16Jan 1843 L Swanton Lorenzo Snow 212 NO 20. 8Mar 1843 L Yorkshote Thomas Bulloei: 83 NO 21. 21 Mar 1843 L Claoborne 1 106 NO 22. 5Seol843 L Metoka 1 280 NO 23. 21 Oct 1843 L Champion 1 91 NO 24. 23Jan 1944 L Fanny William Kay 210 NO 25. SFeb 1844 L Isaac Allerton 7 60 NO 25. 11 Feb 1844 L Swanton ? 81 NO 27. 5 Mar 1844 L Glasgow Hiram Clark 150 NO 28. 19Seol844 L Norfolk 7 143 NO 29. 17 Jlln 1845 L Palmyra Amos Fielding :zoo· NO 30. Feb 1845 L 7 ? 867 NO 31. Seo 1845 L Or~on ? 125(1) NO 32. IS Jan 1946 L Livercool Hiram Clark 45 NO Mosc. L Mise:. 137• 6Jull847 L Emoore Luc:tus N. Scovil 24 NY 33. 20F"!CC 1848 L Carnauc Franklin 0. Richards 120 NO 34. 9 Mar 1848 L Saolor Prince Moses Marttn so· NO 35. 7 Seo 1848 L Erin"sQueen Simeon Carter 232 NO . 36. 24 Seo 1848 L Sailor Prtnce L.O. Butler 311 NO Novl848 L Lord Sandon 7 11 NO 37. 29Jan 1849 L Zetland Orson Spencer 358 NO . 38. 6 Feb 1849 L Ashland John Johnson 187 NO 39. 7 Feo 1849 L Henry Ware Rob<trt Marlin 225 NO 40. 25 Fee 1849 L Buena Vista OanJones 249 NO 41. 5 M~r 1849 L Hartl<ty William Hulme 220 NO 42. 12 Mar 1849 L Emolem Robert Oeans too• NO 43. 2 Seo 1849 L James Pennell Thomas H. Clark 236 NO 44 18Feo 1850 L Berlin James G. Brown 253 NO :; .....~ '.t .i Oateof Ponof Total" Ponof j No. Sailing Sailing NameoiSh~ Company Laader Persona Entry ~ ;J 45. 10NOY 1849 L Zelland Samuel H. Hawkins 250" NO I 46. 10Jan 1850 L Argo Jeter Clinton 402 NO ~ 47. 18 Fea 1850 L Josiah Bradlee Thomas Day 263 NO i 48. 2 Mar 1850 L Hanley David Cook 109 NO 49. 4Sep 1B50 L North Allantic David Sudwonn 357 NO ~ 50. 2 Oc:t 1850 L James Pannell Christoohllf" Laveen 254 NO I 51. 170ct 1850 L Joseph Baciger John Morrts 227 NO 52. SJan IB51 L Ellen James W. Cummmgs 456or466NO 53. 9Jan 1851 L George W. Bourne William Gibson 281 NO I 54. 1 F80 1851 L Ellen Maria George D. Wan 378 NO 55. 4 Mat 1851 L Olympus William Howell 245 NO i• 56. 10Jan 1852 L Kenneoec JohnS.Hi<;oee 333 NO ,~ 57. 10Feo1852 L Ellen Mana Isaac C. Ha•ght 369 NO 6 Mar 1852 L Niagara Jonn Taylor zo· Bo t sa. 6Mar 1852 L Roc:lta-y Elias Moms? 30 NO r 59. 11 Mar 1852 L Italy Ole U.C. Munster 28 NO l 60. t6Jan 1853 L Forest Monarch John E. Forsgren 297 NO •f 61. 17 Jan 1853 L Ellen Marta Moses Clawson 332 NO 62. 23Jan 185J L GolcondocK r Golconda Jacob Gates 321 NO [ 63. s Fea 185J L Jersey George Halliday 314 NO '; 64. 15Feo 1853 L Elvira O-n Josepn W. Young 345 NO 65.
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