p .P 2. 2 a ,,2 a ..•• ,s ••.• lQ •••• :p: ........ .. Men in Service like to Keep in Touch With Home. * * * The NEWS Can Follow Them Anywhere. Home of the News rosse ews 99 Kercheval TV. 2-6900 Call TUxedo 2-6900 Complete News. Coverage of All the' Pointes at the Post Office at Detroit. Mieb. Fully Paid Circulation VOLUME 12-NO. 48 5c Per Copy GROSSE 'POINTE, MICH!GAN, NOVEMBER 29,_ J 95~ Entered as SeconQ Class Matter , $3,00 Per Ye~.r .' . ~ • Epidemic HE.L\DLINES Ed'Urcettion Leaders \ , of the Of Thefts \VEEK Reported AJ Compiled by th6 Volunteer to Train GrOHB Pointe News Trio Caught After Wild 'AI.'r Ral.d Wa" rdens Chase Denies Any. Con- Thursday, November 22' nection With House (Thanksgiving) Burglaries \\.~~~~F~~d J~~~~ l~~~~r D~ Pledge Cooperation at Civil Defense Organization Meeting A wave of burglaries that traffic court scandal in which a ,In Neighborhood Club; Lieutenant Preo Chief Speaker has swept the Pointe in the Jr\'oked driver's license had been l t fe k h sed the Holen from the COLU.tvaults and At a meeting ,of Grosse Pointe's Civil Defense organiza~ asl' wt wee.... s as'dcau t t b ~r;ld back to the driver for $25. tion at the Neighborhood Club last Monday evening, Novem- po Ice 0 warn reSI en s 0 e Watts so infuriated he worked ber 26, those in attendance were enlightened on the plans of particularly cautious about with police until 1 a,m. this morn- the organization for the immediate future, keeping their homes and cars ing on an investigation. Accused The first thing on the agenda' locked, and to report any sus- a" the go-betvieen and under ar~ was the announcement ,of t~e ports will be made by the various picious occurrences immedi~ rest is Big Louie Szczepanik, 52, plan to educate new aIr raId district leaders. The public is ately. owner of a bar on Junction in wardens. 'James Bushong, super- invited to attend all of these The pollce, doubly alerted by Detroit. He denies all charges. intendent 'Of the Board of Edu- meetings. the epidemic of thievery. have .. .. .. cation, John Chandl~r, Jr.,' he~d- William Newnan, Civil Def~nse made a number of .arrests, but TWO OF THREE young con- master of the DetrOIt Umvers1ty D' tor f r the Farms' has re-I none of those taken mto custody ~licted killers of Nurse Pauline School and Grosse ~o~nte County p~~~d thOat Frank Crum of has been i,dentified as "The Cat" Campbell foiled in a plot to break Day School, and Wilham Yeager, Meadow lane has agreed to act I burglar w~o h~s pulled a n'Um- out of Washtenaw County Jail) football coach at DUS, cooper- in the capacity of assistant di- bel' of darlOg Jobs recently. whe:'e they are awaiting manda- ated wholeheil-rtedly. Mr. Chand- rector in that city. Bullets Halt Car tory life se::ltences. William Morey leI' .an~ Mr. Y;age{h vOI~~te::;d ------ Three youths were arrested III and Max Pel! discovered con- I as Ins ruc~ors or e p gr . D th T' k' shortly after midnight Tuesday , , , h th th' ates I 1 d h "I fl' d.j: th' '. t t Tram In Oklahoma f'll' "'0 'I ~pmng Wit ree 0 cr lOm. Old and new members of the Grosse Pointe City Counci an ot er mumClpa Olce~s pose ~or elr pIC ure a Head Instructor Davis of De- ea , " a es mornmg,. 0 owlOg a I -ml e~per- Authorities will ask that sentsnce swearing in ceremonies at the first post-e.lection meeting on, Novem?er 19. Seated, left to nght, are:~Thornton Water. trait stated his aides were in I d .. }O hour chase thro,ugh, five st.op be imposed sooner than the Dec. fall and Dexter M. Ferry Jr., members of the former COUillCllwho dId not run to succeed themselves, Mayor Ralph B. training in Stillwater, Oklahoma, n ustrla 1St streets and a fUSIllade of police 4 date now s~t.. • Netting, Councilmen Syd~ey Morgan and John Kenower. Stan~ing, left to right, Assessor Neil Blondell, ne~ly elected at present and would be back bull~ts. ALLIES AND COMMUNISTS' Councilmen Donald G. Wright and Kenneth Bergmann, CounCIlman Chester Carpenter, Clerk Norbert Neff and Jus- in time to set up a training school 'At Age of 69 CIty Patrolmen Ons:"Yedd~r "' I, P L l' P Y I -Picture by Fred Runnells in Detroit early in January. an~ Behrend were crwsmg lo reporled near complete, agree-I tlce of th~ eac ..e es Ie . oung. ' 'Gro.sse Pointe's volunteers will thelr scout car on Maumee at mcnt on vilal buffer zone ~ssue In .. ';' , " train at this sc;hool: --- , 12:30 a.m, when they saw two Zorean peace negotiations. Joint Trzebute Paled ",POlenters Among Those' Paled Men's Nz-ght Inspector Bernard Preo, of.the Funeral Services Held Tues- youths ~un away from a car board of staff officers set up to Detroit Police Department, who day for Joseph B'. Schlot- parked 10 f:ont of ~7441 Mau- ~~a~~a~;_r:':~i~~'.awing provision- T'wo Retired "Llonorfor Meritorious Work In 'V illage' ge:~it C~~dfI'~~~ r~~dl~~r~~nt~~ man of Lake Shore Road ~~7~k T~:~k;~m:e~b~nt~n~ ~;~~ .. .. ...l Civil Defense program, spoke for away. HOTEL BOOK-CADILLAC sold C -Z F~ SId. t F t W D b 10 an hour on how to properly train Joseph B. Schlotman, 69, of stop Signs Ignored to Sheraton chain which now OUnCl ,men 'or 0 lers a or ayne ecem\ er volunteers. He also told of the 500 Lake Shore road, died in The aolice car followed and owns 30 hostelries from Montreal _._______ mutual agreement between De- Jennings Memorial Hospital the chase continued to Univer. to Florida. Multi-million dollar --- M k of New trait and Windsor in case of an on November 24. Funeral 't 1 th St P I deal consummated in Boston yes- i DexterM. Ferry, Jr. is Named Citations Made. At Ceremony ar ing. Opening Pointe Mal~s Again to Be air raid. services were held Tuesday ~~cge~~~:w~~:r~~s~h~lev~~~ terday. .... 1\ Councilm~n Emeritus of Lounge Room Which Doubles Facilities Given Break in Solving Emergency Area Set Up from the residence. and Goethe. Five warning shots JAMES MORRISON, 28. of Ma. City With Life Tenure At Center Xmas Shopping Problems Windsor has set up a 50inile Socially prominent industrial- were fired under the speeding I ------- emergency area under the direc- ist, civic leader and sportsman, car without results. Then three plc\',;ood. Detroit. whose hand had I ' ---. Among the 16 organizations receiving awards for meri- Merchants on "Christmas tion of 'a leader who had con~ Mr. Schlotman was president of other shots 'were fired at the car. been cut off and arm mangled i, Tnbute. was paId two :-etlr- torious service to those entering the Military Service of the Street in The Village", have siderable experience with air Universal Products Co.• chairman Two of them struck the car and when run over by a tram. ,attract-/ mg CQUncI!mel] of the. CIty of IU 't d St t s from Fort Wayne are the Junior League of. _.. ... raid de~ense ,tactics during the of the finance committee and a Chief Tom Trombly said Tues. £odthe attentlOn of a passing mo- Grqsse Pomte for theIr years TII e. Caht: Ch h f G ' P . t .d th E 't S'd set aSide M~nda~, December last war in London, England. member of the board of directors day if one of them had been two tor1'st l~y throwl'ng stones at cars f " t th . 't ,. DetroIt" nst, ure 0 rosse am e .. an eas I e 10 f th r Sixth- nnual --".....ni.. A' R'd ' ., [0 serVIce 0, elr commUnl Y, ." , ... ". '" ., ,or el' . '-'a:.'.' Grosse roin"t"e's.Chief lr' al of Wyandotte Chemicals Corpora- inches highet'it pi'06'ab'lY'would passing on the road 12 feet below, at the last meeting of the ConvocatIOn Church. " .~~~~, Men's Night. This is the night Warden, Lansing M. Pittman, in- tion, president of the Grosse have killed one of the :i?assen. at the crossing at Vermont and W, '1 Nov mbe 19 Nineteen Junior League mem-\!>- when the Village goes strictly for'medthe group that Grosse Pointe Bank and a trustee of Har- gel's. It struck a cross bar. J,efferso.n. Earl Bostic, called pO-, counci. on e., r ". 'b~rs have given 421 hours to the DSO', Joseph F. Verhelle, USO ' h - I stag and Pointe men have ,the Pointe's unit is n~w'm t e process per Hospital. He was a member Two Run Away lice. wno put a tourmquet on the Specla I recogm tJOn was glven Fort Wayne Lounge and Canteen Vice-President; Mrs. H. Hunter fit I bT' th ' ~ badly bleeding Morrison and Dexter M. Ferry" Jr., who has since last January. Eleven mem- Williams, USO Publicity Director; complete -run of some 30 es •. 0 . comp e e y, mo llzmg e all' of the group which founded the Near Mack, the careening car laved his life, served ,the ~ld v~l1age and .the bel'S' of Christ Church have given James H. Blain, R. T. Johnstone, tablishments froJ?1 .C7hP:m. to f:~~l.
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