WHEEL OF CA$H MONDAY TUESDAY G FRIDAY· WITH WITH DYANMICHAELS VANNA WHITE FLASH WIN UP TO $100 AT 10:30PM, 11:30PM & 12:30AM REGISTER BEGINNING AT 8PM • NO PURCHASE NECESSARY LIGHT PARTY MALE STRIP WITH MAUDE WEDNESDAY 10:30PM OCTOBER 2ND I 2.a: FREE FLASHLIGHT TO THE FIRST 200! FRIDAY Complimentary HolS d'oeuvres 6:30pm Lone Star Male Revue 10pm . SATURDAY Lone Star Male Revue 10pm SUNDAY Oilers '¥S. Chargers 12 noon Eight Ball Tourney 5pm Steak or Chicken Grill 5pm Lone Star Male Revue 7pm MONDAY & TUESDAY Wheel of Cash WEDNESDAY Male Strip Contest THURSDAY Video Classics 9:00pm Volume 18,Number 29 September 25-0ctober 1,1992 15 NEWS Houstonian Nancy Molleda to Coordinate Clinton Campaign Outreach to Gay and Lesbian Texans 27 COMMENT Letters to the Editor 35 OF LOCAL INTEREST 39 BACKSTAGE A Tuna Christmas at Casa Manana Theatre in Fort Worth 41 MEDIA GLAAD Tidings 47 COVER FEATURE Derek Thomson of Austin PhotosbyRexMartln 53 STARSCOPE New Moon In Libra Tomorrow 59 SPORTS FrontRunners Kick Off Membership Drive In Houston 60 SNAPSHOTS Alan RossTexas Freedom Parade -·.'DEft ~NO PI?/"~rE 63 SNAPSHOTS 1993MissGay Texas Pageant 11 ~ 65 HOT TEA Whitney Paige Wins MissGay Texas 1993 74 CLASSIFIED 83 OBITUARIES 113332 86 GUIDE Texas BusinessI Club Directory 11 ~04 TWT(ThiS Week In Texas) Ispublished by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co" at 33CX> Reagan Street In DoMas,Texos 75219 and 811Wast helmer In Houston. Texas nOO6. OpInions expressed by col.mNsts ore not necessorty those of TWTor of Its stoff. PI.bIcotion of the nome Of photogoph of ony person or orgorizotlon n ortIdes or odvertisilg ~ '"~~~ in TWT Is not to be construed as any Indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organlzatlon. Subscription rotes: $69 per year. $40 per half year. Bock Issues .•. avollable at 52 each. Payment must accompany 01orders. Copyright © 1992 by Texas Weekly Tmes Newspaper Co. AI rights reserved. Portial or complete reproduction of any advertisement. news, article or feature, copy or photograph from 1WT is specifically prOhibited by federol statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay 8t Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20.000 PUBLISHER DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GElLMAN HOUSTON OFFICE 3300 Reagan Street 811Westheimer. Suite 106 EDITOR Dallas. Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT Houston. Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214)520- TWIT Houston Fax (713)527-TWIT COMPTROLLER The Tea For Two (214) 521·0622 STEVEMILES (713) 527-9111 ARTDIRECTORRichard Bong • GRAPHIC ARTISTSSIeve Pardue. Chris Patterson FEATURESEDITORJazz Paz • SPORTSEDITORBobby Miller • DISTRIBUTIONClifford Plummer CONTRIBUTINGWRITERS WEDNESDAYS Bob Dineen, PhilJohnson. Bobby Moyes. David Meunier. Chris Price. Michael K.Wilson STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS Rick Bounds. Graham. Rex Marlin, Michael McKinney. Roger Slabel $2 Well Drinks NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR' Steve Miles' (214) 521·0622 • FAX 520·TWIT Advertising rates are available on request Irom the salesperson In your nearest city. Until2am Austin - Chris Zimmerman (512) 474·2105 • Dallas/Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521·0622 Houston/Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527·9'" • Son Antonio - Paul Briner (512) 614-1343 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING. Dallas Shawn Marshall • Houston Brion Keever TWT© 1992 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company 3923 CEDAR SPRINGS· (214)380-3808 SHANERUFFP. RESIDENITCEO I DIRECTOR Represented Notionally by Rlvendell Marketing. Inc. I 0 J~ PAITY ----- -- -1,\rT MAIDI~~IAS! ~ J ~lln . FAIS-DO';Jj\':J1 Sunday. September 27. 3-7pm: The Krewe of Olympus presents an afternoon of Cajun Music, Food & Fun, Featuring THE ZYDECO ROCKERS, playing LIVE all afternoon, a raffle for a .trip for two to New Orleans & many more prizes and massive Cajun Buffet. $7 Donation. A portion of the pro- ceeds will go to benefit The Assistance Fund & The Pet Patrol. (Due to the special nature of this event, free cover will not be available 5-7 this week, but Mandance passes will be honored after 7pm, as usuaL) Every Saturday: LEATHER & FLESH 9pm. No Cover for Men in Chaps & Leather Jock Straps. Bare as much as you dare! Clothes check available. NEW for THURSDAYS THIS FALL! MEN WITH MUSCLES! No cover with your valid gym card or a Thursday Night Pass. Free Tanning coupons for everyone while they last! NIGHTLY: CAGED HEAT/MEN BEHIND BARS •• Shameless Always: THE LOWEST REGULAR ICA~T ~ti()W~I Male Dancers from all over the DRINK PRICES IN HOUSTON •.. Southwest who Strip & Strut for 75¢ well drinks, $1.50 longnecks your Pleasure. $2 call liquor, $1 schnapps Happy Hour Daily 25C Draft Beer Refills 710 Pacific Street • Houston, TX 77006 • 713/523-0213 Untill0pm Until2am 1430 N. Main· San Antonio (512) 225-7330 Tonight!!! Carmen Miranda Night ChaneI White as "Carmen" with ~ ---------..••.......-. ~.... ~,..------...,...~~. ~:'~~_.~~&.;: IN ~=:~~~~~ Cash prize for best Carmens no cover till 12 • after hours 7S¢ draft & $1.00 tropical shooters Super Sunday Show Pauletta Leigh Donna Day Kristie Pe'vey With Miss Gay Special Guest: Latin TexaslUSA PAGE 12 HOUSTON ACTIVIST To CO-CHAIR CLINTON EFFORT AMONG GAYS Molleda Says Community's Vote May Be Pivotal in Texas Results. TEXAS - Nancy Molleda, longtime Democratic Party activist and Co-Chair of '93 ALAN Ross TEXAS Lesbian and Gay Democrats of Texas, has been named a state Co-Chair of Gays and FREEDOM PARADE Lesbians for Clinton/Gore. She will be working with the other Co-Chair, Tom MARKS NINTH YEAR Henderson of Austin, to rally support for Annual Event Draws Record the Democratic presidential ticket in a state whose vote may be crucial in deter- Number 0/ Participants, Spectators. mining who will occupy the White House DALLAS - The gay and lesbian com- for the next four years. munity of Dallas joined visitors from Molleda said she believes the lesbian across the state this past weekend for the and gay vote nationwide and in Texas 1992 Alan Ross Texas Freedom Parade, could prove pivotal in putting the Demo- the city's annual celebration of gay pride crats back in the White House. She es- and achievement. With close to 10,000 timated there are 800,000 or more gay and spectators and participants, this year's lesbian voters in Texas alone. event is believed by organizers to have Molleda traveled to San Antonio last been the largest in its nine-year history. week to confer with Chuck M. Jordan and Nearly 70 entries, representing busi- Martha Fitzwater, who have agreed to nesses and organizations from throughout serve as co-chairs of Gays and Lesbians Texas, participated in the two-hour proces- for Clinton/Gore in San Antonio and Bex- sion through the heart of Oak Lawn. Grand arCounty. Molleda was to travel to Dallas Marshals Jan Barton and Dallas City Coun- this week to help set up a similar effort in cil member Luna and Special Grand Mar- that city. shal Michael Lee led the parade on Cedar "We are absolutely delighted with the Springs in a show of spirit, dignity and commitment of the San Antonio effort in unity. Colorful floats, marching bands, its highly visible and prominent leadership, brightly decorated cars and trucks, and its organization and its efforts to mobilize even an eighteen wheeler, transported the the gay and lesbian community for Clinton many representatives of Dallas' diverse and Gore," Molleda commented. gay and lesbian community through streets . Organizers of the San Antonio commit- tee describe it as a bipartisan effort, not- ing that Jordan is a lifelong Republican. Volunteers will conduct voter registration drives and educational campaigns within the gay and lesbian community. Fitzwater, a prominent San Antonio trial lawyer, said numerous fund-raising events will be held in supporters' homes and in lesbian and gay businesses. Molleda was an at-large delegate to the Democratic National Convention in July and was elected Co-Chair of the Lesbian and Gay Delegates at the convention. She serves on the boards of the Texas Human Rights Foundation and the Executive and - Professional Association of Houston. Henderson is a longtime Democratic The crowd in Lee Park following the Alan Ross Texas Party activist and was also an at-large Freedom Parade was the largest in the event's history. delegate to the Democratic Convention. TWTNEWSphoto. TWT SEPTEMBER 25 - OCTOBER 11992 PAGE 15 lined with scores of festive and cheering AUSTIN GAY PRIDE observers. The closing ceremonies for the Free- A BIG SUCCESS dom Parade were held, once again, at Ar- lington Hall in Lee Park, where the Dallas Over 2,500 Take Part in Two-Day Tavern Guild has created and maintains Celebration Last Weekend. the Living Tribute in recognition of the AIDS community of Dallas County. Sev- AUSTIN - The Lesbian/Gay Pride eral thousand people followed the parade Commission of Austin [LGPCA] held its to the park to hear speeches by commu- 1992 pride celebration last weekend, with nity leaders and politicians, including over 2,500 people attending the activities David Mixner, Democratic presidential scheduled Saturday and Sunday. candidate Bill Clinton's liaison to the gay Events new to this year's schedule were community. In a warmly received presen- workshops and seminars held during the tation, Mixner reminded those assembled day Saturday and "Dance Under the Stars," that Texas "is one of the most important held later that evening. states for us. We need you to carry Texas The seminars and workshops proved to for us, and I know you wilL" Mixner went be very successful, with over 150 people on to declare that if Texas gays give presenting and in attendance. Topics everything they've got "for the next 45 covered ranged from lesbian/gay legal days, it could mean life to many people issues to the development of gay culture with AIDS." since the days of the Mattachine Society. Special presentations were made Lou Individuals and organizations presenting Lawlis, the lover of the late Dr.
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