0 F D E L T A S I G M A p I WD/.WIMVUAn1UW.W•"'" [¥'~ NOVEMBER 1954 * * FOUNDED 1907 * * The International Fratemity of Delta Sigma Pi Professional Commerce and Business Administration Fraternity Delta Sigma Pi was founded at New Yorlc University, School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance, on November 7, 1907, by Alexander F. Makay, Alfred Moysello, Harold V. Jacobs and H. Albert Tienken. Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, soci~l activity and the associati?n of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affilia· tion between the commercial world and students of commerce; and to further a high standard of commercial ethics and culture, and the civic and commercial welfare of the community. The Grand Council Alumni Activiti~s Alumni Clubs Chairman.: Frank A. Geraci, Zeta, 2539 N. ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexlco-Preo. : Kenneth E. Sutton, Grand President: Robert G. Busse, Beta Omi­ Neva Ave., Chicago 35, Ill. Jr., 3172 4lot Pl., Sandia Due, Albuquerque, N.M. cron-Rutgers, 102 Southwick Drive, Windy Members: Wayne Showalter, Beta Gamma; Phone: 64411. Ext. 22285. Bush, Wilmington 3, Del. ATLANTA. Ceorgla-Preo.: Earl T. Byero, 217 Eureka Andrew P. Marincovich, Phi; James J. Dr .• N.E., Atlanta, Ca. Phone: CH 7767 Executive Director: H. G. Wright, Beta-North­ Moore, Chi; Marion W. Sprague, Beta Up­ AUSTIN, TesOit-Pret.: Joe K. Alexander. 308 W. 25th western, 222 West Adams Street, Chicago 6, silon.; and Franklin A. Tober, Alpha Kappa. St .• Auotln, Tea. Phone: 7-3251 Ill. BALTIMORE. Maryland-Preo.: Edcar S. J acoh. 27 Murdock Rd., Baltimore. Md. Phone: Valley 3·3337. Executive Secretary: ]. D. Thomson, Beta· Alumni Placing s~rvic~ BIRMINGHAM, Alahaaa-1'-.a PlallUp W. Mall"ett, 217 Northwestern, 222 West Adams Street, Chi­ Redwood St., Birmin1ham, Ala. cago 6, Ill. Chairman: Henry C. Lucas, Alpha Delta, 408 BOSTON, Mauachuoetto-Preo.: Henry Zanl, 116 Clark S. 18th St., Omaha, Nebr. Road, Needham, Mau. Director, Eastern Region: J. Harry Feltham, BUFFALO, New York-Preo.: Roy L. Wettenfelder, 40 Chi-Johns Hopkins, Robert Garrett & Sons, Members: John W. Lucas, Nu; Raymond A. Dartmouth A•e., Buffalo. N.Y. Phone: Parlroide 1379 Baltimore 3, Md. Peter, Beta Theta; and Floyd E. Walsh, CHARLOTTE. North Carollna-Preo.: Leo Stillmu, Jr.• Epsilon.. 1108 Ardoley Rd •• Charlotte, N.C. Director, Southeastern Region.: Homer T. CHICAGO, lllinoio-Pret.: George W. Alennder, 77 W. Brewer, Kappa-Georgia, 808 Southern Rail­ Life M~mb~rship Waoblngton St., Chicago, Ill. Phone ANdover 3·0032. way Bldg., 99 Spring St., S.W., Atlanta 3, CLEVELAND, Ohio-Preo.: Robert W. Dicbon. 10061 Ga. Chairman.: Gerald M. Smith, Alpha Epsilon., Lyden Oval, Parma Heighte, Ohio. 5808 Wooddale Ave., Minneapolis 10, Minn. COLUMBIA, South Carolina-Preo.: Harry S. Bell, P.O. Director, Central Region.: Robert 0. Lewis, Box 1251. Columbia, S.C. Beta-Northwestern, 515 Woodbine Ave., Members: D. H. Chandler, Gamma Iota, Wal­ DALLAS, Te:uo-Pr... : Jack Stambaugh, 3130 Daniele, Oak Park, lll. ter Franz, Alpha Epsilon., Michael B. Peceri, Apt. 10, Dallae. Tex. Beta Xi, Dean Irvin, Alpha Delta, and Oliver DENVER. Colorado-Preo.: Harry C. Hickey, 643 Olin Director, Midwestern Region.: Henry C. Lucas, St., Denver, Colo. Phone: Dester 6489 Alpha Delta-Nebraska, 408 S. 18th St., J. Lindsay, Jr., Beta Xi. HOUSTON. Texu-Preo.: Ceorce B. Eacle. 420 W. 22nd Omaha, Neb. St. Houlton, Tex. Phone: TW 4176 KANSAS CITY. Miuoori-Pr... : Wayne E. Tbomao. 615 Director, Southwestern Region.: Burnell C. Nominations E. Armour, Kanoao City, Mo. Phone: JE 8037. Butler, Jr.. Beta Phi-Southern. Methodist, LINCOLN. Nehraoka-P"''·: Jam .. S. Pittenger. Exeeu· 7110 Pasadena, Dallas 14, Tex. Chairman: Rudolph Janzen, Alpha Epsilon., tive Office, State Capitol Bide., Lincoln, Neb. 5040 Juanita, Minneapolis, Minn. LOS ANGELES. California-Pre•.: Andrew P. Marlnco· Director, Western. Region.: Burell C. Johnson, Members: Robert 0. Hughes, Beta Nu; How­ •feb. 1222 Trotwood AYe., San Pedro. Cali£. Phone: Alpha Sigma-Alabama, 116 Hampden Ter­ B. Terminal 3·4541 race, Alhambra, Calif. ard Johnson, Kappa-Georgia. LUBBOCK, Texu-Preo.: Joe M. Hefner, 1603 60th St., Alternates: Roy Tipton, Gamma Zeta, and Lubbock, Texao. Phone: Sherwood 4-2527. Director of Alumni Activities: Harry G. Hick­ John DuBay, Chi. MEMPHIS. Tenneooee-Preo.: Frank V. Sauo. P.O. ey, Alpha Nu-Den.ver, 643 Olive Street, Box 2055. DeSoto Sta., Memphio, Tenn. Phone : Denver, Colo. 33·5011. MIAMI. Florida-Preo.: Jooeph H. Hilliard, Jr.. 6290 Director of Business Education.: E. Coulter Past Grand Presidents Waterway Dr•• Miami, Fla. Phone: 876641. Davies, Beta-Northwestern., 414 Church St., MILWAUKEE, Wiocoaoln-Preo.: Don Riley. 551 N. 116tb Evanston, Ill. •w. N. Dean, Alpha-New York . • 1914 St. • Milwaukee. Wio. Phone: CL 3·5973 Past Grand President: Howard B. Johnson, P. J. Warner, Alpha-New York .. 1914-1915 NEW ORLEANS. Louioiana-Preo.: Marvin A. Clement. *H. C. Cox, Alpha, New York ••... 1915-1916 7500 Richard St .• New Orlean&. La. Phone: 21 ·43569 Kappa-Georgia, Atlantic Steel Company, NEW YORK. New York-Preo.: Theodore T. Boutio, 65 P.O. Box 1714, Atlanta 1, Ga. F. J. McGoldrick, Alpha-New York Wadoworth Terr•• New York, N.Y., Phone: LO 9·2112. ...•••.•••••...•.•••.....••••.. 1916-1917 OMAHA. Nebruka-Preo.: Philip J. McCarthy. 5014 J. Ege, Alpha-New York ..•• 1917-1920 Webster St., Omaha, Neb. •c. PHILADELPHIA. Pennoylnnla-Preo. : Robert 0 . Husheo. The Central Office H. G. Wright, Beta-Northwestern. 1920-1924 6 Rutledge A•e •• Rutledge. Pa. •c. W. Fackler, Epsilon-Iowa .••••• 1924-1926 SAN FRANCISCO. Calilornla-Preo.: Raymond P. Neol. H. 0. Walther, Psi-Wisconsin. ••.. 1926-1928 172 Meadowbrook Dr., Sao Fraociaco, Calif. Phone: 222 W. Adams Street, Chicago 6, Ill. Phone: LO 6·6627 RAndolph 6-6954 *R. C. Schmidt, Theta-Detroit •.•. 1928-1930 ST. LOUIS, Mloaouri-Preo.: Eugene L. Zleba, 3615 E. L. Schujahn, Psi-Wisconsin. •. 1930-1936 Humphrey, St. Loulo, Mo. Phone: Sl 1545. Executive Director: H. G. Wright; Execu­ *E. D. Milener, Chi-Johns Hopkins 1936-1939 TULSA, Oltlahoma-Preo. : Ramon King, 1325 E. 49th St .• tive Secretary: ]. D. Thomson J. L. McKewen, Chi-Johns Hopkins 1939-1945 Tulsa. Okla. Phooe: 79370 StaD Members: Margaret E. Mench, A. TWIN CITIES. Minneapolio & St. Paul, r.finnetota­ K. B. White, Gamma-Boston. ••.... 1945-1947 Preo.: Robert L. Hugbe•. 6144 4th Ave., S .• Minoeapollo. Rose Lewis, Doreen B. Farrar and Joan A. L. Fowler, Beta Nu-Pennsylvania Minn. Phone: PL 1568 M. Hillenbrand WASHINGTON. D.C.-Preo.: Vincent J. Creen6cld • . • . • • . • • . • .. •. • • . • • • •• • 1947-1949 8603 Mayfair Pl., Silver Spring. Md. •w. C. Sehm, Alpha Epsilon-Min.· n.esota ...•••.•..•.....•.•••..•. 1949-1951 DELTA SIGMA PI It a charter oeolor member of the National Committees Professional Interfraternity Conference, organized In H. B. Johnson, Kappa-Georgia .••. 1951-1953 1928. The memhero of the Conference comprise: ACRI· • Deceased CULTURE. Alpha Zeta. ARCHITECTURE, Alpha Rho Ex~cutiv~ Committ~~ Chi. CHEMISTRY. Alpha Chi Sigma. COI\1MERCE, Alpha Kappa Poi, Delta Sigma Pl. DENTISTRY. Alpha Ome1a, Chairman: Robert G. Busse, Beta Omicron­ Delta Sigma Della, Ptl Omesa. Rutgers, 102 Southwick Drive, Windy Bush STUDENT LOANS XJ Pol Phi. EDUCATION, Kappa Wilmington 3, Del. ' Phi Kappa. Phi Delta Kappa. Phi Ep1ilon Kappa, Phi Sipa Pi. Members: George R. Esterly, Iota, School of up to $500 AVAILABLE ENG! EERlNC, Theta Tau. Sir· ~usiness Adm., Rutgers University, 18 Wash­ rna Phi Delta. LAW, Gamma Eta mgton Pl., Newark 2, N.J.; John H. Felt· Gamma, Delta Theta Phi, Sigma Delta Kappa. Phi Alpha Delta, ham, Chi, Robert Garrett & Sons, South from the National Endowm~nt Phi Beta Gamma, Phi Delta Phi. & Redwood Sts., Baltimore 3, Md.; Allen MEDICINE, Alpha Kappa Kap· L Fowler, Beta Nu, 1700 Sansom St. Phila­ Fund. Writ~ Th~ C~ntral Offic~ pa. Theta Kappa Pol, Nu Slrma Nu. Phi Beta Pi, Phi Chi, Phi delphia 3, Pa.; and John L. McKew~n, Chi Delta Epoilon. Phi Lambda Kap· Irving, McKewen & O'Connell, Mathieso~ for o~tails. pa. Phi Rho Sigma. MUSIC, Phi Mu Sinfonla. PBAR· Bid&., Baltimore 2, Md. MACY, Alpha Zeta Omesa, Kappa Pal, Rho Pi Phi. Phi Delta Chi. The Grand President's Column A FEW MONTHS AGO in Chicago, your Grand Council took inventory and then set the pattern for 1954-55. The results, numerically and financially, for last year were largely antici­ pated and quite satisfactory, so we have confidently attempted another prognostication for an equally successful college year. Volume XLIV NOVEMBER, 1954 Issue I ----------------~---------------------- CERTAINLY, IF THE attend­ ance and enthusiasm as evidenced IN THIS ISSUE at the three Regional Meetings in The Grand President's Column . I early September are a criterion, we Delta Sigma Pi Installs New Texas Chapter . 2 should experience one of our bet­ An Introduction to Pleasure .. .. ... .. ... 5 ter years. The Central Office Staff I Schujahn Selected "Deltasig of the Year 1954" . 8 have outlined a busy program of chapter visitations, and Regional So You Want to be an Executive . ... .. 9 Directors are planning early con­ Six Regional Meetings Being Held this Fall 12 tact in their areas to insure good With the Alumni the World Over . .. ........ .. .. .. .. 17 chapter organization from the New Business Books ... 19 beginning and a legacy of healthy Among the Chapters .. 23 units by the end of our tour of duty. Directory of Chapters . 24 Our Cover ROBERT G. BUSSE I WISH EACH of you could have looked in on those three days The campus featured on the cover of this issue is that of the University Rutgers-Beta Omicron of Washington, which was established in 1861 in what is now the central Grand President of Grand Council deliberations in business district of Seattle. By 1890 the institution had outgrown its Chicago. Had you been on hand, original campus and was relocated on its present site between Lakes you would have been impressed with the intense earnestness of Washington and Union.
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