ONLY C'SC Connors State College Library RT 1 BOX 10DO Rt. 1, Box 1000 WARNER .::,K. 74469 Warner, OK 7 4469-9700 PAID BULK RATE ,PERMIT #17 WARNER, OK 4 25 Forwarding & Address Correction Requested 7469 ¢ • tve Serving Keefeton • Gore • Porum • Warner • Webbers Falls Vol. XII - Issue No. 39 Call (918) 463-2386 or Fax (918) 773-8745 Wednesday, July 15, 1998 Candidates file for state, county offices Candidates from across the United States Representative State Auditor and Inspector Insurance Commissioner John David Luton Muskogee County Treasurer statefiled either with the StateElec­ District 2 Democrat Democrat State Representative Democrat tion Board in Olclahoma City (for Democrat Clifton H. Scott Carroll Fisher District 12 Dorothy W. Lawson state offices) or withthe Muskogee Kent Pharaoh Republican John P. Speannan Democrat Lillian Jayne County Election Board (for county Isabel K. Baker Allen M. Hart Barry Hale Jerry W. Hefner Muskogee County Assessor offices) Monday, Tuesday and Bryan J. Bigby Attorney General Republican Republican Democrat Wednesday, July 6-8, 1998. Candi­ James R. Wilson Democrat DonStrong David Lancaster TerryFoutch dateshaduntil5pm.,July 10.1998 to Republican W.A. Drew Edmondson Bill Maguire District 13 Muskogee County Commissioner withdraw. Tom A. Coburn State Treasurer John P. Crawford Democrat District 1 Those filing are listed below, Independent Democrat Corporation Commissioner Bill Settle Democrat according to h>w their name will be AlbertJones RobertA. Bulkin Democrat District 14 Hairl Adney listed on the official ballot. Those Governor Superintendent or CharleyLong Democrat Vernon Buck Toruc candidateslisted by themselveshave Democrat Public Education Re»ublican Barbara Staggs Cliff Walker drew no oppos.tionand won the seat. James Hager Democrat Denise A. Bode Re»ublican Gene Wallace United States Senator Laura Boyd Sandy Garreu District Judge Jerry Huffer Republican Democrat Republican Republican District 15, Office 1 District 15 Phillip Long ArlieNixon Frank Keating Tod Williams Mike Nonnan Democrat District J Jerry Kobyluk Joe Vickers Linda D. Murphy Roger Hilfiger Glenda S. Lee Democrat Jacquelyn Morrow Lewis Ledger­ Reform Commissioneror Labor District 15, Office4 Bobby Frame Brian Enkey wood Hoppy Heidelberg Democrat James E. Edmondson Ken Bingham Dexter Payne Don E. Carroll Lieutenant Governor J.C. Watts �ociate District Judge Republican The Primary Election will be Re»ublican Democrat Virginia BlueJeaffi Jenner Muskogee County Jim Adkins held on Tuesday, August 25, 1998, Don Nickles Dan Lowe Jerry Morgan Teddy Joe Abbott District 16 with a runoff,if necessary,on Tues­ Independent Jack Morgan Reimblican ThomasH. Alford Democrat day, September15, 1998. The Gen­ Argus W. Yanjell, Jr. Republican Brenda Reneau District Attorney M.C. Leist eral Election will be held on Tues­ Mike Morris Mary Fallin Chris Brown Muskogee County day, November3, 1998. CSC offers August mini-mester Fall enrollment now underway WARNER- The 1998 August Principles of Sociology,"and "SPCH Mini-Mester a Connors State Col­ 1113: Introduction toOral Commu­ at Connors State College lege will beheld August 3-13, with nication." WARNER - Individuals plan­ ality Adjusunent," from 1:30-4 pm. eight, three-hour courses being of­ General enrollment is setfor 8 ning on taking courses during the on Tuesdayand Thursday in Warner; fered. am., Monday. August 3, with classes 1998 fall semester at Connors State "PHED1261 : BeginningSwimming" Coursesat the WarnerCampus beginningat9 am. Allfees are due on College may pre-enroll from now from 2-3 pm. on Monday and Wed­ include "COMS 1113: Fund/Com­ or before August 4. Classes meet untilthe firstweek of August. nesday in Warner, "PHED 1321: puter Usage," 'HUMN 2113: Gen­ Monday through Friday from 9 am. "Students who pre-enroll not WaterExercise" from 3:30-5 pm. on eral Humanities," "POLS 1113: to 3:30 pm. Studentsmay pre-enroll only reserve classes that might be­ Monday and Wednesdayin Warner. AmericanFedtral Government," and now in a course. comefull later on, but alsoeliminate A schedule of second eight­ "PSY 1113: General Psychology." Enrollment and admission longerlines during regularregistra­ week courses during the 1998 fall Muskogee Campus offerings questions can be directed to theOf­ tion," notes Dr. Jo Lyn Digranes, semester will be announced later. include "GEOG 2243: Introduction fice of Admissions in Wamer at (918) vice presidentof academics andtech­ Regular enrollment begins August to Geography,' "HIST 1493: His­ 463-2931 or in Muskogee,(918) 687- nology. Dr.Digranes adds, "Eight­ 10 withfall classesbeginning Aug ust toryofU.S. Since1865," "SOCI1113: 6747, 201 Coun SL week courseswill beoffered with the 17. Enrollmentand admissionsques­ Pictured aboveis a tanlcerspewing refrigerated liquid oxygen last Wednesday first weeksscheduled August 18 and tions canbe directed tothe Office of morningon Inter state 40 at the rest area between Webbers Falls and Warner. concludingOctober 9." Admissions in Muskogee at (918) Accordingto DuaneParker of the OklahomaCorporation Commission,who Eight-week courses include 687-6747 at 201 Court SL, or in noticedthe plume, the UnitedS tatesDepartmentofTransportation determi.ned "PSYC2113: Psychology ofPerson- Warner at (918) 463-2931. thalit wassafe for the tractor-trailer to go down the road becausethe plume wascaused by a malfunctioninghigh pressure release vent and the integrity of the tank was not compromi.sed. The driver headedba.;k to Terrell, Texas Immunizations required to attend school to hav� � equipmentrepaired. TheMuskogeeCounty HealthDepartment would like toremind parents of the schoolimmunization requirements for the 1998-1999school year tenn. Warner VFW/ Auxiliar1, to attend meeting Kindergarten Requirements John Dilbeck, Blanchard, gion, and theFirst Baptist Church. • 5 dosesof Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTP) or a combination of commander of the Veterans of For­ Shields, a lifemember of the DTP and DTaP vaccines totaling5 doses unless thefounh DTP/DTaP was eign Wars Departmentof Oklahoma, General Lesley J. McNair VFW receivedafter the fourth birthday andGuila Shields, Lawton,president Auxiliary 5263, was electedguard at • 4 doses of Oral Polio (OPV) unlessthe thirddose was received after the of the Ladies Auxiliary,will behon­ the69th annual convention in Olcla­ founhbirthday ored at a 6 pm. reception Saturday homa City, the first ofthefive offices • 2 dosesof Hepatitis A Vaccine (must be 6 months apart)* evening, July 17, at theRadisson Inn leading to the presidency. She has • 3 dosesof HeptatisB Vaccine in Olclahoma City. Dilbeck and served the stateas Americanism and • 2 dosesof Measles, Mumps, and Rubella(MMR) Shields were named to office at the Loyalty Day chainnan,members hip, • Children under 4 yearsof age will berequired to have at leastone dose of 77thVFW and73rdLadies Auxiliary Legislative and Gold Star Parents Haemophilus Influenzae(Hib) conventionsin Olclahoma City, con­ chainnan and two terms each as a • I dose of Varicella (Chicken Pox)* ducted by the then Commander member of the budget and audit •There is a 120 day grace period to begin Hepatitis A and Varicella Charles"Ch uck" Huckaby, Chouteau, committee. She has servedher aux­ vaccine for 1998 only. and Auxiliary President Diane Ca­ iliary and district as president and First through Second Grade Requirements vazos, Altus. currently is servingas district treas­ • 5 dosesof Diphtheria, Tetanus,and Pertussis (DTP) or a combinationof Representatives of theWarner urer. DTP and DTaP vaccines totaling 5 doses unless the fourth DTP/DTaP was VFWPost and Auxiliary areexpected ShehasselectedHereBecause receivedafter the fourth birthday toattend the receptionand the state's We Care as her theme to coincide • 4 dosesof Oral Polio (OPV) unless thethird dose was receivedafter the organizations program planning with Volunteerism, The Ultimate fourthbirthday meetingsSaturday, according to State Gift...the theme of National Presi­ • 2 doses of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) VFW and AuxiliaryPress Secretary dent-elect Jane Bingham, Bridport, Third through Sixth Grade Requirements Esther Stringer,Lawton. Awards for VennonL • 3 dosesof Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTP) the 1997-98 yearwill be decided al Named to serve with Dilbeck • 3 dosesof Oral Polio(OPV) themeeti ngs. areHar lan J. Bjorago, Oklahoma City, • 2 dosesof Measles, Mumps, andRubella (MMR) Dilbeck, a life member of the senior vice commander;Jim Mann, Seventh Grade Requirements Blanchard VFW,has servedhis post Oklahoma City, quartennaster; and • 3 dosesof Diptheria, Tetanus,and PertussisD1P) as commander two tenns, being Robert Thomas, McAlester, judge • 3 dosesof Oral Polio (OPV) named All State Post Commander a.dvocate. Serving with Shields will • 2 dosesof Measles, Mumps, and Rubella(MMR) bothterms, and captain of the twenty­ be Senior Vice President Joye Black, • 2 dosesof Hepatitis A vaccine CSCHeadLivestockJudgingCoach andBe-A-ChampShowCallle andLamb four member team in 1997. Heserved Altus; Junior Vice President Sandy • 2 dosesof Hepatitis B vaccine Camp DirectorJerry M cPeak visits with one of the students during one of the his postas quartennaster four terms, Williamson, Midwest City; Treas­ Since completion or the series or J doses or Hepatitis requires 4 to 6 camp sessions recently. More on the campon page 3. being namedAll StateQuartennaster urer Beatrice Thomason, Altus; Sec­ months, parentsshould be notified or this requirement now. all four tenns. He has served his retary Joy Jackson,
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