WTMfiBQBTYT rTi\N Learline's First Thanksgiving Observance THFJ.111T vxviui Tomorrow Promises To Be 'Big Doings' pviivvi = 1= AKRON EDITION PROTECT OUR GOOD NAME Vol. 34 AKRON, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1945 No. 47 Weekly Review— BUY BOND THIS WEEK AS — OF Labor Relations EXPRESSION OF THANKS No Better Time Than In This Holiday Season To Heed Shift Schedules Goodyear Committee To Invest Your *^ Election Plea Of # \0 1 Run-Off In Future 9 \ f\ 9 More Losses Cash Of America 2 Grievance Decisions /"""* OODYEARITES will offer tee in asking your help in put- ' jr thanks this week for the ting across the Victory Loan Direct production operations many blessings they have en- campaign. Today nearly ninety I are now 100% on scheauledsix- joyed during the year, and it's million Americans own War a most appropriate time to pur- Bonds. Nearly thirty millionbuy \2\ ... hour shifts. This follows the earnings. S:^Mp company's announced intention chase a Victory Bond. It's a bonds regularly out of of changing from eight to six good investment. These— people have learned to fast as Invest in the future of Amer- save and like it. Many plan to hours as sufficient labor in" on investments is hired and trained, and is in ica! "cash their line with Impartial Umpire W. That is the plea this week later on by building homes, E. Simian's decision permitting of the Goodyear Bond commit- educating their children, or eight-hour starting a business. Through schedules where buying they are laying necessary, but to be loweredto bond the LearlineMarie Rightmyer hours possible. foundation for a sound and six as soon as SUPERVISION TO prosperous postwar economy. Engineering division, crux of ¥ ITTLE blue-eyed Learline Why is Learline a real Good- This is the last of the war .*-i Rightmyer is only year girl ? Well, her mother, tiss^controversy, is still sched- will no Marie ENJOY PLAY DAY loans. There be more. ( Dorothy Rightmyer, works in j^B on an eight-hour basis department ,six months old, so tomorrow she The treasury says will observe her first Thanks- Dept. 155, bicycle tires and WWe more than 700 mainten- we fought and won a great war, tubes, Plant Her daddy, Ed- ance men are needed to man NEXT SATURDAY giving Day. And she's a real 1. but we were not able to pay as ;Goodyear girl, who will be as- gar Rightmyer, is employed in the plants on four six-hour we went. That is the purpose 432, warehousing, Plant shifts. All Recreational Facilities In — !sisted by relatives, all Good- Dept. * * * of this final Victory Drive to yearites, celebrating the 3. Her aunt, Learline Gandee, Goodyear Hall Available To finish job! To pay the cost in presidency the holiday. for whom the little girl was Candidates for the Men, Also Families of bringing the boys home, the named, works in Dept. 202B, Local No. 2 in the forthcom- hospitalization Learline isn't at all worried of cost of and re- the man with the blun- mechanical goods compound, ing run-off election are C. V. Saturdav,November24, marks habilitation of veterans, to about — Grandpa Wheeler, incumbent, and John derbuss that short gun with a Plant 2. And L. L. the date of the annual Goodyear maintain armies of occupation and flaring mouth— Gandee, who retired not long Japan Germany. large bore supervisionalnlav day tobe held in and such as the Pilgrims used more ago after twenty-four years' Xp*Si in Goodyear Hall, with all rec- Buv a Victory Bond today. service at Goodyear, worked in W depart- than three hundred years ago, reationalfacilities in that build- See the solicitor in your when they were observing their Dept. 152D, Plant 1 pit. ing to be turned over to mem- ment, or inquire at bond head- So, when all of those relatives Goodyear ave- first Thanksgiving and defend- bers of Goodyear Tire and nuarter in the ing themselves from attacks by gather for the turkey dinner, Goodyear Aircraft supervision nue gatehouse, Plant 1. Indians. Learline feels confi- to help Learline celebrate her [ and their families, in connection dent, too, that the man with first Thanksgiving tomorrow, with an elaborate program of promises to a grand ! the gun won't shoot Uncle Sam, there be fun directed by the Goodyear CLOSED THURSDAY who is holding the big turkey. time. v^J5b» Foremen's Club. Activities open at 10 o'clock, With Few Exceptions Plants Idle <*JslI m continuing through the day and On Thanksgiving Service In Two Wars evening. Bowling, pool, card? rWO GOODYEAR MEN John House C. V.Wheeler Is Plenty" and other entertainment will Goodyear's plants — fac- ELECTION WINNERS "Great day's doings, sched- ('< original feature the tory, factory officeand gen- Survivors of an sec- — J. E. Hillock has donned civil- nero of four presidential candi-'1 uled for the convenience of eral office will be closed Two Goodyear men who ond shifters in the morning. (Thanks"'"' ian clothes again and this time dates, the unofficial count gave tomorrow 'r.R are among the victors in he expects to continue in that 2,386 votes, Wheeler ,with members of other shifts Day).Any exceptionsin fac- the recent biennial mu- House jplanning to attend during the been type of garb. He served twenty- 2,153, butneither hada majority tory operations have nicipal election in Cuya- eight months with a signal bat- of the totalvote cast. Numerous (Continuedon Page 2) posted on bulletin boards. hoga Falls are Emmet R. regularly paid talion in World War I, twelve other offices and positions will Departments Wolfe, re-elected presi- overseas,and over three on Thursday are being paid city council, months be filled in the run-off election, dent of the years in World War IIas a sup- since W. I. "Joe" Vaught, who SERVICE PINS WILL today. and William C. "Billy" ply sergeant with the marines. was re-elected treasurer, was BE AWARDED TODAY Wright, re-elected as coun- He says serving in two World the only candidate to poll the PLAN RUMMAGE SALE cilman-at-large. Wolfe is Wars is a "great plenty." necessary majority. Boy director of training at Usually held on Thurs- The Mothers Club of Hillock is married. He is a * * * day, the pin cere- Troop 43 willhold a rum- Goodyear Tire and Wright service Scout is director of supervisional former supervisor in Dept. 181, Vital Statistics: Lost man- mony for the latest group mage sale on Saturday, Novem- fuel tanks, andhas abouty twen- hours amount to 260,075 for the of 25 30-year employes ber 24, in the store room at training at Goodyear Air- and craft. tv-nine years' service with the two weeks since November 5 as will be held today at 1:30 Wooster avenueand Bell street. Icompany.He says he willreturn a result of the dispute over p. m. in the office of Vice If members have rummage to to Goodyear after a month's Umpire Simkin's ruling which President Cliff Slusser be- donate,call Mrs. McQuMVin, ST- rest. permitted gradual changeover Thanksgiving 3692, Mrs. Walker, WA-5183, a cause of the or OFF ON LONG TRIP from eight-hour to six-hour holiday tomorrow and they will arrange for some- . up. Chassagne, division shifts in line with the availa- one to pick it H. H. "GRAND FOLKS" bility of manpower. Consequent- foreman of tubes and accesso- 1, ly, at least $338,097 was lost in ries, Plant left last week on Dept. 275, hose, wages and '16,000 fewer tires Remember, They Finished Their Job! a four weeks' vacation. He was braided accompanied by presenteda purse of money (auto, farm and off-the-road his wife and week in types only) manufactured. grand of special son,Bob, who was recently dis- to E. I.Lake last were current Victory Loan drive— the finale honor of his completion of Losses in hours and wages in- geared to the campaign slogan, "They finished charged from service. They mo- employes who, as a THEbond sales— is figures to Houston, Tex., to see a thirty years' service at clude manv job-let's finish ours!" The Clan believes that the tored Goodyear. Lake said his result of the confusion, did not their interpretation of this slogan. daughter and will go from there below are a significant Calif., fellow workershave always get in their scheduledsix hours to Orange, for a visit grand a day. The situationis expected Latest records show that: with an older son, and visit the been folks and that's 26,948 worldwideGoodyearites entered the service. plant Angeles. one of thereasons he stayed to be about the same this week lives, including 108 from Good- Goodyear in Los since milled and calendered 311 Goodyearites gave their with the company thirty stocks are depleted. year-Akronplants and46 from Aircraft. years. * * * 5,915 servedfrom Goodyear-Akron. WISE INNEW WORK 7,351 servedfrom Aircraft. Dr. W. D. Wise, formerly of Letter of Umpire Simkin to Goodyearwidewomenserved. Aircraft's hospital staff, whoI company and the union, 500 Johnny Rarick, foreman in the indeed, they their job in true American style. recently accepted a position with elaborating his ruling on Deci- Yes finished government Dept. 152F, stock preparation, least we can do is strive to make the postwar era the undercivil serv- sion S-15 (six- and eight-hour =urelv the to duty. ice, will be connected with the Plant 1, returned to work last shifts) full in this a tribute to their courage, sacrifice and devotion Friday, of two is nrinted in pride saying, "We made it." Now veterans' programin Akron and | after an absence issue of The Can.
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