Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department SEAFDEC/AQD Institutional Repository http://repository.seafdec.org.ph Journals/Magazines SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture 1997 Nature parks for environment education and biodiversity in the Philippines Bagarinao, Teodora Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Bagarinao, T. (1997). Nature parks for environment education and biodiversity in the Philippines. SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture, 19(3), 8-9, 26-27, 30. http://hdl.handle.net/10862/2908 Downloaded from http://repository.seafdec.org.ph, SEAFDEC/AQD's Institutional Repository Nature matters the AQD Museum and Biodiversity Garden, and the Environment Action Group Nature parks for environment education and biodiversity conservation in the Philippines By Teodora Bagarinao, PhD ern Luzon as the first national park in rampant in Bicol National Park, marble is AQD Scientist and Museum Curator 1933. An extinct volcano 1,050 m high, mined in Biak-na-bato National Park, and The incorporation of environment educa­ Mt. Makiling is the most accessible natu­ milkfish pens have proliferated in the tion within the formal system is advancing ral forest from Manila and the best studied Hundred Islands National Marine Park. in the Philippines and the rest of Asia, but forest ecosystem in the country, thanks to These and other alterations of the natural is still relatively underdeveloped and far the students and scientists at the Univer­ landscape by road construction, damming from achieving its holistic and interdisci­ sity of the Philippines-Los Baños. By the of water courses, or excavation, directly plinary objectives, Non-formal environ­ 1980s, the Philippines had 65 ‘national violate the fundamental concept of national ment education through various recrea­ parks’, including ten merely historical sites parks. Past and present efforts towards tional activities, such as visiting nature with no biological or ecological signifi­ proper management of national parks have parks and biodiversity exhibits, can be cance. The rationale and criteria for se­ been hampered by various land-use effective means towards the ‘greening’ of lection of national parks were not clearly conflicts, and lack of political will, funds, the hearts, the minds, and the spirit of the defined and many did not meet IUCN trained personnel, and scientific research. citizens. Awareness of the natural heritage standards. Some national parks have long been generates pride and curiosity; visits and By 1990, there were 233 areas ‘pro­ popular in tourism and thus accessible to first-hand experience generate awe, plea­ tected’ under the categories national parks, Filipinos and foreigners, for example, sure, and hopefully, protectiveness towards game refuges and bird sanctuaries, wilder­ Mayon Volcano, Pagsanjan Falls, Taal nature. The Philippines already has many ness areas, and municipal and barangay Lake-Volcano, and Mt. Makiling. Post­ protected areas, some of which can be used forest parks, but most of these had no man­ cards, posters, tourist brochures, newspa­ as nature parks. But the Philippines must agem ent plans nor enforcem ent of regula­ per and magazine articles, and some books invest more in the environment education tions. After some rationalization, 116 pro­ are available about the more popular des­ of its people by adequately funding and tected areas were identified under the Na­ tinations. Treks and camp-outs in Mt. properly managing these nature parks and tional Integrated Protected Areas System Makiling can be arranged through the other protected areas. (NIPAS) when the NIPAS Law was passed Makiling Conservation Foundation, which in 1992. Ten priority sites (Table 1) were publishes information sheets about the selected in terms of high biodiversity and mountain and its natural history. Well- National parks, reserves, ease of management, and for these, plans established tourist services ferry people to and other protected areas were drawn up for immediate implemen­ and from Pagsanjan and Taal, but neither National parks, as defined by the Interna­ tation. Another ten sites of next priority these nor the hotels bother to provide in­ tional Union for the Conservation of were also lined up provided funds became formation about the geology and natural Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), are available. The objective of the NIPAS is history of these areas. Already, much can relatively large natural areas not materi­ not only to protect the remaining areas of be learned and disseminated from Dr. ally altered by human activity, where ex­ high biodiversity in the Philippines, but Thomas Hargrove’s intriguing book about tractive resource uses are not allow ed, and also to zone these into protected cores and Taal Lake-Volcano and its freshwater- which are established to protect outstand­ multiple-use surroundings where resources adapted sea life, including the sardine ing natural and scenic areas of national or are managed on a sustainable basis by the Harengula tawilis, the ‘maliputo’ jack international significance for scientific, local communities. Caranx ignobilis, the sea snake H ydrophis educational, and recreational uses. The Many national parks have been ex­ sem peri, and a sponge. American government in the Philippines ploited rather than protected. Geothermal The internationally known Banawe established forest reserves as early as 1910 power is extracted in Tiwi Hot Springs in Rice Terraces (up to 1,500 m high and and Governor-General Theodore Albay, Tongonan Hot Springs in Leyte, and Roosevelt declared Mt. Makiling in south­ Mt. Apo in Davao-Cotabato. Logging was 8 SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture Vol. XIX No. 3 August 1997 nature matters / bagarinao PNOC's Pook Kalikasan (at 1,300 meters above sea level), and Lake Agco (at 1,200 m) on Mt Apo in southern Philippines. T A B L E The1 ten priority sites and the next ten proposed sites for establishment and management under the National Integrated Protected Areas System Protected area Location Category Batanes Islands north off Luzon protected seascape and landscape Northern Sierra Madre northeast Luzon natural park Mangyan Heritage Mindoro natural park Apo Reef Mindoro marine natural park Mt. Canlaon National Park Negros natural Park Siargao Island northeast Mindanao wildlife sanctuary Agusan Marsh eastern Mindanao wildlife sanctuary Mt. Kitanglad central Mindanao natural park Mt. Apo National Park southern Mindanao natural park Turtle Islands Sulu Sea marine natural park Mt. Pulog north central Luzon Subic-Bataan National Park western Luzon Bicol National Park southern Luzon Mt. Isarog National Park southeastern Luzon Bulusan Lake southeastern Luzon Malampaya Sound western Palawan Coron Island north off Palawan Taklong Island south off Guimaras marine reserve Rajah Sikatuna National Park Cebu Mt Malindang northwestern Mindanao 2,000 years old) have not been declared a national park despite its cul­ tural and biological significance. Thankfully, the Ifugao rice terraces, including those in Banawe, have recently been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Protection is urgently needed as the rice terraces are eroded and B anaw e town and V iewpoint 4 km aw ay are ‘uglified’ by tourist com ­ merce. The less visited rice terraces in Batad are in better shape. Mindoro Island has many natural wonders to offer. Naujan Lake, the third largest lake in the country, is a national park and the type locality of the endemic Crocodylus mindorensis and the carp P u n tiu s hem ictenus. It is also an important staging and wintering area for large numbers of ducks and other water birds, and has a high diversity of migratory fishes impor­ tant to fisheries. Puerto Galera, which had good coral reefs and beaches was declared a Man and the Biosphere Reserve, but tourism has taken its toll. Apo Reef and the Mangyan Heritage Park are now priority NIPAS sites (Table 1). Palawan province may be the best ecotourism destination in the Phil­ ippines today. The whole of Palawan island was gazetted as a game ref­ uge and wildlife sanctuary in 1967, as a mangrove swamp forest reserve in 1981, as a flora and fauna and watershed reservation in 1982, and also page 26 SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture Vol. XIX No. 3 August 1997 9 jump page visitors’ center where people can be briefed of Lanao Lake and Agus River for Nature matters/ from p 9 about the significance of the park and its megahydropower. Maria Cristina Falls ecosystems. The Kidapawan Tourism downstream can now be seen only by ap­ Council registers climbers at the pointment and only in half its glory be­ as a Man and Biosphere Reserve. Lake Kidapawan Museum, whose main display cause of the hydropower operations, but Manguao, the only lake in Palawan has is a model of the 701-hectare concession the area around it is well preserved like a three endemic species of fish and is sur­ of the Philippine National Oil Company park. Lanao Lake used to have a very di­ rounded by high-quality monsoonal forest. (PNOC) on Mt. Apo. PNOC maintains verse endemic fish fauna: 13 species of Main attractions include the St. Paul Sub­ Pook Kalikasan, a visitors’ center with a P un tius (= B arbodes or B arbus), and five terranean River, El Nido Marine Reserve, tree nursery, a botanical garden, a tribal species in four new genera of Cyprinidae. Calauit Island and Ursula Island game ref­ livelihood training center, and the near- Of these 18 endemic carps, only the uges and bird sanctuaries, and Ulugan Bay boiling Lake Agco (at 1,200 m elevation) ‘tum aginting’ Puntius siran g can be fished and Malampaya Sound with their old- nearby. Between Lake Agco and the Mt. at the present time; the others went extinct growth mangrove forests. Apo peak is three days’ trek through for­ in the 1970-80s due to competition and pre­ The Tubbataha Reef National Marine ests, meadows, hot and cold springs, and dation by introduced fishes such as the Park in the middle of the Sulu Sea has be­ around waterfalls and crater lakes. Scien­ white goby Glossogobius giurus.
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