E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 No. 62 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Ron was a veteran of the Korean war, women who are joining our Armed called to order by the Speaker pro tem- serving in the United States Army Forces. Ron was also a frequent visitor pore (Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee). from 1952 to 1954. to my Stockton district office, and he f His life was dedicated to serving the knew my entire staff, and we appre- community in a variety of jobs, includ- ciated him. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO ing as a member of the Stockton Met- Ron was a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite TEMPORE ropolitan Transit District Board of Di- Mason, the highest degree for a mason. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- rectors; Stockton City Council, serving He was appointed to the office of Per- fore the House the following commu- as vice mayor in 1985; San Joaquin sonal Representative of the Sovereign nication from the Speaker: County Council of Governments; Cali- Grand Inspector General of California WASHINGTON, DC, fornia Public Utility Commission; for the Stockton Scottish Rite in April April 29, 2014. Stockton Port District Board of Port 1992, serving in that position until May I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN J. Commissioners. 2003. DUNCAN, Jr. to act as Speaker pro tempore Appointed by the Stockton City He was instrumental in partnering on this day. Council to the Board of Port Commis- the Stockton Scottish Rite Childhood JOHN A. BOEHNER, sioners in 1991, Ron served with dis- Language Disorders Center and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. tinction as the commissioner for 20 speech and language department of the f years. During his tenure on the Stock- University of the Pacific. Throughout MORNING-HOUR DEBATE ton Port Commission, Ron’s leadership his partnership, the Stockton Center was apparent from the onset, and in became a flagship for all Scottish Rite The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the year 2000 he helped the Port of Childhood Language Disorders Centers ant to the order of the House of Janu- Stockton secure Rough and Ready Is- in California, providing speech therapy ary 7, 2014, the Chair will now recog- land from the United States Navy. treatment to children throughout our nize Members from lists submitted by By acquiring Rough and Ready Is- community. This center now serves ap- the majority and minority leaders for land, the Port of Stockton became the proximately 100 children each week morning-hour debate. third largest port in California, the free of charge. The Chair will alternate recognition largest inland port in terms of acreage Ron’s impact on our community and between the parties, with each party in California, and the second busiest lives around him will not be forgotten. limited to 1 hour and each Member inland port on the west coast. This al- Ron always brought a smile and a other than the majority and minority lowed the Port of Stockton to better warm sense of humor. To know Ron leaders and the minority whip limited serve California’s expanding agri- was to know a dear friend. He was one to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- culture industry, and is essential given of Stockton’s most dedicated citizens, bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. its proximity to major transportation and we will miss him. f hubs in the State. Ron was preceded in death by his Ron also served on various boards wife of 50 years, Mary Ellen Coale. Ron HONORING W. RONALD COALE and commissions at the State and local is survived by his two sons, Ronald W. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The levels in California. He was a former and Michael W., and five grand- Chair recognizes the gentleman from member of the advisory board of the children: Ronald Thomas, Stephanie California (Mr. MCNERNEY) for 5 min- YMCA of San Joaquin County, a mem- Lynn, Christopher Aaron, Jeffrey Mi- utes. ber of the Stockton Salvation Army, chael, and Tyler Joseph Coale. Mr. MCNERNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise and a former gubernatorial appointee f to celebrate the life and legacy of my to the Atascadero State Hospital Advi- friend, W. Ronald Coale, who passed sory Board. In these roles, Ron helped THE NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER away on April 17, 2014. to reach our youth and help those in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Ron was a native of Stockton, Cali- need. Chair recognizes the gentleman from fornia. He went to local schools, grad- As a veteran, Ron was a member of Oklahoma (Mr. LANKFORD) for 5 min- uated from Stockton College, and ac- Karl Ross Post of the American Legion utes. quired a teaching certificate in the in Stockton. He was a member of my Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. Speaker, last field of transportation and distribution U.S. service academy nomination com- week as I traveled my State, over and from the University of California at mittee. His knowledge and expertise over again people encouraged me with Berkeley. Dedicated to his country, was invaluable to the young men and a simple statement, ‘‘I pray for you.’’ b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3245 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:39 Apr 30, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29AP7.000 H29APPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H3246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 29, 2014 Those powerful words pack a tremen- The National Day of Prayer is not a since the House Republican leaders dous amount of compassion and the- mandate to pray. It is not a congres- turned their backs on millions of un- ology. It is the belief of millions of sional establishment of religion. It is employed Americans, and the situation Americans that there is a God who cre- two things: a congressional acknowl- grows more dire for these individuals ated us, He cares for us, and He is in- edgment that millions of people in our and their families with each passing terested in our lives. It is the belief Nation believe in God, and they believe day. that if we pray, a loving God hears our that God hears our prayers and re- For far too long, this Congress has prayer and He responds to our needs sponds when we pray; and a request described the long-term unemployed in and the needs of others. that those who believe in prayer should numbers, figures, and statistics only. This is the week of the National Day pray, and pray for our Nation and pray Well, today I hope that will begin to of Prayer. This is a time for us to be for our Nation’s leaders. change and that the Speaker and other able to reflect on prayer and to remem- If you are considering calling my of- Republicans leaders will understand ber and recognize the Americans who fice to complain that I mentioned what is happening to real people be- value prayer. I share the belief with prayer and God on the House floor, you cause of their refusal to extend unem- many others that people are separated are always welcome to call, but you are ployment benefits. from God because of our choices to not going to change my mind, and you I am launching something called the walk away from God and God’s path for are not going to change our Nation. ‘‘Faces of the Unemployed’’ to show our lives, so people live their lives Each day we begin with prayer in the my colleagues on the other side of the alone, even in a crowd. The Bible says, House of Representatives. The words of aisle just who they are hurting. This in Romans 6:23: our national motto, ‘‘In God We poster board will be outside my office, The wages of sin is death, but the gift of Trust,’’ are emblazoned on the wall and I will be adding people to it as they God is eternal life through Christ Jesus, our share their stories. It will force my Re- Lord. right over my right shoulder. There is a prayer chapel in the Capitol set aside publican colleagues to look into their Simply put, what we earn for what for Members of Congress to stop and eyes as they pass them in the hallway we do wrong is separation from life, pray before votes. We have always had and to understand that these individ- real life. God gives us the opportunity prayer as a nation. That is the free ex- uals should not be invisible. to have eternal life, life with God for- ercise of religion that is protected by Mr. Speaker, I want you and all of ever, by accepting the gift of Jesus the Constitution. my colleagues to look at these faces Christ through his death and his res- I am well aware that some people and explain to your colleagues and to urrection. It was my first real prayer. When I want people of faith to be silent and America why you won’t allow a vote was 8 years old, I realized for the first never speak about God in public. They that will help them put food on their time that there is a God and I did not condemn my insensitivity for their table, pay their rent, and provide for know Him.
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