Petr Velemínský – Lumír Poláček (Hrsg.) Studien zum Burgwall von Mikulčice VIII SPISY ARCHEOLOGICKÉHO ÚSTAVU AV ČR BRNO 27 Studien zum Burgwall von Mikulčice herausgegeben von Felix Biermann – Pavel Kouřil – Lumír Poláček ARCHEOLOGICKÝ ÚSTAV AKADEMIE VĚD ČESKÉ REPUBLIKY, BRNO, v.v.i. BRNO 2008 STUDIEN ZUM BURGWALL VON MIKULČICE BAND 8 herausgegeben von Petr Velemínský und Lumír Poláček ARCHÄOLOGISCHES INSTITUT DER AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN DER TSCHECHISCHEN REPUBLIK, BRNO, v.v.i. BRNO 2008 Vorbereitet und gedruckt mit Unterstützung der Grantagentur ČR, Projekt Nr. 206/03/0725 im Rahmen der Forschungsvorhaben des Kulturministeriums ČR Nr. MK00002327201 und des Archäologischen Instituts AV ČR Brno, v.v.i. Nr. AV0Z80010507 Begutachtet von Doc. RNDr. prom. hist. Milan Stloukal, DrSc. und Doc. RNDr. Milan Thurzo, CSc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten ISBN 978-80-86023-74-8 Copyright © 2008 by Archeologický ústav AV ČR Brno, v.v.i. Contents Foreword ................................................................................................................................... 7 Lumír Poláček: Great Moravia, the Power Centre at Mikulčice and the Issue of the Socio- economic Structure ............................................................................................................. 11 Jaroslav Brůžek – Petr Velemínský: Reliable Sex Determination Based on Skeletal Remains for the Early Medieval Population of Great Moravia (9th-10th Century) ..................... 45 Markéta Urbanová – Petr Velemínský – Martin Hájek – Viktor Černý: Genetic Sex Determination of Sub-adult Individuals from the Great Moravian Settlement in Mikulčice (9th Century AD) ................................................................................................... 61 Miluše Dobisíková – Stanislav Katina – Petr Velemínský: Stature of the Great Moravian Population in Connection with Social Status ...................................................... 77 Jana Velemínská – Petr Velemínský – Lucie Biogoni – Marek Jantač: Craniometric Analysis of the Great Moravian Population from Mikulčice – X-ray film study ................... 93 Petra Stránská – Petr Velemínský – Jana Velemínská: The State of Dentition in the Great Moravian Population – a Comparison of the Mikulčice Centre and its Hinterland .... 121 Pavel Trefný – Petr Velemínský: Linear Enamel Hypoplasia in an Early Medieval Population of Great Moravia .............................................................................................. 141 Václav Smrčka – Petr Velemínský – Martin Mihajlevič – Jarmila Zocová: Trace Elements in Human Skeletal Material from the Great Moravian Burial Site at Mikulčice- Kostelisko .......................................................................................................................... 151 Václav Smrčka – Petr Velemínský – J. František Bůzek – Jarmila Zocová: Stable C, N Isotopes in Human Skeletal Material from the Great Moravian Burial Site at Mikulčice-Kostelisko .......................................................................................................... 169 Martina Kujanová – Lucie Bigoni – Jana Velemínská – Petr Velemínský: Skeletal Asymmetry of Locomotor Apparatus at Great Moravian Population ................................... 177 Petra Havelková – Petr Velemínský – Jakub Likovský – Miluše Dobisíková: Harris Lines in the Non-adult Great Moravian Population from Mikulčice – the Comparison of Inhabitants of the Castle and Sub-castle Area ................................................................ 209 Jakub Likovský – Petr Velemínský – Vít Zikán: Proximal Femur Bone Density of the Great Moravian Population from Mikulčice Evaluated by Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry ........ 223 Jakub Likovský – Petr Velemínský – Lumír Poláček – Jana Velemínská: Frequency of Fractures of the Locomotor Apparatus at the Burial Sites in the Area of the Castle in Mikulčice ............................................................................................................................ 235 Petr Velemínský – Miluše Dobisíková – Petra Stránská – Jana Velemínská: Biological Diversity of Non-metric Traits in the Great Moravian Population – the Comparison of the Mikulčice Power Centre and its Hinterland .......................................... 265 Petr Velemínský – Lumír Poláček – Miluše Dobisíková: Estimation of Biologically Related Groups of Individuals at the Mikulčice-Kostelisko Burial Site on the Basis of Morphological Similarities, Topography of the Burial Site and Archaeological Data ........... 305 Kristina Krchová – Petr Velemínský: Dental Morphological Traits in a Population from a Settlement of the Mikulčice Agglomeration ...................................................................... 321 List of some abbreviations ......................................................................................................... 345 Foreword The eighth volume of „Studien zum Burgwall of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Science von Mikulčice“, as its subtitle – „Anthropological in Brno (Lumír Poláček), another ten institutions and epidemiological characterization of Great- collaborated on this volume. These institutions Moravian population in connection with the social mainly included the Department of the Archaeo- and economic structure“ – suggests, is dedicated logy of Landscape and Archaeobiology, the Insti- to the biological properties of the Great Mora- tute of Archaeology of the Academy of Science in vian population in relation to the social structure Prague (Petra Stránská, Jakub Likovský, Markéta of this society. Great Moravia represents the first Urbanová, Martin Hájek, Viktor Černý), the state formation of the Slavs, whose centre in the Depart ment of Anthropology of the Faculty 9th century AD occupied the region of Moravia of Science, Charles University Prague (Jana (part of the Czech Republic), west Slovakia and Vele mín ská, Martina Kujanová, Lucie Bigoni, nord part of Lower Austria. Kristina Krchová), Laboratoire d’Anthropologie The project whose results we present here was des Populations du Passé (LAPP), University of launched in 1999, when we could still refer to the Bordeaux, France, the Department of Anthropo- Great Moravian population as people from the logy, Faculty of Humanities, University of West past millennium. It represents a continuation of Bohemia, Plzeň (Jaroslav Brůžek), the Institute several decades of anthropological research of the of Dental Research, General Teaching Hospital Great Moravian burial sites, especially those at Prague (Pavel Trefný), the Institute of History Mikulčice. Research associated with the names of of Medicine and Foreign Languages, Charles Milan Stloukal and his colleagues, Hana Haná ková Univer sity Prague, the 1st Faculty of Medicine in and Luboš Vyhnánek. It is natural that some of the Prague (Václav Smrčka), 3rd Department of Inter- authors of this volume are members of the Anthro- nal Medicine, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles pological Department of the National Museum, University, Prague (Vít Zikán), the Czech Geolo- just like their predecessors. The biological study of gical Survey, Prague (František Bůzek), the Insti- the inhabitants of Great Moravia is a “tradition” tute of Geochemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles and one of the key points of interest of this depart- University, Prague (Martin Mihaljevič), the Insti- ment. Cooperation with the Mikulčice base of tute of Applied Mathematics and Information The Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Technologies, Faculty of Science, Charles Univer- Science in Brno dates to the department’s foun- sity, Prague (Jarmila Zocová). dation, i.e. the late 1960s or rather the late 1950s, This volume contains sixteen papers that may as personified by Milan Stloukal. be divided into several areas of interest. An intro- Besides the two institutions mentioned above, duction of the historical and archaeological issues the Department of Anthropology of the National of Great Moravia and a presentation of the power Museum (Petr Velemínský, Miluše Dobisíková, centre at Mikulčice is followed by the biologi- Petra Havelková, Marek Jantač) and the Institute cal section itself. The first papers are devoted to palaeodemographic issues and presents a proposal The papers are conceived as autonomous, inde- for secondary sexual diagnosis based on the skull pendent articles, which is why basic information dimensions of the Mikulčice population and relating to the burial sites is repeated at times. the comparison of genetic and morphologi- The aforementioned studies represent the first cal sex determination of sub-adult individuals. compilation of the conclusions of research into the This is followed by a study of the stature and the biological indicators of the inhabitants of Great morphology/structure of the facial part of the Moravia, which to various degrees attest to their skull, i.e. work devoted to the physical appearance appearance and state of health, and indirectly to of the inhabitants of Great Moravia. Most of the the quality of their living conditions. Among the papers then represent studies and articles attesting traits that could not be included in this volume to the health status of the Great Moravian popula- in view of this publication’s extent but that were tion. A number of these deal with traits that may evaluated, we find e.g. the degenerative changes be interpreted as possible manifestations of non- of articular junctures on the vertebral column and specific stress, of either physiological-metabolic or appendicular
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