* '>X V0LUM#fe3YIII, NO, 45. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 2,1946. SECTION ONE—PAGES l-r. Harry S.WilUy BUys Rep. Auchincloss Crelin Elected L*ocal Insurance Fajr Haven PTA To Science Group Pance Friday Rumson, Fair Hay Explains Views, Edmund 8.- Crelin, Jr., son of Mr. Firm Purchases Rumson Road Estate and Mrs. Edmund S. Crelin of East Mrs. Hugh Distelhurst is chair- Westslde avenue, was recently man, of .the spring dance to be Little Silver Sales V^sOn^GPAmelected a fellowJn the Iowa Acad- Higginson Line held tomorrow night at Willow emy of Science, an honor which Street school by the Fair Haven Sepds Letter goes only to those actively engaged ' Mrs. Higginson Sells Parent-Teacher ^association. The George V. Coe Sells The Beeche* in science in Iowa. , Merrymen will play for dancing Ray Van Horn Agency Report . To Senators "m Mr. Crelin lit senior and in; Business To Grossinger from 9 p. m. to la, m. - Members of^the dance commit- through William H. Hintelmann struct* In zoology'and'embryology J Smith, Hawker . at Central college, Fella, Iowa. - • AndHelier... • tee' art" Mfsv Lawrence Schilling, Demand For Local Property Wiiile he has attended Central, Mrs. John Hillier, Mrs. Robert Harry 8, Willey of Red Bank Noyes, Mrs. -George Woodward, Congressman James C. Auchin- he has played varsity football, acted The" general Insurance agency- J> has purchased from George V, Coe as assistant conductor of the col- Mrs, Charles P.'Hurd, Mrs.-Ralph ;_The Ray Van Horn Agency: L, Red Cross Fund closs of Rumson sent the follow- conducted by the late Howard S. .tors of River road, Fair Hay«i': the country estate known as "The ing letter this week to the New lege band, played leading roles in Legg, Mrs. Haaken Samuelaon, Beeches." The property has a Higginson has been sold to Gros- Mrs. Arch Dingwall^ Mrs. Clarence Dr. Sydney Rose port the purchase by both local a, Is 97 Per Cent Jersey U. S. Senators, Albert W. dramatic productions, written for singer and Heller, Inc., Broad and frontage of. 770 feet on the north college- publications, led his own Wickman'and IMrajbouglas Frect- but of towners of houses located^ Hawes and If- Alexander Smith, ex- Mechanic* streets, Red Bank. Mr.' Fair Haven, Rumson and [ side of Rumson road, 2,395 feet on Holcombe Ward,- chairman, fund plaining his Wew«i and votes on the dance band/ reported for the college erlcks. -Tickets ma? be obtained ToPractice Here, '' the east aide of Kemp avenue, and campaign of the county Red Cross paper and has been elected presi- Grossinger spates that the "business from any member, or at the door Silver, -..' ••• - 806 feet on- the south, side of Ridge chapter, disclosed today that a to-various amendments to the OPA will be merged with their own and In the Old Farm Village s bill, recently1 passed by the House: dent of his cjiass for three consecu< the night Of the dance. road. The sale was effected by Wil- tal, of $188,272.70, or W# of the tive years. * bandied through their agency,, The WasWith 101st or Rumson at the southwest i liam H, Hintelmann, Realtor, of quota for this chapter has been ear Senator: change of ownership was effective of South Cherry Lane and Bl&___ - Rumson. raised. Additional contributions are So much has been written and as of yesterday, but all outstand- In'Belgian Bulge ~ avenue, Mr. and Mrs.- -William'; said about the recent House action ing insurance policies' that were Is- James Longstreet; Brown have aold .their modi| The main residence, which Is of in sight from Freehold, Matawan, on the OPA legislationili , resultinlti g In Comdr. Gregory • English Tudor design, is situated Mlddletown townshlpand from.qne deal of misunderstanding sued J>y Mr. Higginson will be ser- Dr. Sydney A. Rose "of Long eight-room residence to Mr on a hill and commands a superb of the large plants in Red' Bank. Snfusldn, I thought it might viced by the new owners and they Dies At Red Bank Branch will begin jthe practice of Mre. Richard Thomas jpf 1 < view of the South Shrewsbury, river Mr: Ward said, "It is hoped that be helpful to you, while this meas-' Purchases Little have placed a display advertise- dentistry here Monday when he and Rumson. Mr. Thomas Is ; and* the'Atlantic ocean." On thethis will put Monmouth county ure is before the Senate, If I ex- ment in this issue of The Regis- opens offices in the Doremus build- veteran, having served as an ground floor there is a large re- over, the top." plained my attitude on this legis- ter to so advise them. In His 90th Year ing at 21 Broad street.. cer in the U. S. Navy. He is L ception hall, powder room, coat lation and my votes on the bill and Silver Bungalow The firm of Grossinger and Hel- engaged in.the securities basin room, oak. panelled library with the amendments thereto. * in New York. The house has Let me say at the start that I ler have been active In the local . band-molded celling, large* living real estate and insurance field.over Well Known Resident center hall, powder room, din room, dining room panelled In ma- Asks Middletown have always believed It was neces- Other Property Sales room, modern ail-electric kitch sary to continue price control for a period ot 20 years and both mem- three master bedrooms and • hogany, with hand-frescoed .celling, a reasonable period, imperfectly as bers are well known In the county. Was Baseball Fan, butler's pantry, flower room, three To Change Code Reported By Walker ing room, maid's room, three 1 it has been administered, because In addition to hLa connection with oil heat and attached.garage.' ' - servants' bedrooms, sitting room the situation in which the country the firm, Victor E. Grossinger is Athlete Of Local Note and bath. On the basement floor finds Itself warrants it, but! have & Tindall, Realtors grounds comprise about half Belf ord Developer a member of the Monmouth .county acre attractively planted and hu. there to a large modern kitchen, also believed it necessary to make board ot freeholders and treasurer servants' dining room, laundry, some changes In the act to -prevent Commander Arthur V. Gregory, * James B. Longstreet, 89,. life- scaped with large trees and nume storeroom and furnace room. On , Urges Revision undue interference with the busi- U, S, Navy, who has been stationed of Fair View Cemetery association. long resident of this borough, died ous ehrube. Mr. and Mrs. Br the second floor there are seven ness of production and the recon- in Washington, D. C. for the last Milton Heller recently returned to Monday morning aX Hilltop Nurs- have purchased a residence in'] master bedrooms, five master J. Crawford Compton, . Belford version effort. It was well stated few years, has purchased the mod- an active status in the firm after ing homeTat Middletown. Although clalr; Thomas P. Doremus of baths, sleeping porch and solarium. construction man, appeared before In a recent editorial In the Newern brick bungalow of Mrs,.Daisy his discharge from the U. S. Army In 111 health for some time,, he had law firm of Quinn, Doremus, M©_ There are seven bedrooms and two the township committee meeting at York Times that, "Price control Is Air corps that included a two-year not been hospitalized until last Fri- & Rusuell of Red Bank represent! at best a secondary and transitional Tice on the west side of Rlvervlew day when he collapsed while walk- baths on the third floor. The resi- Middletown last Thursday after- avenue, Little Stiver, and has taken stay In. the China, Burma, India the purchaser. weapon against the Inflation. It theater. • . ' • ing' on Canal street dence Is equipped with .coal burn- noon apd asked'that the township's deals with the symptoms and conse- possession. The commander's broth- Another Rumson Bale ing hot water heat for all-the-year building code be' changed to meet quences of inflation and, not. its er, Frank Gregory, resides on Born August 81, 1886, at Red by the Van Horn Agency is occupancy. what he' described as "changing causes." Woodbine avenue and is a member Bank, he was the son of the late modern six-room Dutch nnlm ,. Other buildings On the property conditions." ' He was directed by I think everyone agrees that the of the Little Silver borough coun- Red Cross Helps Jeremiah and Harriet Fields Long-- residence owned by' Florence Haip| include a superintendent's residence the committee to list .ipeclflcfsug- cure and prevention of inflation is street. He has made his home with sen located at 23 Park avenue, lni cil. He is an assistant' cashier In his son,. Harry' T. Longstreet, 52 containing seven rooms and bath; gested revisions and submit'them increased-industrial production, the the Chase National bank, New the Pa;rmly Park eection. Thil • truest cottage containfng seven at a later meeting. cessation 'of deficit government fi- At Earle Blast Hudson avenue. His wife, the late third-acre plot is shaded by largs'f nancing and the balancing; of the York city. The sale was arranged Mrs. Eliza Teer Longstreet, died rooms and bath; a large stable ga- Mr. Compton declared that It by Walter and Tindall' of 7 Me- oak trees, has a rock garden, a Illy! federal budget before we can re- about SO years ago, . pool, and a native stone wall. Fe«r§S rage with ample space for ten cars; "was impractical for summer bun. turn to the sound economy of free chanic street, Red Bank.
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