![SUNFLOWER October 26, 1950 Campus Briefs Club Comer Campus Couples ISA to .Hold ·Arad ·Plans Talk Pronko Conduct& Class Prof](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
elcome 'FoUrth District -Editors I • THE SUNFLOWER Ollicial Student New•paper Uni~eriity ofA Wichita- Wichita, Kansas October 26, 1950 Picture Dates Convo to Feature Farrell lire Still Open Beaver ... Appointments f o r Parnassus Guest lo Sing picture$ a1•e still open. The dead, Jlne will be announced later, re­ ported Bob OlsoJ1, Parnassus edi­ tor. The appointmen~ may be ·With Symphony Munies Meet Cougars made in the Commons Lounge from 9 a. m. unto % p. m. In Hon-Valley Contest Fo.- student.s who cannot find Guest Artist ls Top time to h·ave tbeJr pictures taken Oct, 28 .In Vet's Field at school Math Bornlnger, pho­ Stage and Radio Star tographer, has announced that The University of Wich­ sittings will be open for late Eileen Farre , soprano, W heatshockers w i-1 1 arte1·noon.~ or evenings at1 his will appear as guest artist t:a home. ' ' with the W i ch i ta Sym­ =.-meet the University of The senior hlstol'y blanks are Jrouston Cougars in quest due this Friday, said Olson. The:, phony Orchestra under the at'e ~ be srnt to him in ~m direction of Jame P. Rob­ of their fifth straight win • 117, Commun\cations building. Saturday in Veterans Field. ertson, professor, and head J{ickoff time is scheduled of t he University Orches­ at2 p. m. tral department, in its first Newcomers to the Missouri concert of the season at a Valley Conference, the Cougars News Editors WITH HOMECOMING just around the corner, three students ta lk genera 1 convocation, 10 flave a record of one win and over the shaving situation. Measuring Fred Farha's beard is Al , a.m., Oct. 30, in the Audi­ ~our losses.. in games played this Williams, while Fred tries to find Al 's beard. At left is Harold eeson. Their only victory was torium. over the University of Louisville To Meet Here Enns who is heckling both students with hi~ interpretation _of what Walter J. Duerksen, professor ~y- a score of 27-7. In its last every male should wear at homecoming. and director of the University euUng, Houston dropped a 14-13 School of Musif said Miss Farrell riller .to Hardin-Simmons Col- Dedication of Library is considered the leading inter­ e. Other losses were dealt To Highlight Meeting Hup! preter or Wagner-Ian music. She flie Cougars by St. Bonaventure, has appeat·ed with noted orches­ lor, and Trinity. Dedication of the Ken­ Shocker's Win tras under the direction of Bruno E _~Aead Coach Clydti Lee- has 35 Halftime Skit Walter, Leopold Stokowski. and ~~ns on his 1950 squad in neth F. Sauer Memorial Eugene Ormandy. I n addition, addition to several promising Library of Journalism will Miss Farrell has recorded for JMwcomers. Cougars who are ex­ _Will Spotliaht .; Nets W'alkout Decca, Columbia, and RCA Vic- :~~ to give the Shockers trou­ highlight a meeting on the tor. and ])as appeared on several :Jllt -~turday ar,e Bobby Rogers, campus, Saturday, ·of Houston ROTC More than 1,700 University of radio programs. :quarterback and junior college near 1 y one hundred and · Wichita students brought down- This is the seventh year for :transfer, Gene Shannon, half· The Cullen Rifles. crlfck Army town traffic to a ·neat' standstill the Wichita Symphony 01·ches• back. and Jim Van Haverbeke, twenty-five !\_ewspaper ed­ ROTC drill team from the Uni• for over an hour Monday morn- tra, and Monday's concert wll_l center. Shannon scored three itors and th e i r families versity of Houston, wil' share the ing l\S they celebrated the 17-14 mark the first appearance of :touchdowns in Houston's 26-6 spotlight with James Kerr's Uhl· University win over Drake Uni- P1·ofes.sor Robertson as full-time wtn over Wichita In 1949 which from the Fourth Congres­ versity of Wichita marching band sional District. vers1ty last Saturday. conductor. The orchestra con- marked the beginning of the in the halftime program d"!rlng, Celebratin(. the only official slsts of 85 members. Students Shocker.Cougar series. Mr. Sauer, 1932 University the Wichita-Ho us ton football walkout of the year, students will be admitted upon presenta­ .$8 for the Shockers, they are jo1.1rnalism graduate, lost his life ga~e Saturday i~ .Veter~ns Field. staged a rally at the corner of tion of their Identification cards, (ConUnued un Page 5) m a Japanese prisoner-of-war Organized in September, 1948, Broadway and Douglas. Follow- P.rofesi;or Duerksen said. camp in 1944. The memorial lib­ the rifle team wai, named In -- , rary will be· open for inspection Ing the rally, students formed a · - --- honoi- of Hugh Roy Gullen, chair-. for the first time Saturday. man of the Un iversity of Hous­ snakedowntown dance streets which woundand th ,i:uacro de-ss Un housed Groups Registration In Commons ton board of regents: The group nsas Councils Registration for the session partment stcn:es. · is sponsored by Lieut. Col. Gus will begin at 10:30 a.m. in the E. Lehmann. a )1:rad11ate from the At a student convo held before May Use Campus Commons Lounge. Members of University of Wichita iri 1933 a!'?­ the walkout, Coach Jim Trimble _ Matrix and Colophon, journaF now assistant professor 'of m1li· •eet~Here jsm sorority and fraternity, will ·told students .that the team "now · tary sci!!nce and tactics at the has a good chance to go all the Fraternal, scholastic. or honor­ "'show v:isitini;: editors through the Houston school. way In the Missouri Valley race."_ ary organizations which do not Communication!< Building which The Phi Upsilon Sigma frater­ have a house on the campus but houses the Sunflower offices and Led by a convertible carrying would like to enter decot·ating nity of the University of Wich­ Trimble and Les Needham. team the radio station. ita wlll serve as hosts· to the Cul· trainot·, and a truck carrying a competition during Homecoming atsy according to Otis Ham- Members of the , ichita Papel' ,1en Rifles duri-ng their stay, in. " should contact any member of nds, chairman of the conven· and. Graphic Arts Industry will - Wichita. ( band and cheerleaders, 300 tars the Homecoming committee, ac- mmittee, be hosts to '.the visiting editors took part in the procession. cording to, Gerry Hunter, com- ~in.posed of delegates from at a noon luncheon following the James Kerr, associate profes­ • Following the pep , rally stu- mittee head. · · a colleges, the representaf radlo-journalism open house. sor of bands and wood',Yinds, will dents were admitted to a special Getr.Y Hunter, Fred ,Farha, and es meet ai the University/ Pres. Harry F. Corbin will de­ lead his marching bahd in the wm formation of several musical sym­ showing of a movle at·the Miller Andy ;Larson may be contacted a two-da,y sessiol) on studen( liver the welcoming address pre­ Theatre, at reduced prices. Other by any"'iQ.tei,ested ~roup. Student ernment. Social, financial, and ceding the election of otficers. bols and ·instruments In Its por­ students adjourned to a local Council will consH.ier allocation ~nistt·ative problems will be Following the luncheon and elec- tion of the halftime show. ' club for da.ncing and private of space on the campus to gt·oups lit.~;J:JlllllCU:$$ed by members. tion, the group will attend the parties. wishing it, at their regular meet- 'l'he University Council group University of Houston-University Commenting on the walkout, ing, ~Qnday night. pl el)tertain the visitors at a of Wich}ta football g~me at Vet­ Inside Index Pres.· Harry l<'. Corbin sald, "It Location of s p a c e desired uet on th.e evening of the erans Field. was a great· victory and a tre- should a lso be re1>orted to com­ da')-. Plans for other enter- Rydjord_ To Talk mendous celebr~tion, but stu- mittee member.s who desire re- ent are being made, Ham- Dr. John RydJord, head of the 'Lil Abner ports from interested parties be- ds said·. history department, will be the (Continued on Page 5) fore noon Monday. ~rtlcipating schools are: Uni- principal speaker at. a banquet ~ee Page 5 l'*8tty of Wichita Kansas State at 6 p.m. The subJect of Dx. --------- COllege Ottawa U~iverslty Kan- Rydjord's . adElress will. be "Na­ Behind Iron Curtain In Prague ~ W~sleyan, Ka n s as' State tionalis_m, Notes, and ~onsense." Young GQP Teachers College of Pittsbug, A musical progra~ w1n be pre­ See Page 4 llcPhers.on, Bethany, Sterling, sented _by the Un1verstty SCh!)Ol filend11,.,_ College of Emporia, of Mus~c as a part of the. evening Communism Prevalenf At Conference ltSTC at Emporia, Washburn, e ntertainment; The Toe ~s Un.lvet·s!ty, Southwest- Present offJcers y.,ho ~re ex- · Stuclents Gain Birds-Eye-View . em, Baker, Bet:.el, and Fort Hays pected to attend the meeting are See Page 7 (Jo:dltot's N...u: Tbl• sum.....,. stud~nt., fMm ""nolrlflS all OVP.-1' lb~ world State. (Continued on Page 8) Jow-oeyed bPblnd th~ Jrnn Curtain 'fn atleDd tb11 Second 1VorJd Student C-onp-ess. Arnonx the Amlf"rfe&nllil whn --.ttf::ndl'd t hb mr-.f'tln,r was a thr~.... man ofl~t rv~r Unnl r epr,,~nUntr thf). ntted State• 1'' atlonal Student• · As~fflatlo,,. Tht, Is the flr,f In a <>f artlel"8 wdlt~u· h:,, " member nt t hat t.earo deserlbtnir the oonirres. la P:ra,rue.••1'1•• By BUJ Holbrook In December of 1949 the National Executive Com­ mittee of the National Students Association d ecided to send an observer ·delegation to the' International Union of Students sponsored conve11tion in ·Prague.
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