7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PFR COPY VOLUME LXXI, NO. 27. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1948 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16 Site For Ashes Mainstay-Federal Paid Building Work Red Bank Girl Harold E. Danes Santa Claus Visit* Dividend Before Xmas Hurt In Accident Children Of Clinic The Mainstay Federal Savings & The Junior Service league of Hod Teachers Raised Miss Ruth Harvey of 1«'4 Worth- Confronts Council Loan association of Red Bank Shows Cain In Is New Master Of Bank gave a Christmas party last ley street is reported in a fair con- Thursday for the children of the played Santa Claus to several hun- dition at Riverview hospital follow- dred persons in this vicinity in the cerebral palsy clinic at Long At Fair Haven Red Bank Area ing an accident Friday morning in Mystic Lodge 21 Branch. This clinic serves Mon- form of a dividend through which which she waa struck by a car hey distributed approximately $19,- mouth, Ocean and Middlesex coun- In Middletown driven by John C. Fowler, 28, of Old Fourth Creek 000 just before Christmas. Local Activity 60 Matthew L. Rue Gets ties, and Is under the direction ol' River Plaza. Mlsi Harvey received Miss Barbara Sayre of Red Bank. Fill To Be Studied The officers decided to make the a fractured pelvis. distribution previous to the first of Per Cent Over 33-Year Life Member- Each of the 20 children received Sgt. Leroy McKnlght, who issued By Boro Official* the year in order that? the stock, ship Card a Christmas stocking filled by mem- Three-Year Salary Plan Rejected holders could use this extra money Pre«War Level a summons to Fowler, »id Miss bers of the league. They were enter- for holiday purposes. Approximate- Harvey was walking on the south tained by Santa Claus, imperson- A letter from a Fair Haven resi- Building activity in the Red side of Wallace street when she was Harold E. Danes was installed as —Building Plan Is Advocated dent brought up one of that bor- ly $5,000 was mailed out in checks Bank area in the last three years ated by Mrs. A. Jackson Lindsley, hit by the car, which was traveling worshipful master of Mystic Broth- who read a holiday story while the ough's pressing problems at Mon- and $14,000 was applied to savings has sent the rate of new construc- erhood lodge No. 21, F.&A.M., at accounts, which bear compound in- west, Mr. Fowler appeared in po- children grouped around a lighted The Middletown township school day night's meeting of the mayor tion about 00 per cent above pre- lice court yesterday morning but the annual meeting Tuesday night, and council. In the communica- terest. war levels, according to Philip J. and candy-cane decorated tree. hoard Monday night granted a to-. the case was dismissed as no com- Dec. 21. He succeeds Eugene M. Games were played and carols tion Henry A. Hitzwebel of 158 Fair The officers of the association Bowers, whose contracting com- tal of approximately $20,000 !n plaint had been made by police. Magee, who received a past mas- sung with Mrs. William D. Sayre Seek Tourney Haven road, stated he would like to have received many compliments pany is building the 178-family Red teachers' salary increases for tn* However, John V. Crowell, record- ter's jewel and apron. The presen- as accompanist. have the borough dump ashes and for their decision of prepaying this Bank Manor apnrtment project at tation was made by George C. D. 1949-50 school year but did not ac- er, said that Fowler could be sum- Mrs. Owen Gibson of Red Bank debris on his property. The bor- dividend before the annual divi- Harding road and Spring street, Hurley, Sr., of Oceanport, P.M., and Next Summer At cept a three-year salary plan ad- moned to appear In court at a later was chairman and was assisted by ough is now using the Acker prop- dend period. and who also is president of the Harold V. B. Voorhls, P.M. vocated by the teachers. date if a complaint was made by Mrs. Raymond Moore, Mrs. Francis erty. Red Bank borough council. A 35-year life membership card The Increases, which range from Miss Harvey. Taylor, Mrs. J. Spann JefTers, Miss $100 to $000, were based on the The borough recently started to Reports from building inspectors was presented to Matthew L. Rue. Atlantic Highlands Elizabeth Cooper and Mrs. A. Jack- teachers' experience, length of ser- use the Acker property. The coun- of nine communities within a flvc- Twenty-flve-year membership pins mon Llndslcy. In addition to the vice and educational training. Th§ cil's headache is that complaints New York Court mile radius, including Red Bank, were presented by Mr. Hurley to Tuna Kvcnl Would parents of the children, the guests teachers had .submitted a three- from neighbors usually follow sllow that 1,952 dwellings have been Frederic K. Adams, Herbert W. Bar- were Mrs. George Lt. VanDeusen year eitlnry schedule plan with a whenever a new site is selected. built since January, 1946. Municipal Carlson Is Chief ber, William Balgent, Emerson 1C Bring Nationwide and Miss Clara Weigele, ccrcbcal $4,700 maximum and a $2,000 mini- Councilman Jesse J. Mcllray, chair- To Hold Hearing officials say the building spurt has Burnett. Roland Fielder, Edwin C. palsy consultant to the State Crip- mum. The board, however. Just man of the sanitation committee, been accompanied by an average Gllland, John W. Osborn, L. W. Publicity To Kuygliorc pled Children's commission. used these figures as a guide in said the real solution would be pip- population growth of from 12 to At Sea Bright Smith, Albin K. Stenzhorn, Arthur On Herzig Will Tile Atlantic Highlands mayur formulating its policy for the com- ing Old Fourth creek, between 30 percent. R. Turner, Kenneth L. Walker, Ar- Succeeds Fowler, Who and council Tuesday night voted to ing school year. River road and Third street, and The total estimated cost of this thur Alvln Whiting and Kenneth Surrogate To Hear Invite a five-man committee of the , Thlllue uthree-yea,,, r plan was rejected filling in the hollow. He said he construction—counting neither the M. Wyckoft. Six Properties had obtained permission of all prop- Is Entering Council Mr. Voorhls made the annual Atlantic Tuna tournament lo Mir- ] according to Herbert V. Disney-' , Evidence Jan. 14 On purchase nor improvement of the vey tho borough's facilities with I chairman of the board's personnel erty owners along the creek except land—was 512,215,024. The nine presentation of the Edwin Field Charles Carlson has been elected the possibility of holding tin: toiw- | committee, because the present one. communities arc Red Bank, Eaton- Memorial jewel to James Stout, Sister's Application chief of the Sea Bright flrc depart- Have New Owners nament' her' e at the end of next ; board did no• -•t wan•• t• t*o ti•'e- tii"e- This project, said Mayor Edgar V. town, Fair Haven, Little Silver, P.M. The jewel is presented in ment, succeeding Chief Stanley summer. hands of the incoming board, lie Deniec, had been under contem- New York, Dec. 29. (AP)—A Middletown township, Rumson, memory of.the late Dr. Field, who Sales Reported By Fowler, who has been elected to I Tho council ucteil on tha sugges- recommended that a salary sched- plation for a long time, but had Surrogate's Court hearing will be Shrewsbury and Shrewsbury town- for many years waa active In been held in abeyance due to the the borough council and will take Masonic circles. tion of ii Lions club committee ule and policy for the future b* held Jan. 14 on the move of a New ship. Red Bank Realtor corn-posed of Marry B, Murthn, Kil- cost of laying the pipe. He men- York woman to contest the will of office New Years day. An impressive service for mem- studied as soon us possible. tioned the Illl-in job on the Also not included in this survey In the recent department elec- The colonial /arm house on a ward Wtildcr and Wesley Welnhokl. William G. Thomas, chairman of her brother who died in Middle- was the heavy volume ol altera- bers who diea during the year was Schwcnker property as an example town township. tion, other officers chosen were conducted by Rev. YV. Calvin Col- half-acre of land at Lincroft has Mr. Murtha, spokesman for t.Ho the teachers' committee, uxpresstd of what can be done in this respect, tions—including the installation of Robert Thorsen, assistant chief; been purchased from the Soden es- committee, said that if the tourna- satisfaction with the plan but said. Surrogate William T. Collins yes- private apartments—in existing by. but felt that county and state aid Axel Johnson, foreman; Claude Installation was conducted by tate by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. ment could bo brought to Atlantic that certain inequalities still exUt. terday adjourned an application by houses, nor the large number of Highlands it would help tho bor- should be forthcoming if the proj- Gertrude C. Herzig Notes, 59, for Minaldl, first assistant foreman, William Curchin, Jr., past district Kclsey of Matawan. Extensive re- These, he .said, arc caused when t> ect is to be undertaken. It wan conversions of properties like barns and John Carlson, second assistant modeling Is under way and the new ough. He explained that there will new teacher comes into the system an order vacating a decree admit- and garages into houses.
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