Return undelivered copies to: 1495 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2C6 www.archwinnipeg.ca The New Wine Press A Publication of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg (Publication Agreement No. 40628045) Vol. 12 No. 5 December 2013 Most Rev. Richard Gagnon will become 7th Archbishop of Winnipeg, Jan. 3 2014 ost Reverend Rich- moved to British Columbia Education, and the next year Mard Gagnon will be with his family while still was appointed founding installed as the seventh a child and attended both pastor of St. James Parish in Archbishop of Winnipeg Catholic and public schools. Abbotsford and Dean of the Farewell on Jan. 3, 2014 at 7:30 He graduated from Saint Fraser Valley East Deanery. celebration for p.m. at St. Mary’s Cathe- Thomas Aquinas Regional He became the Archbishop’s dral in Winnipeg. A limited Secondary School in North representative to St. John Archbishop number of tickets will be Vancouver before proceed- Brebeuf Regional Second- provided to parishes. ing to study philosophy, his- ary School in Abbotsford in Weisgerber The installation will be tory and English at Simon 1995, and in 1999 he was livestreamed on Salt and Fraser University, complet- appointed Administrator of A farewell Light TV at www.saltand- ing his Teaching Certifica- the new St. Nicholas Parish celebration for lighttv.org, and broadcast tion for British Columbia in in Langley. Archbishop on the Salt and Light tele- 1976. Bishop Gagnon was ap- vision network the follow- Bishop Gagnon’s Semi- pointed Vicar General for James Weisgerber ing week, day and time to nary Studies were taken at the Archdiocese of Vancou- will take place on be announced. the Pontifical Beda College ver in 2002 by Archbishop Gagnon was appointed in Rome from 1978-1983. Adam Exner. He also sat Dec. 11 at Archbishop of Winnipeg Gagnon was ordained to on the Boards of the St. St. Mary’s by Pope Francis on Oct. the priesthood at Holy Ro- Joseph’s Society and St. 28 succeeding Archbishop sary Cathedral on June 24, Mark’s College and served Cathedral, James Weisgerber. 1983, the Feast of St. John on the Advisory Board for 353 St. Mary Ave. , Weisgerber resigned as the Baptist, by Archbishop Redeemer Pacific College. Winnipeg. Archbishop of Winnipeg James Carney. The follow- Most Reverend Richard Gagnon On May 14, 2004, Pope May 1 having reached the ing month he became as- John Paul II appointed Ga- Mass will be age of 75, the mandatory re- sistant pastor at St. Mary’s Jude’s Parish in Vancou- 1, 1986, Msgr. Gagnon was gnon the 16th Bishop of the celebrated tirement age for bishops. At Parish in Vancouver and ver. In 1987 he became the appointed Archdiocesan Diocese of Victoria. Bishop the time of his appointment also directed the Religious Chaplain of VANSPEC, Spiritual Advisor of the Gagnon was installed at St. at 7:30 p.m. Gagnon was the Bishop of Studies program at Notre which provides a religious Catholic Women’s League, Andrew’s Cathedral, Victo- followed by education program for and served until 1992 when Victoria B.C. Dame Regional Secondary ria, on July 20, 2004. Bishop a reception Archbishop Gagnon was School until 1991. handicapped children. The he was appointed to the Gagnon chose as the motto born on June 17, 1948 In 1984 he was appointed following year he became a Provincial Council of the for his Coat of Arms, “To in the Parish Hall. in Lethbridge, Alberta to Assistant Pastor at Cor- member of the Presbyteral Catholic Women’s League. obey is to serve in love.” Therese Demers Gagnon pus Christi Parish, and two Council of the Archdiocese In 1992 he became Director Contributed by and George Gagnon. He years later, Pastor of St. of Vancouver. On January of the Office of Religious James Buchok Thanksgiving for a 45-year ecumenical venture unique and decades ber said. “We look for com- extend that to others outside A old ecumenical venture fort and encouragement in our own community. For came to a close on Oct. 31 the readings we have heard this we wish to express our when Winnipeg’s St. Chad’s this evening about people gratitude and thanks. Let us Anglican Parish departed who were struggling, very continue our journey, what- the Assiniboia Christian much like the time we are ever we make it, with the Centre, a worship space it facing now.” Weisgerber same enthusiasm that has had shared for 45 years with said the Ephesians were followed us up to now.” Blessed John XXIII Roman a people struggling to be Pastor of Blessed John Catholic Parish. Christians. “Paul says to XXIII Parish, Rev. Gerald With fewer parishioners them that all of this is the Langevin, in a message than it had when the part- plan of God. We have our to parishioners, encour- nership began in 1967, St. plans but God’s plan is aged them “to be mind- Chad’s has relocated to above all and it is filled with ful of new beginnings in nearby Kirkfield Park Unit- love and peace for all his the time that lies ahead for ed Church while Blessed people.” both St. Chad’s and Blessed John XXIII has assumed full Weisgerber described the John XXIII Parishes. In the ownership of the Assiniboia 1960s as a time of “great words shared with Timothy Christian Centre property optimism for the faith” af- (in Paul’s first letter to Tim- and will continue worship- ter Vatican II, “and in a few othy) we are invited to con- ping there. years there was the cour- Rev. Dr. Susan Titterington and Rev. Gerald Langevin. sider the strength the Lord The two congregations age to build this building gives us each day. Let us gathered Nov. 2 for an ecu- that would form a worship The Anglican Bishop of way we prepare to not see endeavour with joyful an- pray for St. Chad’s as they menical service of thanks- community of Anglicans Rupertsland, Donald Phil- each other because we no ticipation.” move, mindful of the chal- giving for all they have and Catholics. Ultimately lips, said in Acts of the longer share this building. The process began in June lenges and emotions that shared and accomplished our faith is in the same per- Apostles the followers of Our oneness in our baptism 2011 when the congrega- impact on both communi- over the decades. son. We gather to celebrate Jesus who were entrusted in Christ becomes even tion of St. Chad’s voted to ties. May the endurance of “For many there is sadness all that has happened in 45 with spreading the Gospel more profound as we branch vacate the Assiniboia Chris- St. Paul be an inspiration for and questions,” said Arch- years, so many events, you “would happily have stayed out in mission.” tian Centre, and during that all of us.” bishop James Weisgerber. got to know each other,” in one place, but they are In a message to St. Chad’s time, said Titterington, “we “Amid all the human emo- Weisgerber said. “This called by the spirit to go far parishioners, Rector Rev. feel that we have remained Contributed by tion we come together as a has changed Blessed John and wide and preach, which Dr. Susan Titterington ex- a truly strong congregation James Buchok group of Christians around XXIII Parish and St. Chad’s meant they might not ever pressed hope “that everyone and have not lost our ability the word of God,” Weisger- Parish forever.” be seen again. In a very real will join with us in this new to care for one another and 2 • The New Wine Press December 2013 Serena Manitoba is offering a class in Natural Family Planning Dec. 17 from 7 to 9 p.m. To register for the last class of 2013 please contact [email protected] (204) 783-0091 or (866) 317-5362. Details at Events at www. serenamb.com John XXIII & John Paul II Canonization Pilgrimage A 10-day group pilgrimage to Rome is being organized for April 2014 to coincide with the can- onization of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II. Options are available to extend your trip up to seven more days and go to other parts of Italy. Booking deadlines are approaching. For information, call Adriana Lombardini, Flair Travel, 204-284-9682; or contact Fr Gerald Lan- gevin, Pastor, Blessed John XXIII Parish, 204-832-7175 or [email protected] Saturday, February 1, 2014 at 8:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Academy, Alumnae Hall, 550 Wellington Crescent Tickets: $50 Tickets available at www.stmarysacademy.mb.ca and the Alumnae Office (204) 478-6031 Visa and MasterCard Accepted Presented by St. Mary’s Academy Alumnae Association December 2013 The New Wine Press • 3 A life changing decade at St. Joseph the Worker Parish in Russell ast January was my After 10 years of retreats, these help to make us who Lfirst time at a Faceto- this community has seen a we are!” St. Joseph’s pa- Face Retreat at St. Joseph lot of renewal and growth. rishioners shared their ex- the Worker Parish in Rus- One of the long-time par- periences with me: sell, Manitoba. I didn’t ticipants and coordinators, notice anything different Glenda Stasiuk, shared her “Our faith and Church are about the retreat until we experience with me of the deepened with inspiration. were setting up and I heard last 10 years: “F2F retreats I pray that Ken and his team Ken speaking with one of started in our parish first will touch other hearts with the parishioners.
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