Thu, Dec 03, 2020 - The Classical Station, WCPE 1 Start Runs Composer Title PerformersLIb # Label Cat. # Barcode 00:01:30 11:48 Mendelssohn Somber Variations, Op. 54 Werner Haas 01940 Philips 442 302 028944230222 (Variations Serieuses) 00:14:1803:27 Culloton In dulci jubilo Choral Scholars of PV1339 Signum 643 635212064320 University College Classics Dublin/Earley 00:19:0016:18 D'Indy Saugefleurie, a Legend, Op. 21 Wurttemberg 04121 Marco Polo 8.223659 730099365925 Philharmonic/Nopre 00:36:1822:28 Bach, C.P.E. Flute Concerto In D minor Hunteler/Amsterdam 01678 Erato 75536 089088553622 Baroque/Koopman 01:00:1611:36 Wagner A Faust Overture Cincinnati 02708 Telarc 80379 089408037924 Symphony/Lopez-Cob os 01:11:52 16:00 Vanhal Symphony in A minor Concerto Cologne 08457 Teldec 13141 706301314128 01:28:5202:44 Traditional The holly and the ivy Quire Cleveland/Duffin X0328 Quire 102 827836024242 Cleveland 01:32:3626:52 Rimsky-Korsak Suite from The Golden Cleveland 08523 Decca 289 466 028946699324 ov Cockerel Orchestra/Maazel 993 02:00:5807:46 Sibelius The Bard, Op. 64 Scottish National 07326 Chandos 6586 095115658628 Orchestra/Gibson 02:09:4412:39 Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 6 in F, Op. John O'Conor 05590 Telarc 80237 089408023729 10 No. 2 02:23:2335:24 Debussy Images for Orchestra Cleveland 03714 Sony 68237 074646823721 Orchestra/Boulez 03:00:1707:42 Strauss, Josef Watercolors (A Waltz) Vienna 05853 Philips 289 468 028946899922 Philharmonic/Ozawa 999 03:08:5918:15 Bach Trio Sonata from The Musical Galway/Huggett/Cunni 04096 RCA Victor 68182 09026681822 Offering, BWV 1079 ngham/Moll 03:28:2907:14 Traditional Christmas Carols Clare College Choir & X0140 London 425 500 028942550025 Orchestra/Rutter 03:36:4322:44 Rodrigo Concierto de Aranjuez Isbin/New York 04016 Warner 60296 825646029624 Philharmonic/Serebrier 04:00:5708:17 Mozart Horn Concerto No. 1 in D, K. Brain/Philharmonia/Kar 00156 EMI 56231 724355623126 412 ajan 04:10:1409:24 Widor Andante from Piano Quintet in Prunyi/New Budapest 01430 Marco Polo 8.223193 N/A D minor, Op. 7 Quartet 04:20:3838:42 Beethoven Symphony No. 6 in F, Op. 68 Boston 04864 RCA Victor 61720 090266172023 "Pastoral" Symphony/Leinsdorf 05:00:5019:24 Chadwick Tam O’Shanter Czech State 03308 Reference 2104 030911210427 Philharmonic/Serebrier Recordings 05:21:1407:16 Vivaldi Violin Concerto in D minor, RV Biondi/Europa Galante 06075 Virgin 45465 724354546525 236 Veritas 05:29:30 07:30 A Suite of English Carols Solid Brass X0150 Dorian 90114 053479011428 05:38:0011:50 Handel Concerto Grosso in E minor, Academy of Ancient 05049 Harmonia 907228/2 093046722821 Op. 6 No. 3 Music/Manze Mundi 9 05:50:45 08:40 Fill Music: announcer selects 06:01:0009:00 Glazunov Carnaval Overture, Op. 45 Boston Pops/Fiedler 07250 BMG 63308 090266330829 Entertainm ent 06:11:0006:32 Beethoven 5th mvt (Cavatina) from String Amadeus Quartet 13262 DG/Decca 29402 028948404377 Quartet No. 13 in B flat, Op. 130 06:18:3203:52 Fauré Berceuse, Op. 16 Chang/Abramovic 04585 EMI 56161 724355616128 06:23:24 07:53 Tchaikovsky The Christmas Tree, and A Dresden State X0470 Sony 88875031 888750316523 Pine Forest in Winter from The Orchestra/Poschner Classic 652 Nutcracker, Op. 71 Thu, Dec 03, 2020 - The Classical Station, WCPE 2 Start Runs Composer Title PerformersLIb # Label Cat. # Barcode 06:32:52 08:48 Offenbach Overture to Orpheus in the Suisse Romande 08230 Decca 475 8087 028947580850 Underworld Orchestra/Ansermet 06:42:4007:12 Mendelssohn 3rd mvt (Menuetto) from Chamber Orchestra of 13162 DG 479 7337 028947973379 Symphony No. 1 in C minor, Europe/Nezet-Seguin Op. 11 06:50:5208:55 Boyce Overture No. 3 in B flat Cantilena/Shepherd 01093 Chandos 6531 095115653128 07:01:22 09:25 Strauss Jr. By the Elbe (waltz) Vienna 12218 Sony 88875037 888750379122 Philharmonic/Mehta Classical 912 07:11:4706:13 Mozart 3rd mvt (Allegro) from Piano Abegg Trio 00540B Intercord 885.854 400675885854 Trio in E, K. 542 8 07:19:00 04:44 Rossini Overture to Il Signor Bruschino National 00370 London 443 850 028944385021 Philharmonic/Chailly 07:24:4401:44 Traditional Ding dong! Merrily on High Choir of Trinity X0142 Conifer 5907 74321159072 College, Cambridge/Marlow 07:28:0311:48 Borodin Polovtsian Dances from Prince Berlin 01303 DG 419 063 028941906328 Igor Philharmonic/Karajan 07:40:5108:59 Vivaldi Concerto in G for 2 Violins, RV Standage/Wilcock/Engl 00539 Archiv 415 674 028941567420 516 ish Concert/Pinnock 07:50:5008:37 Berlioz Le Corsaire Overture, Op. 21 Suisse Romande 08934 London 433 713 028943371322 Orchestra/Ansermet 08:01:0206:42 Dvorak Slavonic Dance in A flat, Op. Bournemouth 11875 Warner 08256461 825646132010 72 No. 8 Symphony/Serebrier Classics 32010 08:08:4407:13 Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 20 in G, Op. Stephen Bishop 05861 EMI 57131 724355713124 49 No. 2 Kovacevich Classics 08:16:5707:23 Hess A Christmas Overture Royal X0207 Collegium 133 040888013327 Philharmonic/Rutter 08:25:2006:47 Bach Inventions 1 through 5 from Andras Schiff 00238 London 411 974 028941197429 Two-part Inventions 08:33:4205:05 Steiner Theme from Now, Voyager Perlman/Boston 04223 Sony 89449 D 144239 Pops/Williams 08:39:4710:21 Roellig Horn Concerto in D Tuckwell/Academy 01128 London 417 406 028941740625 SMF/Brown 08:51:08 08:17 Fill Music: announcer selects 09:01:1517:27 Brahms Variations on a Theme by London 06661 EMI 65229 094636522920 Haydn, Op. 56a Philharmonic/Boult 09:19:42 11:02 Corelli Concerto Grosso in F, Op. 6 Cantilena/Shepherd 00794A Chandos 8336/7/8 N/A No. 2 09:31:5926:53 Mozart Serenade No. 12 in C minor Amadeus Winds 00763 L'Oiseau 417 249 028941724922 (for winds), K. 388 "Nacht Lyre Musique" 10:00:4201:45 Traditional God rest ye merry, gentlemen Choral Scholars of PV1339 Signum 643 635212064320 University College Classics Dublin/Earley 10:03:42 28:13 Sullivan Incidental Music from Kansas City 08561 Reference 115 030911111526 Shakespeare's "The Tempest" Symphony/Stern Recordings 10:33:1025:59 Beethoven Cello Sonata No. 3 in A, Op. 69 Rostropovich/Richter 00693 Philips 412 256 028941225627 11:00:5917:51 Delibes Suite from Coppelia Adelaide 00137 KEM 1003 N/A Symphony/Serebrier 11:20:0513:54 Veracini Overture No. 1 in B flat Musica Antiqua 03357 Archiv 439 937 028943993722 Cologne/Goebel 11:35:1412:19 Vaughan Variations (for brass band) Royal College of Music 13330 Hyperion 68190 034571281902 Williams Brass Band/Brabbins 11:48:3309:46 Chopin Two Waltzes, Op. 18 & Op. 34 Vladimir Ashkenazy 00147 London 414 600 028941460028 No. 1 Thu, Dec 03, 2020 - The Classical Station, WCPE 3 Start Runs Composer Title PerformersLIb # Label Cat. # Barcode 12:00:09 03:13 Traditional Two carols for Advent Choir of King's College X0286 EMI 66243 724356624320 Cambridge/Ledger 12:04:2209:40 Vivaldi Violin Concerto in C minor, RV Rees/Scottish 03080 Virgo 7873 724356110328 199 Ensemble 12:15:02 20:24 Haydn Piano Concerto in D Kissin/Moscow 01779 RCA 7948 078635794823 Virtuosi/Spivakov 12:36:41 09:42 Fill Music: announcer selects 12:47:2312:02 Wagner Die Meistersinger: Selections Chicago 05288 BMG 63301 090266330126 (for orchestra) Symphony/Reiner 13:01:1513:04 Alfven Swedish Rhapsody No. 1, Op. Swedish Radio 02162 Sony 46668 07464466682 19 "Midsummer Vigil" Symphony/Salonen 13:15:3413:27 Handel Concerto No. 1 in B flat for Two Tafelmusik/Lamon 04925 Sony 63073 074646307328 Wind Ensembles and Strings 13:30:1628:33 Gade Octet in F for Strings, Op. 17 L'Archibudelli/Smithso 09814 Sony 48307 07464483072 nian Chamber Players 14:00:3944:20 Rimsky-Korsak Scheherazade, Op. 35 Svenheden/London 05516 Reference 89 030911108922 ov Philharmonic/Serebrier Recordings 14:46:1402:55 Traditional "Entre le boeuf" and "Guillo, Monteverdi X0155 Philips 462 050 028946205020 pran ton tambourin" Choir/Gardiner 14:50:2408:07 Hebden Concerto No. 3 in E minor Cantilena/Shepherd 01996 Chandos 8339 N/A 15:00:21 30:03 Mozart Piano Concerto No. 25 in C, K. Fleisher/Cleveland 08878 CBX 37762 07464377622 503 Orchestra/Szell 15:31:3905:03 Hoffstetter Serenade (Andante cantabile) Kodaly Quartet 11034 Naxos 8.558180 636943818022 15:37:4222:17 Schumann Cello Concerto in A minor, Op. Vogler/Dresden 13134 Sony 88985372 889853721221 129 Festival Music 122 Orchestra/Bolton 16:01:14 06:15 Brahms Intermezzo in A, Op. 118 No. 2 Carol Rosenberger 04842 Delos 3230 013491323022 16:08:2404:11 Lassus Resonet in laudibus Pomerium/Blachly X0239 Archiv 449 819 n/a 16:13:3009:58 Berlioz Overture to Benvenuto Cellini, London 02597 EMI 64745 077776474526 Op. 23 Symphony/Previn 16:24:23 05:10 Chopin Impromptu No. 4 in C sharp Gustavo Romero 13254 Koch 7296 n/a minor, Op. 66 "Fantasie-Impromptu" 16:30:4808:00 Handel Concerto Grosso in B flat, Op. Academy of St. 12704 Hanssler 98.918 401027600655 3 No. 1 Martin-in-the-Fields/Br 8 own 16:39:4307:22 Glazunov 1st mvt (Allegro moderato) Bamberg 00887 Orfeo 148 201 N/A from Symphony No. 7 in F, Op. Symphony/Jarvi 77 16:48:0010:46 Bach, J.C. Quintet in D, Op. 2 No. 6 Pohlers/Sous/Kehr/Sch 01527 Vox 7198 04716371982 mid/Buhl 17:00:0107:26 Vivaldi Christmas Concerto in E, RV Podger/Brecon DownloadChannel 40318 n/a 270 Baroque Classics 17:08:2204:02 Stravinsky Gavotte with Variations from Academy of St. 10015 Decca 478 2759 028947827597 Pulcinella Suite Martin-in-the-Fields/Ma rriner 17:13:19 08:43 Busoni Duettino Concertante Revenaugh/Leighton 07744 Angel 97469 094639746927 Smith 17:22:5706:15 Schubert Overture in B flat, D.
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