Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 8-1-1946 The Kentucky High School Athlete, August 1946 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, August 1946" (1946). The Athlete. Book 476. http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete/476 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Newport Catholic High School, Newport, Ky. Top !'OW, left to right-Herman Lorenz, Tom Matthews, Joe Beck, John Macke, Leo Groeschen, captain, Gene Neises. Middle, row, left to righlt-Rev. John V. Hegenauer, Athletic Director, Tom Beck, Jr., Dick Zieg­ ler, Tom Beck, Sr., Tom Ryan, Bob Mader, John Burns, Manager, Louis Arnzen, Coach. Bottom row, left to right-Ted Steggeman,.. Tom Connett, Elmore Bezold, Bill Hagedorn, Tom Bankemper, John Riedinger. · \Vhile high school coaches and players were throw­ ing the bull this summer concerning the athletic sea­ sons and tournaments to follow, 4-H Club boys and gjrls and F.F.A. members were preparing four-footed "athletes" for school, county and state fairs. Many a prize purebred Hereford, Hampshire, Poland China, and Rhode Island red will pull down the blue ribbons carrying the hopes and bitter disappointments of long months of hard work on the part of Kentucky boys and girls. The sctools and communities have every reason to be justly proud of the accomplish­ n1ents of 4-H and F.F.A. members. The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association Vol. IX-No. 1 · AUGUST, 1946 $1.00 Per Year Re/eree:J ' Corner By Charlie Vettiner The next gentle breeze which blows over Ken­ balanced. A fellow with a personal touch, Dick Van tucky will blow wide the school doors and in once Hoose is a great friend of young people and a.thletics. ~gain w1ll file the kids who will blaze new trails The Corner salutes progressive Valley community be­ across ' gridirons, hardwoods, diamonds· and tracks. cause of the pre-season touchodwn scored in the sign- . ing of this popular educator, who has both f~et firm­ Already your rambling custodian of the corner has ly on the ground. talked with referees Ernie Wolford of Danville, Joe Linker of Louisville, and the old war-horse, Jack Good Old Joe Howard, the man who has a mul­ Thompson. The boys are cleaning out their travel­ titude of friends, is at the helm of the good ship, ing bags an~ looking for those whistles. Anchorage. Joe, who' will be rememl:>ered at Western Teachers in the days of Cy Williams, Puss Reynolds, When fall rolls around, with King Football hang­ Tom "Big Daddy" Ellis and Johnny Vickers, guided ing around the corner, the l:>lood-count of Kentucky's the destinies of Oakland High School, where your re­ arbiters begins to rise and there's that old feeling porter whistled many tough basketball gam es in the again that you are as young as any high school kid balmier days_ The Corner is for you, Joe Howard. skirting an end or c~ lling signals. In answer to a number of letters coming in to As the 1946 grid season is ushered in, we may all Referees' Corner concerning the basketball clinics this fall, we are in a. position to say that we'll be bow in reverent prayer to a God who has given us a around the state again, interpreting the rules and en­ world at peace, where young men and women may joying another week with you fellows. again enjoy sports and look with hope to the future. Max Sanders, Chairman of the Jefferson County Football is back in Kentucky's high schools with Playground and Recreation Board and the sparkplug all of the color of pre-war days, as kids are once of every movement that is fine and whole in this · more privileged to don moleskins, wlio- were deprived area and Kentucky in general, gave us the go sign for the last week in November, so we'll be around of that pleasure because of war-time restrictions. with those rules. Out at Valley on the Dixie Highway, Coach Herb In case any of you Kentucky coaches or officials Lewis is looking over a squad of promising hopefuls, get "down in the mouth" during the coming season while Emmett Goranflo is all smiles because the "God­ and feel that you'd like to meet a straight-shooter, dess of Fortune" has bestowed on him a wealth of who is a friend of young athletes and you fellows who build them into strong citizens for tomorrow, material. drop in on Max Sanders. Ray Baer, new cocah B,t St. Xavier, is optimistic You can always find him at every state tourna­ about the coming season, as his boys begin practice ment, seated in the middle of the Armory, in the for the schedule ahead. same seat. It'll be like a shot in the arm to know him. Fairdale, Okolona, F ern Cree'k and the six-man teams of Bullitt County have informed Referees' Last year· when your rambling reporter blew his final whistle in the final game of the state meet, Corner that they have the football fever; so the air between Dawson Springs and t:Breck Training, he is "gonna" be full of leather again, since these repre­ presented Max Sanders with the referee's shirt and sent only a. cross-section of Kentucky. whistle used in that game. We have great news from Valley in the form of You've got to really believe in a man to give him tl)e · announcement that Dick Van Hoose has been the shirt off your back. But that's the kind of fel­ low he is. He's for kids. signed as principal. Handsome, personable Dick is the chap who gained his degrees from Georgetown Got to sign off now and see a doctor about this and University of Kentucky and who wrote educa­ football fever I'm catching, but we'll have more news of your friends next month. Yep, "Referees' Corner" tional history at Anchorage, where he developed a is "gonna" keep you posted again, so keep mak;ing system of education which was harmonious and well- news. - - Page Two The KENTUCKY: HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE AUGUST, 1946 VOL. IX-No. 1 OFFICIALS Published m onthly, except June and July, by the Kentucky Fe~s for registered officials are $2.00 in each sport. High School Athletic Association. Application cards will be mailed to ·previously regis­ Office of Publication, Henderson, Ky. tered officials. New officials who wish to register should write to the secretary. Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Henderson, Kentucky under the act of March 3, 1879. Editor .... .W. B. OWEN FOOTBALL CLINICS Leitchfield, Kentucky Officials will be notified directly from the secre­ BOARD OF CONTROL. tary's office concerning the dates and sites of the 1946 clinics for the training of football officials. These President .... .... ... Russell E . Bridges, Fort Thomas Vice-President. : . ...... .. W. B. Owen, Leitchfield, Ky. clinics will probably be held early in September . Secretary-Treasurer . ..... ... .. Thea. A. Sandford, Henderson Directors- Sam B. Pollock, Madisonville; T. K. Stone, Carroll­ PROTECTION FUND ton; Lyma n V. Ginger, Lex ington ; Matt Sparkman, Paintsville. The majority of the K.H.S.A.A . member schools Subscription Rates ... $1.00 Per Year are not taking advantage of the Protection Fund. The fees are nominal. Every high school athlete in Ken­ tucky should have this protection. For a supply of examination cards and a full explanati"on of the plan, write the secretary. 1946-47 MEMBERSHIP DUES Schools will soon receive statements for their 1946- REPORT OF AUDIT 47 membership dues. The blue ·statement form should be fiHed out in full, with the n ames of the coaches in­ KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL dicated for only those sports th.at will be mainta ined ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION by the school for the current school year. The book­ Jet should be consulted for the correct number of the Louisville, Ky. district and region. July 19, 1946 PARTICIPATION LISTS Mr. Theodore A. Sanford, Secretary & Treasurer A few schools have not filed their eligibility lists Kentucky High School Athletic Association of participating players for the 1945-46 school year. Henderson, Kentucky These lists should be sent in to the secretary at once in order that these schools may be eligible for mem­ Dear Sir: bership in the K.H.S.A.A. This information should be given on one of the standard eligibility blanks. Pursuant to instructione received, we have made an audit of the books and records of the KENTUCKY SPORTSMANSHIP RATINGS HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION for the Each year a large n umber of member schools and period of one year beginning July 1, 1945 and ended registered officials fail to send in their sportsmanship June 30, 1946. In addition we have prepared and at­ rating sheets. Because of this, m any officials and schools receive· no ratings at all. This is unfair to all tached hereto statements of the Receipts and Dis­ parties concerned. It will be greatly appre.ciated if all bursements, which in our opinion reflect the true fi­ schools and officials will m ake it a point of honor this nancial condition of the Association as of June 30, 1946.
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