98 ST 104 ST Corona Yards 97 ST NYC Transit Authority LIRR Forest Hills Shea Stadium 37 DR Station 111 St GRND CTRL PKWY WB NOTE: =7 ELMHURST • REGO PARK • MIDDLE VILLAGE 38 AV Q48 PLEASEADD PARK AND RIDE LOTS AT 35 AV 37 AV SHEA AND ELSEWHERE AS APPROPRIATE need more info 41 AV 61 Road, G4, H4 72 Street, L1 96 Street, C6 Boelsen Cr, J7 Dongan Av, C2, C3 Herrick Av, L10 Martense Av, C8 Simonson St, D2 Points of Interest Elmcor Senior Center, D6 Happy39 AV Smile Day Care, C3 NYC Police Dept., E7 P.S.101, L12 St. John’s Queens Hospital, E4 Streets 62 Avenue, C11, D9, F6, G5, H4, J3 73 Place, L2, M2 97 Place, A6, C7, E7 Booth St, F5, G8 Dry Harbor Rd, H4, J4 Hillyer St, D1 Meadow Dr, C12 Slocum Cr, L12 Elmhurst, D5 Happy Smiles Day Care, D4 NYU Columbus Medical, G8 P.S.102, B3 St. Leo School, A8 Key accessible Transit Police 41 Avenue, A1, A5 62 Drive, D11, E9, F7, G5, H5, K1 74 Street, J1, L2 97 Street, A6, C6, E7 Bourton St, H6 Elbertson St, A4 Hoffman Dr, E4 Metropolitan Av, M2, M6 St James Av, C2, C3 94-25 Day Care, D6 Elmhurst Hospital Center, A1 Havurat Yisrael Synagogue, H12 Old St. James Episcopal Church, C3 P.S.128, L1 St. Margaret School, L4 entrance & exit District Office WARREN ST District 1 TPD 41 Road, A5 62 Road, D9, G5 75 Place, J1, K2, L3 98 Place, A7, C7, F8 Bow St, K12 Eliot Av, F5, G4, H2 Horace Harding Expwy Svc Rd N, E7 Middlemay Pl, K12 Stafford Av, K10 110th Police Precinct, B5 Elmhurst Lodge Inn, C4 High School Athletic Field, D5 Our Lady of the Angelus Church & P.S.139, G7 Sephardic Jewish Center, G11 F Y R A W N P C NEW YORK AV 63 Avenue, D11, E10, G6, H6, J4 75 Street, H1, J1, L2, M3 98 Street, A6, B6, C7, E8, F8 Britton Av, A2 Elks Rd, E1 Horace Harding Expwy Svc Rd S, E7 Nansen St, M9 Station Sq, K12 Elmhurst Post Office, B1 Holiday Inn Express, B4 School, F8 P.S.144, L10 Voyages Preparatory School, B5 X 42 Avenue, A5 112th Police Precinct, J10 I E S ROOSEVELT AV 42 AV E L D N E IT W M D O 43 Avenue, A5, A6, B3 63 Drive, E11, F8, G7 76 Street, H1, J2, K2 99 Street, B7, C7, E8, F9 Broadway, B1, C3 Ellwell Cr, J7 Ingram St, L9, M11 National St, A7 Strong Av, B8 Academy for Excellence Fairview Swim Club, D11 I.S. 61, B7 Our Lady of Hope School, J1 P.S.174, J7 Walden Terrace, F8 LV T U.S. Tennis Association A B I RS S S 103 ST E B elevator T L I V 44 Avenue, A5 63 Road, D11, E9, F8, H5 77 Place, J2, K3, L3 100 Street, C8 Burns St, J9, J11 Elmhurst Av, A3 Ithaca St, A2 Nicolls Av, A7 Tennis Pl, K11 Through the Arts, H12 Family Daycare Cntr., F8 International Children’s School, C9 Our Lady of Mercy RC Church, L10 P.S.175, F10 # West Side Tennis Club/Forest Hills H D to street or stairways W National Tennis Center SHEA RD building level 64 Avenue, E11, F8 77 Street, J2, K3, L3 101 Street, B7, C8 Calamus Av, E1 Everton St, J6 Jewel Av, J12 OíConnell Ct, C4 Thornton Pl, J8 Family HealthCenter, M3 IQ Panda Child Care, H7 Pan American Int’l HS, B5 P.S.206, E8 Stadium, K11 45 Avenue, A5, B1, B3 Angela’s Day Care, H5 D BLV ERN ORTH N Louis Armstrong Stadium 39 AV 46 Avenue, A8, B5 64 Road, F8, G7, J7, K5 78 Street, G1, H2, K3, M4 102 Street, A7, B7, C8, E9, F10, G10 Caldwell Av, H1, H3 Exeter St, K10 Judge St, A2 Olcott St, M9 United Nations Av South, A12 Apple Montessori School, D9 Family Medical Health, B4 Irina’s Day Care, F8 Pan American Hotel, D1 P.S.220, D10 YMHA & YWHA, H12 Subway station and L.I . E Y XPW V Arthur Ashe Stadium 38 AV A # 47 Avenue, A8, C1 65 Avenue, E12, G9, K6 79 Place, L4 103 Street, B8, G10 Calloway St, D8 Fitchett St, H6, J6 Junction Blvd, A5, C6, E7 Olive Pl, L11 Van Cleef St, C10 Arts & Business HS, D10 Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, D12 Jewish Center of Forest Hills, J4 Park City Apartments, E8 PS 330, E3 43 AV Young Israel of Forest Hills, J10 N exits L . W I. EX PWY AREA OF Y 48 Avenue, A9, B9 65 Drive, K7, L1, L3 79 Street, B1, G2, H2, K3, L4, M4 104 Street, A8, C9 Carlton St, H6, H7 Fleet St, J6, K8, K10 Juniper Valley Rd, L1, L3 Otis Av, C9 Van Doren St, C9, C10 Ascension Church, E3 Carousel, B11 John F. Kennedy School, D6 Park City Estates, E8 Queens Adult Care Center, C1 C K THIS MAP E 97 ST X 49 Avenue, A9, B5 65 Road, F11, G8, G9, K7 80 Street, A1, B1, F1, H3, K4, L4 105 Street, B9 Case St, A4 Forley St, A3 Juniper Blvd N, J2 Pedestrian Way, J10 Van Horn St, E3, F4 Ascension School, E3 Children’s Farm, B10 J.H.S. 157, F10 Park Terrace Care Center, C10 Queens Center, E5 P V W A JUNCTION BLVD Subway Stations METROPOLITAN AV CA Y AI AM Subway route 37 AV 94 ST J 50 Avenue, A9, B6, C4 66 Avenue, F11, F12, G10, H8, K7 81 Street, A1, B1, G2, H3, K4 106 Street, A8, B9 Christie Av, B8, C6 Furmanville Av, K5, L3 Juniper95 ST Blvd S, K2 Penelope Av, J5, K3, L1 Van Kleeck St, D2 Bangladesh Hindu Mandir, A5 Playground for All Children, B11 J.H.S. 190, J10 Parker Towers Apartments, H10 Queens Christian Centre, C10 41 AV =E =F 92 ST 93 ST symbol FLUSHING 51 Avenue, A9, B8, C4, D1, D2 66 Drive, M1, M2, M3 82 Place, H3, K5 108 Street, A9, B9, D10, F11, H12 Claremont Ter, C3 Gerard Pl, J11 Juno St, L9, M11 Penrod St, C9, D10 Van Loon St, D2 Beth Gavriel Bukharian Cong., F11 Queens Theatre in the Park, B12 Jewish Community Ctr. of Queens, G9 Post Offices Queens Community Center, D10 44 AV 91 ST Grand Avenue-Newtown M R D3 ROOSEVELT AV D 90 ST + LV 66 Road, F12, G10, K7, L3, M1, M2 82 Street, A1, B1, E1, F2, H3, K5 110 Street, D11, G12 Clyde St, J9 Gleane St, A3 Justice Av, D3 Pettit Av, A2 Vietor Av, B2 Queens Wildlife Center, A11 Juniper Valley Park, K2 Corona-Elmhurst, E7 Queens Jewish Center, F11 N B 52 Avenue, B9, C4, E2 89 ST Beth Jacob Educational Ctr, E9 DE LIN 88 ST Woodhaven Blvd M R E5 R + OC KA MEADOWS 53 Avenue, B9, B10, C4, E2 67 Avenue, G10, G11, H9, J9, K8 83 Place, G3, H4, K5 111 Street, A10, F12 Codwise Pl, D1 Goldington Ct, K6 Kessel St, L9, M11 Pleasantview St, L2 Waldron St, C9, C10 Bramson ORT Tech. Inst., J11 Terrace on the Park, A10 Kathy’s Day Care, D7 Elmhurst, B1 Reformed Church of Newtown, C3 WA I Point of Interest 63 Drive-Rego Park M R F7 Y BLVD 54 Avenue, B10, D4, E2, F2 67 Drive, G11, H10, L8, M4 83 Street, B2, F2, G3, H4, J4, K5 Albion Av, C1 Colonial Av, C11, D11 Goldsmith St, D2 Ketcham St, A1, B2 Polo Pl, M8 Warren St, A5 Brandon Cinemas, J11 Worldís Fair Ice Skating Rink, A11 Learning Tree After-School42 AV Center, J4 Forest Hills, J11 Rego Park, G6 + 87 ST 85 ST 99 ST 67 Avenue M R G10 55 Avenue, B10, C7, D4, E3, F2 67 Road, G11, H9, L8, M3 84 Place, F3, G4,86 ST J5 Alderton St, G6, H8, K8 Continental Av, L11 Gorsline St, D1 Kneeland Av, E1 Poyer St, C2 Westside40 RD Av, C10, D9 Castle Sr. Living100 ST40 at Forest RD Hills, D10 Forest Hills, L11 Learning Tree Child Care Center, J1 Middle Village, M1 Rego Park Shopping Center, F7 + # Tourist attraction PARK 84 ST Forest Hills-71 Avenue EFM R J12 55 Road, E3, F2 68 Avenue, G11, H10, L8, L9 84 Street, F2, F3, G3, G4, H4, K5 Alstyne Av, B5, B7, B8 Cooper Av, M7 Grand Av, D2, E Lamont Av, A4 Queens Blvd, D1, E4, G8, J11 Wetherole St, F5, H8 Cathedral Prep. Seminary, D5 Forest103 Hills ST Cooperative Houses, D10 Lefrak City, D7 Public Libraries: LIRRRego Park Health Care45-02 Cntr., C11 + 83 ST JFK NO AIRPORT E 56 Avenue, B10, D4, D5, E3, F2 68 Drive, H11 85 Street, F2, F3 Ankener Av, E1 Cornish Av, C2 Grand Central Pkwy, A11, D12 Larue Av, C8 40 RDQueens Midtown Expwy, F3 Whitney Av, A3, C2 Chabad of Rego Park, E8 Forest Hills High School, F12 Life Skills School, G8 Elmhurst, D3 Rego Park Nursery & Kindergarten, G7 NU RT 57 Avenue, C8, D5, E3, F3, G1 68 Road, H11, L8 86 Street, F4 Apex Pl, D10, E10 Corona Av, A6, B5, B9,C3, C10 Granger St, C9 ASKE STLayton St, B1 Radcliff Av, B8 Whitson St, M12 The Children’s Center, E8 Forest Hills Jewish Center, J11 Lin Yan Shan Buddhist Temple, E2 Forest Hills, J12 Rego Park Post Office, F5 Long Island 144-02VBuildingE numbers H 98 ST A 57 Road, E4, F3, G1 82 St 69 Avenue, H11, L10 87 Street, C3 Archway Pl, K12 Cowles Ct, K4 Gray St, L3 Lewis Av, C8 Reeder St, D3 Woodhaven Blvd, F5, G5, K7 Civic Leadership Academy, B5 Forest Hills Nursing Home, J9 Lucky Stars Day Care Center,43 AV G11 Lefrak City, D7 Rego Park Senior Center, F6 S 40 RD 97 ST Rail Road Station N AVENUE OF THE AMER 58 Avenue, D6, D8, F3, F4, G1, G2, G3 69 Road, H12, J11 88 Street, B3 Ascan Av, M12 Cranford St, M12 Greenway Circle, L12 Long Island Expwy, E7 Roman Av, L12 Xenia St, C9 Community United Methodist Forest Hills Nursery School, H12 Mesivta Ohr Torah, F11 Middle Village, M2 Resurrection Ascension Church, G4 IO Jackson Hts AT 58 Road, H1 70 Avenue, J11, J12 90 Street, D4 Asquith Cr, J7 Cromwell Cr, J7 GreenwayBENHAM S, L12 ST Loubet St, L9 Russell Pl, L12 Yellowstone Blvd, F10, Church of Middle Village, M3 Forest Hills Senior42 Center, AV D10 Middle Village, L1 Rego Park, G6 Resurrection Ascension School, G5 N Hospital 59 Avenue, D8, E6 =7 70 Road, J12 91 Place, B4, C4 Austin St, F5, H8, H9 Dana Court, J5 Groton St, K9, L11 Lutheran Av, K1 S Railroad Av, C2 G11, J10, L8 Cong.
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