Revised Book Sellers List of District Jind As per revised list of Blocks Block Name of Books Depot Holder Name of Shop Address Mobile No. Remark Jind OM pustak Bhandar OM pustak Bhandar Near SD School Jind 9255733146 Pending Jind Ganesh Enterpries Ganesh Enterpries Ghoana road Jind 9416441046 Pending Jind Gulati pustak Bhandar Gulati pustak Bhandar Punjabi Bazar Jind 9416166838 Pending Jind Radhe krishna book depot Radhe krishna book depot near nahar ka pull Jind 9992506244 , 9306046299 Pending Jind Shree Ram Stationery Shree Ram Stationery booth no 43 jat dhartamsala jind 9896728601 , 8295846369 Pending Jind Ahuja book depot Ahuja book depot Bharat Cinema Jind 9416836496 , 9992666686 Pending Jind Hari book Depot Hari book Depot Patiala chowk Jind 8708664472 Pending Jind Maddan Book Depot Maddan Book Depot Patiala chowk Jind 9416138314 Pending Jind Mohit book Depot Mohit book Depot Ghoana road Jind 9255461251 Pending Jind Jai Durga Book Depot Jai Durga Book Depot Railway Road Jind 9354154154 Pending Jind Happay Pustak bhandar Happay Pustak bhandar Railway Road Jind 9354785857 Pending Jind Vivek Book depot Vivek Book depot Railway Road Jind 9466847578 Pending Jind Khalsha Book Depot Khalsha Book Depot Palika Bazar Jind 9253105584 Pending Jind M.M. Book depot M.M. Book depot Jat Sr. Sec. School Jind 9034560771 Pending Jind Shri Ram book depot Shri book depot Near Dalamwala Hotel Jind 8168345900 Pending Jind Suresh Book Depot Suresh Book Depot Ghoana road Jind 7019254769 Pending Jind Deepak Book Depot Deepak Book Depot Near SD School Jind 9416190679 Pending Jind Goyal Sales agency Goyal Sales agency Indra bazar jind 9215626200 Pending Jind Jain book Depot Jain book Depot Fuhara chowk Jind 9416545637 Pending Jind Sanjay sales Sanjay sales Palika bazar jind 9416959222 Pending Jind Om Book Depot Om Book Depot Near SD School Jind Pending Jind Sharma book delar Sharma book delar Ghoana road Jind 7956319603 Pending Uchana Sheokand Book Depot Sheokand Book Depot Railway Road Uchana Mandi 9813334732 Pending Uchana V.K. Book Depot V.K. Book Depot Railway Road Uchana Mandi 9416421087 Pending Uchana Amit Book Depot Amit Book Depot Railway Road Uchana Mandi 9812541889 Pending Jind Ramesh Book Depot Ramesh Book Depot Rohtak Road jind 9868678977 Pending Alewa Dhillon Dhillon Pustak Bhandar Near GSSS Naguran 9466570744 updated on 16/04/2020 Jind Parveen Singla Singla Sales Agency Gandhi Gali Jind 9255103171 , 9466767261 varun updated on 16/04/2020 Jind Dilbag Dhillon Dhillon Pustak Bhandar Opp. Main bus stand Jind 9466570744 updated on 16/04/2020 Jind Dinesh Shree Bala Ji Book Pustak Bhandar Hansi Road paiala chowk Jind 9416365824 updated on 16/04/2020 Jind Suresh kumar Suresh Pustak Bhandar Near Bus stand PWD Market Jind 9466014019, 7015200000 updated on 16/04/2020 Jind Yaspal Beniwal Pustak Bhandar Near Hindu Kanya Colleage Jind 9034323194 updated on 16/04/2020 Jind R.D. R.D. Solutions Safidon Gate Jind 9996607744 updated on 16/04/2020 Julana Ashish Jindal Devansh Book Depot Hansi Road Julana 9253133432 updated on 16/04/2020 Jind Jagbir Balaji School Dress and Book Depot Patiala Chowk Jind 9996700762 , 8950651451 updated on 16/04/2020 Jind Hind Pustak Bhandar Hind Pustak Bhandar Near Hindu College Jind 9416934834 updated on 16/04/2020 Narwana Sandeep Shiv Book Depot Near New Bus Stand, Narwana 9355386219 updated on 16/04/2020 Narwana Ruchir Luxmi Book Depot Near Arya Girl SSS School,Narwana 9728550296 updated on 16/04/2020 Pillukhera Ved pustak bhandar Ved pustak bhandar Pillukhera Mandi 8059230108 updated on 16/04/2020 Narwana Dinesh Radhe Radhe Book Depot VPO-Kharal,Narwana 9807264000 updated on 16/04/2020 Narwana Vasudev Sharma Sharma Book Depot VPO-Ujhana,Narwana 9728208229 updated on 16/04/2020 Narwana Muktar Singh Balaji Biik Depot VPO-Dhamtan Sahib 9812902485 updated on 16/04/2020 Narwana Ravishwrup Ravi Book Depot VPO-Dhamtan Sahib 9466056166 updated on 16/04/2020 Narwana Mukesh Vikas Book Depot VPO-Danoda 8708544262 updated on 16/04/2020 Narwana Surender Rajesh Book Depot Punjabi Chowk,Narwana 7988374203 updated on 16/04/2020 Narwana Amit Kumar Sheokand Book Depot Sheokand Book Depot 8607536287 Residence in Narwana updated on 16/04/2020 Narwana Jaswant Singh Swagat Book Depot Near SD Girl SSS Narwana 9416061454 updated on 16/04/2020 Narwana Vikas Vikas Pustak Bhandar Near SD Kanya Mahavidyalaya,Narwana 9416227242 updated on 16/04/2020 Block Name of Books Depot Holder Name of Shop Address Mobile No. Remark Narwana Sachin Sonu Book Depot Old Court Road Narwana 9467976653 updated on 16/04/2020 Narwana Himanshu Garg Lata Stationary Near New Bus Stand 9416697419 updated on 16/04/2020 Narwana Harender Guru Book Depot Punjabi Chowk,Narwana 7988701224 updated on 16/04/2020 Jind AGGARWAL stationery AGGARWAL stationery Ghoana road Jind 9896873470 updated on 16/04/2020 Pillukhera Lajpat Jain pustak bhandar Pillukhera Mandi 9896986537 updated on 16/04/2020 Jind Anurag friends Stationery booth 78 new sabji mandi jind 9138000034 updated on 16/04/2020 Narwana Butta Singh Sharma Book Depot Pipaltha 9416159034 updated on 16/04/2020 Jind Vivan Vivan enterprise Opposite subzi mandi jind 01681-246789 updated on 16/04/2020 Julana Birbal Goyal Pustak Bhandar Main bazaar Shamlo Kalan julana 8295305953 , 9877875134 updated on 16/04/2020 Jind Aggrarwal Aggrarwal trading company Ghohana road jind 7015550799 updated on 16/04/2020 Alewa SATISH BHARDWAJ SARASWATI BOOK DEPOT NEAR GGSSS NAGURAN 9416556892 updated on 15/04/2020 Alewa RAJKUMAR SAINI RAJ BOOK DEPOT MAIN BAAZZAR NAGURAN 9466051812 updated on 15/04/2020 Alewa PAWAN DHILLON DHILLON BOOK DEPOT CHHOTA BUS STAND NAGURAN 9466076845 updated on 15/04/2020 Alewa ISHWAR ROHILLA ROHILLA BOOK DEPOT MAIN BAAZZAR NAGURAN 9812755007 updated on 15/04/2020 Alewa SURENDER SHARMA SHARMA BOOK DEPOT RAJOUND ROAD ALEWA 7900070305 updated on 15/04/2020 Alewa SURENDER KHATKAR AADITYA BOOK DEPOT RAJOUND ROAD MAIN BUS STAND ALEWA 9315172611 updated on 15/04/2020 Alewa RAJPAL BHARAT BOOK DEPOT MAIN BAAZAR MANPHOOL PATTI ALEWA 9896916739 updated on 15/04/2020 Alewa RAJVEER JANGRA SACHDEV BOOK DEPOT NEAR GOGA MANDIR ALEWA 7988586314 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind DURGA BOOK DEPOT DURGA BOOK DEPOT 8950296612 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind EAGLE BOOK DEPOT EAGLE BOOK DEPOT Railway Road Jind 9034549755 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind KOCHAR BOOK DEPOT KOCHAR BOOK DEPOT Near SD School Jind 9416830140 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind JAGDISH BOOK DEPOT JAGDISH BOOK DEPOT Jind 9416178439 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind STUDENT BOOK DEPOT STUDENT BOOK DEPOT Near Bus Stand Jind 9255275944 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind ASHOKA BOOK DEPOT ASHOKA BOOK DEPOT Near Patiala Chowk Jind 9416090334 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind GUPTA BOOK DEPOT GUPTA BOOK DEPOT Jind 9416504748 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind GULATI BOOK DEPOT GULATI BOOK DEPOT Near Main Post Office Jind 9416166838 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind AGGARWAL BOOK DEPOT AGGARWAL BOOK DEPOT Ghona road 9896607270 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind VIKAS BOOK DEPOT VIKAS BOOK DEPOT Near Bus Stand Jind 9416934021 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind Shree GOPAL PUSTAK BHANDAR Shree GOPAL PUSTAK BHANDAR GOHANA ROAD JIND 9896358125 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind Garg Pustak Bhandar Garg Pustak Bhandar Old Subji Mandi Jind 7206381005 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind Khurana book Depot Khurana book Depot Shiv Chowk Jhanj Gate 8708547170 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind Gopal pustak Bhandar Gopal pustak Bhandar Bhiwani road Jind 9416561948 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind Sahu Book Depot Sahu Book Depot Bhiwani road Jind 9416145961 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind Fair stationery Fair stationery old court road jind 9416256222 updated on 15/04/2020 Jind Modren book Depot Modren book Depot Near Bus Stand Jind 9896672996 updated on 15/04/2020 Julana Dinesh kumar Shri Bala ji pustak bhandar Julana 9050002219 updated on 15/04/2020 Julana Naveen Radhey Radhey book depot Near mandi gate hindu school wali gali 9992588483 updated on 15/04/2020 Julana JAGDISH SHARMA SHUV BOOK DEPOT JULANA 9466015470 updated on 15/04/2020 Julana NAVEEN RADHEY BOOK DEPOT JULANA 9992588483 updated on 15/04/2020 Julana GORAV ASHOKA BOOK DEPOT JULANA 9991818085 updated on 15/04/2020 Julana NARESH LAXMI BOOK DEPOT JULANA 9416854481 updated on 15/04/2020 Julana VISHAV NATH BALA JI BOOK DEPOT JULANA 9896521854 updated on 15/04/2020 Julana JAIKISHAN GUPTA BOOK DEPOT JULANA 9416959351 updated on 15/04/2020 Julana SHYAM LAL DEEPAK BOOK DEPOT JULANA updated on 15/04/2020 Julana SATISH HARYANA KITAB GHAR JULANA 9416233791 updated on 15/04/2020 Julana DINESH SHREE BALAJI PUSTAK BHANDAR JIND 9050002219 updated on 15/04/2020 Narwana Amit Kumar Janta Book Depot Near New Bus Stand, Narwana 9416829756 updated on 15/04/2020 Narwana Parveen Kumar Parveen Book Depot Railway Road,Narwana 8689057969 updated on 15/04/2020 Narwana Rajesh Garg Garg Pustak Bhandar Railway Road,Aggarshen Chowk,Narwana 9812187787 updated on 15/04/2020 Narwana Yogesh Garg Sai Book Depot Arya up Nagar, Narwana 9812040801 updated on 15/04/2020 Narwana Suraj Garg SKG Book Shop Punjabi Chowk Narwana 7206474294 updated on 15/04/2020 Narwana Azad Singh Azad Book Depot Near New Bus Stand, Narwana 9896904170 updated on 15/04/2020 Narwana Umesh Kumnar Delhi Stationers Railway Road, Narwana 9992253121 updated on 15/04/2020 Narwana Manoj Kumar Adarsh Book Depot New Bus Stand Road, Narwana 9416464229 updated on 15/04/2020 Narwana Pankaj Gupta Gupta Book Depot Railway Road,Narwana 9416474104 updated on 15/04/2020 Narwana Vishal Rohit Book Depot Patram Nagar,Narwana 9812636010 updated on 15/04/2020 Block Name of Books Depot Holder Name of Shop Address Mobile
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