E1682 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 30, 2002 Administration from George Mason University doubled in size, becoming a multi-state bank ALOPECIA AREATA AWARENESS and is a graduate of the Stonier Graduate holding company with offices located in Ohio, MONTH School of Banking. Kentucky and Indiana. In 1971, Mr. Anzilotti joined First Virginia Ollie was chairman, president and chief ex- HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY Bank as a management trainee in the ac- ecutive officer of Star Banc Corporation until OF CALIFORNIA counting department. In recognition of his su- May, 1993, when he stepped down as presi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES perior work, he was promoted to Senior Vice dent and chief executive officer. Ollie cares Thursday, September 26, 2002 President and Chief Financial Officer in 1982. deeply about his wife, Virgilee, and wanted to The following year, he was promoted as Presi- spend more time with her. Years before this Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to dent of Northern Operations Center, Inc. Then, decision, Virgilee was diagnosed with MS. Al- recognize that September is Alopecia Areata in 1986, he was promoted to the post of Exec- though the Waddells’ battle against MS has Awareness Month, and to commend the ef- utive Vice President and Chief Administrative been a very personal and private one, they re- forts of the National Alopecia Areata Founda- Officer. Finally, in 1995, he was promoted to cently made the decision to help others in that tion in San Rafael, CA, which is part of the his current position, President and Chief Exec- fight by creating the Waddell Center for Mul- district that I am privileged to represent. For utive Officer. tiple Sclerosis through the University of Cin- over twenty years this organization has dedi- Mr. Anzilotti is currently a member of the cinnati. The Center will have an important role cated itself to researching this horrible disease Board of Trustees of George Mason University in helping to end the devastating effects of and providing support for those with this con- Foundations, Inc. He is a member of the MS. dition. Boards of the Fairfax County School Super- Over the years, Ollie has been very active Very few people may know about this dis- intendent’s Business/Industry Advisory Council in our community. He has served on the board ease, or have even heard of it, but alopecia (BIAC), The Virginia Business Higher Edu- of directors for several organizations which in- areata is a serious condition that can affect cational Council, the Northern Virginia Busi- clude: Star Banc Corporation; Star Bank, N.A; the entire population, although it most com- ness Roundtable, the Northern Virginia Trans- Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company; Myers monly affects children. Alopecia areata is the portation Alliance, and is chairman of the Vir- Y. Cooper Company; Cincinnati/Northern Ken- partial to complete loss of hair over the entire ginia State Chamber of Commerce. He is also tucky International Airport; and Ohio National body. Without eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair Past Chairman of the Fairfax County Chamber Life Insurance Company. He also has been on the scalp, those affected are left unpro- of Commerce, Past President of the Northern active in the community as a member of the tected from the weather and other environ- Virginia Community College Educational Foun- Commercial Club, Commonwealth Club, Opti- mental conditions. While not medically dis- dation, Inc., and Past Chairman of the Arts mists Club, Queen City Club and Rotary Club. abling or life threatening, this disease causes Council of Fairfax County. All of these impres- Ollie is very dedicated to his family. Ollie much emotional pain. Suffers of this disease sive accomplishments and titles, however, and Virgilee have been married for 47 years. may have difficulty adjusting to the changes to pale in comparison to his work to improve our They have 3 children and 6 grandchildren. their body and the differences between them- schools, better our communities, and enhance Mr. Speaker, all of us in Southwestern Ohio selves and others around them. Children may the quality of life for all Virginians. thank Ollie for his commitment to fighting MS, encounter frustrating situations at school with Mr. Anzilotti resides in Chantilly, Virginia and we congratulate him on receiving the other children who do not understand this dis- with his wonderful wife, Jane Anzilotti. To- prestigious Silver Hope Award. I hope my col- ease. gether, they have raised two children, who are leagues will join me in wishing Ollie and Alopecia ateata is an autoimmune disease, now fully grown. Virgilee the very best as they continue to fight with no known cause and no known cure. Mr. Speaker, in closing, I wish the very best their own battle against this difficult disease. Greater awareness and an increased invest- to Mr. Anzilotti as he is recognized for his ment in alopecia areata research are critical years of service to the First Virginia Bank. He f components in our quest for a cure. That is certainly has earned this recognition, and I call why the National Alopecia Areata Foundation upon all of my colleagues to join me in ap- HONORING JANETT MARTIN plays an important role in the lives of those plauding his remarkable service to our com- who suffer from this disease. This foundation munity. HON. JIM DAVIS provides funding for research, as well as sup- f port services and resources for the sufferers. OF FLORIDA I am so proud to represent this foundation in TRIBUTE TO OLIVER W. WADDELL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES my district and offer them my continued sup- Thursday, September 26, 2002 port. HON. ROB PORTMAN Mr. Speaker, especially during the month of Mr. DAVIS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise in OF OHIO September, as well as throughout the year, we honor of Janett Martin, a very strong leader in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES must continue to raise awareness for alopecia the City of Tampa who devoted her life to her areata and work to find a cure for this dev- Thursday, September 26, 2002 church and community. astating disease. Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Janett was a pioneer in the advancement of f pay tribute to Oliver W. Waddell, a distin- diversity and fairness in the workplace and will guished constituent, dear friend and an ac- be greatly missed by family, friends, and ad- ABORTION NON-DISCRIMINATION complished business leader who will receive mirers. She led the way by becoming Tampa’s ACT OF 2002 the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Silver first African-American city clerk, as well as Hope Award at the 2002 Dinner of Champions president of the American Society of Public SPEECH OF on October 3, 2002. The Silver Hope Award is Administrators. Many in the Tampa Bay area HON. JANE HARMAN were drawn to her intelligence, hard work, and the highest honor given by the National Mul- OF CALIFORNIA perseverance. tiple Sclerosis Society, and Ollie is being hon- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ored for his dedication to ending the dev- Janett took on as many responsibilities as astating effects of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). possible, showing all heart and boundless de- Wednesday, September 25, 2002 Ollie is from Falmouth, Kentucky, and is termination. Even after she became ill, she still Ms. HARMAN. Mr. Speaker, let me begin by perhaps best known from his long and very served a term as president of Tampa’s clarifying a point of debate. successful career with Star Bank (formerly the League of Women Voters. Janett continued to Nothing in existing law requires hospitals, First National Bank of Cincinnati), which he make a difference in the African-American clinics, or any health care provider to perform joined in 1957 as a management trainee. In community by recently heading the Lincoln- an abortion against their religious or moral be- 1980, he was appointed president and direc- Douglas Ball. liefs. tor, and, in 1982, chief executive officer of Without a doubt, Janett Martin left a unique This is true at the Federal level, and this is Star Bank, N.A. Shortly thereafter, Ollie was mark throughout the entire Tampa Bay com- true in California, where additional legislation made a director of Star Banc Corporation, the munity. I would like to express my upmost ad- protects individual doctors and nurses from re- parent company of Star Bank, N.A. By August, miration for the person Janett was and my taliation if they do not wish to participate in an 1990, Ollie was chairman, president and chief condolences to the Martin family. She will be abortion. executive officer of Star Banc Corporation. well-remembered for her integrity, strength, The pending legislation claims to solve a Under his direction, Star Banc Corporation and commitment to her ideals. problem that does not exist, and it does so by VerDate Sep<04>2002 02:59 Oct 01, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26SE8.028 E30PT1 September 30, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1683 restricting women’s access to information enemies will never know freedom, because ferent opinions and beliefs about abortion. I about abortion. they are imprisoned by hate; and for that they believe women should be able to make their Clinics and hospitals are not required to have already lost. own decisions on this very personal matter. offer abortion services, but in certain cir- Former U.S. defense secretary, Caspar This bill goes too far by allowing restrictions cumstances, are required to refer women to a Weinberger, stated ‘‘The will of the American on abortion information, counseling and refer- doctor who will perform an abortion.
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