Sosiohumaniora: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol, 23, No. 2, July 2021: 177-186 ISSN 1411 - 0903 : eISSN: 2443-2660 GENPI’S STRATEGY IN THE DEVELOPMENT DIGITAL TOURISM DESTINATION IN LAMPUNG PROVINCE Dian Kagungan1, Anna Gustina Zainal2, and Feni Rosalia3 1Public Administratio1, University of Lampung, 2Communication Department, University of Lampung, 3Goverment Departement, University of Lampung Jl. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 1 Gedung Meneng, Bandar Lampung Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]. ABSTRACT. Provincial tourism development Lampung is the leading tourist destination in Indonesia the locomotive of development and provide increased welfare on Public. This research aims to determine GenPi’s strategy in developing a policy digital tourism destination towards Lampung go digital. The method in this research is qualitative, the location of this research is Tahura Market, Teluk Pandan District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. Data were collected through interviews and FGDs, The informants in this study were the administrators of GenPi Lampung, two administrators of Tahura Market, and two visitors to Tahura Market tours. Based on the research results GenPi’s startegy, it is known to encouraging the development of tourism in Lampung, GenPI Lampung plays an important role in developing tourism in Lampung by carrying out vigorous promotions on social media, one of which is by sending content on tourist destinations in Lampung to thep latform GenPi.co. GenPI Lampung also carries out activities offline, one of which is by creating a digital tourism destination in the form of a market. Digital tourism destination is the result of demands of era the digital considering the dominated today’s travelers generation, millennials tend to like the visit to destinations that provide new and fun experience. The concept of digital tourism destination refers to a destination that is creative, has photogenic spots to upload on social media, and goes viral on social media. Key word: Strategy; tourism; digital; development; social media STRATEGI GENPI DALAM UPAYA MENGEMBANGKAN DIGITAL TOURISM DESTINATION DI PROVINSI LAMPUNG ABSTRAK. Pengembangan pariwisata Provinsi Lampung adalah sebagai daerah tujuan wisata terdepan di Indonesia yang menjadi lokomotif pembangunan dan memberikan peningkatan kesejahteraan pada masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui startegi GenPi dalam mengembangkan kebijakan digital tourism destination menuju Lampung go digital. Metode dalam penelitian ini kualitatif, lokasi penelitian ini Pasar Tahura Kecamatan Teluk Pandan, Kabupaten Pesawaran Propinsi Lampung. Data dipetik melalui wawancara dan FGD, informan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengurus GenPi Lampung, dua orang pengurus Pasar Tahura dan dua orang pengunjung wisata Pasar Tahura. Berdasarkan stratgei GenPi Lampung untuk mendorong semakin berkembangnya pariwisata di Lampung, GenPI Lampung mengambil peran penting dalam mengembangkan pariwisata di Lampung dengan dilakukannya promosi yang gencar di media-media sosial, salah satunya dengan mengirimkan konten- konten destinasi wisata di Lampung ke platform GenPi.co. GenPI Lampung juga melakukan kegiatan offline, salah satunya dengan menciptakan digital tourism destination dalam bentuk pasar rakyat. Digital tourism destination merupakan hasil dari tuntutan era digital mengingat wisatawan zaman sekarang yang didominasi generasi millenial, cenderung menyukai berkunjung ke destinasi yang memberikan pengalaman baru dan menyenangkan. Konsep digital tourism destination ini mengacu pada destinasi yang kreatif, memiliki spot fotogenik untuk diunggah di media sosial, dan viral di media sosial. Kata kunci: Strategi; pariwisata; digital; pembangunan; media sosial INTRODUCTION state of Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand (Ahmad, 2018). Tourism in Indonesia is one of them the national The tourism sector is one of the largest leading sector and is also expected to become leading contributors to the economy in Indonesia (Nurhadi, sectors in foreign countries, especially in the region 2014), tourism is one of the sectors that has an ASEAN. However, the current reality shows that important role in the development of a country, Indonesia’s tourism ranking in foreign countries because tourism is considered directly and can yet superior to other countries, including existing contribute more to the revenue of the area where the countries in the ASEAN region. This can be seen tourist attraction is located. The tourism sector can based on data on the number of visits by foreign be used as one of the leading sectors in efforts to tourists as well ranking of Indonesia’s tourism earn foreign exchange (Larsen & Wolff, 2016), job competitiveness in ASEAN which is still under the creation and poverty alleviation (Della, Sciarrelli, & DOI: 10.24198/sosiohumaniora.v23i2.30912 Submited: 03 December 2020, Accepted: 12 January 2021, Publish: 05 July 2021 178 Sosiohumaniora, Vol, 23, No. 2, July 2021 Del Gaudio, 2015). The same explanation was also d. Encourage investor interest to: invest in the conveyed that the tourism sector plays an important Lampung area. role in the Indonesian economy (Meiwany, Tapatfeto, e. Increase community participation and cultural & Juita, 2018), both as a source of foreign exchange arts in Lampung to play an active role in regional earnings and job creation and business opportunities development and tourism in particular. (Heliany, 2019). Currently tourism is one of the most threatened The development of tourism in Lampung sectors due to the Corona virus pandemic (Jayadi looks quite good, this is judged by the total tourists & Suryawan, 2020), including in Lampung who visit and also at the festival. In 2016 there were Province, precisely in Pesawaran District. Which are 31 events, and in 2017 it had 53 events. The event strategic areas for the center of Lampung tourism that is included in the National Top 100 Calendar development. Indonesian tourist visits from 2014 to of Event (CoE) is the Lampung Krakatau Festival. 2019 continued to increase. In 2014 the number of In addition, there are five excellent events namely domestic and foreign tourists was 4.4 million and in Krui Surf Fest, Stabas Bay Festival, Brak Scale 2019 the number of tourists reached 10.7 million. Festival, Way Kambas Festival, and Pahawang Foreign tourist visits since 2014 have continued Festival (Lampung Province Tourism, 2018). The to increase, while the highest number of domestic total number of foreign tourists visiting and also at tourist visits was in 2018, reaching 13.8 million festivals in Lampung Province has always increased (Lampung Province Tourism, 2018). The graph of every year. The following is data on foreign tourist the development of the number of tourist visits can visits to Lampung Province in 2015 - 2017: be seen as follows: Table 1. Foreign tourist visits to Lampung Province No Year Number Of Foreign Tourism 1. 2015 114,907 people 2. 2016 155,053 people 3. 2017 245,372 people 4. 2018 274.127 people 5. 2019 297.469 people Source: (Lampung Tourism Office, 2018) Seen in table 1 that the visits of foreign tourists to Lampung Province have increased every year. In 2015 the number of foreign tourists reached 114,907 Figure 1. The graph of the development of the number of people, and in 2016 it increased by 28% to 155,053 tourist visits people. Furthermore, in 2017 the number of foreign The tourism sector is very likely to be able to tourist visits to Lampung province has increased by provide economic growth due to the availability of 58% to 245,372 people (Source: LKIP Lampung various existing tourism potentials as well as local Province Tourism Office in 2017). government support in the form of regulations (Putra, There are many tourist destinations in Saepudin, & Edwin, 2018). The tourism strategy is a Lampung, increasing the interest of tourists to leading tourist destination in Indonesia which is the visit Lampung. Based on data from the Ministry locomotive of development and provides increased of Tourism and telecommunication Company, the welfare to the community, with the tourism strategy: number of domestic tourists visiting Lampung a. Increasing domestic and foreign tourism pro- Province exceeded domestic tourists who visit motion activities through a market analysis Bali. In October 2017, Lampung was ranked 9th in approach. the number of visits, namely 8.8 million domestic b. Coaching and coordination with regencies / cities tourists, while Bali was ranked 11th with 8.5 in order to create tourism products that are ready million domestic tourists. Domestic tourist visits are to sell and strong, able to compete in order to dominated by Jakarta, South Sumatra, Bengkulu, and attract interest and tourist attractiveness. Jambi (Source: http: /m.republika.co.id/ p1kjp438 / c. Determining the sector tourism as a regional accessed on 25 August 2018 at 20.30 PM). Based on development priority by establishing a tourism data from the Lampung Province Tourism Office, development area to support Lampung tourism domestic tourist visits to Lampung Province in 2015 objects and attractions. - 2017 are as follows: Genpi’s Strategy in the Development Digital Tourism Destination in Lampung Province (Dian Kagungan, Anna Gustina Zainal, and Feni Rosalia) Sosiohumaniora, Vol, 23, No. 2, July 2021 179 Table 2. Archipelago tourist visits to Lampung Province a digital tourism destination with a variety of culinary and culture combined with attractive natural beauty
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