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The Week in Religion Catholic U. Senior Heads National Religious Club ! By the Associated Press [from Merchantville, N. J., vice in PHILADELPHIA, Mar. 24.—F. president; Michael Graney, Brook- Czech Red Government Drives a Wedge Catholic Church Girard Mueller of Baltimore, a lyn, Manhattan student, secre- and Frank By Religious News Service jcathedral chapters and put “pa- have acted against the ecclesiasti- nouncements have become a senior at Catholic University, tary. Shelvin, Belaire, in their jLong Island, ty. Y„ also a Manhat- Current tend to triotic” priests place. authorities. standard feature. Washington, was elected president developments cal tan student, treasurer. last week to these to from un- of Cigma Beta Kappa, National confirm fears expressed by Vati- Referring The sacred consistorial According reports — congre-; Catholic Action can circles a year ago that the state appointments, Vice Premier derground sources in Czechoslo- fraternity, during gation in Rome has excommuni- the third annual convention I "Mass dismissals” have stirred Czechoslovak Communist govern- Zdenek Fierlinger, who heads the vakia, government officials are dis- today cated all those “morally and phys- at La Salle workers’ ire in Indonesia but em- ment was planning to set up a state office for church affairs, turbed over the growing practice College. I ically” involved in the banishment Other officers named were: say are strictly sea- national Catholic Church separ- hailed them as marking “the of Catholics to make long trips on ployers they of Archbishop Beran. It also im- Glenn ated from Rome. democratization of the Sundays to the nearest church Robertson, La Salle (Student sonal. ;gradual posed the same penalty on clerics Catholic Church and its where propaganda-free services In March. 1950, Msgr. Ottavio de hierarchy who have illegally occupied ec- in Czechoslovakia.” are held; The government is said Lira, the last remaining link be- t clesiastical offices or benefices, and to fear that these concentrations tween the Holy See and Arch- In its step-by-step procedure, all who have engaged “in machi- of the faithful may lead to secret bishop Josef Beran of Prague, the the Prague government has gained nations against the legitimate au- PUBLIC AUCTION was anti-regime meetings which would nation's top-ranking prelate, control of the church's entire ad- thorities or have in any way at- be difficult to check. Pursuant to an order by Reuben Sclar, owner we will on ordered to leave Czechoslovakia for ministration and of priests serv- tempted to subvert their powers.” alleged subversive activities against ing the church in a supervisory One factor with which the TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1951—11.00 A.M. OFFER the State. ■ capacity. I schismatic body must contend is s Now, 12 months later, Arch- Four Bishops Included. !the reportedly determined opposi- ALL CANNING MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT, bishop Beran has been banished Among them are the four tion of the “non-conformist” rank SPOT CASH the from the MOTOR TRUCKS AND TRAILERS by government ibishops in Kosice, Hradec Kralove, and file—those Catholics who re- archdiocese and his place Prague Trnava and Litomerice, whose ac- fuse to recognize their new state-; of the former taken a vicar—Fath- by capitular tion in swearing loyalty to the named vicars and are boycotting! For Your Home er Josef Stehlik—bound an by Communist regime created con- services where Communist pro- WOODBINE CANNING COMPANY oach of loyalty to the Communist siderable surprise in Catholic cir- ( on the premises) A Prince Georges Bank Personal Loan provides the regime. cles abroad, and is generally be- Y The ouster of de Liva and MUZAK MD. answer to such financial os Taxes, Msgr. lieved to be due to severe pressu.r For Your WOODBINE, problems Illness, the banishment of Archbishop and coercion. Llslenins Pleasure COX & CO. Seasonal and Emer- While You CANNING MACHINERY Accidents, Expenses Unexpected Beran are in a 4 3 Onlev Pea Washers Bcott Vlner Pea Pump merely highlights As the situation stands, the DINE SHOP Pea Cleaners. Gooseneck Conveyors. with motor Scott Vlner Water Separators, 2 Kyler Boxers, 2 Labeling Machines. gencies. It's the sensible way to obtain money for determined campaign waged by Catholic Church in Czechoslovak- WORK RE. 163S SL. 0775 UN. 1526 Sprague Sells Pea Hoppers, Sprague Sells Four Sizes Pea Grader, Sinclair Scott the government with the apparent because of Four Grade Pea Grader. Scott Vlner Pea Separators. Sprague Corn Cutters. Corn needs without on set ia, unrelenting Com- Music Incorporated Conveyors. Sprague Corn Bilkers, Worm Conveyors, Hoppers to Tables. 17—3 and temporary money drawing savings purpose of creating a schism in munist maneuvers, is now divided RE. 4050 4 Basket Retorts. 70—Perforated Retort Boxes. Food Machinery Blancher, 8prague aside for future the ranks of the country's 9 mil- Blancher. Food Machinery Pea Washers. Sprague Sells 100 Gallon Corn Mixer. security. into two camps—one headed by -■-/ 30 gallon Syrup Tanks 10 and BO-pocket F.M. Corn Fillers. Ayares Machine Pea lion Catholics. Filler. Food Machinery Pea Filler. 8 pocket. Corn Huskers, Pea Vlners and Cleaners. ! deposed Archbishop Beran and Harvesting Machines, Pea Duster. Silo Blower. Electric Conveyor. Electric Piling These loans are available in amounts up to $1,000 repay- Suspended Priest Restored. ■ most of the Czechoslovak bishoos, Conveyor. able out of income in 12 or 15 monthly installments. Last week, the Prague ordinari- and the other by ecclesiastical dig- COMPLETE PEA AND CORN LINE, PRACTICALLY NEW EQUIPMENT ale announced that it had revoked nitaries Lot of Electric Motors. Shafting. Picking Tables. Air Compressors. Empty Can Low bank interest rate and our Personal Loan whose acceptance of Track from Storage Warehouse to Fillers with Motor. Can Shaker. Unscrambler Dept, and with Motors. Chain Holsts. Cement Water Cooling Tanks, Overhead an action taken by Archbishop church offices at the government's Conveyor is for convenience from 9 a.m. Basket Conveyor. Steam Water Pumps, Electric Drill. Bolts. Nuts. Pipe Fittings. open your to 5 p.m.—Sat- Beran in 1948—the suspension hands in defiance of Vatican au- ITU' Link Belt Electric Conveyor with Motor and Transmission. Wiring Machine, and and until Noon. visit or us for from his priestly duties of Father I ALCOHOLISM Lengths of Roller Track. New Electric Plumbing Supplies Equipment. urdays Telephone, write details. : thority placed them under the Joseph Plojhar, Minister of Health, taint of schism. ] MISCELLANEOUS A DISEASE! Approx. fiO.OOO No. 2 Tin Cans with Lids, Approx. 20 Tons Spare Parts. Chains. for his activities. ...IS I 1 political the Belting. Shafting. Pulleys. Clutches. Bolts. Nuts and Pipe Fittings. Automatic Prompted by government, Thermostat Control Gas Heater. Structural Steel, Pipe Lumber and Brick. Garase Since only Archbishop Beran is Tools and Electric Tire and Truck Chains. the schismatic group is now en- Thousands throughout the country have been treated sue- B Machinery, Welders. PRINCE GEORGES BANK canonically empowered to restore gaged in a compaign to recruit cessfully and rehabilitated by the nationally known Green- TRUCKS—TRACTORS—TRAILERS 1 New Diamond T Stake Trucks, eeveral Used Cars, 2 Bemi-Tratlers. AND TRUST COMPANY Father Plojhar's right to say mass students for the State seminaries hill "conditioned reflex" method. ''‘/.-Ton several Used Trucks. Caterpillar Tractor. „. and perform other priestly func- at and and Plague Bratislava, and is An ethical institution, controlled, operated supervised OFFICE EQUIPMENT tions. the action of the Prague ■ with urging "loyal” Catholic layman by licensed physicians. All rooms private radio. Phone ( m ordinariate in church law Above to be offered in Single Lots Only—No Confirmation ™ flouting and even Communist state school or write for free booklet. Not affiliated with any other B 'T^rsonaiJoanDeft^ g implies that a group inside the Est. 1938. Immediate teachers to take special courses to institution or sanitorium. Delivery 3718 Rhode Island Ave. Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia equip them as religious teachers. TERMS: CERTIFIED CHECKS OR CASH --1 is already as a law unto Mt. Md. operating The Vatican, meanwhile, lia^ Rainier, itself. again raised its voice against GREEN HILL INSTI I RALPH ROSEN Telephone UN ion 2325 Conspicuously affiliated with this Catholics in Czechoslovakia who ! 3M5 Istli St N.W. B«y «t yuchi Auctioneer Liquidator Appraiser Member group are four bishops who re- in have been Podorol Insurant c_ -j any way implicated J GENESEE BLDG. WA. 2957 BUFFALO, N. Y. Deposit Corporation cently took the loyalty oath, fol- in the schismatic movement or lowing the previously lone example ___________________ of Auxiliary Bishop Josef Eltschk- ner of Prague. Speaking over the Prague radio, one of the bishops declared that “we are opposed to the Vatican decree excommuni- cating persons for political rea- sons.” This statement, coming from a bishop, means that a schism has developed aimed ultimately at the setting up of a new Catholic body independent of Rome. It recalls the schism of 1920 when large numbers left the Catholic Church to form the Czechoslovak Church, w'hich now claims about a million adherents. In September, 1949, Father Plo- Jhar branded as false charges that government leaders were planning to organize a new church through the medium of a Catholic action organization which the regime had set up in defiance of ecclesiastical authorities who denounced the group as illegal and schismatic.
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