University of Oklahoma College of Law University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 1-27-1875 Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting reports of the Quartermaster-General and Commissary-General of Subsistence, giving in detail the costs to those Departments of the Modoc War Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.law.ou.edu/indianserialset Part of the Indian and Aboriginal Law Commons Recommended Citation H.R. Exec. Doc. No. 131, 43d Cong., 2nd Sess. (1875) This House Executive Document is brought to you for free and open access by University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 by an authorized administrator of University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 43D CoNGREss, t HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Ex.Doc. 2d Session. j { No. 131. MODOC \VAR. 'LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF WAR, TRANSMITTING Reports of the Quartermaster- General and Cornrnissary- General of Subsist ence, giving in detail the costs to those Departments of the :Modoc Wm·. J ANUARY 27, 1875.-Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. \VAR DEPART::\IENT, January 25, 1874. The Secretary of War bas the honor to transmit to the House of Representati-ves, for the information of the Committee on Military Affairs, in compliance with request of said committee of May 9, 187 4, reports of the Quartermaster-General and Commissary-General of Sub­ sistence, giving in detail the costs to those Departments of the Modoc war, with names of claimants, and the amounts paid and remaining unpaid. \Vl\f. W. BELKNAP, Secretary of TfTm·. WAR DEPART)fEN'l', QUARTER~fASTER-GENERAL'S. OFFICE, Washington, D. G., June 26, 1874. SIR: I Lave the honor to transmit herewith detailed statements of the cost to the Quartermaster's Department of the l\fodoc war, giYing names of persons, amounts, &c., paid and remaining unpaid, as required by request of House Military Committee of May 9, 1874, (copy here­ with returned,) amounting in the aggregate to $411,068.18. The expenditure, as shown by these statements, is $56,000 greater than that reported by Gen. Robert Allen, February 7, 1874, aud which was communicated from this Office to Hou. James vV. Nesmith, member of Congress, on that date. These statements ha,Te just <'orne to hand. It was impracticable to obtain them iu time to present to Congress before adjournment. I am~ very rf'spectfully, ;your obedient servant., ~f. C. MEIGS, (Juartermaster-Gcneral, U.S. A. The Hon. SECRETARY OF ~TAR. 2 MODOC vVAR. [Inclosures.] . HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DIVISION OF THE PACIFIC, OFFICE DEPOT QUARTERMASTER, San Francisco, Cal., June 12, 1874. Cor.ONEL: In compliance with telegram of the Quartermaster-General, U.S. A., dated May 13, 1874, I have the honor to transmit herewith inclosed, a list of the names and statement of indebtedness incurred for transportation furnished to the Government during the Modoc war, the amounts paid, and the amounts remaining unpaid, and to whom. Very respectfully, your Qbedient servant, A. R. EDDY, Deputy Qua1·termaster-General, U. S. A. Additional to the amounts on inclosed report, I transfclrred to Lieutenants Grier, Fourth Artillery, and Bacon, First Cavalry, one thousand four hundred dollars, ($l,400,) for disbursements on account of expenses incurred in the Modoc war. A. R. EDDY, Depnty Quartermaster-General, U. S. A. To Col. ROBERT ALLEN, Assistant Quartermaster-General, U. S. A., Chief Quartermaste1· Military Division of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal. [Indorsement on preceding letter.] HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DIVISION OF THE PACIFIC, OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, San Francisco, Cal., June 15, 1874. Respectfully transmitted to the Quartermaster-General of the Army. The statement of the chief quartermaster Department of the Columbia will be for­ warded as soon as received. Lieutenant Grier's address is Boston, Mass. ROBERT ALLEN, Assistant Quartermaster- General. A. List of the named of all pe·l'sons in California and Oregon who fw·nished suppl·ies and trans­ portation to the Government du1'ing the Modoc wm·, the amount of ew.:h claim, what amount has been paid, and to whom. No. I To whom paid. Nature of claim. Amoullt. 1 William M. Hoog . • . Transportation service .......•... $16,499 30 William M. Hoog . ... do .......... - --- .. ----- . ----. 91 28 'Villi~m M. Hoog ...... _........•. do .................. ---.----. 1,307 27 Willi am M. Hoog . ... do ........•.. - .. -. --- - ------ 35,582 56 'Villiam M. Hoog . ... do ......... - .. - . -- .. --- . - . -.- 63,162 00 William M. I-Ioog .. _... ... do .....•....... --.- . -- .. --- -- 414 98 William M. Hoog .. _... ... do .......•.•........ -- •. ----. 1, 5:~0 63 William M. Hoog ....•...•. _ . ... do ............ - ......... -... - 112 75 L. Autenreith .................... do ............ - ... - ........ .. 17 97 William Henrietta.. .. .. .. .. .. .. do ........... -- -- .......... .. 1:36 67 Le,vis Power . ... do ........................ - .. 264 00 Frank Kenyon...... ... do .....•..........•...•....• - 264 00 Peter J\IIcCabe...... ... do .........•.. - . --- ...... - --- 40 00 S. J. vVells ........................ do .......•......... -- ... ----- 264 00 William Burgett .................. do ................ - ..... , - -·· 8 50 Francis H. Kenyon... ... do .............. -... -- .. ----. 40 00 Lewis Land . •.. do .................. -.•. - •••. 40 00 Thomas Potty . • . •.. do .........•........ -... - -- .. 40 00 James Sullivan ................... do ..............•.• ---- ..... 24 00 William Morshead . • . • . • . • . ... do .............. -- ....•. - .. -. 80 00 L. F. Smith ..•••................. do ................. ---- .... .. 40 00 Benjamin White .................. do ............ - ............. 40 00 MODOC WAR. 3 A.-List of the name3 of all persons in Califomia and Oregon, g·c.-Continued. No. I To whom paid. Nature of claim. Amount. --------------------------1 James Laird.... .. .. .. .. .. Transportation service ......... .. $50 00 A. A. Cofiey . • . ... do ...•....................... 60 00 A. Garfield . • . • . ... do .........................•. 40 00 S. Gilbert •....................... do .......................... 40 00 Gilman Davis • . ... do .......................... 40 00 R. A. Clark .....•...•............. do ......................... .. 40 00 vValter Laird ..................... do ..................... .... 36 00 Melville &Birney ............... do ......................... .. 81 00 E. A. Reid .....•........•......... rlo ...· ....................... 46 25 Pitt River Bridge Company ....... do .......................... .. 19 75 Total ............. ---~-- .... ...... ..... .... .... .... ...... 120,452 91 William M. Hoog .. .. .. .. .. For supplies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 132 09 Total paid ............. .. 120,585 00 B. Amou.nt 1·ernaining unpaid, and to whorn. To whom due. Nature of service. Amount. Coin. William M. Hoog ........... .. Transportation service .......... $283 80 L. Autenreith, due to William M. Hoog ................... 52 !10 George H. Johnson & Co., 5 officers at $90 each .. .. .. .. ... 4!10 00 transportation of .•.••...... 234 enlisted men, at $45 each ... 10, 530 00 r10 laundresses, at $45 eacll . .... 450 00 l43 tons of baggage, at $:32.50 ton. 1, 397 50 Lewi~:J Power . Transportation service ......•.... 232 00 Peter McCabe .................... do ...•.•..................... 504 00 S. J. Wells ....................... do ......................... .. 240 90 Francis H. Kenyon . ... do ...... ...... ............. 264 00 Lewis Land . ... do .......................... 160 00 Thomas Potty . ... do ........................ _.. 136 00 James Sullivan ................... do ......... ............. _... 136 00 William Morshead .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. do ....................... _.. 208 00 L. F. Smith ....................... do ......•.................... 56 00 Benjamin White .................. do ......................... .. 56 00 James Laird ...................... do .......................... 50 00 A. A. Coffey •....•................ do ...... .................. .. 60 00 A. Garfield . ... do ............•....... ...... 40 00 S. Gilbert •.......•..... ......... do .......................... 24 00 Gilman Dayis . • . ... do ...•.......... _........... 24 00 R. A. Clark .......•...•........... do ......... ._.. ............ 24 00 Total amount unpaid .... 15,377 t:O List of the names of all persons in Califm·nia and Oregon who furnished supplies and trans­ pm·tation to the Government du1·'ing the Modoc waT j the amount of each claim j what arnottnt has been paid j and the amount 1'emaining unpaid, and to whom j by Lieut. Col. A. R. Eddy, Deputy Qua1·termaster-General, U.S. A., chief qua1·tm·maste1' Depa1·tment of Cali.fomia. Total amount, and to whom paid from April1, 1873, to Jnne 1, 1874; (see list marked A, filed herewith) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $120, 585 00 Total amount remaining unpaid, and to whom due, (see list marked B, filed herewith)..................................................... 15,377 80 Aggregate .......•••••...•...•..........• _.................. _.• 135,962 80 Respectfully submitted. A. R. EDDY, Deputy Quartermaster· General, U. S. A . 4 MODOC WAR. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE COLUi\1BIA, Portland1 Oreg., June 11, 1874. CoLONEL: In accordance with your
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