News Sources in Print Formats at Concordia A guide to microform and other print holdings June 2016 . Contents Introduc℀甄on 3 Using this guide 3 Loca℀甄ng items listed in this guide 4 Electronic sources 5 Sec℀甄on 1: directories & indexes 7 Mul℀甄na℀甄onal directories 7 Na℀甄onal directories 8 Sec℀甄on 2: newspapers by place 11 Canada 11 Alberta 11 Bri℀甄sh Columbia 11 Manitoba 11 New Brunswick 12 Newfoundland 13 Nova Sco℀甄a 13 Ontario 16 Prince Edward Island 27 Quebec 27 Saskatchewan 41 Yukon 42 United States 43 California 43 D.C. 43 Georgia 43 Illinois 44 Massachuse℀ጅs 45 New Orleans 46 New York 46 North Carolina 47 Texas 47 Virginia 47 West Virginia 48 Wisconsin 48 3 Africa 49 Kenya 49 Liberia 50 Malawi 50 Nigeria 50 Rhodesia 50 South Africa 51 Tanzania 51 Uganda 52 Zambia 52 Zimbabwe 52 Asia 53 China 53 India 53 Pakistan 54 Vietnam 54 Europe 54 France 54 Ireland 57 United Kingdom 57 Sec℀甄on 3: all ℀甄tles A‐Z 60 4 Introduction This finding aid lists contemporary and historical newspaper resources available in physical formats at the Concordia Library. The holdings consist primarily of microform (microfilm, microfiche, and microcard), as well as some print materials —the print materials may be found either in the library’s stacks for regular print journals, oversize print journals, or in special collec℀甄ons, as noted in each item’s record. The guide is arranged into three main sec℀甄ons: directories by region, newspapers by region, and an appendix of all newspaper ℀甄tles from all regions, arranged alphabe℀甄cally. For convenience, a brief list of notable electronic sources for historical news items follows on the next pages. Using this guide Section 1: directories The directories and indexes in the first sec℀甄on can help in iden℀甄fying possible sources to proceed with, as research using print news sources unfortunately does not offer the ease of full‐text searching we’ve all become accustomed to with digital sources. Indexes generally correspond to ℀甄tles we have in the library, but the directories will also iden℀甄fy sources we do not have. Section 2: newspapers by place If you are interested in sources from a specific region, browse the ℀甄tles by place in the second sec℀甄on of this guide (which begins with Canada and the US, as these represent the majority of our holdings). This sec℀甄on indicates the places and ℀甄me periods we have coverage for at a glance. If you are using an electronic copy of this guide, all entry ℀甄tles are hyperlinked to their corresponding catalogue entry online. Holdings for Canada and the United States are arranged by province / state; interna℀甄onal holdings are arranged by con℀甄nent and then country. Section 3: all titles A-Z To search by a known ℀甄tle, especially if the place is unknown, check this alphabe℀甄cal lis℀甄ng. You will be able to see if it is included in the guide, and if so, what its place of publica℀甄on is / was. With the place of publica℀甄on iden℀甄fied, you can return to sec℀甄on 2 for more informa℀甄on on that ℀甄tle. Again, if you are using an electronic version of this guide, you can simply click on the ℀甄tle to link directly to the library’s catalogue. This guide is meant to help you in your research, but does not by any means list all possible resources related to news sources. The library’s catalogue and online databases should also be consulted for more sources. Prepared by Sean McLaughlin, Journalism Subject Librarian June 2016 *The records in this guide are taken from the catalogue with minimal forma℀�ng, and may reflect some stylis℀甄c inconsistencies, mainly to do with capitaliza℀甄on of ℀甄tles. 5 Locating items listed in this guide To physically retrieve an item listed in this guide in the library, you need two pieces of informa℀甄on from the record: the loca℀甄on, which is given in the "Library has:" field, and the call number. The "Library has:" field will tell you both which library loca℀甄on the item is at‐‐whether the Vanier library or the Webster library‐‐and which sec℀甄on within the library to go. The call number tells you where on the shelf you will find the item, or, more likely with items in microform, in which drawer. Below is an example highligh℀甄ng the two pieces of informa℀甄on needed to find a given item: The item would be found in the indexes sec℀甄on of the Vanier library, in the AI shelf range. Another example shows an alterna℀甄ve loca℀甄on‐‐this ℀甄me, the item is in the microfilm sec℀甄on at the Webster library: The main loca逐̉ons for items found in this guide are: Vanier indexes Vanier journals Vanier microfilm Vanier oversize journals Vanier reference Vanier special collec℀甄ons (incl. oversize) Webster journals Webster microfilm Webster reference 6 Electronic sources for news While the purpose of this guide is to iden℀甄fy newspaper sources in physical formats and to facilitate their retrieval, the library has many electronic sources for text‐based news as well. Below are some of the most important electronic sources available at Concordia (though not the only ones). All are accessible through the library catalogue or from links on the Journalism subject guide. For addi℀甄onal informa℀甄on on finding news sources, including an introductory how‐to guide on using Fac℀甄va, consult the Journalism subject guide or contact a librarian. Major newspaper databases: Eureka.cc Fac℀甄va Varied sources: Canadian Newsstand Major Dailies Early Canadiana Online ‐ Periodicals Financial Times Historical Archive Google News Archive Hill Times (A weekly newspaper covering Canadian federal poli℀甄cs) Paper of Record ProQuest Digital Microfilm Times Digital Archive 1785 Onwards ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Globe and Mail Irish Times Jerusalem Post The New York Times (1851‐2010) Toronto Star Wall Street Journal Washington Post (1877‐1997) 7 . 8 Section 1: directories & indexes Multinational directories Africa The African book world & press: a directory. Répertoire du livre Call number: Z 465.5 A36X et de la presse en Afrique Library has: Vanier 3rd Floor: 4th ed., 1989 CEASED North America Directory of li␈le magazines Call number: Z 6944 L5D5 Con℀甄nued by: Directory of li␈le magazines and small presses 0363‐2016 (DLC) 72626399 (OCoLC)3829820 Library has: Webster Reference: 1965 Editor & publisher interna逐̉onal year book Call number: PN 4709 E4 Con℀甄nues: Editor & publisher 0013094x Library has: Vanier Reference: 1982‐1983, 1985‐2004 Editor & publisher market guide Call number: HF 5003 E38 Library has: Vanier Reference: LATEST EDITION Gale directory of publica逐̉ons and broadcast media Call number: PN 4709 A9+ Con℀甄nues: Gale directory of publica逐̉ons 0892‐1636 (DLC) 87649780 (OCoLC)15097124 Library has: Webster Reference: LATEST EDITION Vanier Reference: NEXT TO LATEST EDITION Other multinational Newspapers in microform Call number: Z 6951 U469 Suppl Library has: Vanier Reference: C.2 1948\83 The Serials directory : an interna逐̉onal reference book. ‐‐ Call number: PN 4731 S47+ Library has: Webster Reference: 5th ed., 1991. Collec℀甄on Services Acquisi℀甄ons: 3rd ed., 1988. Willing's press guide Call number: PN 4709 W5+ Con℀甄nues: Willing's press guide and adver逐̉sers' directory and handbook Library has: Webster Reference: NEXT TO LATEST EDITION Vanier Reference: LATEST EDITION 9 National directories Canada Canadian news index Call number: AI 3 C18+ Con℀甄nues: Canadian newspaper index 0384‐983X (DLC)cn 78039019 (OCoLC)3405285 Con℀甄nued by: Canadian business index 0227‐8669 (DLC) 84645019 (OCoLC)6972315 (CaOONL)810390221|Canadian magazine index (Toronto, Ont.) 0829‐8777 (OCoLC)14879889 (CaOONL)860308294|Canadian index (Toronto, Ont.) 1192‐4160 (DLC) 93660748 (OCoLC)27757791 Library has: Vanier Indexes: v.4 (1980)‐v.16 (1992) Canadian newspaper index Call number: AI 3 C18+ Con℀甄nued by: Canadian news index. 0225‐7459 Library has: Vanier Indexes: v.1 (1977)‐v.3 (1979) Canadian newspapers on microfilm : catalogue Call number: Z 6954 C2C19 Library has: Vanier Reference: LOOSELEAF CCNMa␈hews CCE directory Call number: PN 4914 C63C46 Con℀甄nues: Ma␈hews CCE directory. 1192‐6325 Library has: Vanier Reference: 2006 CCNMa␈hews media directory Call number: P 88.8 M37 Con℀甄nues: Ma␈hews media directory. 0380‐4437 Library has: Vanier Reference: v.53 no.2 Sept. (2008) Index de l'actualité vue à travers la presse écrite Call number: AP 5.45 M6D42+ Con℀甄nues: Index de l'actualité vue à travers la presse écrite. 0315‐6729|Index des affaires 0838‐0457|Index du journal Le Devoir. ISSN 0315‐6737 Con℀甄nued by: Index de l'actualité. ISSN 0838‐0449 Library has: Vanier Indexes: v.8‐22, 1973‐87 CEASED Vanier Indexes: 1988‐98 CEASED McKim's directory of Canadian publica逐̉ons. Call number: Z 6954 C2C21 Library has: Vanier Microfilm: 1st‐35th ed., 1892‐1942 CEASED PMB ... readership volume = PMB ... volume de lectorat Call number: HF 5415.33 C2P67 Library has: Vanier Reference: C.1 2005‐2008. Webster Reference: C.2 2008‐09. Répertoire descrip逐̉f. Médias d'informa逐̉on du Québec Call number: P 88.8 M66 Con℀甄nues: Répertoire descrip逐̉f, Médias et communica逐̉ons au Québec. Sainte‐Foy, Québec : Québec dans le monde, c1992‐1995. 1192‐330X (CaOONL) 943017904 (OCoLC)31095525 (DLC)cn 94301790 Library has: Vanier Reference: 2001, 2003/2004‐2009/2010 10 China Chinese magazine review [microform] / American Embassy, Call number: DS 777.54 Nanking, China A1C48+ Library has: Webster Microfilm: 1948‐49 CEASED Chinese press review Call number: DS 777.54 A1C5 Library has: Webster Microfilm: Sept. 17, 1945‐Feb. 15/16, 1950. France La Presse française Call number: Z 6956 F8P7 Library has: Vanier Reference: 1967 Répertoire de la presse et des publica逐̉ons périodiques Call number: PN 5184 P4R4+ françaises Library has: Vanier Reference: 1960, 1963‐1971 Japan The Japanese press Call number: PN 4701 J37 Con℀甄nues: Japanese press, past and present (OCoLC)11465680 Library has: Webster Reference: C.2 1969.
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