Winnsboro Maine Auburn

Winnsboro Maine Auburn

of Louisiana Inc. (acq 10- 17 -85). Group owner: Louisiana, Maine Radio AmCom General Corp. Net: MBS, US Programming, Lousiana Network. Rep' Katz. George R. Francis, pres & CEO; George E. King Jr., VP & chief fin off; Thibodaux Marian W. Nelson, bus mgr; Tom Williams, gen sls mgr; Bob Moody, prog dir; Pam Judd -Edwards & Jerry 'KNSU(FM)-Feb 15, 1972: 91.5 mhz; 10 w. (CP: 91.3 Willingham, local sls mgrs; Tony King, news dir; Rudy mhz; Ant 286 ft.). Box 2664, Nicholls State University Johnson, chief engr. Rates: $70: 45; 65; 30. (70301). (504) 446 -1667. Nicholls State University. West Monroe 'KSCL(FM )-March 11, 1976: 91.3 mhz; 150 w. Ant Format: Top -40. Jerry Douglas Fairbank, gen mgr; KMBS(AM) -August 1956: 1310 khz; 1 kw -D. 516 30 ft. Stereo. 2911 Centenary Blvd. (71104). (318) Tina DeSalvo, sports & news dir. 869 -5297. Centenary College of Louisiana. Format: Martin St. (71291). (318) 322 -1491. Charles G. Morgan KTIB(AM )-Dec 24, 1953: 630 khz; 500 w -D. (CP: 640 AOR, div. Spec prog: Class 3 hrs. jazz 6 hrs, Sp 3 hrs (acq 12 -86). Net: AP. Rep: Weiss & Powell. Format: khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, DA -2). Box 682 (70301). (504) wkly. Joya Misra, stn mgr: Jean Magee, prog dir; MOR. Chuck Morgan, pres, gen mgr & chief engr; 447 -9006. La Terr Broadcasting Corp. (acq 11- 16 -73). Chuck Howard, gen sls mgr; Kathy Oskoian, prog dir. John Rutten, chief engr. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Fr 4 hrs wkly. James J. Rates: $14; 12; 14; 12. KWKH(AM) -September 1925: 1130 khz; 50 kw -U, Buquet, pres; Raymond Saadi, gen mgr; Roy Pugh, stn KYEA(FM) -Co -owned with KMBS(AM). Aug 1, 1967: DA -N. (CP: ant. 1,107.4 ft.). Box 31130 (71130). (318) mgr; Marie Bergeron, coml mgr. 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Prog sep from AM. Stereo. 688 -1130. Shreveport Great Empire Broadcasting KXOR(FM) -May 1, 1966: 106.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 440 Net: AP. Format: Urban contemp. Frank Smith, prog (acq 6- 16 -77). Great Empire Broadcasting. Net: ft. Stereo. 106 Ridgefield Rd. (70301). (504) 446-5604. & mus dir. Rates: $25; 20; 25; 20. ABC /E. Rep: Torbet. Format: Country. Spec prog: KXOR Inc. Net: ABC /R, ABC /FM, US/2, Lousiana Farm 12 hrs wkly. F.F. Lynch, pres; Gene Dickerson, Network. Format: Top -40. Spec prog: Oldies 10 hrs gen mgr; Rob Hough, prog dir; Kitty Ledbetter, mus wkly. Joseph M. Costello Ill, pres, Greg Dumas, gen dir; John Lee, news dir; John Lee, news dir; John White Castle mgr; Delton Perrodin, mus dir & prom mgr; Joe Pollet, Rutten, chief engr. 16; 16; 16. chief engr. Rates: $16; KKAY(AM) -Nov 1976: 1590 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 797, KWKH 5, 1948: mhz; 100 kw. Ant 320 -FM-Nov 94.5 Donaldsville (70346). (504) 473-3806. La Fourche ft. (CP: Ant 1,000 ft.). Stereo. (318) 688 -1130. Prog sep Valley Enterprises. Rep: Beaver. Format: MOR, top-40. from AM. Net: ABC /E. Format: Modern country. Tioga Michael P. Leblanc, pres & gen mgr & chief engr; E. Randy Dunn, sls mgr; Rick Rousseau, news dir. Rates: $6.60; 6.60; 6.60; 6.60. KISY(FM) -May 25, 1984: 98.3 mhz; 8 kw. Ant 328 ft. Slidell Stereo. 92 West Shamrock (71360). (318) 445 -5306. Cavaness Broadcasting. Format: Adult contemp. Spec WLTS -FM-Sep 8, 1970: 105.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 902 prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly Ms. Joel Cavaness, pres; Winnfield ' ft. Stereo. 1639 Gentilly Blvd.. New Orleans (70119). Roger Cavaness, gen mgr; J.A. (Jay) Coleman, gen (504) 943 -9019. Phase II Broadcasting Inc. (acq sls mgr; Jim King, prog dir; Tom McFadden, news dir. KVCL(AM)-Dec 17, 1955: 1270 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 1-1-74). Net: CBS R /R. Rep: Durpetti. Format: Adult w -CH. Box 548 (71483). (318) 628-7355. Winn contemp, lite rock. Edmund J. Muniz, pres, gen & Broadcasting Co. (acq 10- 1 -58). Net: Lousiana Net- gen sls mgr; Manny Fieldstein, nati sls mgr; Bob work. Format: C &W. Betty Hall, gen & coml mgr, Mitchell, prog dir: Ben Sudith, news dir; Ernest L. Varnado owner. Harvey Jr., chief engr. Rates: $115; 115; 115; 40. KVCL -FM-Nov 3, 1966: 92.1 mhz; 2.7 kw. Ant 180 ft. WBOX -FM-November 1985: 92.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Net: US2. Format: C &W. WSDL(AM) -Dec 5, 1963: 1560 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -N. ft. (CP: Ant 328 ft.). Stereo. Box 280, Bogalusa (70427). Pam Maxwell, mus dir; Rosanne Shuler, news dir; Stereo. 300 Commonwealth Bldg., 140 Carondelet St., (504) 732 -4288. Northlake Audio Inc. Format: Adult New Orleans (70130). (504) 566 -7485. Inter-American Arliss E. Fryar Jr. Rates: $6.50; 6.50; 6.50; 6.50. contemp. Mel Hall, pres, gen mgr chief engr. Broadcasters Inc. (acq 3 -74). Net: MBS, AP, Southern & States. Format: C &W Sp, news. George A. Mayoral, pres & chief engr: Don Kern, gen & gen sls mgr; Jim Winnsboro Summer, prog & news dir: Jennifer Kirvin, mus dir; Vidalia Clarence Hamann, prom mgr. Rates: $15; 15; 15; 15. KMAR(AM) -March 1, 1957: 1570 khz; 1 kw -D. Box KAIN(AM) -Not on air. target date unknown: 1040 312 (71295). (318) 435 -5141. Franklin Parish Broad- khz. 500 N. Pine St., Natchez, Miss. (39120). (601) casting (acq 10- 1 -73). Format: Mod country. Spec 18 hrs, 14 hrs 446 -8576. Peter J. Renaldi. prog: Farm gospel wkly. Edward O. Springhill Fritts, pres; Glen James, coml mgr; Gene King, mus KVLA(AM) -December 1984: 1400 khz: 1 kw -U. 1644 dir; Bob Henry, news dir & gen mgr; James Burns, Carter St. (71373). (318) 336 -4284. Concordia Broad- KBSF(AM)-June 30, 1954: 1460 khz; 1 kw-D. Box prog dir; Kathy Cottingham, prom mgr; Len Benson, 127 (71075). (318) 539 -4616. Springhill Broadcasting casting Co. Net: Progressive Farmer. Format: Div. chief engr. Donald B. Brady, pres & gen mgr. Rates: $6; 6: 6; 6. Co. (acq 2- 3 -59). Net: AP. Format: MOR. Johnnie K. KMAR -FM-Aug 1969: 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 170 ft. Hill, owner; Keith Hill, gen mgr & prog dir; Lavelle WONZ(FM) -See Natchez, Miss. Dups AM 100 %. Stereo. Rates: Same as AM. Hughes Jr., chief engr. Rates: $3; 3; 3; 2.50. KTKC(FM)-Co -owned with KBSF(AM). Sep 5, 1975: 92.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 185 tt. Stereo. Ville Platte Maine KVPI(AM )-November 1953: 1050 khz; 250 w -D. Sulphur Drawer J (70586). (318) 363 -2124. Ville Platte Broad- casting Co. Net: AP. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Fr 15 hrs, Farm 12 hrs wkly. Lionel B. Deville. pres: Jim KEZM(AM) -1955: 1310 khz; 500 w -D. DA. 320 Nkst Soileau, gen & coml mgr: Jay Fontenot prom mgr; Parish Rd. (70663). (318) 527 -5202. Media One Inc. Mark Lane. prog & news dir; Homer Kleiser, chief engr. (acq 1976). Net: Sheridan. Rep: Weiss & Powell. UPGRADING A STATION? Format: Black. Spec prog: Jazz 3 hrs, Fr 3 hrs wkly. Rates: $8.50; 7.25; 8.50; 7.25. L. II. Patrick Manuel. gen mgr; KVPI -FM-Feb 26. 1967: 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 220 ft. Russell Keene pres; Contact Darryl K. Moore, prog dir; Carol Collins. news dir. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: Adult contemp. Rates: $15; 12; 15; -. Spec prog: Black 10 hrs wkly. Bill DeVille, stn mgr. BROADCAST MEDIA LEGAL SERVICES KTQQ(FM )-Dec 17. 1977: 100.9 mhz; 3 kw, Ant 300 a service of McCabe & Allen ft. Stereo. Box 172 (70664). (318) 625 -7777. Lafayette FOR IMMEDIATE LEGAL ASSISTANCE CALL Broadcasting Inc. (acq 7- 1 -84). Net: US1. Rep: Vivian Christal. Format: C &W. Ron Gomez, pres; Jim Trahan, gen mgr; Bruce Merchant, mus dir; John KNCB(AM) -April 9, 1966: 1320 khz; 5 kw-D. Box 1- 800 -433 -2636 Bridges, news dir. Rates: $21; 18.50; 21; 12.50. 1072 (71082). (318) 375 -3278. North Caddo Broad- (In Virginia, call 703 -361 -6907) KYKZ(FM )-See Lake Charles. casting Co. (acq 4- 9-66). Net: AP. Rep: Miller. Format: QUALITY, FLAT FEE LEGAL SERVICES C &W. Ruby J. prom & mgr; Chris Collins, gen, coml AME.( MC VISA CHOICE Daniel, news dir; Doris Linn, prog dir; Cherry Garner, mus dir; Lloyd Cox, chief engr. Rates: $7.85; 7.85; Tallulah 7.85; 7.85. KZZM(AM )-Sep 4, 1954: 1360 khz; 500 w -D. Box Washington 111, 378 W. Johnson St. (71282) (318) 574 -1500. Auburn SCO -KIM Inc. (acq 6- 1 -67). Format: Black. Chris C. Kimbell Jr., pres; James J. Griffin Jr., prog dir; Pinkie KNEK(AM) -Aug 18, 1980: 1190 khz; 250 w -D, DA. Box 598 (70589). (318) 826 -3921. Mamou Broadcast- WBLM(FM) -See Lewiston. Osborne, news dir. Rates: $16: 16: 16; 16. ing Corp. Net: Lousiana Network. Rep: Don Molino. WLAM(AM)-See Lewiston. KBYO(FM)-Co -owned with KZZM(AM). April 29, Format: C &W. Spec prog: Farm 4 hrs wkly. J.L. WTME(AM)-July 9, 1968: 1530 khz; 1 kw-D. 32 Cook 1983: 104.9 mhz; kw. Ant 320 ft. Stereo. Prog sep 3 Sylvester, pres & chief engr; Jim Trahan, gen & sls St., Box 3128 (04210). (207) 784 -5868. Great Ideas from AM. Format: C &W. Dennis Post. prog dir; John mgr; David lark, prog & mus dir. Rates: $8.50; 8; Inc. (acq 12 -85). Rep: Queen. Format: Relg. Richard Broadcasting Cablecasting Yearbook 1987 B-127 .

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