.. , ~ MobaAfr& Baak of the west InlV Every Aloha Airlines flight to Hawai'i features signature cuisine by Alan Wong, as well as complimentary Mal Tals, milk and warm cookies, and free movies In both first and coach cabins. We also offer a chOice between United Mileage Plus or AlohaPass miles . For reservations call your travel agent or Aloha Airlines at 1- 877-TRY-ALOHA, Or visit www.alohaairl ines.Co rn . Expect more* C ON TE N TS •••••••••• FEATURES -ftiE\;lS-> ISLE ICONS MAKE PRESENCE IN LV ......... 9 MAY - MEl ' JUNE - I UNE TWO EX-PATS WITH GREAT ACH I EVEMENTS . .. .. ..........10 COMMEMORATING 60 YEARS AFTER 60 "PEARL" You won't find a more . LIFE IN THE INTERNMENT delicious website anywhere. CAMP ....... ....... .12 A tasty sd ection of gift boxes, including . A YOUNG GIRL RECALLS .14 Macadamia Nut Crunch, Maw Caramacs, Premium Macadamia Nuts and, of course, GO FOR BROI<E: 442ND FIGHTING Ollr signature chocolate covered Macadanlia MOTTO..... .. ... ...19 nuts arc available at the click of a mOllse. Hawaiian Host chocolate covered DEPARTrvl ENTS Macadamia nuts have been an island gift ALOHA FROM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA tradition for over 40 years. The nuts are b y A loha Joe ® ........ .. .22 delicately dry- roasted and the chocolate is a secret f.llniiy recipe blend; combined, CALENDAR AND REUNIONS .18 til ey crcate a taste treat dlat's completely CLASSI FI ED unique.. LAS VEGAS .... ... ... ....31 Give the "Gift of Aloha» to a fri end SOUTHERN CAL .. .... ... .. 25 or loved one -- or treat yourself to these incomparable dehcacies. Sign up today and get 5,000 miles: HEALTH Eor a free catalog, visit o w: website We'll even take care of your balance transfer! ·2002 RDA GUIDLINES .... 22 at 1J7WW.halVn.iia11.fJost.com o r call I SLAND HOPPING . ....20 toU-fi'ce 1-888-S29-HOST. Will it be the Bay Area or Bangkok? Las Vegas or London? Milan or Makawao? With our ne w Aloha LAS VEGAS AirAwards Visa card, you'l l earn SO go more miles ISLANDERS' OPiNIONS ... ... 16 for eve ry do ll ar spent. And you ca n use you r POTPOURRI. .28 How we Aloha AIrAl'lards Delta SkyMiles HawaiianMiles measure up VISA Card AMEX card MasterCard ' SPORTS BETTING .29 CHOCOLATES miles to fl y to Las Vegas, tile Bay Area or in ter­ Ha.wa.ii'oJ Gift to the World", Roundtrip Interisland 56,667 spending Not Available SlO,OOO spending LETTERS TO THE EDITOR .21 redempt ion island on Aloha Airlines. Or to ma ny international destinations on United Airlines. You'll also get Round trip West Coast 523,334 spending 530,000 spending $35,000 spending "NINTH ISLAND" . .... .23 redemptIOn 1'rih'elonolJoftJorllR~ unmatched flexibi lity, convenience and friendly, OLINDA ROAD ARTISTS ...... .. .. 8 Mileage earned for every dollar 1.5 miles 1 mile 1 mile loc al customer service. To First RECIPES . ............. ... 27 apply, ca ll 643 -LOA N (5626) Customer Based here Based on the Based on the Hawaiian service In Hawaii U.s. mainland U.s. mainland or stop by any branch. Bank NEXT: 1399 ENGINEERS SUPPORTED Card 19 + million 6 million 17 + million WAR EFFORT IN HAWAI'I. acceptance ~'JorldVJlde world\'/Ide \'/orldv/lde ~ of 2101 lerm~ and wrtC:lron$ of 'he AlIlhJPils~ Ira·I!I .I",ard~ PrQ9ram are wUlecllo thange al Jrl'/ I,ffi!' UpOn "ed,1 apprC'lal Oller elPires 4130/01 IHr power " yes. Cover Photo by Camilla Sjodin. Phototechnik 2 'O HANA MEI / IUNE 2001 3 A Note from the Editor 'Che 9<egent Las 'Vegas 7wo ~ew ~ttractions .OHANAe M EL OZE KI. P H.D. __________ <family) The Regent Las Vegas in Summerlin un ve il ed two super attractions - an elegant Poker Room with a range 2001 seems like a luc ky year fo r VOLUME 6 ISS UE 1 ~1<l}' lJune 01 of games that satisfy lo w- to middle-limit players and expatriates residing in Las V egas the newest Hawaii an lu 'au in town. Publ isher I Editor Mel Ozek i, Ph. D. and two bus iness icons in Haw ai ' i [email protected] that see the lu c rati veness o f d o in g John James, a veteran in Las Vegas gaming, is th e Managing Editor COO. Built with sheer elegance, James said, "We're Em il y Ozcki business in L V. Those g ia nts a re emil)'@ohanamagazinc.com A loha A irlines a nd First Haw aiian Bank. Hawaiia n Air hoping to become th e fa vorite for residents and lu xury travelers," An Director I Design Cindy Temple was th e first th a nks to v is io nary S am Boyd and later [email protected] TI,e Regellf LIIS Vegas' lIell" poker room Las Veg(ln.~ A'ta.l"CI Yamauch i (lnd H i'fI\' Jac ki e Kitaga wa. Lo ngs Drugs S to res, w hich has six 0/1 opening lI ighT. Pokel' Room Kim ( right). & H enry and LIIIII Villce;" ivlarketing. NY Christine Biaggi clljoy LII '(111. branches since c omi ng to L V i n 1997 , o pe ns No . 7 in The Poker Room, whi ch is a 2,000 square foot room inallgural Hall'ajian P.O. Box 90024 Henderson. NY 89009-0024 He nderson !l ex t year. that is enclosed, has six poker tabl es, with space avail ­ NVmktg@ ohanamagazine,com • Food service e ntre pre ne urs al so e n v is io n the po te ntial in able for fi ve more, It also has a large-screen TV in a Marketing. So. CA Gael Muramoto the local Haw aiian marke t. The Tropics at 1617 S. wailing area and four 27-inch TVs for sports viewing P.O. Box 14446 Torrance. CA 90503-8446 while playing. Jim Greenwood is cardroom manager: gm 77 @earthlink.nct Decatur, Hawaiian Style Cafe Okazu-Va at 136 S. Rainbow, and Ross ,J's Aloha at Sunset direct line, 702-869-7985. Accoun t Executive Sanll Wright Crill 4 45 I E. Road each ope ned in Marc h. Larry and Evely n Yamagata, Photography Brian Janisl Phototechn ik Hawaiian Lu'au phototedmik.com along w ith sons , Dean and Greg, and daug ht e r. De bra have The Hawaiian Buffet is every Monday, 4:30 - 9:30 pm., Roy Ogata also operated Aloha Specialties o n the m ezzanine at $ 14. It has an array of island offerings such as kalua Californi a Hotel s ince 1985. The G rill is named in ho nor £.reCIITil·c Chef Joseph UN LV loumal ism Intern Anna Hedegaard 711(.' /? egl'llf Las Vegas' held (I M edia Mulligan and pork and sweet sour ribs. In addition to Hawaiian COO .Iohll Jallll'.\· of th e Ya magata's g randson. Regent Las Vegas also NighT mock Poker TOIln/wllell l . Film Output / Printer Superior Litho entrees, diners also have several other varieti es of food. Contributing Writers AlolKI Joe Seiter. Rita De Silva. un ve il ed the Haw aiia n Lu'au on M o nda y s . Inlperial Photos by Bria l1 Jal1is The ambience is exquisite. The Executi ve Chef is Pho lOS by George Bekich Kimbe rl y Fu. Pat Morita, Palace celebrated its 10th year presentation o f its lu 'au. PhotOfechnik In tern ational Joseph Mulligan. PholOfec/1TIik Inrerllarional Leilehua Yuen. whi ch run s thru O c to be r. • With more isla nde rs in lawn. take he ed that if you drive, Web site: ohanamagazine.com th e local po li ce e nfo rce s peeding v iolations in schoo l 'OHANA (jamiiy)® Magazine (ISSN 1090-5 189) for zones. One is lande r vis ito r can attest to that. He w asn' t May/J une 200 1. Publ ished Bi-mon thl y (six limes/year) by 'OHANA, 2485 W. Wigwam Avc. # 112 Las Vegas, aware of a IS-mile school zone and w as c ite d driv in g 31 NV 89 123- 1684. Ph 702-434-0544: Fax 702-435-856 1. mph. That w as a $ 1_600 fin e - $ 1DO /one mile over the Period icals postage pa id al Las Vcgas, NV. Ent ries also posted limit. Ouc h ' in Honolulu. 1-11. POSTMASTER: Please send address c hanges to 'OHANA , P.O. Box 2309 10. Las Vegas, NY • Honoluluan Yukie Nishihara is the latest induc tee into 89 123-0016. SUBSCRIPTION: Annual subsc ri pt ion is th e Fre monl Gamble r's Hall of Faille fo r he r 34 Royal $23.00US. Personal check or money order All channc of Flushes. Yukie and hus band George ce le bra ted the ir addresses must be received by July 10. Septembe; 10, etc. New subscription requests after Periodical mai ling in de li ghtful success w ith son. Ry an , an M D in adolescent January. March. elc. will get first magazine aboul 60 medi cine, C ra ig Nakamura. MD, pe diatric pulmo no logist, days ~~ter. Lln l ~s~ addit ional $3 for first-class postage Mike and Ste pha ni e HOlllna or HOllolulu: E mily and yours ~c nt. hrsl back Issue. $6: all other back issllcs thereafter. trul y. Ryan a nd C rai g res ide in LV. Once s he arrives at $5 (postage incl uded). Fremont , Yukie says that she doesn ' t le a ve the pro pert y, " Fre mont tre at s it s loy al play ers ve r y wei I." s he exclaimed.
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