CASE REPORT Hematoma of the falciform ligament: A rare cause of acute abdomen Serkan SARI1, Feyzullah ERSÖZ1, Mehmet Emin GÜNEfi1, Esra PAfiAO⁄LU2, Soykan ARIKAN1 Departments of 1General Surgery and 2Pathology, ‹stanbul Research and Training Hospital, ‹stanbul Hematoma or abscess of the liver ligaments is extremely rare, and hematoma of the falciform ligament has been sporadically repor- ted. We report the case of a 70-year-old female who presented with a three-day history of right upper quadrant abdominal pain, fe- ver and nausea. With a preoperative diagnosis of probable perforated acalculous cholecystitis, the patient underwent emergency sur- gery. Hematoma of the falciform ligament was found. Wide excision of the falciform ligament including the hematoma with abscess was performed. Although pathology of the falciform ligament is rare, it should be included in the differential diagnosis of acute ab- domen, especially in the case of antiaggregant drug usage. Key words: Falciform ligament, acute abdomen, warfarin Akut bat›n sendromunun nadir bir nedeni: Falsiform ligament hematomu Karaci¤er ba¤lar›n›n hematomu veya absesi son derece nadir görülmektedir. Falsiform ligament hematomu da literatürde birkaç adet bildirilmifltir. Üç gündür devam eden sa¤ üst kadran a¤r›s›, atefl ve kusma flikayeti ile baflvuran 70 yafl›nda bayan hastay› sunduk. Perfore akalküloz kolesistit ön tan›s› ile hasta acil olarak ameliyata al›nd›. Ameliyatta falsiform liagament hematomu sap- tand›. Abse odaklar› da içeren falsiform ligamenti hematomu, genifl olarak eksize edildi. Falsiform ligament patolojisi son derece nadir de görülse, antiagregan kullan›m› anamnezi olan akut bat›n sendromlu hastada, etyolojide akla getirilmelidir. Anahtar kelimeler: Falciform ligament, acute abdomen, warfarin INTRODUCTION Few cases of falciform ligament hematoma have prescribed warfarin and oral anti-diabetic drug for been reported. This implies that the pathology of cerebrovascular accident and diabetes mellitus. falciform ligament hematoma and abscess is po- There was no history of abdominal surgery or ab- orly understood, and many surgeons may be unab- dominal trauma. On physical examination, she le to recognize it when encountered. We therefore was found to have a 4 cm, painful right upper qu- report a case of falciform ligament hematoma se- adrant mass. Her body temperature was 38.2°C. condary to warfarin medication. Results of laboratory studies showed: white blood cell count, 12,500/ml; serum aspartate aminotrans- ferase (AST), 85 IU/L; serum alanine aminotrans- CASE REPORT ferase (ALT), 85 IU/L; serum glucose, 160 mg/dl; A 70-year-old female was admitted to the hospital international normalized ratio (INR) 1.99; and with a three-day history of right upper quadrant prothrombin time, 23.5 seconds. On palpation, the- pain, fever and nausea. There was no history of ja- re was right upper quadrant abdominal tenderness undice. Her medical history revealed that she was and guarding with peritoneal irritation. Address for correspondence: Serkan SARI Manuscript received: 27.10.2009 Accepted: 26.02.2010 ‹stanbul Research and Training Hospital, Department of General Surgery, ‹stanbul, Turkey Turk J Gastroenterol 2011; 22 (2): 213-215 doi: 10.4318/tjg.2011.0196 E-mail: [email protected] SARI et al. Abdominal radiography was unremarkable. Ultra- DISCUSSION sonography showed a hydropic acalculous gall- Falciform ligament hematoma is a rare clinical en- bladder with pericholecystic fluid, thickened gall- tity, with only a few reports noted in the literatu- bladder wall and a small amount of fluid in the re (1,2). The diagnosis is often made surgically af- right upper quadrant. ter palpation of a mass or complaints of right up- These imaging findings suggested acalculous cho- per quadrant abdominal pain. lecystitis, and the patient was hospitalized for in- The falciform ligament is the embryologic rem- travenous antibiotic therapy. In the serial ultraso- nant of the ventral mesentery, and marks the se- nography, an increase in the pericholecystic fluid was determined, and white blood cell count was in- paration of the most caudal part of the left lobe of creased, at 24,000 mm3. Since ultrasonographic and the liver into medial and lateral segments. The li- laboratory findings suggested gallbladder perfora- gament is composed of two mesothelial layers, wit- tion, the patient underwent emergency surgery. hin which lie the ligamentum teres hepatis (oblite- rated left umbilical vein), paraumbilical veins, Surgical exploration confirmed a large hematoma muscular fibers, and a variable amount of adipose measuring 10 x 7 cm arising from the thickened tissue (3). falciform ligament (Figure 1). The gallbladder was normal. A hemorrhagic mass was found starting Oral anticoagulants are an established treatment from the umbilicus up to the hepatic hilum. The li- modality in the prophylaxis of thromboembolic gament was resected in total (Figure 2). The pos- events in various clinical scenarios. The use of toperative course was satisfactory. Histopathology warfarin for ischemic stroke prevention in pati- of the lesion showed necrotic fat consistent with ents with atrial fibrillation has increased dramati- hemorrhagic infarction (Figure 3). cally following favorable results from randomized A A B B Figure 1 A-B. Hematoma of the falciform ligament. Figure 2 A-B. Total excision of the falciform ligament and nor- mal gallbladder. 214 Hematoma of falciform ligament quential. Spontaneous hemorrhage in the falci- form ligament is extremely rare (4,5). The exact cause of hematoma or abscess is uncle- ar. Hematoma of the falciform ligament evokes va- rious signs. Nausea, palpable mass and indigesti- on have been reported as presenting complaints. Pain can be related to hemorrhage into the liga- ment, or torsion with strangulation causes acute symptoms (6,7). The presence of right upper quad- rant abdominal pain, epigastric tenderness, fever, leukocytosis, and a mass in the anterior abdomen should raise suspicion of falciform ligament hema- toma. Its treatment consists of excision of the liga- ment. Complete excision of the lesion is curative. Figure 3. Fat necrosis in the center of the field surrounded by Depending on the surgeon's expertise, the pati- acute suppurative inflammation composed of neutrophils and necrotic debris (HE X100). ent's condition and the severity and extent of di- sease, either open or laparoscopic surgery may be performed. controlled trials in the 1990s. This is likely to in- In conclusion, although pathology of the falciform crease the frequency of warfarin-associated comp- ligament is rare, it should be included in the diffe- lications. Bleeding is an adverse effect of warfarin rential diagnosis of acute abdomen, especially in therapy, and such episodes are generally inconse- the case of antiaggregant drug usage. 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