October 6, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24303 guardians of Cleveland’s borders, the Nation’s again join me in paying tribute to a man who ‘‘New York continues to be the historic borders and America’s frontline. For the past is a symbol of the courage shown by Mexican- point of entry,’’ said Carey Davis, general two hundred years, the Port of Cleveland has Americans during our nation’s wars. Please manager of Hispanic radio stations WSKQ/ indeed served and protected the American join me in thanking him and wishing him con- 97.9 FM and WPAT/93.1 FM. Public with integrity, innovation, and pride. tinued success. As Channel 41 has stolen market share, its Los Angeles-based parent has prospered as Furthermore, the Port of Cleveland has TRIBUTE TO UNIVISION COMMU- well. Under Chairman Jerry Perenchio—a achieved the purpose of enforcing the laws of NICATION’S WXTV/CHANNEL 41 former Hollywood talent agent who rep- the United States, safeguarding revenue, and resented Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Tay- fostering lawful international trade and travel. ´ lor before joining the network in 1992—the Not only has the Port of Cleveland fulfilled HON. JOSE E. SERRANO company’s ratings growth has made it the their goals outlined in their mission statement, OF NEW YORK nation’s fastest-growing TV network. but they have recently won the Hammer IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A tough-minded manager, Perenchio re- Award for their leadership in bringing national Wednesday, October 6, 1999 fuses to allow any Univision executives to speak to the press, once even fining an em- attention to the Express Consignment Indus- Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to try. Placing the U.S. Customs Port of Cleve- ployee who defied him. Perenchio and other pay tribute to Univision Communication’s Channel 41 executives refused Daily News re- land at the forefront of trade processing, the WXTV/Channel 41 for its continuing service to quests for interviews. Port of Cleveland is sure to serve as a model the Latino community in New York. In addition While it has been widely reported that to be exemplified by other U.S. Customs Serv- to its popular news program, ‘‘Noticias 41’’, Perenchio doesn’t even speak Spanish, he se- ice Ports of Entry. Congratulations to the today the station will launch New York’s first cured the long-term rights to some of the United States Customs Service Port of Cleve- early morning Spanish-language newscast, most popular programming in Latin Amer- land for two hundred years of hard work, serv- from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. ica, generated by entertainment ice, and dedication. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me powerhouses Televisa of Mexico and Ven- My fellow colleagues, join me in honoring ezuela’s Venevision, both of which own a in paying tribute and wishing continued suc- stake in Univision. the Bicentennial Celebration of the United cess to Univision Communication’s WXTV/ As a result, the network gets a steady dose States Customs Service Port of Cleveland. Channel 41. f of novelas, the extremely popular soap- The following article, which appeared in the operalike miniseries that Channel 41 airs in PROFILES OF SUCCESS HONORS October 4 New York Daily News, discusses prime time, starting with novelas for teens MR. SILVESTRE HERRERA Univision and Channel 41 in more detail. and racier ones as the night goes on. NEW YORK UNIVISION AFFILIATE LAUNCHES One current hit is ‘‘Camila,’’ the story of a MORNING SPANISH-LANGUAGE NEWSCAST young woman in a small town whose husband HON. ED PASTOR leaves her behind for a job in the big city, At the Spanish-speaking Otero home in OF ARIZONA where he’s seduced by his boss’ daughter. midtown Manhattan, David Otero doesn’t IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have to think twice when asked about the ‘‘[Novelas are] a way of life in Puerto Rico,’’ said Millie Almodovar-Colon, a media Wednesday, October 6, 1999 family’s favorite TV station. ‘‘Channel 41—it’s out of sight,’’ said the bi- buyer at Siboney USA, a Spanish advertising Mr. PASTOR. I rise before you today to pay lingual 27-year-old. ‘‘My mother likes the agency that represents Colgate-Palmolive tribute to a man who has been a lifelong ex- novelas and I like the comedies.’’ and Denny’s. ‘‘My grandma watched them ample of the courage and patriotism of the So do tens of thousands of Hispanic New and my mom watched them,’’ she added. Latino soldier, Mr. Silvestre Herrera. Mr. Her- Yorkers who have made Univision Commu- Univision’s program monopoly puts rera is one of the few Mexican-Americans to nication’s WXTV/Channel 41 the metro area’s Telemundo’s Channel 47 at a big disdvantage, earn the Congressional Medal of Honor. In Ar- No. 1 Spanish-language station, drawing in acknowledged that station’s general man- about 122,625 households—more than four ager, Luis Roldan. izona, Mr. Herrera recently received the Hall times that of its main rival, Telemundo’s of Fame Award at the Valle del Sol’s Annual ‘‘The novelas guarantee the minds, hearts WNJU/Channel 47. and souls of the viewers,’’ he said. ‘‘We can’t Profiles of Success Leadership Awards. Today, the Univision station will try to buy that programming.’’ grab even more of the TV viewing audience Valle’s award ceremony is the premiere Latino Last year, Telemundo, owned by Sony and when it launches New York’s first early recognition event in Arizona each year that ac- AT&T’s Liberty Media, tried to strike back, morning Spanish-language newscast, a 6 a.m. knowledges Arizona’s leaders and their con- taking old shows like ‘‘Charlie’s Angels’’ and to 7 a.m. version of its popular news pro- tributions. reshooting them with a Hispanic cast. ‘‘It gram, ‘‘Noticias 41.’’ bombed,’’ Almodovar-Colon said. Silvestre’s courageous actions in World War Hosted by Spanish broadcasting veterans II display acts of great personal and physical Adhemar Montagne and Arly Alfaro, the While Channel 41 is the leader, Roldan is sacrifice to support his fellow soldiers during show is aimed at drawing away Spanish determined to narrow the gap. Telemundo combat in France. Then PFC Silvestre S. Her- speakers who now get their wake-up calls has been pouring money into new program- rera, Company E, 142nd Infantry Regiment, from English-language stations WCBS/Chan- ming recently, and Roldan said he is banking 36th Division, attacked two enemy strong nel 2, WNBC/Channel 4, WNYW/Channel 5 and on new shows like ‘‘Father Albert,’’ a talk show hosted by a priest. points and captured eight enemy soldiers. He WABC/Channel 7. Even more important, Channel 47 secured paid a high price for his bravery. He stepped The expansion of Univision’s local news— which recently won two Emmy awards, a the rights to broadcast Yankees, Mets and on a land mine and had both feet severed. But first for Spanish-language TV—comes in the Knicks games in Spanish. despite intense pain and unchecked loss of middle of a hot streak at Channel 41, founded While Univision is making ratings strides, blood, he pinned down the enemy with accu- 31 years ago. it remains a laggard when it comes to total rate rifle fire while a friendly squadron cap- In an additional sign of its growing promi- advertising dollars. Last year, the station tured the enemy gun by skirting the minefield nence, the station has several times in the took in $50 million, abut one-sixth the sales and rushing in from the flank. past week surpassed WWOR/Channel 9, with of Channel 4. In addition to being a two-time winner of a programs like ‘‘Noticias 41’’ hosted by vet- That’s because advertisers have histori- Profiles of Success award—he first won in the eran Rafael Pineda outdrawing sitcom ‘‘Sis- cally poured fewer dollars into reaching ter, Sister,’’ and novelas ‘‘Soadoras’’ over- Special Recognition category—Silvestre has Spanish-speakers even though their numbers taking ‘‘In the House.’’ are rising. used his position as a recipient of one of the Even Channel 2 took a recent beating from nation’s highest honors for heroism to promote Univision when network newscast ‘‘Noticiero ‘‘It’s racism and ignorance,’’ Almodovar- the Latino community in everything he does. Univision’’—from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.—over- Colon contended. From speaking to schoolchildren to rep- took ‘‘The CBS Evening News with Dan But she added that the tide has been Rather.’’ changing for Spanish-language media as the resenting veterans in military parades, he con- explosive rise of entertainers like Ricky tinues to give selflessly to the community of Channel 41’s strides mirror the rise of New York’s Latino community. The fastest-grow- Martin, Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony his time and wisdom. ing minority group in the region, which in- draws attention to the city’s Hispanic popu- Although he has been honored numerous cludes the city and its surrounding suburbs, lation. times for his magnificent courage, extraor- Hispanics account for about 18 percent of the Latino culture is becoming ‘‘the hottest dinary heroism and self-sacrifice, I ask you to population, numbering 3.4 million. thing around,’’ Almodovar-Colon said. VerDate jul 14 2003 14:10 May 28, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\E06OC9.000 E06OC9.
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