The Official Newsletter of BREWERS UNITED FOR REAL POOLTABLES BURP NEWS ”So Many Cues So Little Time” FEARLESS LEADER ABDICATES! Assumes life as Trappist Brewslave. By I.M. Snupin Tom Cannon, recently elected Sacrament Brewpub, at St. Fearless Leader of B.U.R.P. (Brewers Joseph’s Abbey. The Abbey United for Real Potables) has shucked was first publicized to the all responsibility, shocked many home-brewing community friends and associates, and shaken the in an article by Jim Dorsch cosmos by joining a trappist monas- that was published on the tery in Spencer, Massachusetts. It is internet. Brother Tom is the first time an elected officer has left now consumed by a vow of B.U.R.P. such a short time after being silence, but a single glance elected. at his peaceful face showed The news came as a shock to he was at peace, silently many B.U.R.P.ers, not the least of scrubbing the fermenta- which was his wife, Colleen. “He tion tank which recently talked about it after a dozen or so beers held the brewpub’s signa- one night, but I didn’t believe he could ture dubbel. ever do such a thing,” said Colleen. She The brewery at St. added that the dozen beers included Joseph’s Abbey was started several bottles of Duvel a bottle or two in late 1993 with funds of Westmalle tripel and some Boon generated by the Abbey’s gueze. jam and cheese businesses. F.L. Tom gave no indication as to The brewery has earned his future plans as he calmly led the quite a name for itself in March 15 B.U.R.P. meeting at Alison the past few years with its beers taking over the lead Skeel’s house in Kensington, MD. As The Peaceful Brother Thomas he discussed the Spirit of Free Beer in the local beer wars. A and B.U.R.P.’s upcoming bike ride and monastery worker, who was unload- Koch,” said Elmer. dealt with club minutiae his outward ing grain, said he thought Brother Tom While Tom has a future at St. continence gave no indication of his was destined to lead the Abbey in the Joseph’s, B.U.R.P. must now search for impending journey. takeover of the Massachusetts Beer a new Fearless Leader. Nominations Brother Tom is now an appren- market. “Brother Tom is just the one and elections will be held at the April tice Monk and Brewer at the Blessed to take it to that pasty-face whiner Jim meeting. April 10, 1997 7:30pm Officers Meeting, Doug Kruth’s April 19, 1997 Meeting at Langlie home in Kensington May 31, 1997 Meeting at Tom and Colleen Cannon’s home June, 1997 Meeting at Larry and Trish Koch’s home BURP News April 1997 Page 2 BURP Shows at Cannon Fodder I was impressed by the turnout and if you’re like us and brew outdoors, TRASH VII at the March meeting. Many familiar the weather is perfect. Time to get Doug Ragazzini, Minister of Lucre. faces but also lots of new faces and new some of those brews going for entry Pittsburgh, PA Sunday March members. Thanks to everyone for com- into the BURP homebrew competition, 23, 1996 ing, and especially thanks to Alison The Spirit of Free Beer. Amongst the I’m happy to report that BURP Skeel for hosting. Alison is the proto- things BURP does well is throw a had quite an impressive showing at typical BURP member. She brews a homebrew competition with probably the TRASH VII little bit, drinks a little bit, and helps the best and largest group of qualified homebrew competition in terms the club out a lot. Believe me, the club judges on the east coast along with a of Judging, Winning, and PR. It was a would not run as smoothly without stellar list of dynamite prizes, includ- rather cold and overcast day here in her, and we do appreciate it. ing, for the second year, brewing your Pittsburgh as the competition went on When thanking last year officers prize winning beer at Virginia Bever- in a windowless Foundry Breworks for their efforts, I forgot to mention our age Company. Expect to see your com- where “the beer was served at the right Ministers of Truth, Bruce Feist and petition entry packages soon (maybe temperature (thanks to the weather) Polly Goldman. Bruce and Polly have before you read this), and enter early as were the judges” according to fel- worked slavishly on the newsletter for and often. Also, if you would like to low BURPer and Judge Jay Adams. the past three years, which qualifies volunteer to help with the competition Fortunately the Three Rivers Brewing as above and beyond the call of duty. drop Mark Stevens a line. We’ll be Brewpub is just across the street from The newsletter was consistently excel- needing people to help set up, prepare the partially constructed Foundry. All lent, and BURP thanks them for their food, steward - there’s lots to do. Get that stuck this competition out con- hard work. involved, and it will be a lot of fun. vened there afterwards to thaw their How’s BURP doing? You tell me. One other thing to start consid- extremities and to partake of Three I’ve been getting some comments, but ering is the AHA National Convention Rivers beer. Of note was the Spring I would like to hear more. Over the in Cleveland on July 16 through 19. Ale, their current seasonal which is next few months we will be discuss- Some of you may (or may not) remem- now on tap. ing issues, and I would like to see ber the great time we had in Baltimore The results were tallied and an- membership input. Drop me an e-mail, in ’95. Cleveland, being only a six hour nounced while folks were partaking at or give me a call, or talk to me at a drive is close enough to try for some Three Rivers Brewing. What’s re- meeting - anything but a message tied significant BURP presence. Colleen ported below is only the BURP results, to a brick thrown through my front and I are planning on going, and we as heard from the coordinator. window! What do we do good? What have had some response from other A complete listing will be made can we do better? Suggestions? Let’s BURP members. Bottom line, if you available via the web at: http:// talk. are interested in going, let me know ralph.pair.com/trashvii.html I hope you have been taking ad- so we can arrange group transporta- BURP took down 1 3rd place, 4 vantage of the mild winter to do some tion, if necessary, and start planning 2nd place, and 1 first place awards as brewing. We got two brews done over the BURP hospitality suite. follows: the past few weeks. There’s nothing Well, that’s all for now. Keep 1st Place - American Pale Ale - Keith better than full carboys (we’ve got brewing, and we’ll see you at Jamie Chamberlain Weizen and Maerzen going now). and Paul Langlie’s house on the 19th. 2nd Place - German Ale - Jim Rorick We’re coming up on prime brewing And remember... It’s April. All may not 2nd Place - German Dark and Light season. Good fermentation weather, be quite as it seems. - Delano “adjunct boy” Dugarm 2nd Place - ESB - Robert Stevens lations to all who won and thanks to 2nd Place - Brown Ale - Jay Adams those that entered and participated on NEW MEMBEERS 3rd Place - Pilsners - Bob Dawson behalf of BURP. Bill Ridgely, Minister of Labeling About TRASH: TRASH is the Welcome this month to Paul BURP had an impressive show- Three Rivers Alliance of Serious Fiorino of Falls Church, John Head & ing of about 6 judges at this event as Homebrewers - Pittsburgh PA, further Cathy Leppiaho of Falls Church, well. Of note was Robert Stevens get- information available on the World Rhone Resch of the District, Mark ting a 5 second spot on the local news, Wide Web at: http://ralph.pair.com/ Schenden of Germantown, Jamil & which covered the event on both the trash.html Teresia Scott of Hamilton (VA), Bob 6pm and 11pm broadcasts. Congratu- Sheck of Germantown, and Bob Wil- son of the District. Hope to see you all at upcoming meetings. BURP News April 1997 Page 3 Casket Conditioning By Paula Goldschlager, BURP Mortician. to find a brewpub or fellow nished” to be sure that no odd addi- Brewers in search of that genu- homebrewer who’s given up on casket tives are used in the manufacturing ine real ale character in the United conditioning, there’s simply no good process. Since you want to avoid oxi- States are often frustrated by the lack source for used caskets. Trust me, you dation, when they ask, tell them, “no, of proper wooden containers. Either don’t want a used casket from any it won’t be an open casket ceremony.” they’re too big (impractical), wax lined other source. There’s a rabid debate raging on (nasty), have previously been used for Before you even start looking for rec.crafts.brewing about whether a whiskey (burnt flavor), or are refugees the casket, you should decide what lined or unlined casket is best. The from a winery (extremely nasty flavor wood you want. I am personally fond answer probably lies in what style of possibilities). So it was with great ex- of French white oak, although you’d beer you plan on casket conditioning.
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