' • '•-**?& in Ijongstreet Library i LXXIIl. No. Ig. $1.50 Per Year. HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1921. Price 4 Cents. Whole No. 3,78 S O l ‘ A FEW MINU EES OF FUN WITH HIGH SCHOOL CONFERENCE IRVIN S. COBB AND PRAISE FROM OLD RESIDENT County School iMarket Methods JACKIE COOGAN ARE To the Editor of The llightstown The .State High School Conference HUMOROUS COMBINE Gazette. Roll Shows Large To Be Shown of New .Jersey will hold ijs fourth ’ As aU olil resident of llightstown, Increase of Pupils N. J. Farmers annual meeting at the Stale Univer­ "Peck’s Bad Boy,” starring Jackie sity of New Jersey, October 28 and Coogan, six year old motion picture I would like to express my sincere 29, In commenting on the program. celebrity, will be I he feature attrac­ congratulations to all the present res­ Records of County Superinten­ L.„,e Bureau of Markets Gom- Dr, Charles H. Jllliott, wdio repre.sent- tion at the Strand Theatre on Kri- idents of the plae(' for their great, dent of Schools Show Increased ^ Dieting Extensive Study of Big the University on the General Coti- day and Saturday, Get. 28-29tli. aehieve.ment in "putting over” tlu Enrollment in .All Schools of Marketing Association. ferenco Committee, said: The little youngster who carved a Bicentennial. All that was aceom- Mercer County Except West “ We have organized the general niche in the hearts of all picture, plished far surpassed anything I had \A indsor. Believing th a t' New Jersey po­ anticipated. It was a work of whicli, program around the theme; ‘Con­ fans who saw him o.s “The Kid” is An increased enrollment of 48o tatoes with their superior qualities, vincing the Public of the Worth of said to have done even greater work as a 'llighlslowncr, 1 am proud and |)upils ill sidlools of .Mereer county, I ,iil rank as high in market prefer I think all Hightstowners, have a Education,’ in the belief that at no in “Peck’s Bad Boy” than he did in outside the city of 'Ireidon, at the 111,' (woducts of any other right to feel proud. It was amazing eiioe as time lias relaiable information on pub­ the Chaplin masterpiece, if such a September opening lids y o x as com­ [ .ectioi) of the country if proptrly to observe such stupendous achieve­ lic ediie.ation been more eagerly thing can be possible. pared with Hint of is shown by niarketcd, the State Department of ments. It was all a siicei'ss Ironi sought by our citizens. In this screen version of the vol­ official ri'iiorts just reeei\e<l ami tab- j\griouHm'e is preparing to make avail the beginning to the veVy end of the “The teachers and school patrons umes of the late Governor George iilatcd at I lie office of County School »ble for I he information of growers program. All went olT as if greased. of Now Jersey will have the oppor­ Peck, Jackie is seen as an all-around Supiriiitendciil Josiqdi M- Arnold. details of this year’s activities of There wasn't a hitch. On time, to tunity to hear Miss Chari 0. Williams, American lad who is constantly mak­ ’I’iie total cnroHincnt at tlie beginning gome of the most successful organized the minute, everything moved on president of the National Education ing trouble by his ingenuous boyish of (he 19‘20 term was 7,'J(i4 scholars Marketing movements of farmers in scheduh'. This showed the careful Association; Dr. Talcott Williams, pranks. and this term it is 7,747. eastern states. Under direction of the work of the e.ommittccs. And what a formerly Dean of Columbia’s School How he manages to get to the cir­ Superintendent Arnold's eompila- department, A. L. Clark, Chief of grand and glorious success it was! of Journalism; Mrs. J^illiam E. Lin- cus at the expense and mortification The "Different’’ Entertainers. tion of the records also discloBos that the Bureau of Markets, is now com­ gelback, member of the Philadelphia of his "Pa,” causes the escape of a Hurrah! for all hands. There is I every county district with exception pleting an extensive study of up-to- I resenting a merry miJnnge of Board of Education and John En­ lion and general furore at the tent enough glory to go round to all who I of West Windsor townshi)), wliieh the-minute methods of big marketing modf-rn mur^'els. entirely dislinetive right, Commissionery of Education show, and throws a church into an in any way oontrihuted to its ac­ includes the Penn’s Neck and Dutch associations, especially in the states from tile usiiiil sln-eotyiH (I perfor­ for New Jersey, a group of speakers uproar by introducing a collection complishment. And what a heritage Neck schools, has an increased reg­ of New York and Michigan. This mance. ’i'he Dietrics ,u‘e known exceptionally equipped to discuss this of live ants, are some of the high­ of good feeling, town loyalty and istration. West Windsor reveals a survey is being made with the needs tlironghont the e.ounlry for tlieir topic.” lights in this comedy. frendlinosLS it lias left! Its value wonderful ent/rtaining aliility. I decrease of 24 pupils, which may ho of the New Jersey potato farmers The subtitling is the work of Irvin One important event will be the cannot be measured in money. It This is the first of the entertain­ [ due to transfus of some scholars particularly in mind, but the de­ 8. Cobb, famous humorist. annual conference dinner,, Friday would be great if this feeling of/village ments given under the ausiticts ot to schools of other nearby districts. partment promises the information Doris May haj> the role of the night^at which 500 .schodl hien and co-operation were never allowed to liighlstow'n l-’ost, No. 148, Ameri/ian The chart below shows the re- Tsill be equally valuable to fruit Girl in the Case (Jackie’s sister). wbmen will gather to greet New Jer­ die down. Surely, llightstown is on I.egion. Buy your season tickets now' .spective districts of the county, out­ growers, poultrymen and others in­ Wheeler Oakman portrays the Man sey’s New Commi.ssioncr of Educa­ the map in a historic triangle. from the-mcmb(rs of the I’ost. 8ea- side of the city, t.lie names of the terested in co-operative marketing in the Case. James Corcigan i.s =een tion. ' ... I must refer before closing to I lie son tickets, 82.00, individual schools and the enroll­ methods. as Mr. Peck and Lillian Leighton as really remarkable exhibit tlmoughoul I’lcasc bear in inimi that the net ment figures at each school at the New Jersey potato growers, at Mrs. Peck. Raymond Hatton is the COUNTY TEACHERS’ CLUB the town in the store windows and jiroceeds from this imtertainraent goes beginning of the term last year and the close of what is said to be one village grocer and Baby Gloria Wood in the old Baptist church of antique this year. It also shows the totals Miss Jbnnie vStults of Lawrence into tile treasury of the local Post, of the most disastrous seasons in re­ is Jackie’s “affinity.” articles of furniture, old utensils, an­ for the separate districts and the township was elected president of and is used to help provide enter­ cent years, are anxious to adopt a "Peck’s Bad Boy” was produced cient documents, ct net. What re- amount of increase, or decrease: the Mercer County Teachers’ Club tainment for the boys boys who marketing program for next year that by Irving Lesser. It is released by mindois they were of the dear old East Windsor Township: at the annual meeting Saturday in served their country faithfully in Tvill enable them to avoid the pit- Associated First National Pictures, days of our loved one, who have 1920 1921 the Court House. the World War. fall of recent months. The New Jer­ Inc. '^dv long since passed away! How they llightstown High......... 540 425 Other officers elected were: Vice sey crop, to begin with, was only brought up again the scenes of “Aunt BAPTIST CHURCH, 8 P, M. llightstown Primary,. 504 50-t president, Miss Bertha I. Scott of about 50 per cent of normal produc­ Dianah’s quilting party”—of the jol­ Hopewell; recording secretary, Mrs. Methodist Missionary Meeting Monday, October 24. 1921. tion as compared with 'an average ly husking bees—of the barn rais­ 650 729 Thirza S. MoGalliard of Hamilton Increase, 79. of 75 per cent in other potato growing The Women’s Home Missionary So ings! As one looked at them, it township; corresponding secretary. Ewing Township: states. Several selling organizations ciety of the Methodist Episcopal seemed a.s if one could get a whit of 140 Miss M. Louise Snook of Princeton; l.orOMOTIVE ENGINEERS Ijunning.......................... were in the 'field but were, competing church held the October meeting on mince pies, cider, nuts and apples, 200 treasurer. Miss Elizabeth B. Smith Fisk............ ^................... with each other so that there was Tuesday afternoon, at the home of and hear the echo of "We’re ,Seeing ElItEM EN, I’ro.spect Heights.......... 469 218 of Ewing, and librarian. Miss Emma Miss Madora Smith on Stockton no general plan of distribution. The Nellie Home” and “We Won't go CONDUCTORS, Columbia............................. 45 57 Dennis of Hamilton. result was that some cities woke up street, in charge of Mrs. John W. Home 'til Morning,” Ah! Those were The program for the year was dis­ West, the president.
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