BULLETIN of the INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL for TRADITIONAL MUSIC No. 127, January 2015 ISSN (Online): 2304-4039 CONTENTS From the Secretariat Reports of an Identity; İzmir Zeybek Oyunlari; Pax Sonoris VII/2013; Serbian Traditional Sing- Message from the Secretary General. ICTM Reports from ICTM National and Regional ing Accompanied by the Gusle: The Gus- Seeks Audio Reviews Editor for the Year- Representatives: Australia and New lars’ Practice as a Communication Process; book for Traditional Music. Zealand; Austria; China; Czech Republic; Silloin tanssittiin tangoa: Tanssikansan Pages 2-4 Georgia; Ghana; Iran; Ireland; Laos; Papua kertomaa 1900-luvulta; Sound World of New Guinea; Switzerland; Tajikistan; Tan- Music of the Turkic Peoples: Theory, His- In Memoriam zania; Vietnam. tory, Practice; Vocal Tradition of Jasenica Pages 8-21 Fayzulla M. Karomatli (1925-2014). Robert Region in View of Ethnogenetic Processes. Günther (1929–2015). Reports from ICTM Study Groups: Ap- Pages 35-36 Page 5 plied Ethnomusicology; Iconography of the Performing Arts; Mediterranean Music General Information 43rd ICTM World Conference in Studies; Multipart Music; Music and Dance ICTM World Network; Study Groups; Ex- Astana, Kazakhstan in Southeastern Europe; Music and Gender; ecutive Board, Secretariat, Membership Music of the Turkic-speaking World. Notice from the Programme Committee. Information; Publications by ICTM. Pages 22-31 Notice from the Local Arrangements Pages 37-44 Committee. Other reports: Grove Music Online. Page 6 Pages 32-33 Announcements Calendar of Events Call for Papers: 1st Symposium of the Page 34 ICTM Study Group on African Musics. Call for Papers: Symposium of the ICTM Featured Publications by ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology’s Sub- Members Study Group of Movement Analysis. No- Music and Minorities from Around the tice: 21st Meeting of the ICTM Study World: Research, Documentation and In- Group on Historical Sources of Traditional terdisciplinary Study; Around Musics — Music. Écouter le monde; Engendering Perform- Page 7 ance: Indian Women Performers in Search Bulletin of the ICTM Vol. 127 — January 2015 — Page 1 FROM THE SECRETARIAT Message from the Secretary As reported in the October 2014 Bulle- World Network tin, Co-Chair of the Programme Com- General The Council currently has official rep- mittee Razia Sultanova and I accepted resentation in 100 countries and re- by Svanibor Pettan the kind invitation by the ICTM Liai- gions, a new record reached during son Officer for Kazakhstan, Saule The end of a calendar 2014. As many as 13 new countries en- Utegalieva, to take part in an interna- year gives me a pleasant riched our World Network of National tional symposium in Almaty, the old opportunity to look and Regional representatives in the capital of Kazakhstan. We would like back into the past past year (Algeria, Cameroon, Cape to encourage all delegates going to As- twelve months and comment on some Verde, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, tana in July to also visit Almaty, either of the most important developments for Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Mozambique, before or after the World Conference. ICTM. In general, 2014 was a very suc- Puerto Rico, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, The two cities, however, are quite dis- cessful year in the nearly seven decades and Yemen), and several reports from tant from each other (Kazakhstan is of the Council’s life. The total number these countries have already been pro- the 9th largest country in the world), of members and subscribers on the last duced for the Bulletin. A special wel- but fortunately flight connections are day of 2014 was 1,330, surpassing the come is warmly extended to Kisito Es- frequent. figures of 2013, the year of the largest sele (Cameroon), Nasser Al-Taee recorded World Conference. On our latest visit to Astana in De- (Oman), and Olga A. Pashina (Russia), cember 2014 we were able to work on the newest Liaison Officers to join our Preparations for the 2015 the conference programme, to interact World Network. World Conference with professors, staff members, and A few changes in the leadership of The 43rd ICTM World Conference (As- students, to discuss open issues with tana, Kazakhstan, 16-22 July 2015) will ICTM National and Regional Commit- officials in charge, to select conference tees also occurred during 2014, the break new ground in many respects. It rooms at the University, to visit ac- most recent being Marc-Antoine Camp will be the first World Conference in commodation facilities, and to finalize Central Asia, in a country with a ma- replacing Raymond Ammann as Chair various strategies for the full success of of the National Committee for Switzer- jority of Muslim population, in a terri- the Conference. Expressions of grati- tory of the former Soviet Union, and in land, and Mikko Vanhasalo replacing tude go the Co-Chairs of the Local Ar- Jarkko Niemi as Chair of the National a city less than twenty years old. rangements Committee, Aiman Mus- Committee for Finland. The Executive Board of ICTM held its sakhajayeva and Saida Yelemanova, annual meeting at the conference and their team, in which a special co- Study Groups venue, the Kazakh National University ordinating role has been given to The years between biennial ICTM of Arts, in July 2014. The meeting was Fatima Nurlybayeva. Please find more World Conferences are usually marked accompanied by the international semi- important information about the Con- by intense Study Group activities. The nar “Performance in Oral and Written ference on page 6 of this Bulletin. past year was no exception, with 16 Cultures”. While in Astana, the Execu- Study Groups (out of 18) holding tive Board had the chance to discuss scholarly meetings in different parts of many issues with the Local Arrange- the world (read more on pages 38-48 of ments Committee. After receiving a the October 2014 Bulletin, and on record number of proposals, the Pro- pages 22-31 of this Bulletin). The two gramme Committee has accepted more Study Groups that didn’t hold sympo- than five hundred papers, panels, film sia in 2014 will do so in 2015 (see Cal- sessions, workshops, and roundtables. endar of Events on page 34), so we are Together with our respected hosts, we very glad to see our Study Groups very much look forward to a large and showing such clear signs of good health. memorable ICTM World Conference in Meeting of the World Conference LAC. In addition, during 2014 two Study- 2015! Astana, December 2014. From left to right: Saida Yelemanova, Fatima Nurlybayeva, Groups-in-the-Making held symposia in Svanibor Pettan, Galia Akparova, Razia Astrakhan, Russia and Valladolid, Sultanova. Spain. Congratulations go to Elena Bulletin of the ICTM Vol. 127 — January 2015 — Page 2 FROM THE SECRETARIAT Shishkina and Enrique Cámara de Landa, their respective hosts, for or- ganizing them. Cenk Güray and his team in Ankara, Turkey, also deserve special public gratitude for hosting a Joint Symposium of two Study Groups. A few changes in the leadership of Study Groups also occurred during 2014, the most recent being Alexander Djumaev replacing Jürgen Elsner as Chair of the Maqām Study Group, and Razia Sultanova replacing Dorit Klebe and Razia Sultanova as Chair of the Study Group on Music of the Turkic- speaking World. Once again, our grati- tude go to all previous and current Study Group Chairs. Closing session of the Joint Symposium of the ICTM Study Groups on Maqām and Finally, the Secretariat organized and on Music in the Arab World, Ankara, December 2014. From left to right: Jürgen carried out, in December 2014, the Elsner (Chair of Maqām Study Group, Virginia Danielson (session Chair), Düsen electronic elections for one of our Study Kaseinov (Secretary General of Türksoy), Scheherazade Hassan (Chair of Music in Groups, and gladly offers to assist the Arab World Study Group), and Cenk Güray (Chair of Local Arrangements other Study Groups in the same way. Committee of the Joint Study Group Symposium. Photo by Svanibor Pettan. Publications views with distinguished scholars whose title of the event, envisioned and work marked the Council will be fea- hosted by Estelle Amy de la Bretèque, During November 2014, the latest issue of the Yearbook for Traditional Music tured in forthcoming Bulletins. is “Between Speech and Song: Liminal Utterances”. (Vol. 46/2014) was published and dis- A systematic effort has been made to tributed to members and subscribers in document all ICTM-related publica- The first Joint SEM/ICTM Forum (13- good standing. This was the first vol- tions, including the Yearbook and its 16 September 2015, Limerick, Ireland) ume with Kati Szego as General predecessors, the Bulletin, and proceed- is unique in its idea to bring together Editor. The Guest Editor of the 2014 ings from Study Group Symposia and the world's two principal associations of Yearbook was J. Lawrence Witzleben, Colloquia. To date, the complete run of ethnomusicologists around a topic of Programme Chair of the Shanghai the Bulletin of the IFMC/ICTM is shared interest. The topic itself, World Conference (2013), and as it is available online, as well as tables of “Transforming Ethnomusicological customary, most articles in the volume contents for more than 30 Yearbooks, Praxis through Activism and Commu- originated from papers presented at all Colloquium-related publications, nity Engagement”, and the consider- that conference. and many Study Group proceedings. able number of proposals being re- ceived both testify to the shared im- Following the sustained expansion of Preparations for 23rd ICTM portance given by engaged scholarship the Council, an additional volume of Colloquium and the Bulletin of the ICTM was pub- Joint SEM/ICTM Forum worldwide. The Joint Forum is co- lished in January 2014, bringing the chaired by the Presidents of SEM and Preparations for two additional major ICTM, Beverley Diamond and Salwa frequency of the publication to three ICTM scholarly gatherings to be held times a year.
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