ISSN 1813-1905 (print) ISSN 2312-1017 (online) 1(65) `2019 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ The founder The Yakut Science Centre of Complex Medical Problems YAKUT Editor- in- chief Romanova A.N., MD Editorial Board: MEDICAL Deputy Chief Editor and Executive secretary Nikolaev V.P., MD Scientific editor Platonov F.A. MD JOURNAL Editorial Council: SCIENTIFIC - PRACTICAL JOURNAL Aftanas L.I., MD, Professor, OF THE YAKUT SCIENCE CENTRE OF COMPLEX acad. RAMS (Novosibirsk) MEDICAL PROBLEMS Voevoda M.I., MD, Professor, Corresponding Member RAMS (Novosibirsk) Ivanov P.M., MD, Professor (Yakutsk) Kryubezi Eric, MD, Professor (France) Quarterly Maksimova N.R., MD (Yakutsk) Mironova G.E., Doctor of Biology, Registered by the Office of the Federal Service on Professor (Yakutsk) supervision in the field of communications, information Mikhailova E.I., Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor (Yakutsk) technologies and mass communications in the Republic Nikitin Yu.P., MD, Professor, Sakha (Yakutia) December 13/2016 Acad. RAMS (Novosibirsk) Odland John, MD, Professor (Norway) Registration number PI No.ТU 14-00475 Puzyrev V.P., MD, Professor, Acad. RAMS (Tomsk) Subscription index: 78781 Reutio Arya, MD, PhD, Professor (Finland) Fedorova S.A., Doctor of Biology (Yakutsk) Free price Husebek Anne, MD, Professor (Norway) Khusnutdinova E.K., Doctor of Biology, Professor (Ufa) «Yakut Medical Journal» is included in the approved by Editors: the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Chuvashova I.I., Federation List of leading peer-reviewed scientific Kononova S.l. journals and publications, in which the main scientific Semenova T.F. (English) results of dissertations for the acquisition of scientific degrees of Doctor and Candidate of science on Computer design biological sciences and medicine should be published. Nikolashkina A.A. Chekurova S.M. (English) The journal is included in the international directory system under periodic and proceeding editions “Ulrich’s Address: International Periodicals Directory” Sergelyakhskoe Highway, 4, Yakutsk Republic Sakha (Yakutia) Russian Federation 677019 Fax: +7 (4112) 32-19-81; Phone: +7 (4112) 39-55-52 [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] http: // www.ymj.mednauka.com The articles are given in the authors’ translation © YSC CMP, 2018 2 YAKUT MEDICAL JOURNAL CONTENTS 5 Editor-in-Chief column Gorokhov A.V. The 25th anniversary of the Territorial Fund of Compulsory Medical Insurance of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Original researches Kashuba E.A., Antonova M.V., Drozdova T.G., Khanipova L.V., 6 Lyubimtseva O.A., Ogoshkova N.V., Chekhova Yu.S. The prognostic value of cytokine dynamics at Epstein-Barr viral infectious mononucleosis, depending on the age of a child 9 Polivanova T.V., Vshivkov V.A. Association of the indices of circulating leptin with gastritis clinical morphological signs depending on body mass index in schoolchildren without obesity 13 Andreeva I.V., Vinogradov A.A., Zhestkova T.M., Kalina N.V., Simakov R.Yu., Simakova E.S., Grigoriev A.S., Svyativoda R.V. A comparative analysis of the experimental indicators of intracutaneous oxygen tension with microcirculation parameters 16 Kornetova E.G., Koval S.D., Kornetov A.N., Parshukova D.A., Ivanova S.A., Semke A.V., Gusakova S.V., Bokhan N.A. Brain pathology in schizophrenia: association with clinical and constitutional factors Toropova A.A., Muruev B.A., Razuvaeva Y.G., 20 Nikolaeva I.G., Mondodoyev A.G. Antioxidant activity of adaptogenic plant remedy in model systems in vitro Konstantinova L.I., Semenova E.I., Okhlopkova E.D., 23 Efremova A.V., Olesova L.D., Krivoshapkina Z.N., Yakovleva A.I., Grigorieva A.A., Mironova G.E. Morphofunctional indicators of organism of the athletes-wrestlers of Yakutia Diagnostic and treatment methods 27 Zakharov P.I., Okhlopkov M.E., Luginov N.V., Vasilyev A.I., Portnyagin P.P., Sivtsev V.S., Lomonosov S.V., Pavlov V.I., Vasilyev A.G., Maksimova A.A., Tomskaya T.Yu., Fedorova A.A., Bulatov A.V., Korostelev A.S., Bugaev G.D., Totonov A.M. The first human heart transplant in the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation 31 Vinokurov R.R., Tobokhov A.V., Maksimov A.V., Nikolaev V.N. Technical features of laparoscopic kidney resection with superselective balloon embolization of the renal artery 35 Adleiba S.T., Sidorov A.V., Kogonia L.M. Method of optimization of targeted therapy in patients with GIST generalized form 38 Kirillina M.P., Kononova I.V., Ivanova A.K., Vorontsova V.A., Lushnikova E.L. The implementation of liquid-based cytology to improve diagnostics of cervix uterus diseases 40 Karasev M.S., Stadnikova I.A., Kutsyy M.B. Optimization of autoplasma donation during pregnancy Gasanova B.M., Polina M.L., Douglas N.I. 42 Rational methods of diagnostics of chronic endometritis types after pregnancy termination among women with chronic pyelonephritis and anemia 1’ 2019 3 45 Ferubko E.V., Nikolaev S.M., Pupykina K.A., Dargaeva T.D. Estimation of antiulcerous effect of multicomponent plant extract in experiment Makedonova Yu.A., Fomichev E.V., Zhmerenetsky K.V., 48 Yurkevich A.V., Ushnitsky I.D. Analysis of microcirculatory disorders in patients with lichen ruber planus of oral mucosa Antonova A.A., Strelnikova N.V., Starovoitova E.L., 51 Shevchenko O.L., Turkutyukov V.B., Zhmerenetsky K.V., Fedorchenko Yu.L., Zaytseva E.A. Additional diagnostic methods for planning the prevention of dental caries and its complications in children Healthy lifestyle. Prevention Khandy M.V., Nikiforova T.I., Chernogradsky A.I., 54 Markova S.V., Ammosova A.M., Zakharova N.M., Artamonova S.Yu., Stepanova L.A. Prevalence of smoking among adolescents of Yakutsk Organization of healthcare, medical science and education 58 Timofeev L.F., Petrova P.G., Borisova N.V., Turkebaeva L.K., Timofeev A.L. Morbidity in the Central Economic Zone of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Hygiene, sanitation, epidemiology and medical ecology 60 Petrova P.G., Borisova N.V., Krivoshapkin V.G., Markova S.V. The role of expeditionary research in the study of the health of the population of the Vilyui region Platonov T.A., Nyukkanov A.N., Stepanov K.M., 64 Kuzmina N.V., Protodyakonova G.P., Gorokhova A.I. Ecological and toxicological factors contributing to the prevalence of potentially harmful to human health biohelminthoses of fish of Yakutia 67 Makarov V.N. Assessing air quality deterioration by snowcover redox potential Actual topic Zaikova Z.A., Baranova L.Yu., Rybchenko N.V., Arkhincheeva D.A. 70 Population disability and socio-economic factors Arctic medicine 74 Krivoshapkin V.G., Timofeev L.F. Medical and environmental studies in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia): history, realities, prospects 76 Asekritova A.S., Kylbanova E.S. Comorbidity of clinical symptoms of reflux disease with lipid-metabolic parameters in Yakuts Diet in the North Neustroev M.P., Tarabukina N.P., Maksimova A.N., 79 Stepanov K.M., Stepanova A.M. Microbiota and sanitation of underground glaciers during food storage 4 YAKUT MEDICAL JOURNAL Scientific reviews and lectures 82 Solovyova Yu.A., Borisova N.V., Sleptsova S.S., Kurtanov Kh.A., Pavlova N.I., Solovyeva N.A. Genetic polymorphisms of the hemostasis system 88 Aleksandrova T.N., Pavlova N.I., Kurtanov Kh.A., Mulina I.I., Yadrikhinskaya V.N. Genetic heterogeneity of Ph-negative chronic myeloproliferative diseases Efremova A.V. 92 Brown adipose tissue: the main stages of the study and the potential role in the energy balance and obesity 95 Senzhapova E.R., Rykov M.Yu. Treatment of children with osteosarcoma Point of view 102 Sleptsov S.S., Sleptsova S.S., Egorova A.G., Alekseeva Z.N. Yakutia’s longevity phenomenon – a myth or reality Clinical case Gulyaeva N.A., Argunova E.F., Ivanova O.N., 105 Dmitrieva T.G., Luginova E.F., Gurieva O.I., Zolotareva N.A., Andreeva S.K., Adamova V.D. The hematological disorders in the adolescent on the background of tuberculosis treatment Ignatiev V.G., Mikhailova V.M., Kholtosunov I.A., 107 Krivoshapkina L.A., Dyagileva T.S., Luginova O.A., Soloviev A.A., Sidorov N.A., Gulyaeva N.A., Ivanova O.V. A case of rare localization of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and screening with Crohn’s disease 110 Tsai A.V. Eczema in combination with diphyllobothriasis in a representative of one of the indigenous peoples of the North Experience exchange 112 Artamonova S.Yu., Ammosova A.M., Zakharova N.M., Markova S.V., Stepanova L.A., Khandy M.V. Psycho-emotional status and state of the vegetative nervous system in adolescents of Yakutsk Tikhonov D.G., Vladimirtsev V.A., Nikolaev V.P., Shadrina E.G. 115 Probable causes of Vilyui encephalomyelitis. Facts of the study history and reasoning Chronicle of events Information for the authors 1’ 2019 5 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF COLUMN Dear Colleagues! The Ministry of Education and Sci- included in the List. ence of Russia is constantly working to The editorial board and editorial coun- improve the quality of scientific publica- cil of the “Yakut Medical Journal” in 2019 tions by optimizing the principles of form- will continue to work on improving the ing the List of peer-reviewed scientific quality of published materials, as well as publications, which should publish the on compliance with the List of scientific main scientific results of dissertations for specialties for which “Yakut Medical Jour- the degree of candidate and doctor of sci- nal” is included in the List and which will ence (hereinafter referred to as the List). be announced in the Ministry of Educa- In accordance with the order of the Min- tion and Science in the future Russia as istry of Education and Science of Rus- a profile. sia dated December 12, 2016 No. 1586, We will make efforts to improve the changes were made to the Rules for the site of the journal. The editorial board will The new 2019 year has begun, which, formation of the List, Requirements for be updated.
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