OKLAHmlA !GRICULTUHAL & MlWHAl~ICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY i OCT 27 1939 A STUDY OF THE REG.REATIONAL PROGF.AMS IN TEE SIXTY LEADING BAPTIST CHURCHES OF OKLAflONfA ~ WILLA BELLE CARTER,, Bachelor o.f Sci enee Oklahoma Co11ege for Women Chickasha, Oklahoma. 1935 I Su.bmi tted to the Department of Heal th and Physical Educ.a.tion Oklahoma Ag1,.i cultural and iVIechanica.l College In Partial Fulfillment o.f the Requirements li'or the degree of Mastel"' of' Science '0 ' ;, 0 0 ' C '· 1939 t, , ~' a C o ':' () ,, ? -,c O o,.,o O ~- :) () 0 11 0 C r 0, '.l P ;:, o 0 ,0 ' '. " ; f'" " - .-, C' Qr,;-, CJ O ( - O Cl C "0 11 OKLATIOMA AGRICULTURAL & MELUAJ\ICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY OCT 27 1939 0 s 119509 iii '1' Thi r1 ter 1 he to expree her appreciation to nil those o have aid d in this tudy. She is particularly indebted to Dr. Nelson s. ·alke., ad oi' the Heal th and Pb.ysicel. Ed eation De rtment, Oklahoma .Agricultural. and eoh nical 11 go, who e id in outl!ni th ubject whose d1reet1on and guidance have been most help.ful through- out; to a e:cy Kate . ller, He d or th Physical Educ - tion Department!' Oklahom Coll.ege t·or ose s g - tions and cr1 tieisms have been inspiring nd eneoure.gi • ' to f.fi s Flora e Ellis. Director, omen's hys1cnl Edu­ cation, Oklahoma AgI'ieult\U' l and ecbanic l Colle e. for her intorost and usei'Ul e.dvie 1.n promottng the stu ; and to all ttl.e pa tors o e so kindly assist d mid eoooor- ated in making t.bi tud.y possible. • 1v TAD OF COliTENTS - . eeds .. ·-... ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• pos ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ,imit tion ••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Procedure •••••••• •••• •• • • • •••••••••••••••••• •••••••• 3 al tion ••• ......... ~ .•................ ••••• . ....... ••• ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• 20 Sugge tions •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••• .• ·.. PP 1:x ••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• •••••••••••••••••• 22 In troduetio •••••••••• .... .. .. ............. 22 ·J:ho R 1 d r ••• ••••••••••••• •••••••••••• 22 s 0 ••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• 23 G s •••••••• •••• ••••••• • ... ••••• • ••••••••••••• 23 Get t.cqua.1nto • ........ ••••••••••••••••• 23 Aoti e t es .. .. ... ... .. .. .. ••• ••••••••••••••• 26 t G es ••••••••••••••••• .. .. •••••••• 31 • ...... • ••• . ................... .. 33 Rel 7 ces ............ •••• .. .. • ....... "' .. •• tunt.s end Conte t ••••••••••••••• .. .. .. ... .. ...... 35 St t . .. .. •••••••••••••••••••••••• ........ Cont t .. .. .. ••• •••••••••••••• • ••• • •••••• 42 Suitable qu t artie d Soci 1 43 ' • •• B nquet ••• ............... ......... ••• •••••• 43 Parties ,;.,OCiaJ.S •• • • ••. • • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• 49 Clubs Organ!~ Detinit ultural and ReCJ:" tional ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . " 59 sic ••••• ··································~· 60 V Dramatic ••••••••·•··••••·•••••41••·••••••••••• ......... 63 Reading • • • .. • .. .• •. • .• • • • •. • • • • • •. •. • • • • • • .• • • .• • • • ... • • •. • • 65 Spovts Adaptable to Cl1't1rch Progrnms ••••••••••••••••• 67 Temn S.ports ··~································· 67 nual Sports ..................................... 82 Tomme.ment ~ganization • • • • •. • • .. • .• • • •. .. .. • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • 86 llobbios ······································9······ 89 He.ndc1.. a.ft •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 90 Gardening ........................................ 91 Collt:ct:tng ······-······························ 92 Picnlcs, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 92 PS.em.es •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 93 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 93 Relny f(2.ces ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 95 of' Lo,v Orgru:lization ••••••••••••••••• 98 a.runes of TU.gh 01~gan:lzati on ..................... 101 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 101 O'Lttings ·······~······························· 102 Visttal Education ··~································ 102 Bibliogr-aphy ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 103 l MEEDS As f r s can b a c rtain no such study h a boon made in the s t t.e on this subject. o , azines, the ere " ru ed b'~ the 1 ter in an e:f.fort to f'1 d 1m1lar m te­ ri l . People who a~e pr net in tit ehurch rk at this time wer contact to d t rmine if they ha kno 1 d · of" any such in.fot!n tion. Th r port that far they. kn th r not any, but that there s a need for it. ith th ino ease 1n 1 1 ure time on the part of young people a c11 a ults 1 t ould see that t 1 n for the churches to utiliz. thi~ advantage and plan to pon- sor on nlar rec e t1 al pr-ogr _. The .find of t que tio air ti th elves revealed th ne of the study by s owing the sire on t p t of tho lur for b tter programs, leadero, facilitie , and ter1-al. nclos with the qu tionna:tres in four eases e~ notes and etters fr tilo stors who expr s ed tbe1r bo­ lief tho.t this tudy ne ded. -----THE PURPOSE Th plll'pOsa of th!. tudy is to termine tho type or th sixty leading B ptist C urches or Oklaha n are ponsoring; to find out · !ch nigh of t eek re mo t often us d ror recreational act1vit1e. and the fro• quency or uch aeti viti ; to di cover if the re ent program c. , are oonsid red ad qu team, if 1nadequ te, to .find out the c us J to det "'mine numb r or creational wort rs~ paid vol; tary, in these hurche ; and t o kno if add! ti.on l recreational m terial is d s1red. 3 - ,. LIMITATIONS It 1 balieved that th approx te number ta.king rt in these ac iVities woul.d hnve b en userul inf'ormation. _, 'l'he writer 1s of the O inion that too fe sport re l ted for th pastor to oheek. A b1ank paee i de ed to have been advisable follo - ing th outl.ined pamp let tar the pastor to fill 1n with the titles of an.y de 1 d aterial not 11 ted. ~he tecb.n1qu use in thi tudy as the que tionnaire method. Sine r o published ark on this subject J s in vi­ deuce 1n the state p1.. ev:toua to thin time, 1 t as bolievvd that the quentionnaire . thod .. the best type a 11 le. The nrune of th xty leading Baptist church o Okla- ho. procured .fro..'11 .l". Robert zzell~ St" te Secretary of t e Sunday School, p ti at Training Union and Ba.pt.1,st -stu- den t Union ark. • · zzell in his letter to the write.. in reg to the selection 0£ th sixty 1 ading Baptist ohurcho states: 'They ere chosen for two asons: .ti st, b~causc of the size. of the cnureh1 s membership, and aeoond, becnu e of tbe aggreo.siveness promoted by each church. 0 These s1.xty churohe nr the First Ba.pt.1st nurches of' Ada, Altus, Ardmor , rtlo ville, Bl c nrell, Bo le s , Br1 - to , Chickasha., Clinton, Cush1 , , D ight , Duncan, Durant, Ednlond., Elk City, El. Reno, Enid• ~ •ick , , edo11 ick, Guthrie, Henryetta, Holdenville , Holli ... , ugo, Id bel , w. ton, ? n , nr;ow, oAles ter, am1 unkor.;ee, Mor , Oklaho City, 4 Olanulgee, Pauls Valley, Pawhuska, Ponca City , Sayre , Sapulpa, Seminole, Shawnee, tillwater, Sulphur, 1Pulsa, 'Wero , and Vloodward; the Calvary Baptist Churches of I.fu.skogee and Sul­ phur; the Immanuel Ba.pt-st Churches or Oklahozm City, Shawnee , and lsa; the Trinity Baptist Churches of Oklahoma City and Uorman ; and the following churches: fu sk ee Central Baptist Church, the Oklahoma City Capitol Hil1 B pti t Church, the Oklahoma City Exchange Avenue Baptist Church, the Oklahoma City Kelruun Avenue Baptist Church, the fklahoma City Olivet Baptist Church, the Tulsa loga1es Avenue Baptist Church, and the TU.l a ~ hoen..i.x Aven e Baptist Church. Quest1onn ires were then sent to the pastors or these churches. The questiom"oires vrere printed on ata.tionery hose lotter e w that of the Physical ·.duoation Depart- ment of Oklahoma Baptist University, in lch department the writer ls an 1n tructor. In some f'c co.sos the pa 0 tors of' the c urc .es · emselves were contacted and a..,ked to eheok • o questiomaires rather than to answor the ones sent to them throueh email as be- 1 a. uioker and su.rer thod. Follo up letters and cards vere necesa rily sent to seen.re a better return on the questionnaires . Students in Oklahoma Bapti t Uni vei.. si ty whose fathe1•s a.re pastors of these urches eooperatod by writing to ask them to check the questionnaires. In some casos those letters ~re mailed w1 th the questionnaires.. In other eases they requested such in their personal letters home . In the latter p rt of tho study an attempt s made to select suitable recreational material to be sent to the churches who desire 1 t . 5 EVALUATI ON Fro the xL-y que tionnaires sent out, f'orty-eight were che-c "ed and returned. This ns considered a high psx,centage 1nce 1 t gave an 8 7t r turn. Tho results obtained from · e quo tionn ires ere very gr ti.fying d the percent of r - plies highly satisf"nctory A copy of the questionnnir together th the ncco::npany- i letter wb.1 eh s sent to tho oixty p stors ppears blow. Don D1• . ------------ I am maki study of the Recreational Prog1• in the sixty lea.di Baptist Chu~e s 1n kle.homa. I ill appreciate your cooperation in .f1lllng out and returning the f'ollo questionnnir , as I will base my further study upon tie find• ings of this. 'lbnnk ou very much. Sincerely yours, lilla Bell Carter Director, Phy ical Ed . for ,omon klahoma Baptist Uni vers1 ty 6 'Name of Church Location Church 1. The present Recreation Program for Young People (age 17- 20) in your Baptist Church consist of : ( Please check th one found in ,-o~ program. ) l. Soei l a 6. Uobby Cl asses 11. Church rs - 2 . Partie 7. us1c Club --12. Sports: Bao­ - 3 . Suppers --s. Dram tic Clubs - kotba.11, Ten­ --4. Banquets - 9 . ea.di Cluhn n.i. a, ceball , - 5. Picnics -~ o. V1su 1 uoation a-olf', etc. Others: 2. Social -activities--------- are u ually--------------- held on at nights? no fre- quentl y dur:tng the month?____________ _ ___ 3. Do you consider your present program ad u to to meet the needs oi' the Yo _ ople of your ehur ? Yen_ no ( Pl ease c ck one .• ) --- 4, If' not, hat ~it1ons would you like t.o make to your pro- sent net- up? 1o.
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