---- rombi nftfl' iPiCsliUtf— rr i**^On>f^aisTER-l]vioN. < Vol. LXlV-No. 6 Ovid, Clinton County, Michigan, Thursday, April 10, 1930 W. J. Martin, Editor Shepardsville Man Music Department Will Ovid Girl Is Bride Veteran R. F. D. Is Badly Injured Of Owosso Man\ Geddes Simeon Present Pleasing Operetta Melvina, youngest daughter of Mr. i Mr. Melvin Ruck, w'ho is iivinpr on j and Mrs. Lew Hopkin.s was united in' Unconscious In Carrier Makes the N". O. Smith farm here, suffered Oratorical and Declamation Contests At Alma On Friday marriage to Roy Shaw youngest son a very painful accident last Wed­ of Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw of O- nesday morning, April 2. Mr. Buck] Evening. Ovid School Will Be Represented by wosso, Saturday evening at 7 :30 by had taken a horse to Gladwin, and | Mary Kulaja and Orville Oliver the Rev. J. W. Frye at the Church of County Hospital His Final Trip when he v as urdoading it, it became | Chri.st parsonage in Owosso. frightened and kicked him, throw-1 The young couple were attended ing him on his head and shoulders, I The music department of Ovid ptjpil was given a topic to discuss in Edgar J. Gleason Dies After by Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ford of | Young Man ’s Condition Has rendering him unconscious, and also High School are presenting an Oper-1 clk.ss. One day we discus.sed, “Our Saginaw. The bride wore a gown j Not Changed. Cause Of Severe Heart Attack He breaking his leg above the knee. He ^ etta, “Peggy and the Pirate ”, at the duty to Ourselves, ” and the next of light green georgette and Mrs. j was taken to the Owosso Memorial ^ High School Auditorium, Wednes-’ day, “Oui’ Uutics to Other People. ” Injury Is a Mystery. Suffered Last Week Ford a light blue. Mr. Shaw is at- j Hospital. It was several days be- | day night, April 23. The Operetta TSis sort of lesson proves very con- tending a State police school at ' fore his leg could be set. is a modern one with sw’ft and , s(i.'uetivc as well as interesting. We Mystery surrounds the serious in­ Ktlsar J- Glfaaon, veteran rural East Lansing for a month. | buoyant music. The plot is an origin- h.^^e to have more discussions of Mrs. Shaw ha.s lived here all of her^ jury of Geddes C. Simeon, 36, son of mail ta.rier, of Ovid, passed away at a] one, concerning a shy man who ' ni mliir topics, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Simeon of this his home on Kitch street in this vill- life and will remain at home for the pretends to outwit a band of make-1 The achool in China village. The young man was found aKe Sunday ni^ht. Mr. Gleason had present. The Crescent Club believe pirates. These “pirates ” The schools in China are only for The young couple have many in the seat of his father ’s funeral car not been well since sutferintr from happen to be the young man ’s chums b- ys. The boys make a great deal last Saturday forenoon and he has the flu at holiday time, but was able friends here'who wish them unbound ­ who agree to give him an opportun- noise in school. A Chinese teaeh- ed success and happiness. I remained uncoji.scious since the in- to resume his work as carrier until Celebrates Their ity to display his gallantry beforethinks the boys are idle if they do I jury which occurred sometime after last Thursday morning, when he the girl whose hand he seek.s. ' nf’t .stud.v their lessons out loud. So eleven o ’clock Friday night. His It .seems that Peggy thinks Don not ' r ich boy shouts as loud as he can. right side is completely paralyzed and enough heroic for her. However,j ’ .'hen the boy has learned his lesson, Democrats Make there is but little chance for his re­ 25th Anniversary Don ’s defense against the pirates is r goes up and gives his book to the covery. He is in the Clinton County so valiant that Peggy ’s sympathy^ —her, and shouts out the whole Memorial Hospital at St. Johns A verj delightful evening was goes out to the leader of the pirates i y son to, show that he knows it. Good Showing in where every effort has been made to spent Moiiday night at the home of though Don finally discovers thatj'pe boys are taught to count. They revive him. ■Mrs. E. C. Smith, when the Crescent there is someone else who always ih'arn by using balls set in a frame, Just what happened to the young Club celebrated their Sih'er Anni- j thought him brave. I The frame is like the frame of a man may never be known. Bruises versary. Nearly t very member of The ca.'t of characters areare; Don i"C'Ue- The balls slide on wires, with Township Election on his face, back of head and body the Club was present, also a number i Sterling, a mild mannered youth, t f bails ^hey learn to add and sub­ were plainly visible but are now re­ There wa.s a fairly good vote re­ of former members. Eight of the [ Orville Oliver; Bill Manning, a polite tract. ceding. Wednesday in reply to a charter members present were each j pirate, John Tubbs; Peggy Mayfield, They also learn how to write, but corded Monday at the annual town ­ que.stion Geddes stated that he fell ship election in Ovid, when 388 p’-esented with a pretty corsage bou­ a romantic young person, Barbara th?y have no pen.s or pencil-,. They from an automobile, but this morn ­ quet. Thc.se Were: Mrs. J. G. Show,] Bates; Winnie Woodland, her class ­ '.lite with small brushes ilipped in electors exercised their right of ing in reply to the same question he of Elsie; Mcsdanies F". M. Losey, j mate, Josephine Goodrich; Henry Each boy makes his own ink. franchise. While the entire Re­ said “I fell from a ladder. ” As a re­ T. H. Hyslop, Arthur Treat, T. N. Mayfield, her father, Lyle Ketner; puts some water on a stone and publican ticket wa.s elected, .some of sult of these contradictory state ­ Stanton, \V’. .1. Hathaway, L. C. Ml’S. Mayfield, her mother, Thurza then rubswi'cake of ink in the water, iDemocratic nominee.s made ex­ ments the physicians and officers are cellent runs. There were 139 Whittemore and F. S. Green. Richards; Jane Fisher, the Club makes a fine black ink called unable to determine what really straight Republican ballotts and 57 The program opened with a wel-' Hostess, Virginia Pershing; James Ink. Then the boy fills his caused his injury. straight Democratic ballots. The come by Mrs. J. H. Chaffee. Mrs. J. i P. McGinnis, an advocate of square and begins at the top, right- Mr. and Mrs. Simeon attended a ''ote was as follows; G. Show of Eksie related in a very \ sovereignty, Donald Willard ; George corner of the paper. He writes party in Owosso Friday evening and Supervisor —Wm. C. Wilson 248; j pleasing manner how the Crescent W. Ga.ssaway, who think.s wnat Mc­ the bottom of the sheet. He returned home about midnight. Mr. Porter W. Bane 13(). Club came to be organized, and the Ginnis thinks, Elwyn Howard; Bingo puts one word under another instead Simeon placed his car in the garage Clerk—Harry P. Snyder 279; Wm. fir.st nieeting held in her home. The Jones, the Club Porter, Harold Fink. beside as you do. Then he be­ beside his funeral ear. About half G. White 105. second meeting was held in the home This cast of characters will he as ­ gins a new line at the top, and an hour later he received a call from Treasurer —Hazle McCarty 281; of Mrs. W. .T, Hathaway, where sisted by a chorus consisting of the writes to the bottom again. the country and Mrs, Simeon accom ­ John Holland 105. further plans were laid, and a pro ­ Girls’ Glee Club, and the Boys ’ Gleet Banking panied him on the trip. They re­ Highway Comm ’r—Wm. Binger gram made out. Mrs. Show was Club, also by the High School Or­ The school bank day .showed a turned about 3-.30 Saturday morning 208; Wm. H. Winfield 172. KDGAK J. GLEASON honored v being the fir.st president. chestra. Re.served seats will be on and the sedan was again placed in slight increase in percentage and a Board of Review—Geo. L. Taft .•iiitfeipd a severe heart attack from Mrs. W. J. Hathway then took up sale at Stone and Barrus ’ one wcek^iarge increase in deposits, the garage. The en­ 264; VVard Warren 106; Fred Baker which he was unable to rally. Fun­ the lir.st ten years of the Club’s ex- before the date for the Operetta. tire school banked $73.22 with 92 About ten o ’clock Saturday morn ­ ] 109. eral services were conducted at the isten-e, giving many amusing remin- Oratorical-Declamation Contest per cent of the pupils banking. ing Mr. Simeon went to the garage late home Wedne.sday afternoon, I Justice of Peace —F. B. Carpenter to get the funeral car and found his c.scen'cs. -•kt one o ’clock Friday, April 1J ! 176; Jacob W. Parker 104. Kcv. Guy officiating. Interment was Mrs. Harold Beardslee and Mrs. the state declamation contest takes; (Continued on last pag^ Constable;^ —Edward L.
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