![Complete Television Programs](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
PROGRAMS WEEK'S COMPLETE TELEVISION SUND Y E litton East Paterson Fair Lay a arfie:•c• .Maledon Hawfho•'ne •odi Little Falls Mountain View North Holedon Paterson Pore •.• Lakes rosp•c't Park incjac otowa Vayne •esf P•ferson MARCH 29 1959 VOL. XXXl, No. 1 3 ...:. .,...:...:;ß •!::-• '::.:.x!::. '-:.'..... .4. •.. .. ß ß '-'.'-. '" .;::-.i....::::ii•.".'i..:':!,......-".-11•t ':' ':•" :.. '-'::'::i::' .....r.•!• .re:::...... .:.*-'*': :.:.. '- " ß • .;--".•.ß..............•... .i.•'..ii:'.,.'2........:•'.._•.:....'.'..Ji!:.:::.':.•: :•:..:*!';. ..-. .....'"..... ß ß ß .!' 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PARRILLO for FURNITURE Living Room Bed Room Dining Room TheMan from Equitable asks- RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY QUALITY and LOW PRICE -- 39 Years Serving the Public-- Howbig a MedicalBill could you stand? 435 S•might Street (Corner 20th Avenue) Paterson,' N. •. "The Place with the Clocks" -- MU 4-7880 A millionfamilies last year had medical bills that consumedhalf their income-and more! NOW A NEW EQUITABLE PLAN can protect your t!arni]¾against such major rnedica]expenses that M'O R N I N G, S I D E could wipe out your savingsand put you in debt .--, J•oryears. The plan pays up to $7500 J•oryou and Artists With Flowers e•ry rnernberoœ your t!arni]yt•or each accidentor illness; coversmedical costsboth •n and out ot• hos- Wedding Estimates Cheerfully Given =- By Appointment ARmory 4-7400 •_ pital. This is importantto you whether or not you are now coveredby the usual rnedica]or hospitali- zation plans. For completedetails call... THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE ..,,' .,, i! - ß I. PARRILLO - -'--:-- "'u:•.•..L.,' 200 EAST RIDGEWOOD AVENUE ITAL'iAN.AERj -' RIDGEWOOD, N. J. KI CHE'N ., _ GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 "SEAA S.P CIALTY..QC•D. '•i'•* BROILED LOBSTER -, --DAILY FROGS' I,EGS - S•!:'F SHELL Cl{,• - BLUEI.•ISH - RAINBOW LETTHE MAN FROM EQUITABLE BRING YOU PEACE. -.. .. TROUT - HALIBUT - SALMON - SHRIMPS- SCALLOPS- OYST!•RS - CLAM - COD FISH - SWORD F'/SH - DAILY DINNE.q• 168 BELMONTAVE (Cor. Burhlns).HALEDON - - - LAmbert5-981•5 .., Page Two ]•'.ii{:"'..•.-.:.,%''.'•:•:.:.;:•-.'.%.•.::!i!•:,.--::.'%•%•i:•:•:•...-'.½!:i:i:iy::-' :'i.:::.i';::.::•.: ::.•.-.'.&::.&.:i.:..-:.::<./:.>'.¾-:•:',.:&: :::::........ '::":?.-:i:i:j"i:i:i::-':'.•:•:::::•:!::s..:iii:::i:i::•:.....•:)•.*::i::•:.•:•*•.:•s•*•.`.:•:......%.::•k. ' -:::':{::ii.?..•:..':"i.':.:•:i:.-::!:: :i.--."-." ß ß ß.,"• .. 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