THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 28, 1890. 6735 and 1888, for all or some of the following Hackney.—Aldharn-place, Baker's-hill, Bali's- purposes, that is to say:— buildings, Banbury-mews, Bohemia-place, Buc- To authorise and empower the Undertakers to cleuch-place, Cambridge Lodge-villas, Church- construct works, and to produce, store, supply, path, Coach-yard, College-place, Cottage-place, distribute, and sell electricity, as defined by the Craven - walk, Dyssell - street, Egerton - road, said Acts, for lighting, motive power, and all Fisher's - place, Fortescno - avenue, Fox's - lane, public and private purposes within the area here- Grandson-avenue, Grove-lane, Grove-road, Hart- inafter mentioned. well-street, Lawrence-buildings, Leabourne-road, The area of supply is the whole of the district Meadow-street, Mews rear of Park-crescent, of the Whitechapol District Board of Works, the MKWS rear of Cazenove-road, Mews north of district of the Hackney District Board of Works, Gladdon - terrace, Mews west of Man - street, and the parish of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, all in Mews east of Kingsland-road, Middlesex-place, the county of London. Miller's-avenue, Miller's-terrace, Mount Pleasant- To limit, if thought fit, the portion or portions lane, Pegwell-mews, Pemberton-place, Penbury- of the aforesaid area within which the supply of mews, Portland-avenue, Priory-place, Queen's- electricity shall be compulsory. oourt, Rookwood-road, Royal Oak-road, Saxony- To enable the Undertakers to construct, main- cottages, Spinstowe-terrace (private ground west tain, and use all such worka, and to erect or lay of), Springfield, Sylvester-road, Sandford-lane, down electric lines, as defined by the said Acts, Tranby-place, Trueman's-place, Tyssen-street, •within the area of supply, as may be necessary Victoria-Grove, Warwick-villas, and Woodberry- for effecting the objects of the proposed Under- down. taking. Shoreditch.—Alfred-place, Axe-place, Bank- To authorise the Undertakers to enter upon, stock-buildings, Bartlett's-buildings, Bernale's- cross, open, break up, or otherwise interfere with buildiugs, Boid's-buildings, Brunswick-yard, all streets, railways, tramways, canals, and rivers, Caroline-place, Clifton-place, Crooked Billet-yard, and works of every description within the area of Dodley's-folly, Drysdale-place, Duncan-court, supply. Edward's-terrace, Elizabeth-place, Ely-place, To authorise the Undertakers and any local Essex-place (Haggerston-road), Essex-place. authority, body, company, or person to make (Boston-street), Guy's-buildings, Hudson-place, and carry into effect agreements for the perform- John's-place, Le Blond's-buikiiogs, Lewington- ing of all acts incidental to public and private builuings, Livingstone-placet Louisa-square, lighting, and any other purpose. Mary-street, Mary Ann-place, Moira-place, To authorise the Undertakers to enter upon Norman's-buildings, Old-court, Pound's-build- any houses or other premises supplied by them, ings, Prince-square, Providence-place (Scrutton- for any purpose relating to such supply. street), Providence-place (Charles-square), To empower the Undertakers to make charges Queen's-street, Eenous-court, Royal Oak-place, and levy and recover rates, rents, anil charges Sarah-street, Stratford-place, Suffolk-place, for the supply of electricity, and to enter into Union-place, Wellington-place, Wilke's-court, contracts to supply lights, power, or other results and York-place. of energy for fixed charges, and in so doing to. The railways, tramways, canals, and navigable prescribe such forms of electrical apparatus to be rivers which the Undertakers propose to take used by the consumer as may be approved by the power to break up, pass or cross over or under, Board of Trade. are as follows: The Great Eastern Railway, the To authorise the Undertakers to let for hire North London Railway, the Great Northern meters and any fittings thereto. Railway, the London and North Western Rail- To empower the Undertakers to transfer the way, the Metropolitan Railway, the Metropolitan Undertaking to a Company to be duly constituted District Railway, the London and Blackwall under the Companies Acts, 1S62 to 1890, for the 'Railway, the East London Railway, the North purpose of acquiring such Undertaking. Metropolitan Tramways, the North London The following are the names of the streets in Tramways, the Regent's Canal, the River Lea, which the Undertakers propose to erect or lay the New River, and the Hackney Cut Navigation. down electric lines within a specified time:— And notice is hereby given that a map showing Whitechapel. — Commercial-road East, Com- the boundaries of the said area of supply, and the mercial-street, Church-lane, Chambers-street, streets in which it is proposed to erect or lay Goulston-street, Great Alie-street, Great Pres- down electric lines within a specified time, cot-street, Lambeth-street, Leman-str.eet, Little together with a copy of this advertisement as Alie - street, Mansell - street, Mile End - road, published in the London Gazette, will be Osborn-street, Rupert-street, Whitechapel High? deposited "on or before the 29fch day of November street, and Whitechapel-road. instant, tor public inspection, with the clerk of Hackney. — Amhurst - road, Church - street the peace for the county of London, at his offices (Stoke Newington), Dalston-lane, Graham-road, at the Sessions House, Clerkenwell-i^reen, in that High-road Upper Clapton, High-street Kings- county, with the clerk to the London County la'nd, High-street Stoke Newingtou, Kingsland- Council, at his office in Spring-gardens, S.W., road, Lower Clapton-road, Mare-street, Hackney, and with the Board of Trade', Whitehall, S.W., Stamford-hill, Stoke Newington-road, Victoria and at the Parliament Office of the House of Park-road, and Well-street. Lords, and at the private Bill Office of the Shoreditch.—Appold-street, City-road, Clifton- House of Commons, and also with the Local street, Curtain-road, East-road, Great Eastern- Authority of each districb within the area if street, Hackney-road, Hoxton-street, Kingsland- supply. road, New North-road, Old-street, Paul-street, Printed copies of the draft Order will be Shoreditch High-street, St. John's-road, Sun- deposited at the office of the Board of Trade on street, Tabernacle-street, Wilson-street, Whit- or before the 20th day of December next, and more-road, and Worship-street. Or such streets printed copies thereof, when deposited, and of as may be agreed by the local authorities and the the Order, when made, can be obtained afc the Undertakers. office of the under-named Solicitor, and at the The following aro the streets not repairable by Town"Hall, Old-street, Shore'diteh, E.C., at the the local authority which the Undertakers pro- price of one shilling for each copy, by till persons pose to take power to break up:— applying for the same. Every local or other No. 2(5110. I.
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