I i'-. r. 1. i t »• ® j The O N L Y J Newspaper Printed he f inDen leius-^ hseruei i In Linden The LI>,OEN NEWS, established 192?. combined with The LINDEN OBSERVER, established 1920. LINDEN, N. .)., TIIUPSDAY, OCTOBER 20, IHGO {‘In te re d as* t*ecOii(l cla ss n »a ll trtattei a i PRICE: FIVE CENTS V ( 1. V ll — No. Ui 8 PACiES »hp Offipp at T>lndsn. N. Hurst, Winetsky, and Krueger Murawski Wants Tunnel T o Study Planning Board Under B^O Railroad City Courjcil named Mayor W il­ Council President Jerome Krueger FouD.h Ward Councsilman Ed­ liam J. Hurst, Councilman-at-large president with City Clerk Francis ward Muraivski told a large group Jerome Kreuger and City Attor­ Dann taking over. at a meeting cf the F''ourth Ward ney Lt^vvis Winetsky to moot with Council at their Octo-ber 1 meet- Democratic Women Democratic Club h; Id in the Polish Alvin Gorshon of the State Board Ir.g had unanimously adopUni the National PDU, that he >vull propose of Planning to lay the groundwork recommendation by Mr. Lee for a move to have a tunnel construct­ for the formation of ft Linden having Mr. Winetsky prepare an ed under the BnUiimore and Ohio Planning Board. ordinance, for Tuesday’s nu'Cting. Thank Linden Voters This ac'tion was rocommendf'd by in which a CPy Planning Boiird railroad at Dill Avenue. would b(' created. Mr. Alurawski staVxl that the Third Ward Councilman Alexander Mr.s. Th<'odona R';ck(‘yser Chair- Frances Porlzak, Mrs. Mary Mc- Mr. Win-'tsky in a h'ttcr to Coun­ hide require-m‘nt for such a tun- Lee at the Tuesday evening, Octo­ m. an and Mrs. Nellie Martone Co-Glynn, Mrs. Stella Soltis, Mrs. cil. informed them that he was un­ n d Ls to improve the fire protection ber 18, meeting held in City Hall. Cl’-.airman of the Women’s Voters Marie Bretz, Mrs. Helen HopUay, able to ccmply with their in-struc- row available in this area and to t(dej:hcn'i‘ CampQi'gn Committee for Mrs. Fannie lozzi, Mrs. Alice Bar­ tiorus, until certain pertinent data relieve traffic cong(?8tlon at Eliza­ Mayor William J. Hurst. Council­ on. Mrs. Helen Poley, Mrs. Henri­ had been determined by tliem. Such beth Avenue and St. George Ave­ man- "t-Large Jt'rome Krueger and etta Funk. Airs. Julia Civanagh, items as number on hoard, methods nue, all of the Democratic Candidars. Mrs. Marianne Sinbino, Mrs. Helen and procedures of operation are to He will make this one of the Democrats would like to ('xprc's.s their thanks En.s. Mrs. Emily Olenick. Mrs. Gen­ be discussed by the committee with first proit^cts to bo presented at a to the pf‘ople of the City of Linden ^ evieve Naigh. Mr.^. Margarqt D<*m- the state representatives before the I propo.sed planning commission for thi'lr kind and courtf’ous re­ yanovich. Miss Evedyn Small. Mrs. creation of the board. H.4VMOM) ( KEPEAl AM) MI.SS I KANCKS MEKSIT7 I which i.s to be instituted by City ception of our many leh-phonc calls. Louise Small. Mr.s. Hek'n Wilson. To Stage Council approved the following \ Council. The Committee is comprised of Mrs. Roslyn Lurnngo, Mrs. Ms.y ordinances on thiiNd and final read­ ] Councilman ATiiraw’ski .spoke at a the following workers Captains: Pakulski, Mi's Kitty Koni'Cny. Mr.^ ing: to provide for the construction I “ FFlward Murawski Night” that Mrs. I>orothy M klos. Mrs. Doro- Efiith Mrucrek. Mrs. Jjona Aarons. of the sanitary sewer syphon in King and Queen Chosen , was spon.sorod by the club of which Lhey Dunn. Mrs. Edith Ruslay, Mr.s. Mrs. Anna Frazier. Mrs Felomona Rally and along Stiles Street; to amend ^ ho is president. !F.\’. .lO SKril I.. PE1!I!V, .11!. Cornelia Eichhorn, Mrs. Cfitherine Keller, Mrs. Ellen Cickiewicz. Mrs. ! an ordinance to name Amnn Ter- j Mr. Alnr.iw.ski also spoke of other L-^hr. Mrs. Elizabeth Griffin, Mrs. Anna Grum, Mrs. Mary Lopuch. ' race from Stiles Street to Blancke p: oi>oH('d improvamient.s and lauded Democratic candidate for United R“ rnice Jack.son, Mrs. Sophie Tom- and Mrs. Julia B{x:kor. , Street as a on.-way alrei t: to pro­ For Halloween Parade School Commissioner Paul Cuvala States Senator Thorn Lor 1: Gov­ n. sz, w.ski. Mr.s. Anna Syteh, Mrs vide for the removal and reeon- Mrs. Florence Ban. Mrs. Veronica for his mov<‘ to grant priority to ernor Robert B. Meyner; a repre­ .Agnes Fadila, Airs. Saveria Di Ijco. .struotion of curbing in the Tenth Elect Rev. M' s Frances Mersitz, 224 Swarth- she graduates P'.is spring, an<l be­ Hulnick. Mrs. Beatrice Taylor. Mis. the improvement and expansion of sentative of the John F. Kennedy Mrs. Maria Karafa, Mrs. Flinily ; W.ird; and, to purcha.se certain mor.‘ Ro;vl and Raymond Crepcau, come a high school teacher. S^“phanie Forr(“Ster, Mrs. Bertha Schools No. 4 and No. 5. Alumivski for President campaign committee: Oij'mnif'cki. Mrs. Doris Soban. Mrs. equipment. i:i7 South Stiles Street wore elcet- Mr. Crepcau is a nu‘mber of the H'lW'kins, Mrs. Rita Morri.s. Mrs. stati'd that a definite urgency ex­ Col. Jack B, Dunn, oandidoto for Anna Dougherty. Mrs. Ella Flana­ ! Council approved the request by (‘d CJU('on and King at the Senior high school be-seball and soccer .Audrey MecuLskus. Mrs. Ann Zarro, ists for the imnu'diate improve­ Congress: Councilman William Dal- gan. M.s. Olga Shorie, Mrs. Hed- the Recreation Commis.sion for the Perry As High School last Friday from t'oms; is vdcc-prc-sident of his Mrs. Viola Gerhard. Mrs. Helen ments in lK>th schools. ziol, Dr. EMward Carlin and Thomas wig C-‘ndrowski. Mrs. Mary My- Halloween Parade to be held on among a li.st of twenty-six nomi- .senior home room; a member of the Zyeh. Mrs. Helen Galirat, Mr.s. The club adopted a resolution di- J. 0'Bri<>n, all • seeking re-election howicz, Mrs. Margaret Menzaco, i Monday. October 31, with a rain n -3. P.A.L., and assists with the younger Loretta Gutkowski, Airs. Mildred rc'cted to the Board of Education to the Board of Freeholders; Mayor Mrs. Catherine Monaghan, Mrs. j date of Tursd:iy, November 1. Ooun- The Queen’s attendants oleett'd children; is an umpire for the Pec S(>alander, Mrs. ClaiiV ZeimUin, requesting support for Mr. Cuvala’s William J. Hurst, Councilnian-at- Dorothy Klose. Mrs. Loretta Gu- I oil wa.s invited to view the parade President were; Musses Judy Dombrow.ski, Wee League. Ray hopes to attend Airs. Esther Krueger Mrs. IM.ulinc propo.sal Large Jerome Krueger, Third Ward towski, and Mrs. Dolores Mundy. from the steps of City Hall which Arlene Francis, Toni Kania and one oi the State Collegf’S, when he Klunder, Mrs. Helen Posnock, Mrs. Others who .spoke in support of Councilman Alexander J. Lee, Telephone Rquad: will be lighted for the affair. Brenda Yori. gra hiites this spring, and become a FYar.ces Wronski, Mrs. Echo MrJler. Mr. Aluraw-slci and the democratic Fourth Ward Coancilman Ekiward The Rev. Joseph I-ion-g Perry. Jr , Mrs. Jeanette Kelly, Mrs. Mary Councilman Michael Smigclsky, The King'.s attendants elected physical education teacher. Mrs. Lucille Werkmeister, Mrs. tlck('t included Mayor William J, Murawski, Sixth Ward Councilman pastor of the Ri'formed Church, St. Andrassy, Mrs. Elizabeth Shaw, chairman of the sewer committor’, were: Vincent Iraggi. Bruce Lau­ The election was conduett'd by a Bernice Sarat, Mrs, Thert'sa Ucel- Hur.st, Councilman-at-large Jerome John G. Mrucrek, Eighth W'ard was elected to the Presidency of Mr.s. Bi‘rtha Blewett, Mrs. Ann requested that a monthly report bo rie, Stan Marian and Micha<‘l Pez- commit* ee of the .student council lini, Mrs. Ann Driscoll, Mrs. Lee Krueger, Councilman John Mru­ Councilman Michael Smigelsky and the Newark Cliassis of the Re­ Palumbo. Mrs. Matilda Bagnor, .submiited to his committe<' by the ziito. including the following: Jean Kos- Rostel, Mrs, I»u ise Yurkin-o, Mrs. crek, candidates for rc-ek*ction, Tenth W'ard Councilman Paiul A. formed Church In America. Mrs. Cora Eichhorn, Mrs. Marguer­ Superintendent of Works os to the Miss Mer.sitz is co-captain of Liushko; IxNslic Harris: Margie Alary Lubin. Mrs. Elsie Bona. Mrs. City Tr(asurer Charles S. Valvano, Yeisley, all seeking re-election: and The Newark Cla.ssis is the Ecclo- ite Givens, Mrs. Kathleen Schul- work done by them. eluHLleader squad: members of the M "ic o : Fran Klunder; Mary Ann Sidma Kelley. Mrs. Doris Burns, Sr.. Col. Jack Dunn, candidate for other promfinent speakers are haf(‘r, Mrs. Pauline Kornmeyer, A two hour parking ordinance on si.astical Assembly to which the lo- National Honor Society: co-editor Drl'* Torre; Jeanne Dra-^nchuk; Mrs. Anna Volosin, Mrs. Ann Jack, congress; Pre{‘holder William Dal­ schiHiuled to speak at the Monster c.^il church belongs. The cla.ssis is Mrs. June Taranto, Mrs. Ethel Rihl- the south side of Wood Avenue and of H' w.s for the School paper, the Rudy Franklin, premdent: and Di- Mrs. Louise Mues. Airs. Mary Healy, ziel, and county enginct^r James Rally and Social to be held at the man, Mrs. Vera Berlin. Mrs. Fran- St. Gc'orgos Avenue to North Stiles composed of eighteen churches Chronicle: member of the Political nne Fnrhaniec.
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