Friends of THEF TIFFANY lorham TABLE spring 2015 Board of TrusTees Mark YouR calendars! Save the date! friends of florham Christine Adrignolo On Thursday, May 21, 2015, Kathleen Atencio at 11:30 a.m. plan to join us for Carol Bere “The Tiffany Table, A Luncheon Linda Carrington at Florham” in Lenfell Hall, Hen- Samuel M. Convissor Dawn Dupak nessy Hall. Elaine Earlywine The Friends of Florham have Beth Hennessy partnered with one of the most Jennifer Johnson Carol C. Knauff notable jewelers to the Gilded Danielle Lindner Age and today’s best dressed Linda Meister to celebrate history, great de- Suzy Moran sign and classic good taste. Antoinette C. Petrocelli Maryalice Raushi The Friends are simply thrilled Ann Wellbrock to host Michael Plante, who will speak on the long-time associa- honorary TrusTees tion between Tiffany & Co. and Susan Adams the Vanderbilts. Phyllis Conway Gabriella D’Amico Additionally, the afternoon (Seated froM left) Regina Kelly, Valerie Adams, Jennifer JohnsoN Emma Joy Dana will include a collection of silent- and Christine AdrignoLo; (standing froM left) Ann Wellbrock, Kim Dougherty auction items, a live auction and Danielle Lindner and Dawn Dupak Sandi Drucker Ruth Hennessy the presentation of the tradi- Danielle Lindner and her com- Dupak and Regina Kelly are Audrey Parker tional Tiffany blue boxes with mittee composed of Valerie Ad- thrilled to bring a new, exciting Troy Simmons special surprises and incredible ams, Christine Adrignolo, Jenn example of historical insight into Arthur T. Vanderbilt, II favors. Johnson, Ann Wellbrock, Dawn the Vanderbilt-Twombly lifestyle with this luncheon. Their goal universiTy liaisons is an elegant, stimulating after- Valerie Adams The Tiffany Table, noon with great food, interest- Carol Black ing insights and good friends. Gary Darden Matthew Dikovics A Luncheon at Florham Please plan to join us for what Sheldon Drucker Thursday, May 21, 2015, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. promises to be a wonderful event. Eleanor Friedl All proceeds from the luncheon Regina Kelly Florham Campus, Fairleigh Dickinson University Brian Mauro will support the ongoing restora- Ticket price is $150 Peter Woolley tions and redecoration of Flor- For Sponsorship Opportunities ham. For details go to our website from $1,000 to $5,000 at fdu.edu/fof or contact Regina contact Regina Kelly at (201) 692-7008 Kelly, director of major gifts, Uni- or [email protected] versity Advancement, and Friends of Florham treasurer, at 201-692- 7008 or [email protected]. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Friends, we applaud your commitment to the Beaux Arts Treasures of the I am honored to assume the our mission to preserve the his- Newark Museum. presidency of Friends of Florham, torical legacy of the mansion and Spring will conclude with a new a position so ably filled for the its grounds. event for us in lieu of our tradi- past six years by Linda Meister. I Our most recently completed tional Fall Gala. We look forward inherit a board of dedicated and project is the hanging of addi- to you joining us on Thursday, talented people, who all contrib- tional Burden photographs in the May 21, for a luncheon, co-spon- ute significantly to the success of second floor lounge and halls sored by the Friends of Florham and one of the world’s most- this organization and I am look- (see left). We invite you to visit renowned jewelers. Mark your ing forward to working with Jenn Hennessy Hall and view these calendars and save the date for Johnson, the incoming EVP, as wonderful photographs. You’ll be “The Tiffany Table, A Luncheon we continue the stewardship of glad you did. at Florham.” Florham. We are also in the process of With sadness I note the pass- It is with regret that we say fare- acquiring, printing, framing and ing of Patty Savage on Thursday, well to our colleague Denise Brid- hanging more images for Lenfell January 15. Patty was the widow gens Collins as she resigns from Hall and the Great Hall. They are of our beloved former Board mem- the Friends. Denise was instru- giclée reproductions of several ber, Walter Savage, and a dear mental in creating our website important family portraits and friend of the “Friends.” Plans are and assisted with the digital ac- also, hopefully, a portrait of Fred- being made for a memorial ser- cess to our newsletters. Denise rick Law Olmsted, the landscape vice in the spring on the Florham and her husband, Paul, moved to architect of Florham, and Stan- Campus. Once finalized these Delaware, and we wish them well. ford White of McKim, Mead and plans will be posted on our web- And welcome aboard to our White, the architects. site. newest board member Maryalice Please join us on Sunday, In closing, I must again thank Raushi. Please read more about March 15, at 3 p.m., for our spring the many members of the Friends Maryalice on page 3. lecture. We will be once again of Florham who help with re- search, fundraising, membership, Your response to our annual welcoming a favorite speaker, projects and public relations. I appeal campaign in December Ulysses Dietz, chief curator and look forward to serving you as 2014 was heartwarming. Welcome curator of decorative arts of the your president. New Burden phoTo- to our new members and thank Newark Museum. He will be en- graphs in Hennessy — Dawn Dupak Hall you to all our generous donors — lightening and entertaining us on FLoRHAM FuRNISHINGS AT WHITE HOUSE The June 1955 auction at Flor- Representatives from the White office. In early September, we re- ham of the estate of Ruth Van- House visited Florham, and se- ceived wonderful news. Mystery derbilt Twombly, the daughter of lected more than 50 items — solved. Florence and Hamilton Twombly, paintings, chairs, tables and More specifically, the assistant was extremely well attended and other objects — and arranged for curator of the White House in- received extensive media cov- their transport to Washington. formed us that, “the vast majority erage. What the press did not of the items taken remain in our Then, for many years, the know at the time, however, was collection.” Of special interest to trail of the Florham donations that a few months earlier, William the Friends is the Burden gift of went cold. A Board member of Burden, grandson of Florence a Georgian mahogany open arm- and Hamilton Twombly, and his the Friends, who was interested chair, which is often featured in brother, Shirley C. Burden, had in the mystery, learned that his photographs taken in the Oval offered to donate items from the daughter had a professional con- Office. During the administration Twombly estate at Florham for tact who could put us in touch of George W. Bush, White House potential use in the White House. with the appropriate White House (continued on page 3) 2 | Friends oF FLorham INTRoDuCING OUR NEW PRESIDENT The Friends are in other areas of community nity and her ability to work with pleased to an- service. diverse memberships as a leader nounce their se- Dawn’s record of com- and mentor. lection of Dawn munity service extends from Personally, Dawn graduated Dupak as the per- her early years as president from the University of British Co- son who will lead of various PTOs in Chatham lumbia, Canada, with a degree the group for the Schools; serving as president in fine arts and has worked as next 18 months. of the Stanley Congregational an interior designer and a ward- Dawn’s combina- Church; various levels of ser- robe stylist. She married Peter tion of leadership experience, vice in the Junior League of Mor- Dupak in 1974. They have two creativity and design knowledge, ristown, including president in daughters, Erin and Kim, who are and organizational skills are the 1992–1993; and serving the Arts both married and now reside in perfect fit for a group as diverse Council of the Morris Area (now as the Friends of Florham. Dawn New Hampshire, near Peter and has co-chaired the gala since Morris Arts) in a number of roles, Dawn’s lake house. Dawn is de- 1999 and joined the board in including co-chair of their annual lighted to be a grandmother and 2003. Her history of involvement fundraising event — April Arts. This enjoys downhill skiing, bridge, and participation in Friends’ ac- impressive record demonstrates gourmet cooking, travel, jewelry tivities complements her record her commitment to the commu- design and other domestic arts. WELCoME MARYALICE RAuSHI Please join the board in wel- turned down by banks. Mary- speaker for an FDU Club event coming Maryalice Raushi, who alice’s 25-year banking career in- in 2009, hosting an alumni re- graduated from the Florham cludes serving as chairman and ception for FDU in 2010 and Campus with a BA in political sci- CEO of Platinum Bank & working with the Wroxton ence. She also attended Wroxton Trust for four years while Advisory Committee as College as an undergraduate and the bank was in its organ- chair of their fundrais- received her MBA from Fairleigh izational stage. She is ing efforts. She is also a Dickinson in 1990. also past president and member of FDU’s Presi- dential Advisory Board, Maryalice is the immediate for- CEO of the Parsippany- where her financial acu- mer executive vice president and based trust division of men is appreciated. sales associate at the commercial $26-billion New York Life brokerage firm Newmark Associ- Insurance Co., as well as past se- Maryalice and her husband, ates, Inc. She joined Newmark nior vice president and regional John, have a son, and they reside in August 2014, following two manager of PNC Bank.
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